Kyrgyz proverbs about the homeland. Kyrgyz proverbs and sayings

Kyrgyz- Turkic people. The main population of Kyrgyzstan. The ancestors of the Kirghiz were one of the nomadic pastoralists of the Turkic-speaking peoples who have lived in Central Asia and South Siberia in the upper reaches of the Yenisei since ancient times. The total number of Kyrgyz is about 4.5 million people, of which 4 million live in Kyrgyzstan, 250 thousand in Uzbekistan, 160 thousand in China. Believers of the Kyrgyz: Muslims - Sunnis. Kindred peoples of the Kirghiz are Altai, Khakass.


A str quarrels spoil, relations spoil dishonesty.

Bai brags about cattle, the poor man - dreams.

The carefree grows fat even from water.

The head would be healthy, and the hair would grow back.

Do not boast of abundance, do not get lost in need.

In youth - work, in old age - prosperity.

In his aul, the dog has a trumpet tail.

A camel destined to die grazes on a rock; a pig destined to die grazes on a cliff.

When entering, think about leaving.

And you need to feed one chicken.

Go ahead of the smart one; but behind a fool.

When 6 women go to mourn, then each weeps for her own.

When you come to ask for airan, do not hide your cup.

The beauty of a person is clothing, the beauty of a tree is foliage.

The lion attacks fiercely, but grabs gently.

The lion is not happy about the prey, but about the victory.

It's better to give soon than a lot.

Better a live mouse than a dead tiger.

Every today has its own tomorrow.

Go hungry to the funeral, and go to the wedding well-fed.

The dog gets tired - starts to bark, gets tired of the man - starts laughing.

Do not say that you are cunning - you will run into a more cunning one.

He who cannot speak with his fist scares.

An ill-mannered guy is like a horse without a bridle.

Judge about a horse when he gets tired, about a horseman - when he gets old.

One laughs, the other dies.

The guy who says he won't go astray is knocked down by a dark night.

Until you get a horse, sit on the donkey.

Before there were many heroes, and even more - fairy tales about them.

Running water is not filthy.

The path of death is shorter than the step of a partridge.

The girl's heart is drawn to the bright.

The one who conceals poverty will not get rich, the one who conceals loneliness will not get a family.

Death comes without warning.

The poor man has only one horse, and that one is a mare.

A thought has no bottom, a word has no limit.

A good man at fifteen does not refer to youth, at a hundred he does not complain of old age.

A well-tailored boot does not wear out.

Although the wolf has grown decrepit, there is enough strength for one sheep.

If you want to do more, don't do it worse.

If you want to see the height of the mountain - do not climb to its top.

A man grows old by seeing young people.

It takes a long time to become a man, to become a cattle in an instant.

Rather than knowing just one, it's better to be familiar with a thousand.

Rage is the enemy, the mind is the friend.

A clear mind is more precious than gold.

Contents of the page: folk Kyrgyz proverbs and sayings.


The Kyrgyz language is rich and varied. However, even those who consider him native do not always understand all its subtleties. In addition, there are expressions and words that were actively used by our ancestors, but unfairly forgotten by the modern generation. We decided to fix it.

1. Karik Adam- a greedy person, miser, greedy. That was the name of a person whose snow in winter cannot be interrogated. This word is common to the Kyrgyz and Mongols. The Arabs called the greedy person "haris". There is a possibility that they borrowed this expression from us.

2. Zikiri kagyluu- an approximate translation of "a mountain from the shoulders". The expression means the satisfaction of completing a long and difficult job. "Zikir" is borrowed from the Arabic language and means "to remember". This is due to the tradition of believers to gather in groups and pray to God until dawn, mentioning the 99 names of Allah. In the end, the worshipers literally fell from fatigue, but at the same time peace and tranquility descended on their souls. Over time, the expression began to be used as fatigue at the end of an action or satisfaction from a positive outcome.

3. Kush uiku- this is how the Kyrgyz speak about short-term sleep. It can be used when a person is napping for a while on the road. "Kush" translates to "bird". As you know, they sleep sitting on a branch. The nomadic Kyrgyz people also tried to sleep on horseback while grazing livestock.

4. Sygandyn atyndai zhulkungan- literally: "rides like a gypsy horse." It was believed that the gypsies, before taking the horse to the market, gave him vodka to make the horse seem more active. This expression has an ironic color, without a pronounced negative.

5. Taarynsan - Talaska bar- an analogue of the Russian proverb "they carry water to the offended." Literally translated as "offended - go to Talas". The expression is associated with Manas and his forty baatyrs. It is known that they came from different places, offended by someone or something in their native places.

6. At soorusun saluu- literally translated as "show the croup of a horse". This expression is used when one wants to show an extreme degree of contempt for a coward.

The Kyrgyz fought a lot, and fleeing the battlefield was considered a shame.

7. Osurgan go away kyluu- literally the phrase is translated as "farted cow", this phrase has nothing to do with the Russian expression "how to fart into a puddle." Osurgan uyday kyluu means a person with whom no one wants to do business because of his bad qualities or habits (for example, they said so, about those who spread false rumors, gossip or harm in some other way).

8. Salakaluu boz ball; salakaluu adam- an educated person who is pleasant to listen to. "Salaka" is translated from Farsi and Tajik "salik" as "talent", "taste", "gusto".

9. Kiyiz kitep- literally means "felt book". And they used this expression when they wanted to convict someone of a lie. If a person too "decorated" his story with a lie, he was asked: "Have you read this in a felt book?" This was considered an ironic allusion to his lies.

10. Kerdenkeshtik kyluu- do not listen to advice, be stubborn. It does not carry a negative meaning, but is spoken of as a fact of disobedience. The expression is often found in the epic "Manas".

"Kerdenkesh" from Farsi - Tajik language consists of two parts: "gerdan" - neck, "kesh" - to pull.

Kirghiz proverbs

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* Bai brags about cattle, the poor man - dreams.

* Carefree gets fat even from water.

* The hero leads the army, the sage opens the way.

* The head would be healthy, and the hair would grow back.

* Do not boast of abundance, do not get lost in need.

* In youth - work, in old age - prosperity.

* When entering, think about leaving.

* Girls are all good, where do bad women come from?

* If in youth you are a wit, then in old age you will be a grump.

* If the mountain is visible, it is not far away.

* If you are great, be humble.

* If you are superfluous at home, will you become your own among strangers?

* Sorry for the words spoken to the fool.

* And you need to feed one chicken.

* Go ahead of the smart one; but behind a fool.

* The lion attacks fiercely, but grabs gently.

* The lion is not happy about the prey, but about the victory.

* It is better to give soon than a lot.

* Better a live mouse than a dead tiger.

* The miller is rich in noise.

* Every today has its own tomorrow.

* Go to the funeral hungry, to the wedding - well-fed.

* Tired of the dog - begins to bark, bored with the person - begins to laugh.

* He who cannot speak with his fist scares.

* Judge about a horse when he gets tired, about a horseman - when he gets old.

* One laughs, the other dies.

* Not far from tears and to laughter.

* Until you get a horse, sit on the donkey.

* Before there were many heroes, and even more - fairy tales about them.

* The girl's heart is drawn to the bright.

* The one who conceals poverty will not get rich, the one who conceals loneliness will not start a family.

* The poor man has only one horse, and that one is a mare.

* Thought has no bottom, the word has no limit.

* A good person at fifteen does not refer to youth, at a hundred years old he does not complain about old age.

* A well-sewn boot does not wear out.

* Although the wolf has grown decrepit, there is enough strength for one sheep.

* If you want to do more, do not do it worse.

* If you want to see the height of the mountain - do not climb to its top.

* What you cannot eat in wealth, what you cannot say in poverty!

* Than to know only one, it is better to be familiar with a thousand.

* Rage is the enemy, the mind is the friend.

* A clear mind is more valuable than gold.

Quote Wiki. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what are the KYRGYZ PROBABIES in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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