Ten twins of the Earth: will humanity find its paradise. Ten twins of the Earth: will humanity find its paradise Found an exact copy of the earth

NASA scientists said that the Kepler telescope has discovered a copy of the Earth (Kepler 452), which has water and must have intelligent life.

NASA: Kepler has discovered a replica of the Earth that has water and probably intelligent life...

NASA astronomers reported, "The Kepler telescope has found a planet very similar to Earth." Experts from the same space agency said that water is present on the discovered planet, and intelligent life is also possible.

The sensational discovery became known to mankind after NASA announced it at a press conference last day. Astronomers have revealed that their Kepler telescope has found in space the first large exoplanet with liquid water similar to Earth, which is at the same distance from its fiery star as the Earth is from the Sun.

The new planet discovered is called "Kepler 452b"!

The discovered planet Kepler 452 and its Sun.

NASA said, “We believe that the discovered analogue of the Earth, the exoplanet called the telescope, is a distant sister of the Earth, it differs in age and size. A copy of the Earth is located in the constellation Cygnus at a distance of 1402 light years from us.

Scientists have revealed the information why the new exoplanet is called "Kepler 452", as it turned out she was given it in honor of the telescope that discovered it.

Exoplanet Kepler 452 will be inscribed in textbooks

Experts say that the new planet "Kepler 452" will be listed in astronomy textbooks in the near future.

The authors of the report say that since the analogue of the Earth "Kepler-452" has existed for 6 billion years and is located at the same distance from its star as the Earth is from the Sun in our system of planets, referred to as, then intelligent life must be present on it.

Experts say, “thanks to the sensational discovery, one can imagine what awaits the planet Earth in the future, for example, in one billion years, when ours will be many times hotter.”

Photo of the planet Kepler 452 (Eng. Kepler 452)

Part of the exoplanet Kepler 452 and part of the Earth.

Characteristics of the new exoplanet Kepler 452

According to the collected data on the planet "Kepler 452", one year lasts not 365 days as on Earth, but 384.8 Earth days. On the surface of the exoplanet, there are fewer plains, it is more rocky.

The exoplanet "Kepler 452" is already 6 billion years old, it is older than the Earth by 1.5 billion years. Its (English Kepler 452) size is 60 percent larger than our planet. It is located at a distance of 1402 light years from Earth.

An analogue of the Sun, around which Kepler 452 moves, is only 10 percent larger than our celestial body and is also older by 1.5 billion years.

Video about the discovered planet Kepler 452 (Eng. Kepler 452)

Discovered exoplanet Kepler 452b (New Earth)!

Small planets that could be habitable!

The American Kepler telescope has discovered the exoplanet Kepler 452 in space.

The American Kepler space telescope has identified ten possible copies of the Earth in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, NASA scientists said during a press briefing in research center Ames name.

“The closest analogue of the Earth may be the yet unconfirmed planet KY.7711, found during the preparation of a complete catalog of data that Kepler collected in the first four years of its operation. This planet orbits a star similar to the Sun in size and temperature and is at the center of the "life zone". On the other hand, it is not yet clear whether it has an atmosphere and whether it is able to support life, ”says Susan Thompson from the SETI Institute (Program Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations).

NASA emphasizes that approximately 220 new planets are currently known, ten of which may be potential twins of the Earth. In addition, since the launch of the orbiting telescope, employees of the aerospace agency have collected data on four thousand planets. In total, "Kepler" transmitted to Earth information about 49 Earth-like objects, which in turn are located in the so-called "habitable zone".

“Let me remind you that the “habitable zone” is a conditional region of outer space near a star, where the conditions on the surface of the planets in it will be very close to terrestrial conditions. This, by the way, ensures the existence of water in liquid form. Very few cosmic bodies fit the description of Earth-like planets and even fewer can be practically twins of the Earth. So what is it good news”, - the Russian astronomer told the FAN correspondent Nikolai Lagin.

Now NASA employees will have to re-analyze the data received, which will not only discover new planets, but also get amazing data on the total number of space objects Milky way.

“It must be understood that a reanalysis of existing data will allow NASA scientists to calculate the conditions under which twins of our planet are formed near certain luminaries. In general, statistics will make it possible to understand the principle of the formation of exoplanets and copies of the earth, because not so long ago we learned about the existence of planet-oceans, small gas giants, water worlds with their own gravity and inhuman conditions on the surface,” the expert continues.

In addition, the farther the planet is from the parent star, the more likely it is that at the end of its evolution it will be a gas giant or a lifeless rocky body. And vice versa, the closer the planet to its luminary, the greater the likelihood of the birth of life on it.

“But do not forget that while the search for Earth-like planets, and even more so twins of the Earth, they can be regarded as a fun activity. The fact is that while humanity does not have the technology to make long space flights, and I remind you that the same center of our galaxy is 26,000 light-years away. In other words, only light will fly towards Sagittarius A for 26 thousand years, and humanity with its speeds even longer, ”continues Lagin.

Nevertheless, the expert is sure that the Kepler data will still play an important role in the development of mankind.

“Even though we do not have the appropriate technologies, which means that we will not get to copies of the Earth very soon, the data is still needed. We can make a catalog of planets that earthlings will someday be able to move to. But do not think that the same paradise awaits us, rather the opposite - the planets will be very different from our home. The planet itself can be larger, it can be covered by endless seas and oceans, gravity can be higher or lower there, and we will have to adapt to all this. Therefore, instead of geopolitical fuss, it is better for world leaders to concentrate on peaceful coexistence and the development of technologies,” the astronomer concluded.

Recall that in April, international astrophysicists discovered the exoplanet LHS 1140b. It was classified as a super-Earth, which, according to scientists, is more suitable for human habitation than previously found Proxima b or the planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system.

First, the Earth was displaced from the center of the universe, proving that it revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa. Then it turned out that the solar system itself is just a formation on the periphery of its galaxy.

Now the uniqueness of the Earth as such has been called into question. More recently, a number of scientists believed that perhaps our planet is an exceptional case and the conditions that arose here and are suitable for the origin of life are not repeated anywhere else.

However, American space researchers believe that life is possible on almost every one of them.

Such conclusions of experts are contained in the material published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.

This work was based on an analysis of the results of the activities of the Kepler space telescope.

The Kepler telescope was named after the German scientist Johannes Kepler, the discoverer of the laws of motion of the planets in the solar system. Launched in 2009, the apparatus was assigned the mission of searching for the so-called exoplanets, that is, planets that do not revolve around the Sun, but around other stars. Moreover, the Kepler mission included the task of detecting exoplanets similar in parameters to the Earth.

Hunting for exoplanets

The first exoplanets were discovered at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The search for such objects is extremely difficult due to their extreme remoteness from the Earth, their small size and dimness - after all, the planets themselves do not shine, but only reflect the light of the star.

The Kepler telescope was engaged in the detection of exoplanets using the so-called "transit method", that is, by measuring the fluctuations in the brightness of stars as the planet passes through its disk.

Kepler, which worked in orbit for four years, during this time discovered over 3,500 planets on which life could theoretically exist. There are 647 of them similar in size and mass to the Earth, and about 104 of them are located at such a distance from the star that makes the possibility of the existence of water a real possibility.

In the work of "Kepler" failures were discovered in the middle of 2012, and in the late spring of 2013 it finally failed. Currently, engineers are working on plans for a possible modification of the Kepler, but when they will be implemented and whether they will be implemented at all remains unknown.

Nevertheless, the data that Kepler collected during its work will be analyzed for several more years.

Was Giordano Bruno right?

Based on the data already studied, American scientists came to the conclusion that in the Universe there is great amount planets suitable for the origin of life and similar to the Earth.

Based on known information, astronomers believe that planets similar to the Earth exist in 22 percent of all stars. That is, its own "Earth" can rotate at every fifth star.

In just one galaxy Milky Way There may be 8.8 billion planets similar to Earth in size, mass, and surface temperature. This means that they may contain some forms of life.

As for the Universe as a whole, then, as the famous cat Matroskin used to say, “we have heaps of this shoe polish” - we are talking about tens and hundreds of billions of “copies” of the Earth.

Of course, under these conditions, the probability of the existence of brothers in mind among earthlings turns out to be extremely high.

By the way, American astronomers, by their conclusions, actually confirm the idea of ​​“multiple worlds”, for which Giordano Bruno went to the stake more than four hundred years ago. By the way, in the year of the 400th anniversary of the execution of Bruno, the Catholic Church refused to consider the issue of rehabilitating the scientist.

Reach out to neighbors

The nearest "copy" of the Earth from the "original" Earth is located relatively close - about 15 light years. True, with the current level of technology, it will take earthlings millions of years to reach their neighbors.

However, supporters of the uniqueness of the Earth revolving around the Sun do not give up - now they rely on the original geometry of our system, where the planets have almost regular circular orbits. They also point to the influence exerted on the development of the Earth by the Moon, without which "everything could have been different."

The theoretical calculations of American astronomers, of course, look more weighty. It is quite possible that among the billions of "copies" of the Earth there are many that have their own "copies" of the Moons.

It’s just that it’s almost impossible to check this yet - for this you need a thing stronger than the Kepler telescope. Perhaps such a technique will appear in the not so distant future, because human curiosity is the great engine of progress.

6-12-2017, 21:46

A brand new planet is optimal for human life.

In mid-2017, a group of astronomers discovered the exoplanet EPIC 201912552 b, better known as K2-18b. The object found by the transit method is located in the constellation Leo and revolves around the red dwarf K2-18 every 33 days. The potentially habitable planet lies 111 light-years away, and the Harps radio telescope has revealed that it has a rocky surface and, like Earth's, an insulating atmosphere. Scientists suggest that the surface of EPIC 201912552 b is mostly water, covered with a thick layer of ice on top. However, experts will be able to obtain more accurate data on the "earth copy" only in 2019, when the more powerful James Webb telescope will be launched. In the spring of 2019, with the help of the Ariane-5 rocket, the work of the new telescope will be launched, and already in the fall, scientists will start the first scientific research, which will last about five years. It is planned to conduct more than two thousand observations in this short period, during which the study of exoplanets like K2-18b will have a special emphasis, writes life.ru.

Earth is a unique, wonderful place for all living things, but how much longer will it last? Mankind behaves like a terrible virus, destroying everything it touches. Sooner or later, if we do not destroy our House ourselves, nature will do it for us. In this case, it is simply necessary to think about where to go to humanity before the coming apocalypse? Let's look at all the possible options for our salvation, namely those planets that can theoretically be colonized in the future.

The Moon is the closest space body to our Earth. How can it be useful to us? Naturally, our satellite will become the main outpost for humanity outside our planet. It can produce rocket fuel, oxygen, water, install super-powerful telescopes. The most studied space object was the first candidate for the establishment of human colonies there. However, not all so simple. The fact is that the strong rarefaction of the local atmosphere provokes sharp temperature drops on its surface from −160 to +120 degrees Celsius, and this creates a lot of problems that are difficult to solve, but if you go one meter deep into the lunar soil, you can observe a constant average temperature at -35 degrees.

Mars is the next candidate for a "foster home" for humanity. If life is not there yet, then in the very near future it may well appear. Already today, the red planet is the most studied and developed after the Earth. However, this option is not ideal either. The whims of Martian nature, a large number of dust storms, temperature changes - that's not all that you have to face. The strongest cosmic radiation, due to the absence of a magnetic field and atmosphere, will have a very detrimental effect on the health of those who decide to spend a certain period of time there. But the construction of protected structures can be an easily solved problem, being one of the possible ways for a long-term stay on the planet of living beings.

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the solar system. Scientists believe that huge oceans are concentrated on its surface fresh water in the form of ice, and the planet's asteroid belt is one of the most promising pantries in space. There is enough water and valuable minerals. Although it is worth noting the absence of an atmosphere that requires artificial breathing systems. And also the problem is a rather cold climate with temperatures from -75 to -143 degrees Celsius.

Europa is the sixth moon of Jupiter. A very attractive place for colonialists, as it contains gigantic reserves water ice, suggesting the presence of microscopic life. Low levels of radiation and geological stability are one of the significant advantages of the planet. In addition, it is assumed that under the huge thickness of the ice there are sources of warm water.

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. Although it is quite difficult to get to such a distance, this is the second place in the solar system where the presence of a stable liquid on the surface has been proven and there is an atmosphere. Titan is compared with our planet at the time of its development, so it is quite possible for it to have the simplest forms of life in underground reservoirs, where conditions are more favorable. The dense atmosphere does not give a chance for the passage of cosmic radiation, and weak gravity makes it possible to hover above the surface when jumping.

One has only to guess which of the planets will become a new home for all of us. To carry out one of options few decades will pass. It is necessary to develop space technologies to significantly top level than now and take all possible precautions, as a long stay in space is bad for people's health. Perhaps this problem will soon be solved with the help of DNA modification. And it really can be so, because humanity, with its technological marches, is capable of incredible things. The future of space technology is so interesting that it looks like a decisive and completely crazy development step.

Space surrounds us with secrets and mysteries, and the future of our planet cannot be predetermined based on theories and assumptions. But do not underestimate the possibilities of our Universe, which can bring an unexpected surprise at any moment and what consequences will it entail?

Lena Orlova - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews