What does Oleg mean. The name Oleg: characteristic and meaning. Description of the name. What kind of Oleg in childhood

Oleg is one of the most common names, and not only political or public leaders, but also artists, actors, musicians wear him with pride. That is why adults at baptism try to give preference to this beautiful name, not without reason expecting that this will somehow affect the child. Oleg, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys - you should figure it out and find out whether it is so important for a good career or a happy life.

The meaning of the name Oleg for a boy is brief

There are many problems awaiting parents just the first days after the appearance of a tiny baby in the house, and one of them is the choice of a name. It is this activity that often leads to quarrels, because adults are rarely unanimous in their opinion. What is the right thing to do in order to choose the most harmonious name for your baby, while partially trying to change its future? There is only one way to do this - to refer to special literature, which describes in detail the meanings, interpretations, interesting features associated with the name.

Oleg, the meaning of the name, character and fate - you can find fascinating enough here to choose this name with confidence. Parents should remember that special attention should be paid not only to meaning, but also to character traits - sometimes this knowledge helps to cope with shortcomings even in childhood.

The meaning of the name Oleg for the boy is short - "relieving", "facilitating". The roots of the name are Old Slavonic, and over many millennia it has not lost its popularity, but on the contrary, it has spread throughout the world and acquired new forms.

What does the name Oleg mean for a boy according to the church calendar

Many parents believe that only superstitious people are trying to solve the mystery of the name for the baby. This opinion is erroneous - even ancient Christian literature has a lot of information about names. Most often, they study the church calendar for this, but many useful and even fascinating things can be found in the calendar.

Oleg, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what can be found in old Orthodox books? Special attention is paid here not only to the secret meaning, but also to the saints who bear this name. Often it depends only on them how happy the child will be, whether he will have health problems, whether he will be able to get a job in life.

What does the name Oleg mean for a boy according to the church calendar? The interpretation completely repeats the Old Slavonic meaning - "facilitating" or "relieving". Unfortunately, no data has been preserved about who the first owner of this name was, but it can be assumed that it was a healer or a healer who relieved people of ailments and pain. Another option - it belonged to a great warrior of one of the Slavic tribes, who defended his family and saved it from captivity or invasion of enemies.

The secret of the name Oleg, name day, signs

How mysterious is the secret of the name Oleg? The first thing that the crumbs' relatives need to know is exactly when to congratulate him on his name day, and how many saints will take care of the child. The saint bearing this name is venerated only once a year - on October 3. It is on this day that one should not only congratulate the boy and give him gifts, but also offer prayers to the patron saint, who will certainly take part in raising the baby. From childhood, a child should know about his secret guardian and sincerely pray to him. The boy's words will certainly be heard, and the patron saint will help in making decisions, in case of problems or difficulties in life.

It is believed that on the day of veneration of the saint a strong wind must blow. It is he who begins the annual process in nature - leaf fall. You should watch which side the wind is from - if from the south, the next year will certainly please the harvest of wheat and rye, even if the weather conditions are not very favorable. If there is no wind, then abundant fruiting of trees should be expected.

The origin of the name Oleg and its meaning for children

Parents who study specialized literature before the baptism of their beloved child are often interested in whether the origin of the name Oleg and its meaning for children can play an important role in the future. If you begin to study in more detail, you will notice that you should not pay attention to the country that gave the world the name chosen by the family. In no way can this detail affect the events that await the baby very soon. The only reason you need to know the origin of the name is to tell the child about it in detail, who will certainly ask about this feature.

Meaning is one of the main features of every name. Often, it is by the interpretation that it is possible to determine which important character trait will cause difficulties for the child, or vice versa - to please the family. Most often, the meaning has a positive meaning - it is quite difficult to find a name whose meaning would have a negative interpretation.

The character of a boy named Oleg

Over the years, during which this name remained one of the most popular, it was possible to accurately establish the traits that distinguish the character of a boy named Oleg. He will have quite a few advantages:

  1. caution;
  2. equilibrium;
  3. emotionality;
  4. iron logic;
  5. quick wits;
  6. daydreaming;
  7. the ability to firmly go towards your goal.

Another wonderful feature that will be appreciated not only by relatives, but also by comrades is prudence. Peers and adults will certainly turn to him for advice - the boy will certainly understand the problem correctly and find the only correct solution.

Will Oleg have disadvantages? One of the main ones is isolation, and it will manifest itself infrequently, but for a long time. It is believed that it is at such moments that Oleg makes important decisions for himself and tries to do it on his own. You should not try to ask the boy about what worries him - he will not share his innermost in any case.

Another unpleasant trait that brings the boy a lot of problems is painful pride. To be the first everywhere and always is the only option for any event. Even if it doesn't work out, he will make every effort to take first place again. It doesn't matter where it happens - in the company, in the classroom or at work, only leadership will bring him pleasure.

The fate of a boy named Oleg

Will the fate of a boy named Oleg be alarming among his relatives? At first, a lot of excitement will bring them the choice of their son's profession, because he does not always strive to work in a team. He will prefer to create individually, in a comfortable home environment. That is why he can choose such a profession.

Do you want to know what this beautiful and very old name means? Today the topic of our article is Oleg: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this ancient and very euphonious name. We will start, as in the rest of the articles, with the history of its origin ...

Oleg: an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

In this article, you will learn:

The origin and meaning of the name Oleg

The name Oleg has ancient Slavic roots and means "sacred", "light". In Russia, the name was highly revered, princes and nobles gave it to their offspring.

The most famous is the warrior-prince Oleg, nicknamed the Prophet, who in battles reached the sacred Constantinople (Constantinople) and left his shield over the gates of the city as a sign of victory.

  • Saint Oleg Bryanskiy is considered the patron saint of all Olegs. Taking tonsure at the Bryansk Peter and Paul Monastery under the name Vasily, he led the strict life of an ascetic.
  • People from all over Russia came to Saint Oleg of Bryansk for blessings.
  • The name Oleg has retained its relevance to the present, it sounds modern and has charisma.

Famous people with this name

Many talented people in art and sports have and still bear this name:

What kind of character can a boy Oleg have?

He is talented since childhood, his talents are manifested in different areas: in studies, in sports, in relationships with people, in achieving goals.

Stubbornness is another defining character trait of Oleg. If he has set himself the task of achieving something, it is difficult to lead him astray. At the same time, he does not always share his thoughts and decisions with others, even with his parents, but stubbornly and persistently moves towards the goal on his own.

  • Friends O. chooses once and for all. It is important for him that a friend is reliable and can be relied on. Although he does not resort to the help of friends so often, he just needs to be sure that he is surrounded by such friends.
  • Oleg is kind and unselfish, it is not for him to help a person there without demanding anything in return. He can rush to help even an unfamiliar person if he understands that he needs her, and he has the strength and ability to help.
  • By nature, he is an introvert, he has no need for constant communication and the presence of people. He happily stays alone, avoiding noisy companies.
  • Adult O. is principled, he has his own point of view on everything, which he defends, even if he is wrong. It is not so easy for people to find a common language with him, and he does not always find understanding among others. On the other hand, he is impressed by the fact that a man does not strive for leadership at any cost, he does not have the task of being in the center of the company's attention.
  • If the conversation is not interesting to him or the discussion has reached a dead end, he, having expressed his arguments, calmly withdraws from the public arena.
  • Oleg is neat and pedantic in thought and deed, everything should be in order and in its place.

What fate awaits Oleg?

From an early age, Oleg stubbornly moves towards his goal in accordance with the plan that he made for himself.

  • He enters to study at the institute that he considers necessary, not being particularly guided by the rating of the institution or its prestige. He is close to the exact sciences, so he often chooses cybernetics, electronics, engineering, applied mathematics, programming, finance and banking;
  • Already in his student years, he goes to work in order to master his future profession in practice;
  • Oleg cannot be called a naked materialist, he knows the value of things, but does not prioritize material well-being in any way;
  • For the first time after graduation, Oleg is actively gaining experience, slowly but surely moving up his career. He is an intelligent and responsible performer, always brings the work to the end, gets along with colleagues. At work, he is non-conflicting, believes that it is better to do than speak, and employees respect him for his serious and correct attitude to business;
  • Closer to thirty years old, Oleg occupies a good position, in good standing with the management. This is the time when he begins to accumulate capital and plan a family;

Characteristics of the name Oleg, features of character and fate

O. is used to meeting friends in close male company. Usually he has 3-4 close friends, they are all familiar from childhood and they have many common topics of conversation.

Family and friendship

Even having become a family man, O. always finds time to meet with friends, for him this is a kind of ritual. He is sure that true male friendship is one of the values ​​of a mature man.

Oleg enjoys success with women from an early age, he has many novels, but for the time being they end in nothing, he does not enter into a long relationship and is in no hurry to marry, preferring to first firmly stand on his feet.

  • A man seeks to find a wife who would understand him, was at the same time his beloved, and friend, and advisor. And subconsciously strives for his chosen one to be like a mother, who is the ideal of a woman for him.
  • It is not easy to find a wife with such qualities, but when this does happen, he becomes an excellent family man. He enjoys spending time with his family, he loves to receive guests and help his wife around the house.
  • At first, he has not very simple relationships with children, but then they improve with age, and Oleg becomes a reliable support and advisor for his adult children.

What will the child named Oleg be like?

As a child, Oleg is a calm and reasonable boy. He approaches all matters in detail, studying the issue from all sides.

He cannot be called a mischievous boy, he prefers noisy games where you need to think, show ingenuity. Even if a dozen kids are playing hide-and-seek or catch-up in the yard, Olezhka can sit aside and build a tower of sand or play with cars.

  • From a very early age, he behaves like a serious adult. He is annoyed by lisping, treating him like a little one. He willingly and in detail answers the questions of adults, but only if they treat him with due respect.
  • Compared to his peers, the boy has a rich vocabulary, he can easily argue his point of view, it is clear that the child is developed beyond his years.
  • At home, O. pleases his parents with his obedience, he himself can offer his mother help around the house, he does not have to be forced to clean up his toys. If a boy has a younger brother or sister, then it’s just happiness for a mother to have an older son like Olezhka. There is no envy and selfishness in him in relation to the youngest child, he is ready to look after and take care of him.
  • At school he does well, but not because he is ambitious, but because, in principle, studies are easy for him. He has an excellent memory and logical thinking, he is especially strong in the exact sciences.

The meaning of the name Oleg: the name for a boy means "facilitator" or "sacred." This affects the character and fate of Oleg.

The origin of the name Oleg: slavic.

The diminutive form of the name: Olezhka, Olegushka, Olesya, Leka.

What does the name Oleg mean: The name Oleg comes from the Old Scandinavian name Helgi. The name translates as "dedicated". Another meaning of the name Oleg is "sacred". A variant of the name with a translation from the Common Slavic as "facilitating" is possible. The owner of such a name is distinguished by prudence, poise, the ability to indulge in dreams for a long time, but at the same time - cold prudence and an entrepreneurial streak.

Patronymic name Oleg: Olegovich, Olegovna.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Oleg celebrates the name day on October 3 (September 20) - St. Prince O. Bryansk, a monk of the Bryansk monastery founded by him (XIII century)

Signs: The name Oleg once a year celebrates the name day: October 3 - Oleg the leaf-boy, knocks a leaf from the trees with the wind. If on this day there is a wind from the south, it means that there will be a good harvest of winter bread for the next year.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - dark blue
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • Treasured plant - camellia
  • Patron saint - snake
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Oleg

Positive features: The name The name Oleg gives slowness, caution, prudence, emotional balance. Oleg has a sharp mind and iron logic, but at the same time he loves to dream. Very often he manages to make dreams come true. A man with this name can calculate his capabilities and calmly walk towards the intended goal.

Negative traits: Name The name Oleg brings pride, isolation, emotional coldness. Olezhek is indifferent to the violent manifestation of emotions, he is irritated by women's tears. A guy with this name cannot use a person's disposition for his own selfish purposes. Attaches great importance to freedom of choice.

The nature of the name Oleg: What character traits does the meaning of the name Oleg determine? Olezhek is born with a feeling of superiority over people, and he sometimes fails to suppress this feeling, which makes him not always pleasant to talk to. This is a romantic practitioner - a rather rare but attractive combination. A man with this name is stubborn, confident, focused and incredibly hardworking. In order to insist on his own, it comes to boring, is able to make many enemies on this righteous path. He is tight-fisted, loves money. Being an exemplary family man, sometimes you are not averse to using your charm (and what is, that is!) On the side. With this name one should keep an eye out, because his own interests are in the foreground for him, and if for the sake of them it is necessary to use deceit and even betrayal, Olezhek will stop at nothing.

He is persistent in achieving his goal, disinterested, principled and defends his opinion, even if he is not right. Has an analytical mindset, knows how to concentrate, inclined towards exact sciences. Oleg analyzes everything: the situation in the team, relationships with friends, the political situation in the world, the movie he has watched, the book he read, and even the act of a neighbor. He is very attached to his parents, especially to his mother.

In appearance, the guy with this name is cold, proud and unapproachable. He speaks with people abruptly, succinctly, which makes him unpleasant in communication. Many do not like him, especially those whose pride is hurt. He does not become a leader, for him it does not really matter.

In his heart, Oleg is a kind and sympathetic person, he has self-irony, he does not remember offenses.

Oleg and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Eugenia, Inga, Irma, Kira, Marina, Iona, Olga, Rogneda, Sbyslava, Tomila is favorable. The name The name Oleg is also combined with Yana. Unsuccessful relationships can develop with Alla, Bella, Dorofey, Irina, Lyubomila, Regina, Tamara.

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Oleg? The name builds family relationships on equality. He chooses a balanced woman with an analytical mind and a kind heart as his wife.

The guy named Oleg is a monogamous man and a wonderful family man, especially touching is his attitude to his mother, whom he adores all his life. He even looks for a wife, externally and internally, similar to his mother, setting her as an example and not hiding that she is his ideal woman.

Olezhek monogamous. In the woman he loves, he is looking for a resemblance to his mother: in appearance, in character, in habits and hobbies. He loves children very much - he cannot imagine his life without them. Oleg is passionate and erotic, capable of often getting carried away, but this hobby does not go away quickly. Olezhek's intimacy with a woman is more than pleasant entertainment for him. In sex, he tries to prove his masculinity.

In intimate proximity, Olezhka needs tenderness and inspiration. The cleanliness and neatness of a woman, the aesthetics of the items in her dress, and her perfume are very important. Mother for Oleg is the ideal of a woman. And if the wife does not understand this in time and does not compromise, conflicts are inevitable in the family. A man is faithful to his wife, although outwardly cold. He has a cool relationship with his mother-in-law. In education, he achieves success in the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, electronics.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Olezhek is inclined towards individual labor. He is gifted with original thinking, unconventional judgments, independent views. Successful completion of the work will be a matter of honor for him.

He finds himself in professions that require independence and clarity. He can be a good mathematician, electronics engineer, lawyer, investigator, teacher of exact sciences.

Business and career: A man named Oleg is a purposeful, rational person who speaks little, but does a lot. He knows how to save money for a secure, prosperous life and can achieve financial success.

Usually the name Oleg receives a higher education, is inclined towards exact sciences. He makes his career calmly, in stages. He is very stubborn, focused, hardworking, always strives to show independence, to insist on his own. The name Olezhek has an analytical mindset, he analyzes life events, working moments. In each of his actions, he sees the positive and negative sides, understands the relativity of everything that is created and, as in childhood, often hesitates in choosing a solution. A guy named Oleg himself considers this to be his main drawback, carefully hides it, outwardly self-confident, demonstrates confidence and steadfastness. In addition, he has a wonderful intuitive gift that helps him get out of difficult situations. He has an excellent memory, a keen eye, he notices the smallest details of the environment, affairs and at the same time their relationship with different actions.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Oleg: The meaning of the name Oleg from the point of view of medicine. His health is good, only in later years ailments are possible due to dysfunctions of the organs of the excretory system.

Little Olezhek has shown a contradictory character since childhood. He never knows exactly what he wants. Oleg is not capricious, he is simply unable to make a decision. If parents want to avoid tears and difficult situations, Olezhka should not be faced with a choice, for example, not to offer two dishes at the same time or not to ask where he wants to go more: to the circus or the zoo. He needs not only to prompt, but also to teach him to make decisions on his own.

A child who has a wonderful name, Name Oleg, is a capable boy, he studies well, but easily lends itself to suggestion: And here parents should be on the lookout, because there may be bad influences.

Oleg's fate in history

What does the name Oleg mean for male destiny?

  1. Oleg is the first prince of Kiev from the clan of Rurik. The chronicle says that Rurik, dying, transferred power to his relative, since Rurik's son, Igor, was at that time a minor. The prince remained in Novgorod for three years, and then, having recruited an army from the Varangians and the tribes subject to him Chudi, Ilmen Slavs, Meri, Vesi, Krivichi, moved south. He occupied Smolensk and Lyubech, where he put his people. When Oleg reached Kiev, Askold and Dir were already reigning there. The chronicle says that the prince, by cunning, summoned them from the city and killed them, and he himself "took possession of Kiev and made it his capital, saying:" ... Behold mother with Russian hail. "After many heroic deeds in the fall of 912, Oleg died and was buried in Kiev on Schekovitsa. [/ B] However, according to another legend, the prince died during the campaign to the north and was buried in Ladoga.
  2. Oleg Yankovsky is a theater and film actor, director.
  3. Oleg Tabakov is a Russian director, actor, People's Artist of the USSR, teacher, producer.
  4. Oleg Kutafin is a well-known lawyer, specialist in the field of constitutional law.
  5. Oleg Popov is a circus artist, a famous clown.
  6. Oleg Konopkin is a psychologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education.
  7. Oleg Mityaev is a famous Russian bard.
  8. Oleg Kuvaev is a geologist and writer.
  9. Oleg Strizhenov is a theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  10. Oleg Dal - Soviet theater and film actor
  11. Oleg Antonov - Soviet aircraft designer, academician.
  12. Oleg Efremov is an actor, director, theater worker, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Oleg Romantsev is a famous Russian footballer and coach.
  14. Oleg Protopopov is a Russian figure skater.
  15. Oleg Borisov is a Soviet theater and film actor.
  16. Oleg Vidov - Soviet and American film actor, film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  17. Oleg Deripaska is a Russian businessman.
  18. Oleg Basilashvili is a theater and film actor.
  19. Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian footballer and coach.
  20. Oleg Menshikov is a theater and film actor.

Names: origin and forms

Oleg- (from Old Norse) sacred.

Derivatives: Olegushka, Olezhik, Olesya, Olya, Olyusya, Lega, Lyoka, Lyosha, Alya.

Directory of Russian names

Light(from Scandinavian).

Contradictory, but restrained. Intelligent. They are prone to variety. Always doubters. However, they themselves are stubborn in opinions. Companionable. All sorts of excessive hobbies interfere with a career.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Oleg- sacred (Old Norse).
The name was common in Russia, now boys are not given very often, mainly in large cities.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: dark blue.
Stone talisman: pearls.
Auspicious plant: hazel, camellia.
Patron name: skid
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of the year: autumn.
Main features: independence, concentration.

Names, patron saints

Oleg Bryanskiy... Holy noble prince, October 3 (September 20). Holy Prince Oleg (at Baptism Leonty). He was the grandson of the holy martyr Prince Michael of Chernigov. As the chronicles tell, in 1274 he, together with his father, Prince Roman Mikhailovich, participated in the war against Lithuania, and after 1274 he left the reign and took monastic vows at the Bryansk Peter and Paul Monastery, built at his expense. In this monastery, the holy noble prince lived a strict ascetic life, died around 1285 and was buried in the monastery church.


October 3 - Oleg the leaf-bearer knocks down a leaf from the trees with the wind. If on this day there is a wind from the south, then there will be a good harvest of winter bread for the next year.


Little Olezhek has shown a contradictory character since childhood. He never knows exactly what he wants. He is not capricious, he is simply unable to make a decision. If parents want to avoid tears and difficult situations, the child should not be faced with a choice, for example, not to offer two dishes at the same time or not ask where he wants to go more: to the circus or the zoo. He needs not only to prompt, but also to teach him to make decisions on his own.

Oleg is a talented boy, he studies well, but is easily suggestible. And here parents should be on the alert, because there may be bad influences.

Usually Oleg receives higher education, is inclined to exact sciences. He makes his career calmly, in stages. Oleg is very stubborn, focused, hardworking, always striving to show independence, to insist on his own. He has an analytical mindset, he analyzes life events, work moments. In each of his actions, he sees the positive and negative sides, understands the relativity of everything that is created and, as in childhood, often hesitates in choosing a solution. He himself considers this to be his main drawback, carefully hides it, outwardly self-confident, demonstrates confidence and steadfastness. In addition, Oleg has a wonderful intuitive gift that helps him get out of difficult situations. He has an excellent memory, a keen eye, he notices the smallest details of the environment, affairs and at the same time their relationship with different actions.

Oleg finds himself in professions that require independence and clarity. He can be a good mathematician, electronics engineer, lawyer, investigator, teacher of exact sciences.

Oleg looks cold, proud and unapproachable. He speaks with people abruptly, succinctly, which makes him unpleasant in communication. Many do not like him, especially those whose pride is hurt. Oleg does not become a leader, but he does not particularly suffer from this.

In his heart, Oleg is a kind and sympathetic person, he has self-irony, he does not remember offenses.

Oleg is a monogamous man and a wonderful family man, his attitude towards his mother, whom he adores all his life, is especially touching. He even looks for a wife, externally and internally, similar to his mother, setting her as an example and not hiding that she is his ideal woman. He can have a good marriage with Antonina, Klara, Larisa, Maya, Natalia, Rimma, Svetlana, Sophia, Tatiana.

middle name: Olegovich, Olegovna.


Oleg (? -912) was the autocratic ruler of the Russian state from 879 to 912. He "was a relative or vigilante of Rurik, the first autocrat of Russia, who, by his dying will, appointed him the ruler of the state and guardian of baby Igor, his son.

Oleg did not calmly reign in Novgorod, sailed with Igor "warriors" on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks", subdued Smolensk on the road, took away the independence from Lyubech, conquered all the Slavic tribes and subjugated vast spaces from Novgorod to Kiev to his power. Oleg liked Kiev very much, by cunning he summoned princes Askold and Dir from the city, killed them and sat down "to the prince in Kiev", making it the capital.

Oleg reigned in Russia for thirty-three years, even when Igor became an adult. He did not interfere with Oleg, his campaigns were successful. In 906, Oleg made a water raid on Byzantium. When the Greeks closed the harbor, Oleg went ashore, put the boats on wheels and, with a favorable wind, moved towards the city. Constantinople - Constantinople, as the Russians called it then, submitted. Oleg concluded the first written agreement with the Greeks, beneficial for Russia. As a sign of victory, the soldiers nailed their shields to the gates of Constantinople, and Oleg returned to Kiev with a lot of booty.

For wisdom and luck, the people called Oleg prophetic, that is, a sorcerer.

Oleg died in Kiev, according to other sources, during the northern campaign to Ladoga. According to an ancient legend, Oleg died of a snakebite on the grave of his beloved horse. The poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Song of the Prophetic Oleg" - not only reproduces an episode of chronicle history and reflects the figurative structure of the ancient narrative:

"How the prophetic Oleg is now being assembled
To take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars,
Their villages and fields for a violent raid
He condemned to swords and fires;
With his retinue, in Tsargrad armor,
The prince walks across the field on a faithful horse ... "

Tradition indicates the grave of Oleg on the Kiev Shchekavitsa mountain, which was reputed even in the time of the chronicler Nestor Olegova's grave.

Published with the kind permission of the OKULUS project - astropsychology.

As you know, the name largely determines the character of a person and even, in a certain sense, affects his fate. Let's see what secrets it carries name Oleg and what to expect from life for a person wearing it.

The origin of the name is not entirely clear. It is believed that it has primordial Slavic roots (in the diurnal Russian version it sounded like "Olga"), but there is another version claiming that it is a Russian modification of the Scandinavian "Helgi".

Did you know? There is one more not very widespread assumption among scientists, correlating the ancient name with the Turkic "Ugut", which in other eastern languages ​​sounded like "Khaleg" and was used both as a name and as a title.

If we proceed from the fact that the founder of Kievan Rus are the Varangians, that is, the Scandinavians, and the first Kiev prince Oleg was probably a fellow tribesman of Rurik, this version looks quite convincing.

The meaning of the name among the Slavs and the Scandinavians is different. In the "national" tradition, it carries the meaning of getting rid of something, giving relief. In the Varangian version, "Helgi" means much more, since "heilagr" (heilig, helig) is "holy", "sacred".

Another version of the decoding of the name, associated with the language of the ancient Germans, translates the name as "clear", "bright" or "lucky". If we consider the eastern version, then Oleg means “great”.

Day Angel

In memory of the Monk Oleg of Bryansk Day of the Angel (name day) Oleg - October 3(September 20 old style).

Sometimes another date is called - June 1, but what this information is based on is not entirely clear.

Short and diminutive forms

This name has many forms: Olezhka, Olezha, Olesya, Olyusya, Olegushka, Lelik, Leka, Alya, Alik.

Consider the analogues of the name in some languages ​​of the world, both modern and pre-existing:

  • Norse, day german- Helgi;
  • German- Helge [Helge], Helgo [Helgo], diminutive Helgi [Helgi];
  • Ukrainian Oleg ("e" reads like "e"), diminutives[Olezhik], [Olezha], [Olezhka], Olo, Olko, [Olchyk], [Olesyk], [Lesik], [Les];
  • Belorussian- Aleg, diminutives- Alezhyk, Alezhka, Ales;
  • Bulgarian- Oleg;
  • Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic- Helge [Helge];
  • Swedish- Helge, Hälge [Helge], Helle [Helle].

In other languages, this name has no analogues, thus, we can clearly see that it, indeed, historically connects only the Scandinavian and Slavic peoples.

A child with this name begins to demonstrate the contradictory personality from childhood. His constant searches are not the result of whims, the boy sincerely does not know what decision to make. On the other hand, a child is very susceptible to someone else's influence, and, having agreed with the authority of a certain person, he retains his dependence for the rest of his life.
Oleg's mother needs to be very careful: imposing on the boy the idea of ​​the inviolability of her opinion, she risks raising a man who will subconsciously compare all her women with her mother, look for a guardian, not a friend, and sincerely suffer from the impossibility of reconciling her daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law.

Important! Teaching the boy to independently make decisions and be responsible for them is the main task of Oleg's parents.

In the process of growing up, the boy begins to show more and more a difficult character. He tends to analyze absolutely everything and this causes a certain irritation among others, who take this trait for arrogance and arrogance.

It is difficult for Oleg to get along with people with leadership abilities, he subconsciously does not want and cannot obey anyone.

People with this name value order to everyone - both in things and in the head. Their consistency and accuracy sometimes border on boring. At the same time, they are absolutely not alien to romance, which does not prevent them from remaining practical and fairly economical in costs (sometimes to some greed). However, in certain cases they are sincere and completely disinterested.

Having set a goal for himself, this man will strive for it with concentration and uncompromising, showing the wonders of patience and hard work. But this positive, in general, feature has another side: the end justifies the means - this is about Oleg.
Selfishness and self-confidence determine the behavior of such people. For the same reason, it is very difficult for the bearers of this name to admit their own wrong, even if it is obvious, although self-irony is still not alien to them.

Oleg gives the impression of an ambitious and independent person, but often this is just a mask. He is not vindictive and can empathize with the grief of others, do good deeds. This is especially true for people born in winter.

"Summer" bearers of the name are notable for their irascibility, but they easily move away and, in general, are very positive and charming. The "autumn" Olegs are more reasonable and calm, while those born in the spring are vulnerable, capricious, stubborn.

Important! It has been noticed that notorious people and losers hate the bearers of this name.

The undoubted advantages of people named Oleg are a sharp analytical mind, purposefulness, and caution.

These are, of course, people of "high flight". Among the shortcomings, excessive emotionality, irritability, and in some cases callousness and selfishness are often manifested.

Learning is given to these boys very easily, it is only important that at this stage the child does not fall under the bad influence of some kind of informal leader in the yard. As a rule, after school, Oleg continues his education at the institute.

The choice of a profession largely depends on the time of year when Oleg was born: the winter months give the boy a penchant for the exact sciences, those born in the fall are more likely to become good lawyers (investigators, lawyers), in the spring and summer, creative traits are most clearly manifested.

With any choice of profession, Oleg can be served excellently by his excellent memory and observation, excellent intuition and a certain amount of luck.
The only thing Oleg is not very good at is collective work under the sole authority of others. The bearers of this name do not tolerate violence against their personality at all; by nature they are individualists.

To achieve the maximum result from such a person, he needs to be given complete freedom of action. An unconventional approach and highly developed ambition will help Oleg solve even the most difficult problem.

In business, Oleg can also achieve success, but on condition that he will initially be the sole owner of his business: relations with partners will almost certainly end in a difficult break.

The name gives its wearer good health. The problem organs in childhood are the lungs; at the end of life, the genitourinary system is more often affected. Disorders in the work of the pancreas, liver, spleen and large intestine are also possible.

Like any creative person, Oleg may show bad habits, in particular, excessive alcohol addiction. Headaches are also possible.
Bearers of this name should exercise the utmost care when driving, as the likelihood of an accident is very high.

The main hobby is most often sports, Oleg is engaged in it with pleasure and can devote almost all his free time to such a hobby.

As a rule, Oleg is a monogamous person, but the problem is that his mother may be the love of his life.

Being a connoisseur of cleanliness and order, he can torture his wife with his tediousness.

Men bearing an Old Russian name treat children very carefully, they make excellent fathers.

With all his commitment to the family hearth, Oleg does not at all belong to monogamous males. On the contrary, in his intimate life, he needs constant variety and is not at all averse to using his charisma to organize a small adventure on the side.
However, it usually does not come to serious betrayal, these men are too selfish and spontaneous. Sex on the side for them, first of all, means self-affirmation. At the same time, internal self-doubt makes them jealous and unable to accept and forgive the betrayal of their beloved.

A good wife to Oleg will be a wise, clean and patient woman with whom he will be pleased not only to make love and build a common life, but also to communicate.

Auspicious names for the union - Not very favorable names for the union

  • Antonina - Alla
  • - Angelina
  • Inga - Bella
  • Irma - Wanda
  • - Barbarian
  • - Faith
  • - Catherine
  • Rimma -
  • Svetlana -
  • Tatiana - Regina

The letters that make up the name Oleg have the following meaning:

  • O - good intuition, sensuality and trepidation, bright talent (vocation), pragmatism, financial "vein", striving for self-knowledge, finding one's own path, the ability to self-analyze, the ability to separate the important from the little things, mystery and incomprehensibility for others;
  • L - sensuality and sophistication, bright creative inclinations (the ability to see and appreciate beauty, artistry, artistic ability), the ability to empathize with someone else's pain, selflessness, the ability to self-sacrifice, changeability, craving for comfort, irrepressible love, sociability, impetuosity, exorbitant passions ( a tendency to gluttony, alcoholism is possible);
  • E - sociability, sometimes excessive, observation, good intuition, spontaneity, striving for leadership, self-sufficiency and independence, rejection of monotony;
  • G - Purposefulness, craving for self-knowledge, pedantry, analytical mind, conscientiousness, dependence on someone else's praise, charm, intelligence.

The number of the name Oleg is three. She characterizes a creative person with a rich imagination and well-developed intuition.

Troikas are very emotional, active, sociable and charming. They love to have fun and are the soul of any company. These are pronounced extroverts.

They are distinguished by some impulsiveness. They can achieve success in any profession, except for the one where there is no place for development and creativity.

A certain narcissism is not alien to the "Troika", they have excellent taste, they value order, beauty and neatness in the people and things around them.
People with this number have an analytical mind, but at the same time they have good intuition. Among them, leaders are often born who are able to captivate, lead the crowd. At the same time, they themselves prefer the simplest way, when faced with difficulties, they often leave the problem unsolved.

They put their own interests and comfort above all else.

Astrology name

  • Planet- Jupiter.
  • Colour- dark blue, silver, violet.
  • Wood- hazel.
  • Plant- camellia.
  • Totem animal- skid.
  • Stone talisman- pearls, amethyst, tourmaline.
  • Zodiac sign- Twins.

Name in history: famous and famous people

Consider the most prominent representatives bearing this ancient name:

  • Perhaps the most famous person bearing the name Oleg was the first Kiev prince - the one who, according to legend, was bitten by a snake that crawled out of the skull of his deceased horse and thus fulfilled a long-standing prophecy (the story, most likely, has nothing in common with reality). But the great deeds of the Grand Duke and his undoubted merits in the creation on the banks of the Dnieper of a new European state - Kievan Rus - is true, as well as the fact that the shield of the Kiev ruler was nailed "at the gates of Constantinople" to commemorate victory (more political than really military ) over the great Constantinople.

Did you know? An interesting episode has been preserved in the annals about how the great Oleg plunged the Greeks (inhabitants of Byzantium) into panic. Arriving at Constantinople by sea, the prince could not enter the city, since its inhabitants blocked the entrance to the bay with chains. Then Oleg ordered to pull his boats out of the water and put them on wheels. Waiting for a favorable wind, the prince with his impromptu "land fleet" went to the city. Seeing such an unprecedented miracle, the Greeks were frightened and prayed for mercy, promising to pay any tribute. The great campaign ended with the signing of a trade agreement, which was very beneficial for the young state.

  • The name Oleg was borne by another Russian, more precisely, the Bryansk prince, who lived in the 13th century and was known for giving up power in favor of his brother and went to monks under the name Vasily. For their godly deeds and strict abstinence Oleg Bryanskiy numbered among the Face of the Saints.
  • In recent history, the name Oleg is primarily associated with Soviet cinema. It's even surprising how many truly bright and talented actors of the 60-80s of the last century bore this name Borisov, Dahl, Efremov, Tabakov, Basilashvili, Yankovsky, Strizhenov- perhaps the younger generation no longer remembers these names, but our mothers and grandmothers admired them deservedly!
  • Among more modern movie and pop stars, this name is not so common. Perhaps we can only recall the popular in the 90s singer and composer Gazmanova, as well as the famous heartthrob of the same era, actor Menshikov, who played Erast Fandorin in the film "State Councilor".

  • It would be unfair not to mention also Oleg Antonov- the legendary Soviet aircraft designer, developer of the famous An aircraft, Oleg Blokhin, who is rightfully called one of the brightest players in the history of national football, as well as Oleg Popov- perhaps the most popular Soviet clown who recently died of cardiac arrest.

If we talk about today, then perhaps the brightest person bearing an old name is the odious Ukrainian politician, leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko.

And yet, history, astrology and numerology say that by giving a child this ancient Slavic name, you give him an interesting and bright fate, because among his namesakes there were a huge number of talented people who won the well-deserved fame and respect of both contemporaries and descendants ...