What does it mean if a child was stolen in a dream. Why is the child stolen in a dream. Dream interpretation - to be old

The abduction of a child in a dream is a rather vivid symbol, and it is difficult to ignore it, because the elementary parental instinct immediately makes itself felt. Why did you dream that a child was stolen, and is it possible to prevent possible troubles in real life with the help of a vision?

What if a child is stolen from a dream?

If, in a vision, ill-wishers have stolen a child, this does not mean at all that this will happen in real life. Such an unpleasant dream is more often related to the baby's parents than to himself.

A dream in which a child is stolen by his own father or one of the relatives means that the owner of the vision takes her motherhood too seriously. Excessive attention to offspring turns a woman into a suspicious and grumpy lady, and this affects relationships with family members.

If in a vision a child runs away from his parents himself, then in real life they will have to cope with minor, everyday chores. Despite the fact that impending troubles seem insignificant, they cannot be ignored. Sometimes such problems in large numbers can cause serious conflicts in the family. If in a dream a child is kidnapped due to the carelessness of the parents, then in real life mom and dad feel remorse for their mistake.

Sometimes a vision of a kidnapped child is visited by a person who does not yet have offspring. In this case, the baby should be perceived as a symbol of a certain project, as a brainchild on which the dreamer worked for a long time. Now someone will try to steal this brainchild, damaging a person's reputation a lot.

The ending of the dream deserves special attention. If in it the parents manage to catch up with the kidnappers, then in real life they will have to come face to face with old ill-wishers. This meeting is unlikely to be pleasant, but there is no way to avoid it.

If the child cannot be found in the vision, and the kidnappers remain free, then in real life unpleasant meetings can be avoided, but at the cost of their own financial losses. The dreamer's cowardice is unlikely to play into his hands, and one should get rid of the desire to avoid competitors.

A bad interpretation has a dream in which the parents catch up with the intruders, but they manage to harm the child. In this case, a real threat looms over the dreamer's financial and personal interests, and someone will definitely try to harm him.

If in a dream the kidnappers leave with the child, and the owner of the vision does not try to stop them, then in real life the passivity of a person will put an end to his career.

What portends?

Often, the dreamer is unable to distinguish the identity of the kidnapper. Such a dream means that a certain stranger will definitely try to harm the owner of the vision. If the abduction of the child by strangers can be prevented, then in real life the dreamer will have the strength to fight the ill-wishers.

A dream in which an acquaintance or colleague is responsible for the abduction is not the best interpretation. Most likely, the owner of the vision should not overly trust this person, since he is ready to go over their heads for the sake of their own career achievements.

If in a dream the owner of the vision himself kidnaps his own child or thinks over a similar plan, then in real life the source of his problems is inside. The dreamer himself is the initiator of serious problems in his personal life and career. Until he realizes this truth, it will hardly be possible to change the current state of affairs.

Often, parents are faced with unpleasant visions that directly affect their children, and the interpretation of dreams only causes additional concern. However, such a vision can also be explained from a purely psychological point of view, as a symbol of the excessive care of mom and dad about the offspring.

Children in a dream, according to dream books, testify to the dreamer's boundless joy, his success in reality. Any incidents, both positive and negative, that happened to the dreamed girl or boy indicate pressing issues that require your participation. Even the dream that the child was stolen serves as a clue about the loss of control in an important issue for you.

Do not let everything take its course!

Loff's dream book, giving an explanation of why the kidnapping of a girl or boy is dreaming, expresses extreme concern. So, the pastor correlates the dreamed vision with the inability of the dreamer to correctly assess the situation that has arisen in reality. For a woman, to see that a child was stolen and killed in a dream means the collapse of family relations, but being in the role of a kidnapper of a boy or girl in a dream portends a happy union for the dreamer.

Gypsies kidnap children - for better or for worse?

Interpreting why gypsies dream of stealing children, the French dream book reminds that these characters promise deception, slander and meanness in a dream. For a girl, to see how a gypsy man stole her child means that in real time the dreamer will have a pleasant boyfriend, whose intentions will be far from gentlemanly. I dreamed that the characters not only stole, but also killed the baby, which means that in reality your loved ones are in serious danger - they can become victims of scammers.

Miller's version

For a young lady, the interpretation of a dream about stealing children indicates insecurity in her strengths and attractiveness. Miller advises to sort out yourself as soon as possible, otherwise the depressive state will settle in her house for a long time. Seeing your man in the role of a kidnapper portends joy and happiness in family life with a dream interpreter.

What if a child with a stroller is stolen?

The 21st century dream interpretation, explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, reminds that a baby carriage symbolizes the loyalty and loyalty of friends, and if in a dream it was stolen with the baby, it means that friendship with a loved one is under threat.

Kidnapping, child abduction, Loff's dream book

In general, the dream about kidnapping, in particular, about the abduction of children, refers to the mentally difficult, because underneath is the concept of violent power.

However, the abduction of a child is a dream, which should be interpreted with great caution, since in the vast majority of cases it is caused by a subconscious concern about one's own children. Most of all, this, of course, concerns dreams in which your child is being stolen, the one that really exists (kidnapping a son, stealing a daughter).

If you dream that a child has been stolen from you, which does not exist in real life, the dream may reflect fear (or a very real threat) of losing control over the situation, your own project, business, i.e. what you are currently giving all your strength and time and consider your own.

Stealing a child in a dream can also mean that you feel like a victim of certain circumstances. Analyze if you experienced a similar feeling in a dream (you are a victim, you are being used). Try to convince yourself in reality that you yourself are in control of your own life and the lives of your children, your projects and other important moments that determine your being.

The theft of a child, taking place in front of your eyes, can also symbolize the moral maturation of a person, the loss of childhood. This process can occur regardless of the age of the person, in this case, the dreamer.

The abduction of a child (someone else's) by the sleeping person is a dream with a heavier and more powerful meaning, it indicates the latent tendency of the sleeping person to violence, the cause of which lies in childhood.

The identity of the kidnapper, the circumstances under which the child was stolen and, especially, the conditions under which it became possible are important. Did you recognize any of the intruders? Were you present at the abduction or did you find out that your child was stolen only later? The ending of the plot is also important, how positively the given criminal situation was resolved in the end.

The meaning of sleep kidnapping - Hasse's dream book

The abduction of a child in a dream indicates problems in the field of life, connected either with your own children, or with affairs, projects for which you are completely responsible. The kidnapping of your son or the kidnapping of your daughter reflects your concern in the dream, as well as the confusion of the psychological situation that you are unable to control yourself.

I dreamed that they stole a child from the house of strangers or on the street themselves - the meaning of sleep is ambiguous. It may indicate that the sleeper has not realized himself as a parent (for dreamers of a more mature age), has missed something in the upbringing process and is currently experiencing a subconscious feeling of guilt.

Also, the theft of a child by a sleeping person can talk about the problems of his own childhood, which remained unresolved, traumatizing the subconscious.

Why dream that a child was stolen - an esoteric dream book

If you dreamed that your child was stolen, you will lose the right to control your own destiny.

If the dreamer has to steal the child himself, such a dream foreshadows a situation in which he may cease to control himself. This fact can cause irreparable harm to his children, both present and future.

Why has a child been stolen in a dream - a modern dream book

The abduction of children is a dream of the loss of one's own independence, unless the dream is dictated by an increased concern about one's own children.

If your daughter was kidnapped, such a dream speaks of enslavement of the will of a person, the impossibility of realizing plans, ideas, and own developments.

The abduction of a son in a dream indicates more specific problems that may relate to certain activities, for example, the loss of rights to a certain project of his own, which the dreamer counted on in the future as a source of income. There can be many such examples and they can relate to a wide variety of areas in the dreamer's real life.

If a childless woman dreamed that she stole a child, it will take a lot of effort for her to find the happiness of motherhood. It can be both medical treatment and the difficult search for quality relationships.

I dreamed that a child was stolen from friends - such a dream warns that a conflict situation will arise between you and these people regarding the division of a certain property share.

A dream on Monday, in which the child was stolen from you, suggests that the activity you are trying to start may interest competitors, avoid excessive publicity.

If in your dream you participated in the abduction of a child, then the dream book predicts a favorable union and a happy marriage for you. Depending on whether the child is calm during the abduction or crying, in the near future you will be rewarded for your efforts or disappointment in your own actions.

Dreams in which the child manages to escape from you suggests that it is worth showing independence, no matter how difficult it may seem at first glance.

In those dreams where your child is being abducted, there is a hint that you are taking yourself and the world around you too seriously. It is worth loosening your grip a little and enjoying the wonderful moments that fill your daily life.



Dream interpretation of Medea

Forcibly moving you from your location- warns of an encroachment on your personal freedom.

Kidnapping you by someone- indicates that your affairs will be done without your participation.

If you kidnap someone- relieve yourself of responsibility.

D. Loff's dream book

The kidnapped person loses freedom and the right to control his own destiny, becomes completely dependent on another.

Abduction- a very powerful symbol, since the concepts of subservience and violence are closely related to it.

Did you dream that you were kidnapped?- answer the following questions: what are the physical conditions of captivity? Who is holding you captive?

If you help your captors- thus allowing them to take control of the problematic side of your life. But at the same time, you feel that your independence is so shaken that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own.

If you know your captors- it means that you feel that life has set a trap for you.

Where and how were you captured?- it is likely that your subconscious is pointing out to you an area of ​​life that has turned out to be too confusing to maintain its independence. Kidnapping allows you to isolate yourself from the environment and start all over again. You need another chance that you hesitate to take. Use your abduction to justify your unusual behavior by blaming your captors for it.

Modern combined dream book

Take part in the kidnapping- you will think about marriage or friendship.

Steal a child in a dream- means a happy future, a favorable union.

If you make plans in a dream and intend to kidnap a famous person- it speaks of dissatisfaction with your current situation and internal protest against the existing system.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Abduction- reflection of the loss of control over the situation (person). Reflection of the feeling of "victim of circumstance"

Child- a reflection of the loss of inner childishness, childish spontaneity and / or liveliness.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Abduction- this symbol can signify a loss of control over a situation or a feeling of a victim of circumstances. Do you really feel like a victim? Are you sabotaging yourself? Remember, there are no casualties, only volunteers. Reassure yourself: "I am in control of my own life, and I choose my path in life."

If a child is kidnapped- this can symbolize the loss of the childhood principle living in you.

Collection of dream books

Abduction- you feel that you are unable to control yourself or the situation.

Kidnapping- can symbolize the loss of the childishness that lives in you.


Dream Interpretation Abduction, why dream of Abduction in a dream to see

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Abduction according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Abduction - Forcibly moving you from your location warns of an encroachment on your personal freedom. Kidnapping you by someone indicates that your business will be done without your involvement. If you kidnap someone - absolve yourself of responsibility.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

What does it mean to dream of Abduction - Abduction is a very powerful symbol, since the concepts of subservience and violence are closely related to it. The kidnapped person loses freedom and the right to control his own destiny, becomes completely dependent on another. Did you dream that you were kidnapped? Answer the following questions: What are the physical conditions of captivity? Who is holding you captive?

What is the dream of abduction - If you help your kidnappers, then in this way you allow them to take control of the problematic side of your life. But at the same time, you feel that your independence is so shaken that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own.

What is the dream of abduction - If you know your kidnappers, then you feel that life has set a trap for you. Where and how were you captured? It is likely that your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS points you to an area of ​​life that is too confusing to maintain its independence. Kidnapping allows you to isolate yourself from the environment and start all over again. You need another chance that you hesitate to take. Use your abduction to justify your unusual behavior by blaming your captors for it.


Why is the theft dreaming?

A large number of visions that we see in a dream have a direct connection with the real world. Sometimes, it can be a reflection of hidden feelings and experiences, and sometimes it is the personification of desires.

Why is the theft dreaming?

Such a dream will tell you that during the next day you will give slack, which will provoke a large number of minor troubles. If you see how the theft is being committed, it means that in reality you will slander an innocent person. Seeing a major theft is a warning that you may lose all your financial savings. If you steal clothes, it means that in the near future you will have a choice between your principles and finances.

Why dream of stealing money?

If a significant amount of money has been stolen from you outside the home, this is a symbol of impending danger, so at this time, carefully consider all your actions and decisions. When you see that money is being stolen from your lady, a dream warns of troubles that will arise due to negligence.

Why dream of stealing a bag?

In a dream, your bag was stolen, which means that in reality you should be more careful, since an insignificant detail can spoil all plans. A dream can also be a symbol that you are a rather gentle person, which in turn can cause minor failures.

Why dream of stealing a car?

Such a dream symbolizes the fact that you do not know how to use the situation. For people in love, this can be a symbol of possible relationship problems and even a breakup. For people who are actively involved in business, such a dream can serve as a warning that plans may fail, and this will lead to serious problems. The dream book recommends concentrating and solving problems right away, without waiting for easy times. Another dream about stealing a car can reflect hidden fears of the future.

Why dream of stealing a wallet?

The dream warns of the high risk of bankruptcy and large financial losses in the near future. The dream book does not recommend lending to someone at this time and agreeing to dubious deals, even if they promise huge benefits.

Why dream of stealing a child?

If you were a direct participant in the theft, this is a sign of a happy family union. When you see how your baby is being stolen, it means that in real life you are too demanding of yourself and those around you. Relax a little, learn to enjoy life.


Dream interpretation stealing money

Why dream of stealing money in a dream according to a dream book?

Did the dream talk about stealing money? The dream warns of the possible loss of real estate. Be careful when making transactions, paperwork, when it comes to an apartment, house, land.

Beware of scammers, if necessary, seek help from reputable specialists who will help: lawyers, realtors, notary.

Where did the theft of money in a dream come from?

Dreamed of stealing money from a wallet

In a dream, money was stolen from your wallet? In real life, be careful when handling your own finances. The dream predicts the possibility of theft, monetary losses associated with gambling, financial pyramids, loans. You can also lose money due to the actions of pickpockets.

If you dreamed of stealing money from a bag

If in a dream money or valuables disappeared as a result of theft from a bag, your health will deteriorate. Ailments can be associated with a loss of vital energy.


Children were stolen

Dream interpretation stole children dreamed of why the children were stolen in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Stolen children in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Children

Seeing your children in a dream portends happiness and prosperity if they look healthy, beautiful and elegant. If they are dry, filthy and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health. To see babies - your affairs will get better, to lull them - in reality to hear promises and believe them.

Playing with children in a dream is a reckless act in reality. Kissing children - peace and joy will reign in your home. Carrying children in your arms is a minor trouble in the family. Putting them on your shoulders - you will have a boy, if this is the first child, and a girl, if the second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. Seeing them in kindergarten - you will spend happy hours alone and at your favorite pastime. If children in a dream say or sing something, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will give you a lot of worries.

Seeing in a dream that your child fell and hurt himself is an obstacle in endeavors. Seeing how children do their homework and help you with the housework portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child as seriously ill indicates that in reality something is threatening him and you should pay your most serious attention to this. If the child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

Seeing a dead child in a dream portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future. To beat children in a dream - to family troubles due to their own incontinence and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your soul you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, in which there is no respect for children. Grieved, complaining children are a sign of impending trouble due to the insidiousness of people who pretend to be your friends.

Doing something interesting with your children means that in reality you will find interesting purchases or gifts.

Reading books to children and seeing how they read them themselves, says that you will find a common language with them and they will delight you when they grow up with their successes. Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is a happy dream that portends good luck to you. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child in a dream is a sign that she must be ready for sad events.

Seeing feeble-minded children in a dream means grief and unhappy changes in life. If in a dream you protect children from an evil dog or dangerous wild animals, it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade fulfilling your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you feel ashamed of their ugly behavior - in reality this portends unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Dream interpretation - Children

To see many children in a dream - to anxiety and trouble. Seeing that the child has fallen means that soon you will have many obstacles in your affairs. Crying children in a dream is a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends. Seeing children at play - to good news, family peace, joy. A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you neglected other people's advice. To play with them yourself is to achieve the desired goal. To see a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and calm pastime. To babysit children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you counted on, will betray you at a difficult moment. To see a sweet child in a dream and be touched - to good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance. To childless people to dream that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Seeing himself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and grief. To dream of a child in the arms or on the shoulders of a man foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in the arms of a woman, then a girl will be born in the family. However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child. For other people, such a dream predicts chores and worries about business. Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failure of plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child. Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you cannot succeed. Dirty and unwashed children in a dream - to big problems, litigation that will suddenly fall on your head. Seeing your child sick in a dream is a sign of minor troubles and domestic squabbles. If you dream that your child has a high fever or fever, then great emotional distress or melancholy awaits you. Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger hanging over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Children to see how they work or study is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desire. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have many envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you. Weak-minded children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business. Hearing children's conversation (if it does not annoy you) - to peace and well-being in the house. If in a dream you are not fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence. A growing child to see how he is getting prettier and changing before our eyes is a very good sign, foreshadowing the growth of well-being and strengthening of the position. To see a baby carriage empty - to chagrin because of your own disorder and loneliness, with a baby is a sign of the help of a faithful friend. Small children in a dream usually mean chores. But seeing teenagers in a dream portends help and hope. If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and the successful implementation of your plans. If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then wait for an inheritance or unexpected profit. Having an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business. If in a dream you could not adopt (adopt) a child, then competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream portends a failure in carrying out some kind of deal. If you dream that you are adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure you the successful implementation of your plans. See interpretation: baby., Child.

Dream interpretation - Children

Prosperity and happiness awaits you. Seeing yourself as a child in a dream is a successful completion of trading operations or professional success; children at play - soon you will receive good news about the success of your friends; to admire a beautiful child - symbolizes a meeting with a person who will cause you ambiguous feelings; see how children laugh - get information that can turn your life for the better; bathing children - to a speedy recovery.

Children - pupils of the orphanage - symbolizes the loyalty and reliability of your friends: visit the orphanage - in difficult times you can rely on the help of your friends; to be a pupil of an orphanage yourself - your plans will come true, no matter how illusory they may seem to others; take on the upbringing of children from an orphanage - soon you will have the opportunity to repay your best friend with good for the good; new children have been brought to the orphanage - you will make new friends.

Imagine that you are playing with cheerful, healthy, pretty kids.

Taking care of children in a dream - changes in the life of you and your loved ones: many children - your family will face chores associated with everyday problems; nursing a naked child - family quarrels; breastfeeding a child - to the loss of a loved one; to rock children - someone from your family members will have a long illness; to calm down crying children - because of gossip and empty conversations, a family scandal can flare up; kiss your children - your household will delight you with their successes; swaddling a child - to family well-being; treat sick children - unforeseen circumstances will briefly delay you away from home; punish children - your extravagance creates a hole in the family budget; to hold a child in your arms - your family happiness depends on your decision.

Imagine that caring for the children brings you joy and a good mood. Try to experience these feelings in reality. Remember these feelings and return to them as often as possible during the day (see Joy).

Dream interpretation - Children

Pretty kids dream of prosperity and happiness.

If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, in fact, he will have very good health.

Seeing how children learn is for peace and prosperity.

Upset by something, crying children dream of trouble.

If you played with children in a dream, you will achieve the goal in all commercial and love affairs.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga spoke about dreams in which children are present, the following.

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If you saw yourself as a child, it means that in real life you do not behave in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend the people around you.

Crying children dream of danger. Such a dream prophesies troubles from their children or children of close relatives.

A person who dreamed of disabled children should know that his addictions harm not only his health, but also the health of the people around him. Sometimes such a dream portends an ecological disaster.

Seeing your own children in a dream, think: do you offend your family? Try to be more attentive to them.

Looking for children in a dream is a bad omen. Minor troubles will prevent you from finding a way out of this situation.

If you have played with children in your dreams, then in real life you are most likely looking for a job you like. However, you will have to spend some more time at an old, not too beloved job.

D. Loff said the following: “Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred.

If you dreamed of friendship with some familiar child, then this is just a projection of your desire.

If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main thing is to determine how you are connected with this child and how you behave with him.

If you have children in a dream, then most likely this is a reflection of your desire. However, it can also be an indication that your relationship with your parents is not going well.

In addition, the dream in which you see yourself as a parent means your desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone from your environment is spiraling out of control and you want to put that person in their place.

Most of us have experienced parental dominance, so as adults we do the same in our sleep.

A dream in which you yourself are a child may mean that your colleagues have more authority than you. "

Dream interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you do not behave in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend the people around you.

To see crying children in a dream - a dream portends a world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will be engaged in affairs unusual for them, and children will shed many tears. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or children of close relatives.

If you dreamed of disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of the people around you. Sometimes such a dream predicts an ecological catastrophe on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is possible that with your actions and words you greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Playing in a dream with children is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job to your liking, but, despite your searches, you will have to spend some more time at an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

Dream interpretation - Children

Joy and success in the very near future.

Very beautiful - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance.

Sick children - to joy.

Crying children - to trouble.

To lull a child in a dream - you will believe false promises, show excessive gullibility.

To see a small child in a dream is to great surprise.

An infant - to well-being.

A beautiful child - to joy.

An ugly child - to unexpected worries.

Lull the child - family joys await you.

To a man in a dream that his wife is breastfeeding is a sign of success in business.

To see a lot of children in a dream means money and profit.

To beat children in a dream - to trouble.

Kissing them or talking to children - to success and joy.

Play with children - you have to commit a reckless act.

To see a child on a man's shoulders - a boy will be born for a pregnant woman, a girl will be born for a woman.

To give birth to a child - to wealth.

To see a nursing baby in a dream - to well-being, success in business.

Someone else's baby - to gossip and quarrel.

Breastfeeding your baby - to good health.

Nursing a child is a profit.

Find out about the birth of a daughter, surprise.

To see a newly born daughter - to mutual understanding in the family.

The daughter died - to a loss.

You see your son beautiful and healthy - a good sign: honor and respect await you.

They saw a foundling in a dream - to profit, success and well-being.

Holding a foundling in your arms is a sign of success and wealth.

To take a foundling upbringing is to have a chance to do a good deed.

Visit an orphanage in a dream - you can count on the help of friends in difficult times.

To be a member of the orphanage yourself and leave the orphanage - your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.

A baby stroller is a sign of loyalty and reliability of your friends.

Kidnapped a child and demand a ransom - you have made a petty but annoying mistake that will cause you a lot of trouble.

To participate in the abduction of children yourself - you will be made a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.

The child's pampering is annoying - you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest.

I like how the baby is indulging - you are loved and life makes you happy.

Dream interpretation - Children (child, child)

A dream about children marks the strengthening of family ties or an upcoming wedding.

Beautiful, cheerful children - to joy and prosperity.

If in a dream children work or study - to improve material well-being.

Kissing children - for peace, playing with them - for success in business, in love (sometimes - for frivolity).

Beating children in a dream is a big trouble in reality.

A nursing baby - to profit, well-being.

Naked, sick, dirty, crying children - to all kinds of troubles for you and your family.

To dream of a seriously ill, dying or dead child - to fear, disappointment, grief or change for the worse in your life.

Just seeing a child is something amazing.

The child is a miracle in folk traditions.

If in a dream you see your child dancing, beware of his hearing and speech, protect from diseases associated with deafness and dumbness.

To lull a child is naive to believe flattering promises.

Dream interpretation - Children

Seeing children is joy, success in the very near future / good or bad shoots in your soul.

Playing children - contentment, peace of mind.

Very beautiful children - a pleasant acquaintance.

Sick children are a joy.

Crying is a nuisance.

A lot of children are money.

Seeing a nursing baby - surprise / worries / well-being / improvement of affairs.

To see someone else's nursing baby in your home - gossip, anger, enmity.

A foundling is wealth.

Naked babies are treason.

The swaddled ones are a disease.

Sucking someone's breast is a disease.

Breastfeeding - health / pregnancy.

Swaddling is health.

Nursing is profit.

Download - sadness / thoughts of old age.

Beating children - success / peace, joy.

Kissing is a nuisance.

Bathing - harm from deception.

To be naughty with them, to pamper them is a disease.

Playing with them is recklessness.

Talking is a success.

Dream interpretation - Children (see child)

Success in business // enemies; small, naked - soon to become pregnant (for a woman) // chores, quarrel with a friend, gossip, misfortune, funeral, illness; feeding a child is a loss; breastfeeding, fostering children, nursing - illness, worries; to rock a child - to illness; cheerful children - good news; crying children - sad news; to bathe children - recovery.

Dream interpretation - Children

Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to objects of both adoration and hatred.

Are you dreaming of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it is simply a projection of your desire. If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you relate to this child.

If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is the usual embodiment of desire. However, it can also be an indication that your relationship with your parents or other important people is not going well.

In addition, seeing oneself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone from your environment is spiraling out of control, and you want to return everything to normal. And since most of us have experienced parental dominance, we can do the same as we become adults.

Another possible option is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others are showing their authoritarianism towards you and trying to control you. For example, you dream that you, as in childhood, play "dress-up" at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.


Baby theft

Dream interpretation theft of a baby dreamed of why in a dream theft of an infant is dreamed of? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see theft of a baby in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Baby

This is for well-being, for the amendment of affairs.

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Theft

Dream interpretation - Child

If in a dream you are nursing a child, then this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness.

If you dream of a sick child, then this can predict the death of a relative.

Dream interpretation - chest

The chest symbolizes inner values, the potential that is inherent in you.

Obviously you haven't found these jewels yet - this could also refer to your heart chakra (emotional center of love).

Are there areas in your life that you need to open up to love?



Dream interpretation theft in the store dreamed of why in a dream theft in a store? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Theft in the store by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then your spinelessness will serve as the reason for future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will hinder you in some business. You will, of course, worry, but in the end, you will unexpectedly be the winner.

If someone else is accused of stealing, you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

D. Loff wrote: “Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and you will undoubtedly be told how a person who has gone through this feels: he is insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is taboo, moreover, if a toy is taken away from us, it offends our feelings. Nevertheless, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may feel a lack of resources or an inequity in the distribution of benefits. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things you need to survive in a dream environment, then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this can manifest itself in behaviors that isolate you from others or leave you feeling like you have no choice.

However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they live better than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are acting as a victim, fear or loss is a possible theme. The list of suspects will help clarify the situation further.

If you are a victim and the stolen items are fundamental, then material loss creates anxiety. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more dear to you than these items, then you may feel like someone you know is violating your rights or cheating you. However, it is also important to consider the items themselves and their relevance to you. Their symbolism can indicate an area of ​​life in which boundaries are violated. "

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of a theft or robbers committing theft, this means your spinelessness and future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with you in some business and you will be very worried about it, but ultimately you will suddenly find yourself in honor.

If someone else is accused of stealing, it means that in life you will condemn an ​​innocent person with reckless haste.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, you will show spinelessness, which entails a number of failures. A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with you in some business. You will be very upset about this, but ultimately you will come out of the difficult situation with honor. If someone else is accused of stealing, in reality you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

Dream Interpretation - Shop

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive an extremely important message for you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single customer, it means that your offer will be rejected.

A store jam-packed with people queuing up is a sign of the journey ahead.

If the store has a wide selection of goods, it means that success and prosperity in business await you. Finding yourself in a supermarket portends that you will soon spend a lot. Seeing yourself in a small rural store means that your efforts to achieve a fair solution to a controversial issue will be in vain, moreover, you will be accused of bias.

If you shop in a butcher's shop, this is a serious illness or bloodshed as a result of an accident or a robbery.

The dairy store predicts that you will get down to business with renewed vigor, which will soon bring tangible results. Vegetable store - to generate income from multiple sources.

Seeing a grocery store in a dream means a joyful date with a loved one who has been absent for a long time. A department store is a harbinger of your business going uphill quickly with significant stakeholder support.

A haberdashery store in a dream testifies to your indifference to males who do not have sufficient capital by your standards.

The hardware store foreshadows that your chosen one will not be at the height of the situation in a dangerous situation and will behave far from chivalrous when you are insulted in front of him.

The bookstore suggests that love interests will take you so far that they will soon create insurmountable difficulties in your family life.

A store of electrical goods, household and radio equipment is a harbinger of an established and well-equipped family life, full of comfort and well-being.

Finding yourself in a dream in a furniture store portends a rapid pace in the development of a profitable business and a corresponding increase in income. A dishware store promises confusion and discouragement, a lingerie and clothing store - you will meet resistance in the fundamentally important issue for yourself to improve living conditions.

A shoe store seen in a dream speaks of the upcoming efforts to organize a high-level business meeting. Handing over things to a thrift store portends complete uncertainty in the future fate and gloomy prospects.

To look at the price tags on the shelves of a liquor store means a decline in physical and spiritual strength. Paying a bill at a building materials store is a wealth.

Dream interpretation - Theft

Ask anyone who has ever been the victim of a theft and they will surely tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: he is offended, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that to take a toy from another - TABOO, moreover, if the toy is taken away from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may feel a lack of resources or an inequity in the distribution of benefits. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things you need to survive in a dream environment - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this can manifest itself in behaviors that isolate you from others or leave you feeling like you have no choice. However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they live better than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are acting as a victim, fear or loss is a possible theme. The list of suspects will help clarify the situation further. If you are a victim and the stolen items are fundamental, then material loss creates ANXIETY. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more dear to you than these items, then you may feel like someone you know is violating your rights or cheating you. However, it is also important to consider the items themselves and their relevance to you. Their symbolism can indicate an area of ​​life in which BOUNDARIES are violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem associated with restoring your position.

Dream interpretation - Theft

Theft - if you dream about theft - bankruptcy, in a friend - failure through your own guilt. Theft - you will find the loss.

Dream interpretation - Theft

The dream of stealing is good only for those who are planning a fraud. For the rest, such a dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this business. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger you face. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. To convict others of stealing yourself in a dream means that you should be careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. See interpretation: steal.

Dream Interpretation - Shop

it is a symbolic reflection of your capabilities in the implementation of certain plans.

A store full of good-looking, good-looking goods: indicates that in the near future, your business, in general, promises to be successful.

If you do not have enough money to buy the necessary things: this is a sign of temporary difficulties in business.

Empty or half-empty counters, as well as low-quality goods in the store: hints that you are on the verge of a rather difficult period.

If, at the same time, a mess reigns in the store: a dream suggests that negligence in your business and housekeeping can become the cause of your troubles.

Store crush: A sign of possible quarrels and disputes that could harm your well-being.

Queue: a sign that you will have to wait a little longer for the situation to improve.

The nature of the goods sold is of additional importance.

Grocery store: means that your financial situation will bother you, but if the goods in the store look good, then in general you will not face serious difficulties.

Household chemicals store: symbolizes problems in relationships with others or partners.

Good quality goods A home appliance store with good quality goods: a sign of some improvement in your life.

A clothing store or a perfume store in a dream: portends a change in your life.

If the products look nice.

Bookstore - opportunities, plans, relationships, new hobbies (depending on the contents of the shelves).

Choosing, leafing through books is a choice of life direction, a new occupation.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If in a dream you became a victim of theft, in reality you will show weak character, from which you will suffer in the future.

Often such a dream means envy towards you: you will have to part with something due to the circumstances.

If you are accused of stealing, your plans will be thwarted by a misunderstanding, you will be in a panic, but everything will end well.

If in a dream someone else is accused of stealing, in reality you will lightly condemn an ​​innocent person for something.

Dream Interpretation - Shop

Seeing it empty in a dream means that your offers will be rejected.

If you dream that the store is full of customers, then there are many greedy and envious people who want to profit at your expense. A store full of goods means everyday squabbles and a lot of different troubles.

Seeing in a dream a store full of various goods, look by the names of the goods. If you dream that you were surprised at the variety of goods in the store, then you will be successful. Such a dream also suggests that you can make money in a variety of ways, and warns you that you are lazy and do not fully use your opportunities. Having your own store in a dream is a sign that you will have to work hard. If in a dream you lose your store or it burns out or collapses, then you will face failures in business, losses, losses. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you can lose your source of existence. See interpretation: buy, sell.


Why dream of "stealing" the phone?


Does not mean anything. Just a dream.


You need to think not about poor girls, phones and shop windows, but about the goals and methods of their achievement, I analyze everything that you have achieved in a day before going to bed. "If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed." (B. Franklin)

Dreams are memories and a consequence of the most emotional events that affect your subconscious mind, nor do they mean absolutely nothing. Most of all, the most suggestible and morally weak people trust dream books and other interpretations. Their brains need to have an explanation for their failures.

Remember the events associated with girls, telephones, fights, shop windows, your fears, and you will immediately understand and link your dream into one. I recently fed the dog in the village with my parents, and in the evening I saw a program on TV about how the dog bit the child, and at 2 am I woke up from the smell of burning - the neighbors' bathhouse was on fire. Ultimately, in the morning I watched a dream, as a dog in a fire suit bites my leg.

When I began to realize what I see in my dreams and follow scientific research, I stopped believing in all sorts of nonsense, like horoscopes, dream books, accepts, etc., nonsense. And life has become much easier.

In other words, the events that happen to us every day are a piece of a puzzle that is put in a box (subconsciousness), and in a dream you see a finished picture.


If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, you will show spinelessness, which entails a number of failures. A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with you in some business. You will be very upset about this, but ultimately you will come out of the difficult situation with honor. If someone else is accused of stealing, in reality you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

Wallet theft

Dream interpretation wallet theft dreamed of why in a dream Stealing a wallet is dreaming? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Stealing a Wallet by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then your spinelessness will serve as the reason for future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will hinder you in some business. You will, of course, worry, but in the end, you will unexpectedly be the winner.

If someone else is accused of stealing, you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

D. Loff wrote: “Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and you will undoubtedly be told how a person who has gone through this feels: he is insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is taboo, moreover, if a toy is taken away from us, it offends our feelings. Nevertheless, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may feel a lack of resources or an inequity in the distribution of benefits. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things you need to survive in a dream environment, then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this can manifest itself in behaviors that isolate you from others or leave you feeling like you have no choice.

However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they live better than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are acting as a victim, fear or loss is a possible theme. The list of suspects will help clarify the situation further.

If you are a victim and the stolen items are fundamental, then material loss creates anxiety. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more dear to you than these items, then you may feel like someone you know is violating your rights or cheating you. However, it is also important to consider the items themselves and their relevance to you. Their symbolism can indicate an area of ​​life in which boundaries are violated. "

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of a theft or robbers committing theft, this means your spinelessness and future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with you in some business and you will be very worried about it, but ultimately you will suddenly find yourself in honor.

If someone else is accused of stealing, it means that in life you will condemn an ​​innocent person with reckless haste.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, you will show spinelessness, which entails a number of failures. A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with you in some business. You will be very upset about this, but ultimately you will come out of the difficult situation with honor. If someone else is accused of stealing, in reality you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

Dream interpretation - Theft

Ask anyone who has ever been the victim of a theft and they will surely tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: he is offended, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that to take a toy from another - TABOO, moreover, if the toy is taken away from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may feel a lack of resources or an inequity in the distribution of benefits. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things you need to survive in a dream environment - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this can manifest itself in behaviors that isolate you from others or leave you feeling like you have no choice. However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they live better than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are acting as a victim, fear or loss is a possible theme. The list of suspects will help clarify the situation further. If you are a victim and the stolen items are fundamental, then material loss creates ANXIETY. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more dear to you than these items, then you may feel like someone you know is violating your rights or cheating you. However, it is also important to consider the items themselves and their relevance to you. Their symbolism can indicate an area of ​​life in which BOUNDARIES are violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem associated with restoring your position.

Dream interpretation - Theft

Theft - if you dream about theft - bankruptcy, in a friend - failure through your own guilt. Theft - you will find the loss.

Dream interpretation - Theft

The dream of stealing is good only for those who are planning a fraud. For the rest, such a dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this business. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger you face. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. To convict others of stealing yourself in a dream means that you should be careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. See interpretation: steal.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If in a dream you became a victim of theft, in reality you will show weak character, from which you will suffer in the future.

Often such a dream means envy towards you: you will have to part with something due to the circumstances.

If you are accused of stealing, your plans will be thwarted by a misunderstanding, you will be in a panic, but everything will end well.

If in a dream someone else is accused of stealing, in reality you will lightly condemn an ​​innocent person for something.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If in a dream you are accused of stealing, this means that you will quarrel with your loved one through a misunderstanding.

If another person is accused of stealing, it means that you are too quick to accuse your loved one of an act that he did not do.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If you dream that something insignificant was stolen from you, know that God loves you and will help you.

Dream interpretation - Theft

If in a dream a large amount of money was stolen from you outside the home, this means that danger is hanging over you and you should monitor your actions more carefully. If money was stolen from an apartment during your absence from home, this portends trouble caused by your spinelessness and gentleness.

A dream in which you yourself steal something means that it will be hard for you to experience failure in a business that you had high hopes for. If in a dream you were caught at the scene of a crime, where you happened to be quite by accident as an unwitting witness, but you were mistaken for a robber, such a dream portends that you will hasten to make an unfair judgment against a person who is not guilty of anything.

If in a dream you are trying to steal a letter or an important document that can shed light on the adventurous affairs of your husband or lover, this is a sign that you will have suspicions about his secret love.

Abduction is a very powerful symbol, as the concepts of subservience and violence are closely related to it. The kidnapped person loses freedom and the right to control his own destiny, becomes completely dependent on another.

Did you dream that you were kidnapped? Answer the following questions: What are the physical conditions of captivity? Who is holding you captive?

If you are helping your captors, you are allowing them to take control of the problematic side of your life. But at the same time, you feel that your independence is so shaken that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own.

If you know your kidnappers, then you feel like life has set a trap for you. Where and how were you captured? It is likely that your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS points you to an area of ​​life that is too confusing to maintain its independence.

Kidnapping allows you to isolate yourself from the environment and start all over again. You need another chance that you hesitate to take. Use your abduction to justify your unusual behavior by blaming your captors for it.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Our experts will help you find out why the Son was stolen in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Near the house there are bushes cut by an arch, my son went there and disappeared, I call my mother who died in reality, I tell her that my son was stolen, and she says that she has no time for her at a meeting, then I meet two men, they advise me to call the police , I call, I say that my son was stolen, they ask -Are you sure you want to find him? I go back, these bushes have already been cut at the root and there are two closed wells, even in this dream I dreamed of blood.

    I dreamed that my ex-husband called me and said that I needed some documents, I agree and go to Moscow where he lives in a dream, I went with my son. My ex-husband meets me in Moscow and we eat somewhere, then we stop near the store and he asks me to buy groceries when I went to the store, I looked back in a dream, then went into the store bought groceries, left the store and my ex-husband and son were not there. I call him and start asking where they are, naturally, it was not he who picked up the phone, but his friend and he told me to forget about my son. I cried in a dream and when I woke up abruptly and did not finish the dream, when I woke up I had tears

    I don't exactly remember all the details. but I remember that I was driving with my husband in a car and a son wrapped in a diaper. then I went somewhere. after a while, the husband comes alone. I ask where the baby is, and he says he stayed in the car. I go to the car, but he is not there, only one diaper lies

    I dreamed that my 5-month-old son was stolen by small children, two girls and one boy, I came to their house, but they did not give me my child, (I don’t remember the middle of the dream, but at the end of the dream it turned out that my son soon just dead,) I had such a terrible dream, tell me what it means, Thank you!

    I was breastfeeding my little child (at me it is dumb), if the little one is behind the cordon, and she is to be deprived of my grandmother. Vona bula was burnt, healthy, and did not cry. But I knew that my son was missing from me (as from me є) and my nephew. I even wanted the nobility with them. Yakis cholovik knew, but he didn’t want to say, but they gave him an apartment, so he was moved. Even my soul was heavy

    Hello! In my dreams, very often two different people from life, to act as one. Namely, my younger sister (who died more than 10 years ago) and my son, who is 8 years old today. In a dream, it is always one person. In today's dream, at first I was with my younger sister, with whom something happened in my dream (I forgot), and then she became my son and I lost him, then it turned out that he was stolen (unknown). I searched for him for a very long time, walked the streets of the city, counted on something, talked to someone, pursued someone (it looks like the kidnappers) and at the end I found. He had a wounded face and was older, about two years older. And I blamed myself for everything that happened in my dream. The feeling of guilt did not leave. The dream was dark, but memorable. And yet, in my dream, someone told me that my son had gone through a lot during the abduction.

    I dreamed about Putin, we are sitting in the hall in the fourth row, we are looking at the stage, there are posters of our stores, (the theme is economics and finance) I started talking about the “dawn” store, I was surprised and asked, Do you know our store? To which I received a harsh response and I felt ashamed)) My son was sitting next to me, I walked away for a while (I don’t remember why), when Putin returned and my son was gone! I got scared and woke up!

    in a dream, the son was playing in the street and I was looking out the window, and I saw that the man took his hand and they went, I ran after them and when I caught up, there were two unfamiliar men and my son was tied to something I don’t remember, and we agreed on what I don’t exactly remember that they let her go

    I had a dream that our son was stolen by his godfather in another city, and when my husband and I called him, he said that we were bad parents and that he would not give us up the child and hung up. We were very upset.

    my son was stolen in my dream and my classmates helped me to look for him, I even went to a fortuneteller in a dream and she said that he was taken far away and we would not find him soon, but I screamed him and heard his voice but could not understand where he was coming from and continued search

    Hello! I dream that I am with my sons in the big 5th floor. building and not of Russian nationality, a man steals all my savings, documents and my son in a big bag ... and I run to not know where and where to look for them and wake up.

    I ended up at the dacha with my son and my friend was with me. My grandmother did not let me fall asleep, according to my friend, in a dream she’s dead. like a witch. then I come every year. He takes him away from me and says that this is his child.

    Hello. I dreamed that some brine I did not know stole my son from me and I was looking for him for a long time and when I was on the right path I met a woman who stole him and I killed her and ran to my son. what is it for?

    Hello Thursday morning, I dreamed that a man in a police uniform in a white jeep stole my son. Only my son was small, about a year and a half (in real life he was 5) I ran after the car, screamed and the son also cried ... I was looking for the one who stole my child and made my way to the abductor's apartment where his friend was, who told me that she had left the kidnapper his wife and daughter were blown away by this, and for this he will not return his son to me. I remember my despair, grief. In my sleep I screamed, howled
    and smashed the kidnapper's apartment. Then I woke up and did not leave the child all day. The dream left a terribly unpleasant aftertaste.

    We walked with our family in some big center of the canyons and my daughter, 4 years old, went where she went and disappeared, her prick ran all over the canyon and the sleep hike found out that a group is operating that steals small children and uses them. during the search I came across a brothel with such kids but did not find my daughter and woke up in the middle of the night and from an excess of worries could not sleep.

    I dreamed that my son left school, and I was waiting for him at home, he is not and is not, and as if I see that some man put him in the trunk of his car and takes him away for ransom, I cry convulsively, grab the phone and I'm waiting for a call, at this time I imagine that they are being taken away further and further from me, I sob in my sleep and then I wake up

    I had a dream in which my son was kidnapped. I was hysterical, didn't know what to do, I wanted to die from it. It seems she even saw the kidnapper (a man with a mustache) and cursed him. In a dream, we were told to go to someone, pay a certain amount, and he allegedly tells us where to go next.

    I dreamed that we were in a soap, he was in a stroller walking along an unfamiliar road, but there were a lot of cars, we walked in success to reach the house, there was a store along the way before I went there asked the man to look after the stroller and the baby, as soon as no carriage came out there is no child, and then I was at home all in tears, it is very difficult for me to breathe, I scream and cry, I called the man whom I left in the stroller, I don’t understand where I got his number from, he answers and says that he doesn’t have a child and hangs up to my husband I say I shout and he is all the same in the computer and says everything mg mg mg ...
    Please tell me, my heart was a little unbroken, then I open my eyes and my baby sleeps with me), I dreamed on June 15 on my son's birthday he was one year old, dreamed after dinner.

    The train made a stop, I looked out the window, and there my 5-year-old son is dressed in a fur coat and a hat made of natural fur, I think he will not freeze at least. Next to him is a very cute girl (seemingly familiar) and another child, a little worse dressed I wave my hand for my son to get on the train, the girl nodded her head and continued the conversation with my son. Then the train started, and the son remained on the platform, I first wanted to jump out the window, but then I grabbed my things and ran to the door, I ran and shouted his name. When I ran up to the place where they were, there was no one there. I began to ask, no one saw. I looked under some kind of awning there was a child, I was touching him, and he suddenly rises and bites my hand so angry. I asked did he not see my son, but he only smiled evilly with small teeth, I ran on to look for it. I woke up in horror.

    In my dream, Nick (this is a biological father, from Tajikistan) took his son without asking, and left. But the son did not turn to me. I screamed there, but there was no cry. I also tried to find by the application by the number of Nick’s bodies, where they were after after they disappeared in the middle of the crowd, I found my son in despair, I thought to contact the migration service to inform the data of that person that we were not communicating at the moment and had not seen each other since the birth of my son and also carried the child without him

    Hello, the dream was somehow confusing. I dreamed that I was in some kind of cafe, then my sister appeared, although she was supposed to be with my youngest son. Then some strangers appeared. I packed my things. And she laid out some ampoules from her purse. One guy from this company took the ampoules. But I knew that there was some kind of vitamin in these ampoules. These people are gone. I asked my sister where my son is. She said she was in the room. We went there, but he was no longer only seen as these people were running away. They left their children and took mine. I tried to catch up with them. But I never saw my son again. I woke up from the fact that I began to choke with fear

    I dreamed that I was visiting my sister, and the eldest daughter came and said that my ex-husband had taken my son away. I tried to call the police but didn't get through. In the meantime, they tell me that they are taking him to America. Although in reality I have not seen the former for five years and he does not need children. I cried in my sleep


    They stole my son in a dream. I went with some woman to look for him. She said that she knew who stole: some two women who asked for clothes for the boy. And when we almost found them. They were not there, we did not find them so it seemed to me and I was hysterical