Test tasks for children 4 5. Addition and subtraction test

For more than half a century of research, many different psychological tests have been created for children and adults - to determine the level of intelligence, the presence of musical or other abilities, academic success, the depth of some special interests, and so on. Taking into account the strength or weakness of the psyche of a person, as well as his intellectual, artistic and social interests, tests make it much easier to help people who need to get along in their own home, adapt to conditions at school, at work, and so on. Children's tests are especially convenient and useful, because they make it possible to get to know the child better, to better understand those feelings, emotions and experiences that the child himself cannot yet tell and explain. Also, children's tests allow you to identify the level of development of the child's skills, and, depending on the test results, focus on the development of certain abilities, using the necessary developmental techniques.

  • The use and interpretation of tests requires great skill and considerable experience. Tests are by no means absolutely accurate units of measurement like physical measures. But this does not mean that they are less useful, although it should be emphasized once again: only specialists should use and decipher them.

If the baby is four years and five months old, this type of testing is selected, corresponding to four, and not four and a half years, if the baby is over 4.5 years old, then go to testing for children of five years of age. On the sheet, put pluses against those questions to which you can give positive answers, and minuses if the answers are negative.

Starting the Child Development Test

  1. General awareness. Give your name, surname, gender; ask a question about gender in the following form: “Are you a girl or a boy?”; (positive assessment - everything is named correctly).
  2. General understanding. Name several displayed items and a generalizing word (how can this be called in one word?); positive assessment - the generalizing word (shoes, clothes, dishes, transport) is correctly named.
  3. Concentration of attention. Name three numbers (listen carefully, now I will name three numbers: 3, 8, 5 - repeat); positive assessment - all three numbers are correctly named.
  4. Practical mathematical thinking. Count 4 objects (count how many cubes are in front of you); positive assessment - counted correctly and without prompting.
  5. inductive thinking. Knowledge of the simplest geometric shapes: circle and square (what shape is the ball?, what shape is the window?); positive assessment - out of three questions, two correct answers.
  6. Perception experience. Compare the lengths of the lines (prepare a set of three lines or strips of paper different lengths, show the child two of them three times. Question: "Which is longer?"); positive assessment - with two correct answers.

test result

Count and add up all the minuses and pluses set during the test and compare the result with the answers below.

  1. If you did not put a single minus, the level of mental development of the child corresponds to the age norm.
  2. There are two or more minuses - the development of the baby is peculiar, somewhat different than that of most peers. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a child psychologist who will give specific advice on the upbringing and education of the child.
  3. If there is only one minus, we proceed to an additional examination.

Additional information on the test

The child is tested on the item that corresponds to the previous one. age period: if the baby is less than four years old, then - minus six months; if the baby is from four to twelve years old - minus one year. The procedure is the same as in the main survey.

  • If there is not a single minus among the answers, the level of mental development corresponds to the age norm.
  • There is at least one minus - it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

P.S. Don't forget: if your little one just turned four years old and hasn't yet learned to, say, count to four, don't panic. After all, the baby has a whole year to master this skill!

Your baby is 4 years old, which means that there is a great opportunity to help the baby develop his intelligence in a timely manner. It's time to check whether the degree of formation of his mental processes corresponds to the norm, to check the potential in different areas of knowledge, to identify in which of them he succeeds, and which require additional attention.

Unfortunately, most adults underestimate the possibilities of this particular age, the needs of children for new information, they believe that there is still a lot of time ahead and it is too early to deal with a child. Active preparation for learning begins only a year before entering school. As a result, there is a stop in development, the child's cognitive activity fades, and subsequent express - lead to overload and overwork, which cause in the future negative attitude to study.

With the help of these tests, you can easily determine the level of development of your baby, and most importantly, you can summarize the work done on the development of your child, and prepare him for the next, more in-depth stage of training.

At 4 years old, a child should be able to:


  • Repeat the movement after the adult in a certain sequence: clap your hands, raise your hands up, hands to the sides, lower your hands.
  • Clap your hands only when he hears a certain word, such as snow. (Say the words: house, thunderstorm, snow, book, cup, phone, snow, rose, snowflake, icicle, man, snow, window, vase, chamomile).
  • Fold simple buildings from the designer according to the proposed model.
  • Look for similarities and differences between two toys.
  • Name the similarities and differences in the pictures.
  • Find the same items without outside help.
  • Fold a picture or postcard cut into 2-3 or 4 parts.
  • Perform tasks without distraction for 5-7 minutes.
  • Keep 4-5 objects in sight.
  • Thinking.

  • Collect a pyramid of seven rings without the help of an adult in the correct order; fold the bowls, putting them into each other.
  • Choose your own liners in the desired holes.
  • Name each group of objects with a generalizing word: 1) dog, cat, cow, horse, goat; 2) squirrel, hare, bear, wolf, fox; 3) rose, chamomile, bluebell, cornflower; 4) table, bed, wardrobe, armchair.
  • Find an extra item in each group and correctly explain your choice.
  • Find a match for each item.
  • Answer the questions: “How many paws does a dog have? How much is a chicken? What are clock hands for? What is the handle on the door for? Why do we need windows in houses? What needs to be done to make tea sweeter?
  • Choose opposite words: it is light during the day, and at night ... (dark); it is cold in winter, and in summer ... (warm); cotton wool is light, and stone ... (heavy); the brick is hard, and the pillow ... (soft); the tree is tall, and the stump ... (low); the river is wide, and the streamlet ... (narrow); the elephant is big, and the mouse ... (small).
  • Solve simple logic problems.
  • Find in the picture, which depicts absurdities, 3-4 inconsistencies. Explain what is wrong, why it is wrong and how it really should be.
  • Memory.

  • Repeat after adults by ear a few syllables in order: ma-ta-sa; ki-le-ti-di; pa-sa-ni-ki.
  • Accurately complete the task, consisting of three or four commands: go to the kitchen, sit on a chair, take a cup, bring it into the room.
  • Determine in one attempt which object has disappeared. To do this, you can put five objects in front of the baby, naming each, then ask him to turn away, and at this moment hide one of them; the baby will have to determine which object has disappeared.
  • Repeat after an adult by ear four or five words: table, house, cat, stump, vase.
  • Repeat by ear the numbers in a certain order: three - seven - five; one - four - two - six.
  • Remember and name without the help of an adult 4-5 items.
  • Tell by heart a few nursery rhymes, poems, riddles.
  • Retell the content of the story you heard.
  • Memorize the content of the storyline.
  • Reproduce in memory recently occurred, as well as bright events of your life.
  • Fine motor skills.

  • Launch small tops.
  • Show separately one finger (index), then two (index and middle).
  • Make "flashlights" with your hands.
  • String large buttons, beads on a thread.
  • Tie knots on a thick rope or cord.
  • Fasten buttons, hooks, zippers.
  • Show rings in the air, alternately connecting each finger with the thumb.
  • Draw lines exactly on the points without lifting the pencil from the paper.
  • Shade the figures with even straight lines, without going beyond the contours of the drawings.
  • Carefully color the pictures without going beyond the contours.
  • Draw straight lines in the middle of the track without going beyond its edges.
  • Draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the desired size.
  • Maths.

  • Show objects in the room, which are one at a time, and those that are many.
  • Show objects that are similar in shape to a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • Show right and left hand.
  • Show items that are to the right of it and to the left.
  • Show what is above and below it.
  • Find many objects and one object in the environment.
  • Compare groups of objects using overlay and application techniques; explain in words which items are more (less), which are equally.
  • Compare two, three objects in size (length, width, height); explain in words which object is larger (smaller), longer (shorter), wider (narrower), higher (lower).
  • Recognize and name a square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • Understand the words: top, bottom, left, left, right, right.
  • Speech development.

  • Like a dog barks, a cat meows, a cow mooes, a rooster crows, a mouse squeaks, a pig grunts, etc.
  • What can these animals do (a fish swims, a bird flies, a snake crawls, a hare jumps, a person walks).
  • After examining an object, plot picture or http://, compose a simple descriptive story of three or four sentences about this toy.
  • Pronounce all vowels and consonants, except for hissing and sonorous.
  • Match words in gender, number, and case.
  • Understand generalizing words: furniture, transport, dishes, shoes, clothes.
  • It is correct to use nouns with prepositions: in, on, under, for.
  • Use sentences with homogeneous members.
  • Answer simple questions.
  • The world.

  • State your first and last name; names of mom, dad, grandma, grandpa.
  • Say how old he is.
  • Name the city in which he lives; your home
  • Say what time it snows, flowers grow, butterflies fly, snowmen are made, snow melts, yellow and faceted leaves appear on the trees.
  • Name 2-3 trees, several flowering herbaceous plants
  • Name the distinguishing features appearance houses - them and wild animals and their cubs.
  • Distinguish and name familiar household items, their sizes, colors and shapes /, purpose, essential details and parts of objects.
  • Recognize and name weather phenomena.
  • Name a few jobs.
  • Distinguish the taste of 2-3 types of vegetables and fruits.
  • Child 4 years old: develop emotions

    Psychologists say that the child's emotions, like everything else, also need to be taught. And it is best to start educating facial expressions and gestures in him when the child is 4 years old. Where to start and how to help a 4-year-old child master the world of emotions?

    When a child is 4 years old, the baby should already be able to capture the mood of another person and empathize with others. But he needs help to learn how to do it. How?

  • For example, look at a family album together, discussing what mood the loved ones had, what they felt: surprise, fear, joy ...
  • Describe the situation when the photo was taken. This activity not only teaches you to understand feelings and emotions, but also strengthens family ties and affections.
  • And you can also ask the child to frown, like an autumn cloud or an evil sorceress; smile like Pinocchio or sly Fox; be frightened, like a hare that sees a wolf, or a kitten at which a dog barks.
  • Try together to portray the fatigue of a person who has done hard work, etc.

    So, playing and fantasizing, you will psychologically competently “train” and educate the emotions of the child.

  • Working with developing mathematical tasks is not at all difficult, parents are quite capable of coping with this. But for the child to receive from classes maximum benefit, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization: Smart tasks help children understand that each potential task may contain a trick or a double meaning. To find the correct answer, you need to focus and look at the puzzle from different perspectives. Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation: Take into account the level of development and age characteristics of the child. For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold their attention by engaging in an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the attention of the baby has faded, you do not need to force him to continue. Proceed from the interests of the child. Don't overuse hints. If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, you do not need to say the correct answers every time, you need to encourage him to search and show patience. To keep the child's interest, the adult can offer a partial clue. As a rule, a preschooler is not able to complete all the tasks the first time, but this has positive aspects - if the child is forced to do something several times, the volitional sphere develops. Do not limit yourself to exercises of one type, but use a variety of material. This will help to diversify. When organizing classes, attention should be paid to the training of spatial and temporal relations, counting skills, imagination, logical thinking, etc. Apply various forms of organizing classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions. Proceed from the gradual complication of tasks. Use visual aids that will attract the attention of the child: bright pictures or photographs, images of loved ones fairytale heroes. Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it. Encourage independence.

    1. Count how many objects are drawn in each square. Draw arrows from objects to each number.

    2. Connect numbers in order using arrows

    4. Count the circles of the centipede's body, starting with the first. Coloringbsecond circle - red, sixth - yellow, ninth - blue,tenth - green

    5. Draw three circles in this frame

    Draw in this frame - six triangles

    Draw in this frame - nine squares

    Job completed without errors

    Made 1-2 mistakes, but corrected independently

    The task cannot be completed without the help of an adult.

    All tasks completed without errors

    Made 1-2 mistakes, but corrected independently

    The task cannot be completed without the help of an adult.


    All tasks completed without errors

    Made 1-2 mistakes, but corrected independently

    The task cannot be completed without the help of an adult.

    Knows how to compare the number of items, knows how to make them equal

    Task completed with a little help from an adult

    More than two errors were made or the task was not completed

    10. Place the signs correctly

    Knows signs, knows how to use them when comparing objects

    Made 1-2 mistakes, but corrected independently

    Does not orient in comparison, confuses signs

    11. Name the geometric shapes shown in the figure

    Knows the name of all proposed figures

    Does not know 1-2 of the proposed figures

    Does not know 3-4 of the proposed figures

    12. Look at the pictures. Connect each item with a line to the figure it looks like.

    Correctly selected similar objects for each figure

    I made a mistake 1-2 times in the selection of figures

    I made a mistake 3-4 times in the selection of a figure

    13. What geometric shapes is the drawing made of? What figures are more?


    He is well oriented in the spatial arrangement of objects relative to himself

    Made 1-2 mistakes

    Made 3-4 or more mistakes

    Well oriented on a sheet of paper by cells

    Made 1-2 mistakes

    Inattentive, poorly oriented on the sheet, confused in the directions in the cells

    He is well oriented in the spatial arrangement of objects on a sheet of paper, correctly completed all the tasks

    Made 1-2 mistakes

    Made 3-4 mistakes or more

    17. Tell me about each item in the upper frame: where is the car, doll, fungus, matryoshka, spinning top? Draw in the bottom frame: in the center - circle, inupper right corner - square, inbottom left - rectangle,top left - rhombus, andbottom right - triangle

    Completed all assignments correctly

    Made 1-2 mistakes

    Could not complete the task without the help of an adult

    18. Look at the pictures. Choose a size carrot for each bunny

    Did the job quickly and


    Made a mistake

    Made 2 or more mistakes

    19. Sort the pencils by length from shortest to longest. Match them with the numbers in order. Color the longest pencil and the shortest one.

    Did the job quickly and correctly

    Made mistakes

    Made 2 or more mistakes

    20. Arrange the painted flowers in height from highest to lowest. Match them with the numbers in order. Color it yourselfththe tallest flower and the lowest

    Color the flags: with the widest stripe and with the narrowest. Show stripe flags in order from widest to narrowest

    Did the job quickly and correctly

    Made 1 mistake

    Made 2 or more mistakes

      Correct use of cardinal and ordinal numbers

      Compare adjacent numbers within ten; set a number greater or less than another

      Answer questions such as "A set of five items is less than a set of six items. How many items need to be added to the first set to make the sets equal?"

      Compare up to ten objects of different sizes, placing them in a row in ascending or descending order in length, width, height, and also understand the relationship between them

      Distinguish geometric shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon. Find objects similar to them in the environment.

      Navigate on a sheet of paper and in space (right, left, front, back, etc.)

      Know the sequence of days of the week, time of dayIf your kid can't do everything, work out with him extra!

    Draw in each line as many pictures as shown by the number at the beginning of each row.

    Color the pyramid red with two rings, blue with three, green with four, orange with five, yellow with six rings.

    Draw 1 more items in the right cells than in the left

    Draw 1 fewer objects in the right cells than in the left

    Draw in the right cells as many objects as in the left

    Color the circle red, the squares blue, the triangles green, the ovals grey, the rectangles.- orange

    Color the arrow that points right yellow, left green, up red, down blue.

    Count the items in each line. Which ball is in order in each row? Which is the order of the pencil in each line?

    Continue in this way to count the items in each line.

    Distribute the trees according to the thickness of the trunk,designatenumbers from thinnest to thickest

    Developing tasks for logic in children middle group kindergarten. Assignments will help teachers prepare children for school.

    Exercise 1

    Arrange (connect arrows) fruits in a basket, and vegetables on a plate.

    Task 2

    Color toys red, clothes yellow, dishes blue.

    Task 3

    Where is whose tail, where is whose nose?

    Task 4

    Plant (with the help of arrows) a cockerel not on a log and not on a bench, a chicken - not on a fence and not on a log, a cat - not on a bench and not on a fence.

    Task 5

    What figure is missing in each row?

    Task 6

    Pick a pair for each item.

    Connect the matching objects with lines

    Task 7

    In each line, instead of dots, draw the missing figures, keeping the order of their alternation

    Task 8

    Draw the objects in each row so that they become the same.

    Task 9

    Perform certain actions

    Task 10

    How many animals are in the house on the left? How many live in the house on the right? How many animals, and who hid in the two lower houses?

    Task 11

    colorize in green a picture without a ball; in blue - the one where there is no pyramid; red - where there is no cube; yellow - where there are all items.

    Task 12

    Help the girls find their toys: connect with lines and color the girls' clothes and toys the same color.

    Task 13

    In each group there is an object that does not fit the rest for some reason. Name these signs.

    Task 14

    From the items in the bottom row, choose the one you want to draw in the empty "window"

    Task 15

    Which of the four pictures depicts the characters correctly?

    Task 16

    The dog and cat have blue and green mats. The cat does not have a green rug, and the dog does not have a blue one. Color your rugs the right way

    Task 17

    There are blue and pink vases on the table. Tulips are not in a pink vase, and daffodils are not in a blue one. Color the vases correctly

    Task 18

    Lena has two scarves: red and yellow. The long scarf is not yellow, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves correctly.

    What a 4 year old should know

    At 4-5 years of age, a normally developing child should:
    1. Clearly understand the differences between the concepts: "few", "many", "none", "more", "less".
    2. Be able to count and write numbers from 1 to 10.
    3. Know the adjacent numbers in the number series within the number 10.
    4. Be able to navigate on the plane (above, below, left, right).
    5. Know and be able to apply the simplest mathematical operations "+1" and "-1".
    6. Solve simple math tests using a picture.
    7. Distinguish the colors of objects.
    8. Distinguish the simplest geometric shapes: point, line, circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle.

    Tests are presented for: counting up to 10 (with pictures), comparing objects (longer, shorter, higher, lower, wider, narrower), addition and subtraction of objects, writing numbers from 0 to 9, recognition of geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, pentagon, rhombus).

    Test for counting from 1 to 10

    How many triangles are in the picture?

    How many flowers are in the picture?

    How many squares are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers. Name the colors of the squares.

    How many ovals are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers. Name the colors of the ovals.

    How many circles are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers. What color are they?

    How many cubes are in the picture?

    Addition test

    How many peppers are in the box on the left? How many peppers are in the square on the right? Show these numbers with your fingers.

    How many rabbits are in the box on the left? How many rabbits are in the square on the right? Show these numbers with your fingers.

    How many apples are in the box on the left? How many apples are in the square on the right? Show these numbers with your fingers.

    How many cars are in the box on the left? How many cars are in the square on the right? Show these numbers with your fingers.

    Comparison test (longer - shorter, higher - lower, right - left, lighter - heavier)

    Which dachshund is longer, top or bottom?

    Which board is shorter, bottom or top?

    Which sofa is longer, top or bottom?

    Which bus is shorter, lower or upper?

    Which hat is taller, right or left?

    Which fence is lower, left or right?

    Which is heavier, a TV or an ear of corn?

    Which is lighter, an apple or a deer?

    Subtraction Test

    There were 3 tomatoes on the table, 1 tomato was eaten. How many tomatoes are left?

    There were 5 cows grazing in the meadow. 2 cows went home. How many cows are left?

    There were 4 plates on the table. 3 plates broke. How many plates are left?

    Addition test

    Page one.
    4 + 0 = __ 2 + 7 = __ 2 + 4 = __

    1 + 8 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 2 + 7 = __

    7 + 1 = __ 1 + 5 = __ 3 + 5 = __

    9 + 0 = __ 8 + 1 = __ 2 + 4 = __

    2 + 0 = __ 4 + 2 = __ 1 + 7 = __

    2 + 4 = __ 0 + 4 = __ 1 + 4 = __

    7 + 1 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 1 + 3 = __

    6 + 2 = __ 3 + 3 = __ 2 + 0 = __

    4 + 0 = __ 8 + 0 = __ 3 + 3 = __

    7 + 0 = __ 0 + 7 = __ 2 + 0 = __

    1 + 3 = __ 5 + 2 = __ 2 + 5 = __

    6 + 3 = __ 5 + 1 = __ 3 + 0 = __

    Page 2.

    Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________

    Add two single digit numbers. Sum of numbers up to 10.
    5 + 2 = __ 3 + 5 = __ 0 + 0 = __

    9 + 0 = __ 0 + 5 = __ 0 + 2 = __

    2 + 2 = __ 7 + 2 = __ 2 + 7 = __

    8 + 0 = __ 6 + 2 = __ 3 + 0 = __

    5 + 2 = __ 0 + 7 = __ 0 + 1 = __

    8 + 0 = __ 1 + 8 = __ 2 + 5 = __

    4 + 5 = __ 6 + 2 = __ 1 + 0 = __

    0 + 4 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 1 + 7 = __

    7 + 2 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 2 + 3 = __

    6 + 1 = __ 6 + 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __

    4 + 3 = __ 7 + 1 = __ 3 + 5 = __

    6 + 2 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 3 + 3 = __

    Page 3.

    Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________

    Add two single digit numbers. Sum of numbers up to 10.
    7 + 2 = __ 0 + 8 = __ 3 + 3 = __

    8 + 1 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __

    7 + 2 = __ 6 + 2 = __ 3 + 2 = __

    6 + 1 = __ 3 + 0 = __ 3 + 6 = __

    7 + 1 = __ 6 + 3 = __ 1 + 7 = __

    5 + 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __ 2 + 1 = __

    4 + 0 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 3 + 5 = __

    1 + 0 = __ 8 + 0 = __ 3 + 5 = __

    9 + 0 = __ 8 + 1 = __ 3 + 1 = __

    0 + 4 = __ 6 + 1 = __ 2 + 5 = __

    0 + 5 = __ 7 + 2 = __ 3 + 2 = __

    1 + 0 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 2 + 2 = __

    Addition and Subtraction Test

    Page one.

    0 - 0 = __ 1 + 0 = __ 3 - 2 = __

    1 + 2 = __ 3 - 1 = __ 4 + 0 = __

    2 - 0 = __ 2 + 1 = __ 4 - 3 = __

    5 + 0 = __ 5 - 3 = __ 1 + 0 = __

    5 - 5 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 1 - 1 = __

    3 + 0 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 1 + 4 = __

    1 - 0 = __ 3 + 2 = __ 5 - 3 = __

    5 + 0 = __ 5 - 1 = __ 2 + 1 = __

    5 - 4 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

    3 + 2 = __ 2 - 0 = __ 4 + 0 = __

    4 - 2 = __ 3 + 1 = __ 1 - 1 = __

    2 + 3 = __ 4 - 2 = __ 4 + 1 = __

    Page 2.

    Date: ________________ Name: _________________________________ Grade: _________

    Addition and subtraction of numbers up to 5.

    1 - 0 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 3 - 0 = __

    0 + 1 = __ 3 - 3 = __ 2 + 0 = __

    4 - 3 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

    2 + 3 = __ 1 - 0 = __ 2 + 3 = __

    4 - 1 = __ 0 + 1 = __ 3 - 2 = __

    4 + 1 = __ 1 - 1 = __ 4 + 1 = __

    2 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 2 - 2 = __

    3 + 2 = __ 5 - 4 = __ 2 + 2 = __

    4 - 4 = __ 0 + 2 = __ 4 - 3 = __

    4 + 1 = __ 3 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __

    0 - 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

    1 + 2 = __ 5 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __

    Page 3.

    Date: ________________ Name: _________________________________ Grade: _________

    Addition and subtraction of numbers up to 5.

    5 - 5 = __ 2 + 3 = __ 5 - 2 = __

    0 + 3 = __ 2 - 2 = __ 3 + 1 = __

    5 - 3 = __ 1 + 2 = __ 2 - 0 = __

    5 + 0 = __ 3 - 2 = __ 0 + 3 = __

    2 - 1 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 5 - 1 = __

    2 + 2 = __ 1 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

    5 - 3 = __ 1 + 4 = __ 2 - 2 = __

    4 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 3 + 2 = __

    4 - 1 = __ 0 + 4 = __ 2 - 0 = __

    1 + 2 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

    4 - 2 = __ 0 + 1 = __ 2 - 1 = __

    0 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __ 2 + 3 = __