Old Hunter Games: What's Up with the Hunter? Walkthrough The Old Hunters (DLC) Bloodborne Supplement Walkthrough

You are doing the right thing.

I'm not doing very well. But I didn't come here to whine. I came here to help you. Yes, that's it for you. You did not ask me for advice, but I will still give it. I ask you to read it carefully and take it very seriously.

Here's what you need to do today, after you read it all, straight away:

1) Reinstall your operating system... Format the disk for this case, overwriting the entire space, do not save time. Best of all is linux (for example, modern Linux Mint is quite pleasing to the eyes of an old Windows user). At least for surfing the Internet. If you are the same addict of AAA games like me, you can roll Windows with the second system, purely for the games. But it’s better not to let her on the Internet. Encrypt both systems. Mint or Ubuntu will offer you this option in a casual and straightforward way from the standard installer. Encrypt your home folder too, there will be such an option. Windows can be encrypted using VeraCrypt after installation.

2) Use the same VeraCrypt to encrypt all your storage media. Everything. For paleov, create a hidden partition inside a regular encrypted one, with the option of denying encryption. In case our laws are tightened to the level of English and you can be imprisoned for forgetting your password.

3) To store passwords, use KeepassX or Keepass 2. You only need to remember the following passwords by heart: to decrypt the disk, to decrypt the Keepass file. Don't skimp on them, 128 bit will do. The home folder password, which is also the superuser password, will have to be entered often, so you can save money here. It's still a cipher in a cipher. Password for an encrypted partition with a palette. Even the keepass cannot be trusted, in the case of the English law, the kipas will have to be surrendered, but only you should know that there is, in principle, in nature.

4) Set up a VPN connection. You can take it not expensive, it's just a basic level of security. When you feel you have to be careful use an anonymous overlay like Tor, i2p or a promising development promised by MIT when it comes out ...

5) Buy a clean SIM card from the metro. Or several. Use one for everyday communication. Another as needed. Encrypt the phone too. With a SIM card registered in your name, you shouldn't even call your mom - just throw it out, it's rubbish.

7) Torrents are extremely dangerous. What you are downloading is visible to your ISP, and for the cracked Windows you downloaded, they may not come for you tomorrow, but in a year or three. They don't forget, they just have a long queue. If you download a torrent, then only with a magnetic link, only with a prayer and only using the anonymous version in Tribler. Just forget about donkeys, goats, shareazu and so on. Orthodox anonymous networks of the new generation such as RetroShare can and should be used, but you won't find nifig there. For now.

8) Minimize your social media presence. It's safe to read, but G-d don't let you click the wrong like or repost somewhere. And remember that the service that is not hosted in your country is by definition better. If you are in the United States, then be afraid of the NSA, if in the Russian Federation - the other three letters. They don't get along with each other, that's your strength. But this is NOT a guarantee AT ALL.

9) Remember that all media will be taken away from you. And if they do not give it back soon, but most likely they will sell it on the radio market to pull the beer after work. Synchronize critical information with well-encrypted cloud storage. For example MEGA.

10) Find a good lawyer. And keep his phone on speed dial.

11) When (not if, but when) they come to you, do not try to explain or comment on anything. You have the constitutional right not to say anything. Use it. Silence is gold. What can the lawyer tell you, he’s on speed dial and is already on his way, right?

12) Maybe you know better than me what security measures to apply, BUT. The most important thing. Do not even dare to think that everything said does not apply to you, just because you are not doing anything wrong. Don't you dare think that you are innocent. If you didn’t do anything wrong, it doesn’t mean that you are not a criminal. Criminal. 10 times. And maybe you will become 20 more while the laws are printed by a mad printer. You have no idea where the blow will come from and for what. You can't keep track of all the insanity. They don't care whether you are collecting a bomb in the basement or jerking off on colorful ponies, sold out to the State Department, or sincerely want to make your country better, raped a child in the middle of the street, or watched a Japanese cartoon with schoolgirls once, wrote mynkampf or liked the post of Citizen Slave, you are the Minister of Finance who stole millions or a janitor-drunk who broke a government broom. They just follow. And the degree of your guilt stipulated by brilliant and fair legislation will be approximately the same in any of these cases.

13) Keep your money in stock. A decent lawyer costs about the same as a porcelain Hollywood smile. True, caries will wait, but there is no blindfold Nemesis. Just do not give the money to the bank - they will freeze it. Do not put dollars or even more so rubles under your pillow - currencies will depreciate. And do not bury gold in a jar of cereals - they will confiscate it. Just buy some top cryptocurrency, according to your taste or several different ones. At the same time, you will earn on the rise of the course.

14) It's useless to start a tractor, where you can decently live laws even more repulsed than ours. And where there is no law, the first ebony with Kalash will be cleaned. When it’s bad around, you don’t need to look for another globe, you need to clean up your own house.

15) Don't believe. Do not be afraid. Do not ask. Make the world a better place. Do something for this. When each of us does, everything will change. This is not the bottom. This is the agony of the old world giving birth to a new world in agony, which will not be perfect either, but will be much better. Smile and roll up your sleeves.

Perhaps this will not affect you personally, because you are not alone. The whole world is like us. But this is not a lottery in which you can put your head on the sector "maybe it will blow." And the chances here are not at all as rosy as you think, these nuts are now twisting in full force until the thread comes off. Believe me, when at four o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, you are dragged out of bed by a bell or people in black masks will knock down the door in your office with a ram, you will be very glad that your mosquito does not undermine your nose. If you can't do everything I've written, do something. Even a tiny bit of security is better than none at all. If I weren't a little paranoid, I wouldn't be able to write to you now. But if I were paranoid enough, I would just continue to delight you with fresh games. Don't make my mistake.

Take care.

Bonus for those who read paranoia. Of course, you are not worried about this nonsense, but the question of what is now with the game. Well ... things get complicated of course, but I hope that everything will be fine, although I can not guarantee anything. Here's what to expect anyway:

Old Hunter is compromised and tired, he wants to go into the Mist;

The Old Hunter will be doing some work on the game's setting and architecture;

Old Hunter will NOT do any extreme content, whether it be violence, sex, or any other sensitive topic, either by himself or in collaboration. They may be outlined and mentioned, but they will not be described or otherwise illustrated anywhere;

This does not mean that the MER game will not receive such content. The project is completely open and anyone can work on it, and we know what everyone wants;

The hunter will open the patreon according to the "white" version of the project, because the hunter needs to pay debts for very expensive lawyers. But neither here, nor here, nor anywhere else, he will not share links to extreme content. You will have to look for it yourself, it will pop up, do not worry - it always pops up;

The hunter will not be talkative at all. Silence is gold;

And if he does speak English. So the Hunter will hear more open ears and fewer malicious ones.

This resource, like all old contacts, will soon be CLEANED BY THE FLAME with some probability. New contacts will appear as needed, possibly in the files of the first release of TBP;

If you want Hunter to write games and not malyavs from Kolyma, you can support him financially, but only and exclusively with bitcoin. The address where to send cue ball is on the panel to the right of this post.

Upon arrival at “ Hunter's Dream”, Pick upBlood Drunk Hunter's Eye”And also selectOld hunting bell”. Then head toCathedral District”And turn left, go through the passage where you will be grabbedAmygdala”, This will take you to the supplement.

Now light the lamp and move forward, as soon as you enter the open area, turn right and climb into “ Great Cathedral”.
On the way you will meet Hunter, wielding a whip and a gun, it will not be difficult to defeat him, he very weak, 3-4 hits will be enough to win.
Keep moving up, on the way you are discover the gate, but unfortunately until they can be opened.

We return to the passage leading to “ Oedon Chapel", On the way you will again meet one hunter, we kill him and jump down to the ledge, there we pick upOld Hunter Gloves”, Now we return Same road, but already passing further protruding roots, and then hit the Blood Bubble, which is on the left on the ground.

Then look below, at the square, there is a horde, soon we have to meet with them, but for now turn around and head to the spire and turn right. But watch out ahead ambush arranged by two dogs after straighten out with them, keep going forward.

Look out for the hunter hidden on the right and quickly kill him. Ignore the path on the left (it leads to the Great Cathedral), and instead, go on the right. Farther come down to the ground and kill " monstrous crows”And then activate the adjacent lever. This will open the gate that you found earlier, through this gate opened a shortcut back toChapel of Oedon”.

Take the stairs to the top, there is waiting for you Hunter, having defeated him, turn to the left and go up the stairs again. After a few seconds, a huge burning stone will start rolling on you from the top, quickly go down and hide from it. When the stone collapses, continue your let up the stairs, there you will see two hunters who opened the door " Cthulhu executioner with an ax" , he will overcome them with ease, and you need to prepare for battle, lure him into an enclosed space. He is dangerous at any distance, with a jump he is able to shorten the distance, and with a roundhouse kick, break the distance. After killing him, climb to the top and take there "Pendant in the shape of an eye"(gives access to the altar of surgery). Then, turn left and go through the cave. Behind it, you will find a barrier of turrets, you can pass them only by moving from one shelter to another. After the turrets, you will be attacked by Hunter with a crowd of enemies, luring them one by one, kill them. Then go into the building, two opponents and an explosive trap are waiting for you in it, be careful. If you exit through the door to the left, at the top of the stairs you will meet " Beast Hunter ", a rather difficult opponent, has high speed and powerful blows, by defeating him you will get - Burning Hammer Badge(Opens access to things for Envoy of the Baths).

Door on the right in the building will lead you to the river of blood, and I walk along it Bloodsuckers by luring them out one at a time, overpowering them would be an attainable goal. You need to turn right, you will be prevented from passing Hunters, having dealt with them, go further along the river and you will run into a closed gate. (On the left along the river you will find a cave, there you will be attackedHunter with Gatling Machine Gun and Infected, at the end you will receive "Hand of the Amygdala"). Turn left from the gate and go around the fallen tower, behind it you need to overcome Hunter and monstrous crows ... After going further you will see a ladder, use it and climb to the top, following the path, go down the ladder again to the river of blood. There they are waiting for you "Executioner-cthulhu with an ax" and "Executioner-cthulhu with a gun-gun", these are two very dangerous opponents, to begin with, defeat the enemy with an ax, since the cannon takes a long time to reload and you can hide from it. Having dealt with them, go to Church of the Nightmare (located on the right side) there you can light a lantern and you can rest.

You need to go through the locked gate, which was behind the cthulhu with a cannon-gun, to do this, go around them on the left side and head into the cave. There you will find the first boss of the add-on - Ludwig the Damned. This boss also has a second stage - Ludwig Sacred Blade.

You can see detailed tactics in the section .

Underground corpse pile

After defeating Ludwig, light the lantern that appears. Then come to your head Ludwig, she will start talking to you, and then laugh hysterically. If you wear a set of the Black or White Church and choose in the dialog that appears "Yes", you get "Sword of the Sacred Moonlight" or just kill your head.

Go up the stairs next to which the head was lying. The wanderer will be locked in the cell on the left, you will not be able to open the door. Before inspecting other cameras, deal with By the servants of the church... One will be in a wheelchair and with a firearm, it is better to deal with him first and only after him take up the second. When you defeat both, you can safely inspect the cells with open doors. Having finished looking at the cameras, go along the corridor and go up the stairs, on your right there will be rats, and on the left is the altar, which is guarded by two Churchman... The Churchman in black is very strong, lure him into prison and kill him, and then return and deal with the Churchman in white, he is much easier, because he uses magic.

Go to the altar and insert the one you found earlier. You will see a short cutscene, after which you will take the elevator to the next floor. Light the lantern and use the lever to go down. Then, next to the altar, activate the lever, but do not go to the elevator, wait until the platform leaves, and another will take its place. From her you need to take Lawrence's Skull. Return to the Great Cathedral, where you fought " Cthulhu executioner with an ax". As soon as you approach the fiery monster on the wall, it will come to life - it will Lawrence, First Vicar... You can see the tactics of the battle against him in the section -

Research Hall

Climbing on the platform you will find yourself in the location - Research Hall... Going further, you will find a small pool with poisoned water, it is dangerous to stay in this water for a long time, it is better to lure all enemies out of there. Having examined this area, you will see a huge staircase leading to the top, the staircase itself and the floors adjacent to it are dotted with "Patients", most of them will not attack you unless you attack first. But "Patients" with any weapon they carry a threat, although they are not strong enemies. There are shelves with medicines on the floors - these are traps and are triggered by a pressure plate on the floor, while exploring the room, be extremely careful (before moving anywhere, take a close look).

Already on the second floor you will be met "Wheelchair users"- formidable opponents at long distances, try to quickly get to them and kill them. On the second floor, on one of the ledges, there will be " Church minister "(it can be seen from the lower floors if you look closely) - this is your landmark. Get to him and kill, immediately behind him you will find a door, go into it. There will be three waiting for you "Wheelchair users". It will be easy to deal with them, since they will not attack at the same time, or they simply may not notice you. After cleaning the room, enter the elevator, going downstairs you will find yourself in a room with Adelina, the Bloody Saint, talk to her and take tasks. Right behind it, you can open the door to the pool where you started your ascent.

You need to bring three Brain liquids it is found only in meat pieces:

  • The first piece of meat- located on the fifth floor Research Hall on the beams under the roof itself. It is necessary to raise the platform, run along the beams to the non-aggressive patient in the sheets, kill him and you will be able to pick up the cerebral fluid. Reward: Adeline's blood.
  • Second piece of meat- can only be found after turning the lever on the fifth floor. When the stairs at the location change location, a piece of meat will appear on one of the flights, guarded by a hostile Hunter... Kill him and take away the cerebral fluid. Reward: Balcony Key ( Opens the balcony opposite the lantern in the Research Hall).
  • After rebooting the location, Adeline slid off her chair and mutated into a piece of meat, and now lies by the door. Talk to her and then kill. Pick up the next cerebral fluid from her corpse. 3-4 seconds after that Adeline come to life, give her the liquid. Reward: rune " Spurge"

After completing the task, enter the elevator and climb to the floor above, exit through the door, which is on the left. Then turn right and go up the stairs. Opening a huge door you have to fight the boss - Living failures.

By defeating him, you will receive Astral Clock Tower Key... When you leave the garden, you can light a lantern. Open the gate immediately behind him and you will enter Astral clock tower... Go to the corpse and interact with it, after which the video will start, as soon as it ends, you have to fight with the boss - Lady Mary of the Astral Clock Tower.

Fishing village

After defeating Lady Mary, take the heavenly dial and light the lantern. After that, go to the chair where you sat Lady Miriya and "Bring up the heavenly dial", to do this, click on the gamepad [ X] when a message appears on the screen. Go into the opened passage and you find yourself - in Fishing village. Look closely at the village in the right corner, you can light a lantern, and the left side will start attacking you Triton. They are slow, so dealing with them can be very easy. Lure them out one by one and move in front, then you will meet Fishmonger, a very dangerous enemy, with powerful blows, with the help of evasions, defeat him. Then go further along the road, there will be again Fishmonger, behind him will be dilapidated hut and lighthouse, in the hut you can light a lantern. Walk around the lighthouse and walk along the rooftops and then across the wooden bridge. Enter the cave, they are waiting for you in it Newts, and below Mermaids. Near Mermaids find the passage, it will lead you to the platform, behind the platform find the passage along which the "worshiper" lie. The passage will lead you to the final boss - Orphan Kosa.

- "The Old Hunters"



To get 100% you need to go through the storyline of the "The Old Hunters" add-on in which you have to kill 4 storyline bosses and one additional one, as well as collect all 16 new types of weapons, one of which you can accidentally skip. The complexity of the add-on is in no way inferior to the main game and is 7/10 . A full unhurried passage will take you about 15 hours.



In addition "The Old Hunters" you can take 100% in one playthrough, for this you need to carefully familiarize yourself with one single skip trophy. In addition to everything one missed trophy:

Only one weapon is skipped in this trophy, so as not to accidentally miss it, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the location of the skipped weapon.


In addition, there is only one trophy that can glitch, namely, but it rarely bugs and is fixed by simply buying all types of weapons from the DLC from Bathing Envoys.

Warning: the text contains spoilers! If you have not finished the game yet and do not want to spoil your impression, then reading the article is not recommended.


In order to get into the DLC "The Old Hunters" you must:

1. Kill the boss "Vicar Amelia" and use the altar at the end of the room to change the game time to night.

2. In "Hunter's Dream" Near Doll take "Eye of the Blood-Drinking Hunter" :

3. Go to the location "Cathedral District", go out through the left passage and go to the right edge of the square, to the place where the hunter's body lies:

4. Wait until you get grabbed Amygdala and will transfer to "Hunter's Nightmare" .

After activating the flashlight in "Hunter's Nightmare" DLC "The Old Hunters" can be accessed through Nightmare Headstone in "Hunter's Dream", the location of which can be seen in the screenshot below:

Passage of the plot

If you do not want to repeat the passage of this add-on, then you should remember only one skipped trophy. Let's take a closer look at it.

Collect all the weapons of the old hunters.

To obtain this trophy, you must collect all the weapons that appeared in the DLC "The Old Hunters". In total, 16 new types of weapons were added - 11 for the right hand and 5 for the left, besides, one of them was skipped.

Next, I will apply the following labels:
(NS)- Weapon for the right hand; (LR)- Weapon for the left hand; (Skipped)- Weapons can be skipped;

Consider the entire list of weapons of old hunters:

1. Monster slayer (NS)

Rises from the corpse of a hunter at the beginning of the location "Hunter's Nightmare" ... In order to find him, you need to go up the hill to the hunter, and then jump down from the ledge:

There, in addition to a bunch of enemies, there will be a hunter's corpse, from which you can collect the required weapon.
2. Rattlesnake hammer (NS)

At the same location "Hunter's Nightmare" when you reach the entrance to the cathedral, inside of which you are resting "Vicar Lawrence" , do not go into it, but turn right. Going down, and then overcoming enemies next to machine guns, go down even one level lower. Further, do not go downstairs, but go left - in the building. After going down the stairs inside, turn left and back. There, next to your grandfather in a stroller, you will find Rattlesnake hammer... Just be careful - the wheelchair is mined!

3. Piercing gun (NS)

Can be bought from Bathing Envoys in "Hunter's Dream" for 20,000 Blood Echoes, after finding Burning Hammer Badge ... The badge itself is taken near the place where it was Rattlesnake hammer and a mined wheelchair, just going down the stairs you do not turn left and back, but simply left and go out through the passage to the street. Then you go forward, climb the stairs to the hunter with a claw, after killing which you will get the same Burning Hammer Badge .

4. Gatling machine gun (LR)

From a house with a mined wheelchair (in which there was Rattlesnake hammer) we go out into the street through the right passage, if you stand with your back to the stairs leading to the second floor. Going down to the river of blood, we turn right and go to the entrance to the cave. Entering it you will meet an armed hunter Gatling machine gun ... After killing this hunter, his weapon will go to you.

5. Hand of the Amygdala (NS)

Located in the same cave where they took Gatling machine gun ... You need to go a little further forward and go down. Caution: it is guarded by the Blood-Swallowing Beast.

6. Simon's Sharp Bow (NS)

There are several ways to get it. First, let's find Simon himself. Coming out of the cave in which you took Gatling machine gun and Hand of the Amygdala, we go along the river of blood to the bridge. Climbing the bridge, we pass along it and go down - into the building. At the end of the corridor you will find Simon, to the left of which there will be doors that open the cut. Now let's get back to the methods of obtaining.

The first way:
The simplest and does not require any additional manipulations. Just kill Simon, from his corpse you will get the same Simon's Sharp Bow ... With this method "The key to one of the chambers in the dungeon" Bloodletter will lie next to the lantern in the hut in the location "Fishing Village" , i.e. where the dying Simon was supposed to lie using the second method.

Second way:
1) Talk to Simon and answer "I am very interested in nightmares".
2) Almost at the end of the DLC in the location "Fishing Village" he will lie dying next to the lantern in the hut ( "Hut near the lighthouse"):

After talking with him, you will receive Simon's Sharp Bow , and "The key to one of the chambers in the dungeon" required to obtain weapons Bloodletter.

Attention: for those who missed Simon and, of course, all items related to him, there is no reason to be upset. Even after completing the DLC, you can return to the place where it stands at the very beginning, described just above, and use any of the two methods of obtaining weapons Simon's Sharp Bow .

7. Monster hunter saif (NS)

At the same location "Hunter's Nightmare" we return to the river of blood and go to the right of the bridge, if you stand with your back to the passage leading to Simon and to the doors that activate the contraction. In the place where two dogs attack you, we run around the fallen tower and come across a hunter and a large number of crows. Having dealt with them or simply ignored, we go up the stairs, and then instead of going forward to the hill, we go to the left and jump down through the broken fence. There you will be met by a hunter armed with a saif, and if you go a little further, you will find a corpse from which this weapon is selected.

8. Saw blade (NS)

At the location "Hunter's Nightmare" , immediately after finding Monster hunter saif Climbing back up the stairs and overcoming the hill in front, you jump down. After going a little further you will meet two big guys, in this place keep to the right, there you will find the entrance to the cathedral, and in the cathedral there is a lamp "The Main Cathedral of Nightmare"... Next, go down the stairs next to this lamp and tomb, and then jump down to the crows. Having passed to the left to the very end, you will stumble upon a corpse lying on a stone, from which you will pick up this weapon.

9. Sacred Moonlight Sword (NS) (Skipped)

Immediately after killing the boss "Ludwig Sacred Blade" ("Ludwig the Damned" ) to the left of the lamp you will find his head. You can do it in two ways.

The first way:
Just kill your head and take away Sacred Moonlight Sword .

Second way:
Dress in either of the two church sets ( White Church or Black Church), talk to your head and agree. In this case, you will receive Sacred Moonlight Sword right after the conversation.

Attention: if you forget to take this sword after killing Ludwig and at the same time leave Simon alive, then after defeating the boss "Lady Mary of the Astral Clock Tower" Simon will finish off his head with one accurate shot from his bow. If this happens, then Sacred Moonlight Sword in this playthrough you won't get it anymore!

10. Fist of Grace (LR)

Found in one of the underground chambers right after the boss "Ludwig Sacred Blade" .

11. Church cannon (LR)

Climbing the stairs from the underground prison, you will stumble upon two hunters, after whom there will be a large platform - an elevator leading to "Hall of Research" ... Activate the platform and immediately go back from it. Another platform will rise from below, on the altar of which take "Laurence's Skull" , you will need it to challenge the boss "First Vicar Lawrence" ... Next, we activate the lever and using this platform we go down. There, in a small nook, there will be a chest in which lies Church cannon.

12. Church pick (NS)

To get this weapon, first you need to find "The key to the chambers in the dungeon" ... It is located in the location "Hall of Research" , on the third floor of the infirmary. First you need to climb to the very top and use a mechanism that will move all the stairs. After that, go up from Adeline(which sits at the very bottom "Hall of Research" , the door to it will be, if you go up the stairs and turn to the right of the lantern) on the elevator. Then we go into the opposite elevator and carefully look to the left - there will be a passage that you need to get into while the elevator is moving (the easiest way to do this is when the elevator goes down). Then we go forward, turn to the left, go down the stairs keeping to the left side and climb the stairs nearby. After rising, we turn left, go to the end and turn right, there will be a corpse from which we collect this key.

13. Lockh Shield (LR)

Everything is the same "Hall of Research" , after turning the mechanism at the very top, one of the stairs will turn to the ledge, which is closer to the first floor, on which there will be a corpse with this shield.

14. Rakuyo (NS)

At the location "Fishing Village" on the square you will find a well, when you go down into it one fish will attack you. Another one will hang from the ceiling, which will jump down only when you spend 50% of your life first. By killing this second fish as a reward, you will receive Rakuyo.

15. Bloodletter (NS)

To obtain this weapon you will need to collect "The key to one of the chambers in the dungeon" ... Where and how to find it can be found in the description of the location of the weapon Simon's Sharp Bow .

After picking up the key, we return to the underground prison and go down to the locked Brador... Unlocking the door and killing him we get Bloodletter.

Receive for defeating a boss "Orphan Kosa".

Now let's move on to the most important thing - to the bosses and the tactics of dealing with them. As always, we will consider them in the order of the battles.

Ludwig Sacred Blade (Ludwig the Damned)

Boss type: plot


In the first stage Ludwig mainly uses sweeping attacks with claws, tries to bite into teeth, and also makes dashes and jumps. Despite the seeming chaos of his attacks, you can always catch windows between them and inflict damage on the boss. His horse legs, as well as heads, are best suited for strikes. Try to watch his attacks and go behind him, or stick to either of the sides. Because A somersault is carried out further than a bounce, I recommend not to use focus on the target at the first stage or turn it off during the boss's attacks.

In the second stage, the boss will use a sword. Move away from him when he plunges the sword into the ground, and also dodge a series of sword attacks that hit far and hurt, so it's better to stay on one of his sides or back.

To help yourself, you can call three phantoms, or rather, either one first, or the second and third:

1) Henrietta... The call sign is next to the one closest to Ludwig a lantern. Coming down from "Churches of Nightmare" down, on the left you will find the place of her summoning.

2) Twin Madaras... Summoned where the Butcher's Set lies, next to one of the big ones. The condition of the call is the use of the rune Impurity, for which you need to join the covenant "League" by talking to Walter which is located near the lantern "Forbidden Forest", in the mill building.

3) Waltre... On the way to Ludwig, right after two big guys, you will meet a witch, a little further to the right of which there will be crows. Next to these ravens, you will find a call sign. Again, to summon it you need to use the rune Impurity.

Boss Kill Reward:

Living failures

Boss type: plot


The difficulty of this boss lies only in the fact that there are several Failures, the maximum can be 4. It is worth remembering that they have a weakness for electricity. The tactics of fighting them are quite simple - we run around a glowing tree of sunflowers, hiding behind it from throwing magic attacks and, if possible, inflicting damage on one of the enemies. During an air attack, when Failures stretch their arms to the sky, and the environment begins to darken, it is best to hide under the roof next to the doors leading to the clock tower.

Boss Kill Reward:

Lady Mary of the Astral Clock Tower

Boss type: plot


The boss is quite simple and in many cases is killed on the first run. First of all, it should be noted that Maria very easy to parry. Fast weapons are best suited for combat. We just go to her over the left shoulder and punch, then we dodge attacks over the same left shoulder and, having restored the stamina, we return to the previous actions.

If you still prefer a heavy weapon, then you can use the expanded two-handed grip Ax of the Hunter and attack Mary charged attack every time it approaches you.

Boss Kill Reward:

First Vicar Lawrence

Boss type: additional


This boss has a longer and stronger left paw, you should take this into account when fighting him. Therefore, during the first stage, try to keep under his right paw. It will carry out two types of ground strikes - one with a blast after pulling out the paw, the other just striking the ground. So, while hitting the ground with a blast wave, hitting his paw, you can get the opportunity to repost. But if you still decide to approach him during this attack, then do everything quickly, hit once and immediately run, so as not to be caught by the blast wave.

In the second stage, he loses his legs, but do not think that because of this he loses in agility and strength. He will carry out attacks with even greater fury, while pouring magma from both his mouth and from the back of everything, leaving a trail of fire behind him. At this stage, it is best to stick to its right side and constantly be careful not to accidentally fall into the magma on the floor.

Boss Kill Reward:

Here's a quick supplement guide Bloodborne: The Old Hunters.

  • What level should a character be to access Bloodborne: The Old Hunters?

There is no limit, but it is better to pump to level 65 and higher.

  • Q: How many new weapons are there in Bloodborne: The Old Hunters?

11 for the right hand and 5 for the left.

  • Q: How many bosses will Bloodborne: The Old Hunters have?
  • Will I be able to continue playing with my friends if I have The Old Hunters expansion and they don't, or vice versa?
  • How long will it take to complete The Old Hunters?

Depending on your style of play. We walked in 7 hours.

  • How do I get to the Bloodborne: The Old Hunters expansion zone?

Defeat Amelia in the Main Cathedral and go to the altar. Return to Hunter's Dream and look at the floor next to the Doll. The messengers will give you a special item - Blood Drinking Hunter's Eye (Eye of a blood-drunk hunter). Go to Yharnam Tombstone and travel to Cathedral District (Cathedral ward- Oedon Chapel) and exit into the passage on the left. Go down the stairs, turn right and stand in front of the dead man next to the tree. You will automatically be taken to Hunter's Nightmare.

  • What is the League and can I join without The Old Hunters?

The League is a new covenant focused on multiplayer with a shared leaderboard. The league is available to all owners of the original Bloodborne.

  • How will online play change?

An old hunting bell will appear in the game, which allows you to summon a non-player character-assistant.