Products by gi. Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. What determines the GI of foods

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is a measure of the effect of foods on the rate at which blood sugar rises. The concept of the glycemic index is actively used to form a diet for diseases of the endocrine, digestive systems, and for weight loss.

There are three product groups:

  • Products with low glycemic index have an indicator of up to 50-55 units. This group includes almost all vegetables and some raw fruits, as well as dishes high in protein and fat.
  • The average level - from 50 to 65 units - have some types of vegetables, fruits and cereals. For example, bananas, pineapple, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, beets.
  • Food with a high GI has a digital value of more than 70 units. This group includes fast carbohydrates: sugar, beer, flour products from white flour of the highest grade, etc.

Why is it important to consider the GI of foods

After eating food, the glucose contained in the food enters the gastrointestinal tract and increases blood sugar levels (glycemia). At the same time, the effect of foods on glycemia differs depending on the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Fast carbohydrates (or simple, consisting of simple sugars - monosaccharides) have a high GI and quickly increase the concentration of sugar in the blood to the highest levels (hyperglycemia). In turn, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to lower sugar levels.

After eating fast carbohydrates, the concentration of glucose in the blood is extremely high, so a significant amount of insulin is released, which lowers the sugar level to below normal levels, causing hypoglycemia - a lack of glucose in the blood. This is the danger of foods with a glycemic index above 80, since sugar surges, intensive work of the pancreas and the deposition of glucose in the form of fat reserves lead to diabetes and obesity.

In a completely different way, slow (complex) carbohydrates with complex polysaccharides in the composition, which, as a rule, have a low GI, act.

After eating a low GI food, blood glucose rises slowly, depending on the rate at which complex sugar molecules are broken down into simple ones. Thus, slow carbohydrates do not cause a jump in glucose and insulin, while an optimal state of all body systems is observed.

Who is a low GI diet for?

The use of foods with a low glycemic index, as the basis of the diet, is indicated for diseases of the endocrine system:

  • when the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin to lower glucose levels after eating simple carbohydrates, type 2 diabetes;
  • with insulin resistance (pre-diabetic state), when insulin is secreted in excessive amounts, as a result of which the cells lose sensitivity to the hormone;
  • at chronic pancreatitis to reduce the load on the pancreas and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Low glycemic index food table

Using the list of products makes it possible to quickly create a menu for diabetes or for weight loss, taking into account the glycemic index and calorie content.

Products with low GI have a number of advantages, as they have only a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • contribute to a stable level of glucose in the blood;
  • enable the body to use energy for life for a long time for 2-3 hours after eating;
  • contain more fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and maintains good microflora in the intestines;
  • do not contribute to weight gain, since an increase in fat stores occurs during high blood insulin levels after eating a large amount of simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.
Grocery list GI Calories per 100 g
Bakery products, flour and cereals
Rye bread 50 200
Rye bread with bran 45 175
Whole grain bread (no flour added) 40 300
Whole grain bread 45 295
Rye bread 45
Oat flour 45
Rye flour 40 298
Flax flour 35 270
Buckwheat flour 50 353
Quinoa flour 40 368
Buckwheat 40 308
brown rice 50 111
Basmati rice, unpeeled 45 90
oats 40 342
Whole grain bulgur 45 335
Meat dishes and seafood
Pork 0 316
Beef 0 187
Chicken 0 165
Pork cutlets 50 349
Pork sausages 28 324
Pork sausage 50 Up to 420 depending on variety
Veal sausage 34 316
All kinds of fish 0 From 75 to 150 depending on the variety
fish cakes 0 168
Crab sticks 40 94
sea ​​kale 0 5
Sour-milk dishes
Skimmed milk 27 31
Low-fat cottage cheese 0 88
Curd 9% fat 0 185
Yogurt without additives 35 47
Kefir low fat 0 30
Sour cream 20% 0 204
Cream 10% 30 118
Chees Feta 0 243
Brynza 0 260
hard cheese 0 From 360 to 400 depending on the variety
Fats, sauces
Butter 0 748
All types of vegetable oils 0 From 500 to 900 kcal
Salo 0 841
Mayonnaise 0 621
Soy sauce 20 12
Ketchup 15 90
Broccoli 10 27
White cabbage 10 25
Cauliflower 15 29
Onion 10 48
Olives 15 361
Carrot 35 35
cucumbers 20 13
Olives 15 125
Bell pepper 10 26
Radish 15 20
Arugula 10 18
Leaf salad 10 17
Celery 10 15
Tomatoes 10 23
Garlic 30 149
Spinach 15 23
fried mushrooms 15 22
Fruits and berries
Apricot 20 40
Quince 35 56
cherry plum 27 27
Orange 35 39
Grape 40 64
Cherry 22 49
Blueberry 42 34
Pomegranate 25 83
Grapefruit 22 35
Pear 34 42
Kiwi 50 49
Coconut 45 354
Strawberry 32 32
Lemon 25 29
Mango 55 67
Mandarin 40 38
Raspberry 30 39
Peach 30 42
pomelo 25 38
plums 22 43
Currant 30 35
Blueberry 43 41
Sweet cherry 25 50
Prunes 25 242
Apples 30 44
Nuts, legumes
Walnuts 15 710
Peanut 20 612
Cashew nuts 15
Almond 25 648
Hazelnut 0 700
Pine nuts 15 673
Pumpkin seeds 25 556
Peas 35 81
Lentils 25 116
Beans 40 123
chickpeas 30 364
Mash 25 347
beans 30 347
Sesame 35 572
Quinoa 35 368
soy cheese tofu 15 76
Soy milk 30 54
Hummus 25 166
canned peas 45 58
Peanut butter 32 884
Tomato juice 15 18
Tea 0
Coffee without milk and sugar 52 1
cocoa with milk 40 64
Kvass 30 20
Dry white wine 0 66
Dry red wine 44 68
Dessert wine 30 170

glycemic index diet

The glycemic index diet is effective tool for weight loss, as the diet is based on low GI foods.

High GI foods contribute to rapid weight gain. High insulin levels cause glucose from the blood to replenish fat cells. Insulin also blocks the body's ability to take energy from fat reserves.

A diet with a low glycemic index for 10 days leads to a weight loss of 2-3 kilograms, which is facilitated by the following factors:

  • the absence of fast carbohydrates in products, as a result of which there is no increase in the supply of adipose tissue;
  • in the absence of fast carbohydrates in the diet, edema decreases and excess water is removed from the body;
  • decreased hunger caused by normal blood sugar levels.

The diet should be built according to the following principle: three main meals and 1-2 snacks in the form of fruits or vegetables. At the same time, it is forbidden to eat food with an indicator above 70 for the first time after the start of the diet.

Upon reaching the desired weight, you can diversify the diet by adding foods with higher rates in a limited amount: 100-150 grams once a week.

The diet has a lot of advantages, as it contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the whole organism, namely:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening immunity due to the lack of sugar in the diet, which significantly reduces the body's defenses;
  • reducing the likelihood of heart and liver disease;
  • lack of deficiency of vitamins and minerals due to the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits.

For type 2 diabetes

Proper nutrition is an important element in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The use of foods with a low GI slightly increases the level of glycemia, which makes it possible to avoid insulin therapy.

In the treatment of the disease, a low-calorie diet of 9 tables or a low-carbohydrate diet with a reduced content of complex carbohydrates is used. At the same time, despite the choice of diet, it is imperative to abandon foods with a high glycemic index.

A proper diet for diabetes allows not only to maintain blood glucose within the normal range, but also to lose excess weight which is usually associated with diabetes.

How to lower your GI

The glycemic index of food, in most cases, is a constant value, but there are some tricks that can reduce the performance of both a single product and a combined dish from different products, namely:

  • The GI of raw vegetables is always 20-30 units lower than thermally processed.
  • To reduce carbohydrates, you must simultaneously consume high-quality fat (cheeses, coconut oil, etc.) or protein (eggs, fish, meat). But this technique does not work with the simultaneous use of sugar and fat.
  • The more fiber consumed in one meal, the lower the GI of the total meal.
  • To lower the GI of rice, it is necessary to boil rice groats with the addition of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per liter of water), and then drain and freeze. Oil and freezing change the structure of starch in rice, which leads to a decrease in glycemic values.
  • The glycemic index level drops as the food cools down.
  • Use whole grains instead of cuts, flakes, etc.
  • Do not boil grains and vegetables during cooking.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits along with the peel, as the peel is the best source of fiber.
  • refill food lemon juice, since the acid somewhat reduces the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates in the composition of dishes.

A vital parameter for diabetic patients, called the glycemic index, is very important, because its value shows how different foods affect a person's blood glucose level.

A person who has never seen the calculated norms of various dishes may find them complex, incomprehensible. The glycemic index is represented by a systematization with the evaluation and distribution of everything that a person eats, where you can see how a certain fruit, vegetable or other dish can affect the "sugarness" of the blood. This index focuses on the calculation of carbohydrates contained in food. Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index value are rated from 0 to 55. These foods minimally affect blood sugar levels. An index parameter from 56 to 69 signals that sugar is able to rise at a moderate pace. If the value is more than 70 ─ such food affects the rise in glucose as much as possible.

The statement about the harmfulness of food with a high glycemic index is incorrect. It is useful to eat this food after physical work, and it is able to restore spent carbohydrates in the shortest possible time. But the abuse of such foods will adversely affect the human body. With a significant drop in glucose caused by this food, a person will increase weight, cholesterol, and metabolic processes will be disturbed.

The glycemic index should take into account not only one amount of carbohydrates. This indicator is also affected by the type of sugar present in the product, as well as the production technology of this product. For example, when comparing carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, the table shows that mashed potatoes and milk rice pudding have a high value parameter, and buns, canned apricots, this value is even higher.

When the index is low

In this type of product, the properties are opposite to those in which such an indicator is high. Technologically processed and cleaned, these products are minimal. The indicator of fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose by the body, is medium or high, and there is little sugar, but it is natural and healthy. Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index contain foods in the form of:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • legume crops.

About diet

This diet will help regulate the sugar ratio. With it, the energy from the food eaten is released slowly, respectively, satiety is felt for a long time.

There are 3 stages to a low glycemic diet. The emphasis is on foods rich in healthy protein, lipids and fiber. The first stage imposes a restriction on the intake of carbohydrate compounds, which means a two-week rejection of bread, potatoes and rice, and fruits cannot be taken. In the second stage of the excluded list, you can eat fruits with whole grain products. At the third stage, the achievement of the desired weight is observed, it is considered the maintenance period of this diet. At this stage, they are guided by past postulates, but all types of products are already included in the nutritious diet, it is advisable to avoid products with “empty” carbohydrate compounds (chips, hamburgers, crackers and many others), preference is given to “healthy fats”. Overeating and late eating is contraindicated.

Along with the nutritional value, any product containing carbohydrate compounds and digestible by a person contains a glycemic index. Often, high-calorie foods contain a high index value, and the opposite happens.

The very concept of this indicator conditionally means the speed of splitting of various products with carbohydrate compounds in comparison with the speed of splitting of simple glucose. The sooner the product breaks down, the greater the index value.

Therefore, there is a division of products containing carbohydrate compounds into high, medium and low index. "Empty carbohydrates" are found in foods whose index is high. This food will instantly increase glucose in the bloodstream, while there will be stimulation of insulin production, and diabetic patients have problems with this to varying degrees.

Insulin distributes "unnecessary" blood glucose to all tissues, some of which is converted to fat, and it also does not allow fats to be broken down back into sugar. When this hormone works, fat can accumulate, but the process will never go in the opposite direction. Therefore, food with a high glycemic index in large quantities can add extra pounds.

Carbohydrates with low, medium and high glycemic index are described in the table. For example, a plum has a glycemic index of 35 and is considered low, a glycemic index for pasta made from durum wheat is 50, which is considered medium. The glycemic index of a pear is 30, which is low. Grapefruit also has a glycemic index of 30. Mango has a glycemic index of 50, which is average.

About carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrate compounds have easy digestibility and high sugar levels. These are the sweetest products (confectionery products, sweet juices, sugar and others).

The digestibility of complex carbohydrates (starch, polysaccharide and glycogen compounds) occurs gradually, glucose is increased at a slower rate and long-term maintenance of the working regime of the human body is carried out. Found in fruits such as:

  • grapefruit;
  • mango;
  • pears.

There are also a lot of them in pasta and bread products.

Fibrous carbohydrate compounds contain vegetables, bran. There are 2 types of fiber:

  • able to dissolve, for example, pectin, found in various fruits (mango, grapefruit), slows down digestion and lowers the cholesterol level of a person’s blood;
  • incapable of dissolution (grain husk) is not able to be absorbed in the digestion of people. By using it, you can prevent oncology of the large intestine and the resulting constipation.

It is better to start the day by taking whole grains. If you like porridge, try whole oats or wheat or other whole grains. It is better to limit potatoes, instead it is good to try brown rice. Cooking pasta is preferably done using whole wheat. Beans are a good idea to include in your diet. They are the basis of protein and slowly digestible carbohydrate compounds.

How to bypass this index

  • If the food contains a lot of fiber, then this figure will be low.
  • In natural vegetables and fruits, the value is lower than thermally processed.
  • Mashed potatoes will have a high parameter when compared to boiled potatoes in their skins. There is a connection here with the "denaturation" of starch compounds in the cooking process of potatoes. As a rule, the greater the number of cooking starch products (pasta, grain cereals), the higher the index will be.
  • If proteins and carbohydrates are combined, then this parameter is lowered. This symbiosis allows proteins to be absorbed into the bloodstream slowly, and carbohydrates help proteins to be absorbed as much as possible.
  • Crushed products have a high index value. This mainly applies to cereals.
  • When adding too little lipid to carbohydrates, their digestibility increases, and the index parameter decreases.
  • Prolonged chewing of food contributes to the slow absorption of carbohydrates.

Why is the calorie content of food in the diet low, but the person does not lose weight? This happens frequently. The secret may be hidden in the glycemic index, GI or GI. This setting is already in ]]>

The term "glycemic index"

Concept ]]>

After people ]]>

  • provides itself with energy in the current moment;
  • replenishes muscle glycogen stores;
  • the remains are deposited "in reserve", turning sugar into fat.

The glycemic index (GI) refers to the rate at which a food raises blood sugar levels. The GI scale is divided into 100 units. The measurement standard is glucose with GI = 100 units. The indicator gives an idea of ​​how much pure glucose is consumed during the day.

High and low glycemic index

Distinguish between high and low GI foods.

high GI

High GI foods contain fast carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are made up of one or two saccharides. They instantly give their energy to the blood, overflowing the body with glucose. During hydrolysis (cleavage), they do not form simpler carbohydrates or the molecule breaks down into 2 molecules of monosaccharides. So, sugar consists of 2 monosaccharides.

If energy is not required at the same time in the form of energy or glycogen, then it turns into fat. Are these reserves always used up? No, in most cases this does not happen due to a sedentary lifestyle. Hunger after eating food returns quickly.

Sources of fast carbohydrates:

  • sugar;
  • sweet foods, drinks;
  • starch;
  • soups, cereals fast food;
  • potato;
  • alcohol.

Low GI

The peculiarity of foods with a low glycemic index (slow, complex carbohydrates) is that they release their energy gradually over several hours. Such glucose enters the blood in small portions and is used to provide the body with energy, that is, it does not settle in the form of body fat.

Complex carbohydrates are those that consist of three or more monosaccharides, sometimes up to a thousand.

After eating low GI foods, a person feels full for a long time. Therefore, nutritionists pay attention to the fact that slow carbohydrates are preferable for maintaining a normal weight.

Sources of slow carbohydrates:

  • hard fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • cereals with minimal processing, with the exception of white rice, semolina, couscous;
  • bakery products from wholemeal flour;
  • pasta products from durum wheat.

If nutritionists recommend minimizing the use of fast carbohydrates, then the body needs slow carbohydrates in large quantities. Therefore, low-carb diets for weight loss are criticized.

Table showing GI by food groups

Cereals and flour products

Food product GI Carbohydrates, g
Butter buns 88 61
Vareniki with potatoes (2 pcs.) 60 33
Vareniki with cottage cheese (2 pcs.) 55 27
Buckwheat grain 50 67
Porridge Hercules 55 14,8
crackers 80 65,5
Semolina 65 72
Wheat flour 69 70,6
Muesli 80 67
Oat groats 66 50,1
Bran 51 16,6
Dumplings 70 13,5
Pearl barley 22 66,5
Cookies and cakes 75 70
Cheese Pizza 86 24,8
millet groats 71 66,5
Rice white 83 71
rice brown 79 0,2
Rice porrige 90 25,8
wholemeal spaghetti 38 39,7
Spaghetti, pasta 90 52
white bread toast 100 52,8
White bread 85 55,4
Bread with bran 45 46,8
Whole grain bread (wheat, rye) 40 40,3
Bread black 65 46
Barley grits 50 66,3


Product (100 g) GI Carbohydrates, g
eggplant 10 4,5
Broccoli 10 2,7
boiled carrots 101 6
Boiled potatoes 90 78
white mushrooms 10 1,1
Fried potatoes 95 42
fresh green peas 40 14,5
Fried zucchini 75 7,7
Cabbage 10 4,3
Stewed cabbage 15 9,6
Instant mashed potatoes 90 83
Red pepper 15 15,8
Corn 70 22,5
Onion 10 4,4
Olives 15 5,3
Tomatoes 10 2,8
Radish 15 3,4
Fresh cucumbers 20 1,8
Beet 64 8,8
Sunflower seeds 8 4
raw carrot 35 6,2
Pumpkin 75 4,2
Beans 40 10
Lentils 25 57,5
Crisps 80 49,3

Fruits and berries

Products GI Carbohydrates, g
apricots 20 7,9
pineapples 66 11,6
oranges 35 8,3
Watermelon 72 8
Bananas 65 19,2
Grape 40 16
Cherry 22 10,3
Grapefruit 22 6,5
Pears 34 9,9
Melon 65 5,3
Raisin 65 65
Kiwi 50 3,4
Strawberry 32 6,3
Dried apricots 30 43,4
Raspberry 30 5
Mandarin 40 8
Peaches 30 9,3
Plum 22 9,6
Currant 30 7,3
Dates 146 54,9
Sweet cherry 25 11,3
Blueberry 43 8,6
Prunes 25 49
Apples 30 10,6

Juices and drinks



Product (100 g) GI Carbohydrates, g
Peanut 20 8,6
Vegetable borscht 30 5
Meat borscht 30 5
Jam 70 56
The vinaigrette 35 26
Walnuts 15 13,7
Eggplant caviar 15 5,09
Squash Cavier 15 8,54
Cocoa (powder) 25 35
Marmalade without sugar 30 79,4
Honey 90 78,4
Ice cream 87 19,8
Russian salad 52 6,1
Popcorn 85 77,6
meat salad 38 3,3
Herring under a fur coat 43 4,7
Pea soup 30 8,2
Halva 70 50,6
Hot Dog 90 22
milk chocolate 70 63
Chocolate black (70% cocoa) 22 48,2

GI norm

  • low - up to 55;
  • medium - 56–69;
  • high - 70–100.

The normal range is 60-180 units per day. Depending on the body mass index, the daily norm for each person is determined.

Complete BMI table

GI value BMI
Up to 80 30–40
80–120 20–30
120–180 18–20

Body mass index (BMI) - a value that shows whether a person's body weight corresponds to his height, whether the weight is normal, or whether a diet is needed for weight loss. BMI is calculated independently using the formula: I=m/h 2 .

  • m - body weight (kg);
  • h 2 - height (m).

Glycemic load

But not everything is so simple with the glycemic index. For weight loss, another indicator is taken into account - the glycemic load (GL). This value shows which foods cause the longest rise in sugar levels. The GN index is calculated by the formula:

GL \u003d (GI x carbohydrates) / 100

The above formula takes into account in grams the carbohydrates that are contained in a particular product.

Here is a good example. The glycemic index of watermelon is 75 units, semolina is 65 units. 100 g of watermelon contains 4.4 g of carbohydrates, semolina - 73.3 g.

Watermelon GL: (75 x 5.8) / 100 = 4.35

GL of semolina: (65 x 73.3) / 100 = 47.64

Conclusion: semolina, having a lower GI, gives the body ten times more glucose than watermelon.

As for the GI, a GN assessment scale has been developed:

  • low - up to 10 units;
  • medium - 11–19 units;
  • high - more than 20 units.

It is believed that the daily GN should not exceed 100 units. But this is an average value, and in view of the characteristics of the organism, it can be more or less.

GI and GL index for some products (table)

Can the GI be changed?

The glycemic index of a product changes, for example, as a result of industrial processing:

  • GI boiled potatoes "in uniforms" - 65, baked - 95, instant mashed potatoes 83, potato chips - 83;
  • GI of rice bread - 83, steamed white rice - 70, white rice - 60;
  • GI of oatmeal - 50, the same, instant food - 66, oatmeal cookies - 55.

In potatoes and cereals, this is due to the fact that starch is denatured differently during the cooking process. Therefore, the better the product is boiled, the more harmful it is.

This means that foods that have undergone minimal cooking are healthier. The more crushed the product, the higher the glycemic index. Therefore, oatmeal porridge is healthier than instant cereal.

Another factor that reduces GI, acid, which reduces the rate of assimilation of products. Unripe fruits have a lower GI and GL.

How to lower GI?

There are several secrets that will help reduce the glycemic index of foods and achieve weight loss.

This is achieved in the following ways:

  • Combine protein foods with carbohydrates. Proteins slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and improve the absorption of proteins.
  • A little fat is added to the dish, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Starchy foods with a medium GI are consumed with vegetables (low GI). In general, root vegetables contain more starch than vegetables grown above ground.
  • Prepare cereals and bake bread from whole grains.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables are healthier than juices because they contain fiber, and are better than boiled ones. If possible, the fruits are not peeled, because the peel contains a lot of nutritional fiber.
  • Properly prepare porridge: cereals are not boiled, but poured with boiling water and wrapped in warm clothes for several hours.
  • Sweets are not eaten separately from proteins or foods high in fiber. But do not use confectionery with fat.

Is glucose necessary?

Simple carbohydrates are not always bad. They are useful to the body after a workout, since a lot of energy has been spent, the stock needs to be replenished. During this period, sugar acts as an anti-catabolic, helping to preserve muscle tissue. But during a workout, high GI foods will not bring weight loss as they inhibit fat burning.

Fast carbohydrates - a source of fast energy:

  • for students and schoolchildren during the exams;
  • in cold weather;
  • in the field.

A source of fast calories in such an environment can be honey, caramel, chocolate, sweet fruits, nuts, sparkling water. But they use these products mainly in the first half of the day, when the body is most active and has time to process all the energy.

In general, glucose is an important element that is essential for human health. Main function substances - to support the work of the nervous system, the brain. How important this element is can be judged by the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus, in which their sugar levels suddenly decrease. The patient during an attack does not think well, he develops weakness. This is due to impaired insulin secretion. Therefore, it is not glucose that is harmful, but its excess in the blood.

Who benefits from counting GI?

  1. Overweight, period of weight loss.
  2. Metabolic syndrome, when the body can not cope with the processing of carbohydrates. Then there is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, in which the absorption of glucose is impaired.
  4. Tendency to cardiovascular disease.
  5. Oncological diseases or predisposition to them. Carbohydrates are the food that cancer cells feed on. Reducing high GI foods is cancer prevention.

What is a low glycemic index and how does it affect the body

The glycemic index categorizes food as "healthy" based on how quickly the amount of sugar rises after carbohydrates enter the body. Carbohydrates broken down to glucose stimulate the release of hormones insulin A substance that converts glucose into fat. The more our body produces insulin, the more likely it is to gain weight.

Throughout the world, carbohydrates are classified into "simple" and "complex". are made up of complex carbohydrates. Once in the body, these organic substances begin to be digested slowly, without causing sugar surges. Low glycemic foods tend to be higher in fiber, lower in calories, and keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Low GI Foods

The presence of fiber in many fruits indicates that this food group has a low to medium GI. However, there are many different varieties of fruit, as well as varying degrees of maturity and processing (canned, pickled, dried). Fresh unripe fruits with a slight sourness have a low index. For specific data on fruits with a low glycemic index, see the table below.

Almost all non-starchy vegetables have a low or very low index. Of the non-starchy vegetables, carrots are considered a dangerous product, especially when boiled. Most other non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, peppers, kale, and onions are harmless.

Many berries, even with a low index, lose their beneficial properties if consumed in large quantities or dried. This is especially true for cherries and grapes. Some dried berries such as dates, prunes or raisins are concentrated sugars.

Due to the fact that cereals are the main source of complex carbohydrates, this category can be safely attributed to low GI foods. No wonder any diet or healthy eating plan recommends including cereals in your diet.

Of all carbohydrate-containing foods, it is cereals that are not only healthy, but also safe. Complex carbohydrates are converted into polysaccharides and are slowly absorbed without triggering the production of insulin. The feeling of satiety lasts longer.

Sometimes the glycemic index fluctuates widely within a single food category. For example, processed long grain white rice has a lower glycemic index than brown rice. At the same time, short grain white rice is on the high index food list compared to brown or long grain white rice.

In general, the less processed the grain, the lower the GI of the finished product. For example, whole grain bread or pasta made from durum wheat is considered the most useful. For their preparation, cereals undergo minimal processing.

Fruit juices are not the best option for a low glycemic diet. Since, unlike whole fruits, there is no fiber in juices, the sugar levels in such products go through the roof. Freshly squeezed juices from unsweetened fruits, vegetables and berries have a low GI index.

But you should not exclude juices from the diet, because this nutrient-rich drink helps to improve health. Juices that are low in sugar (cherry, grapefruit, or pear) lower sugar levels after drinking them.

Despite the high fat content, the oil does not affect the increase in insulin. Vegetable oil or butter do not have a glycemic index, because they do not contain carbohydrates. Foods that do not contain carbohydrates do not have a direct effect on sugar levels.

Protein foods do not contain carbohydrates, so they are not included in the GI rating.

Milk and dairy products contain a limited amount of carbohydrates, so this group has little effect on blood glucose levels.

The relatively small amount of carbohydrates in any nuts determines the low index numbers for these products.

Low glycemic index food table

Low GI Foods
Parsley, basil, cinnamon, oregano 5
Avocado 10
Cabbage 15
vegetable marrow 15
Soya 15
Pickles 15
Peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios 15
Eggplant 20
Gooseberry 25
bitter chocolate 30
Fat-free cottage cheese 30
Compote without sugar 34
Beans 34
dried tomatoes 34
Meat with beans 35
Plum 35
Apples 38
Pears 38
Strawberry 40
Buckwheat 40
Fettuccine 40
oranges 42
Peaches 42
Coconut 45
Brown basmati rice 45
canned green peas 45
Grapefruit juice 45
Cranberry 47

Application for weight loss

The data of the table of products with a low glycemic index proposed above can be used as a basis for compiling a diet for weight loss. All research indicates that a low-index diet promotes weight loss. There are even several world-famous diets based on these indicators ( "South Beach" and a low-carbohydrate diet). These low glycemic diets are a good way to manage your glucose levels and achieve a healthy weight.

daily rate

The basis for any diet should consist of vegetables. These naturally low carb foods also have a low glycemic index. In addition, vegetables provide the body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

The main food groups that provide the body with carbohydrates should be cereals, legumes, fruits, dairy products (with the exception of cheese). Limit, but not eliminate, high glycemic foods such as processed cereals, white bread, white rice, muesli, and potatoes.

Since protein-rich foods contain negligible amounts of carbohydrates, they are also important for a healthy diet.

The lack of these products leads to a slowdown in metabolism, there are frequent urges for unnecessary snacks. This, in turn, leads to malnutrition and health problems.

Interaction and compatibility of such products with other elements

following low calorie and low glycemic diet helps to lose weight, but not all products from the list contain the required amount useful substances needed by our body. In addition, the daily diet should be a certain caloric intake, where carbohydrates most often act as calories.

In any case, monotony in nutrition should be avoided, otherwise it will only harm the body.

What can replace

  • whole foods have a lower load than processed ones;
  • raw foods are preferred over cooked ones;
  • food in solid form is characterized by a low index, in contrast to products in liquid form;
  • the smaller the portion of food, the lower the glycemic load on the body;
  • fatty and acidic foods slow down the rate of digestion, resulting in a lower GI.

To prevent nutrition from getting out of control, you should also pay attention to the amount of fat and calories that enter the body along with foods.

Until recently, nutritionists focused only on a diet with a limited number of calories. Today, thanks to the knowledge of low glycemic index of foods It has become easier and, most importantly, safer for the body to lose weight.

What is the glycemic index (GI)?

Before talking about products, it is necessary to define the concept itself.

So, the glycemic index is a value that shows how much a product increases the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Simplifying even more: the glycemic index is a measure of sugar content, which, as you know, is undesirable in a diet. The constant consumption of foods with a high glycemic index leads not only to the formation of fat, but also to diabetes.

What are the benefits of low glycemic foods?

Why is it important to include low glycemic foods in your diet?

  • First, they successfully use such products for weight loss. The glycemic index is very important, it happens that losing weight closely monitor proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but do not lose weight. This may be due to the high GI content, which not directly related to carbohydrate content.
  • Secondly, it is a good prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Thirdly, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced.

The maximum GI is 100. Products containing more than seventy units are high GI products, an indicator of up to forty is considered low. Foods with a low GI saturate faster, give more nutrients. However, it is important to be very careful about the formation of the menu, to study the tables of products with a low glycemic index for weight loss, because, as mentioned above, the GI index is not related to calories. So, many foods with a low rate are very high in calories, which means they are undesirable in the diet of losing weight.

Table of products with low glycemic index and high
  • Greens have a low GI. It can be safely added to food, because its calorie content is also low. In addition, it contains many vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  • Cucumbers, fresh beets, beans, peas are those foods that are often found in recommendations for losing weight. Their benefits are undeniable in terms of GI. It is important to note that this indicator depends on how the product is prepared. When cooking, for example, it rises significantly, so it is better to eat vegetables raw.
  • Apples, lemon, peach, dried apricots, gooseberries are fruits and berries with low GI and relatively low calorie content. It is worth noting that the fresher they are, the better. It is possible to use even slightly unripe foods, as ripe GIs are higher, sometimes significantly.
  • From cereals, soy flour and soy bread are useful. Wheat flour contains an index above average.
  • A large number of nuts have a low GI, it is important to monitor the calorie content.
  • A small GI in protein foods, so they are also acceptable on a diet.

Low Glycemic Foods for Weight Loss

It will be useful for you: list of products for proper nutrition.

The selection of products with a low GI index will significantly increase the effectiveness of diet and exercise. Sometimes its high content negates almost all efforts, so you should be careful in compiling the menu. Most low GI foods are palatable and highly satiating, making meals even tastier and healthier.

The effect of the glycemic index on metabolism in the body

To make it easier to understand this issue, you first need to learn about the role of elements in the proper functioning of the body. It turns out that carbohydrates can have a low glycemic index. Everyone knows such products as sugar and starch, both of them are carbohydrates.

There are sugars

  • disaccharides:
    • lactose,
    • maltose,
    • sucrose;
  • monosaccharides:
    • fructose,
    • galactose,
    • glucose.

Glucose is found in large quantities in fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Sources of fructose are sugar and fruits. Galactose - milk and dairy products.

A polysaccharide (pectins, fiber, starch) is formed from several monosaccharide molecules. Unlike fiber, which is poorly absorbed by the body, starch feels very good in it. However, fiber plays an important role in metabolic processes.

All these substances not only nourish the body with energy, but also cause excess weight. That is why it is necessary to separate "complex" useful and "simple" harmful carbohydrates.

The former are found in fruits, vegetables and coarse grains. Therefore, these products should be mandatory components of the daily human diet. Glucose is the most valuable substance for complete and well-coordinated work organism. It is well absorbed and ensures the functionality of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The energy needs of nerve cells can only be met with glucose. That is why in stressful situations, fainting and loss of strength, it is recommended to consume foods high in glucose.

Everyone knows that glucose is found in large quantities in juices and fruits, but it is also present in ordinary sugar. By the way, glucose is the only vital component found in this product.

There are no trace elements and vitamins in sugar. After a person eats something sweet, the level of glucose in the blood instantly rises, and this leads to an increased release of insulin. This hormone is supposed to bring glucose levels in the blood back to normal.

That is why after eating a cake or candy, a feeling of hunger quickly sets in. And when eating a fruit with a low hypoglycemic index, the desire to eat does not appear soon. This is due to the high content of fructose and fiber. These substances do not provoke the rapid production of insulin and linger in the blood for a long time, while the sugar rate also increases.

That is why, when developing all kinds of diets, nutritionists start not only from the calorie content of foods, but also from their glycemic index. GI - an indicator characterizing the rate of transformation of carbohydrates into glucose.

The math is very simple: the longer a person feels full, the slower the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and vice versa. Hence the conclusion: the lower the glycemic index of food, the longer the feeling of hunger does not occur after eating it.

An equally important point is the increase in blood glucose levels after taking foods with a high GI, the norm is seriously exceeded. Such food always causes an increased production of insulin, which leads to the formation of fat. Hyperglycemia often leads to diabetes and obesity, which is why it is so important to know what the normal blood sugar level is in adults.

Diabetes is a terrible disease of the endocrine system, which is difficult to treat and leads to irreversible changes in the body. To protect yourself from such consequences, you need to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, fiber; eat fractionally and take into account the glycemic index of foods from the diet.

Regular exercise should not be discounted, thanks to which the metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, a slender body is created and the risk of diabetes is reduced. To keep a great shape, it is recommended to make a daily menu, which should include low GI foods.

What index is considered low?

Everything that a person eats can be divided into three groups according to GI:

  • up to 55 units - low GI;
  • 56-69 units - average GI;
  • 70 units and above - high GI.

For compiling a daily menu and diets, there is a very convenient complete table, in which, in addition to the glycemic index values, the calorie content of the products is also indicated.

What is the glycemic index of foods (GI), how to find out and calculate it

Everyone knows the division of food by origin into vegetable and animal. You have also probably heard about the importance of protein foods and the dangers of carbohydrates, especially for diabetics. But is everything so simple in this diversity?

For a clearer understanding of the impact of nutrition, it is simply necessary to learn how to determine the index. Even the index of fruits differs in value, depending on their type, despite the fact that they are used in many diets. According to reviews, dairy and meat products behave especially ambiguously, the nutritional value of which depends, in particular, on the method of their preparation.

The index indicates the rate of absorption of carbohydrate-containing products by the body and the increase in blood sugar, in other words, the amount of glucose that is formed during digestion. What does it mean in practice - foods with a high index are saturated with a large amount of simple sugars, respectively, they give their energy to the body at a faster rate. Products with a low index, on the contrary, slowly and evenly.

The index can be determined using the formula for calculating GI with an equal share of net carbohydrate:

GI = Area of ​​Tested Carbohydrate Triangle / Area of ​​Glucose Triangle x 100

For ease of use, the calculation scale consists of 100 units, where 0 is no carbohydrates and 100 is pure glucose. The glycemic index has no connection with calorie content or a feeling of satiety, and is also not constant. Factors affecting its value include:

  • method of food processing;
  • grade and type;
  • type of processing;
  • recipe.

As a generally accepted concept, the glycemic index of foods was introduced by Dr. David Jenkinson, a professor at a Canadian university in 1981. The purpose of his calculation was to determine the most favorable diet for people with diabetes. 15 years of testing led to the creation of a new classification based on the quantitative indicator of GI, which in turn fundamentally changed the approach to the nutritional value of foods.

Foods with a low glycemic index

This category is most suitable for weight loss and for diabetics, due to the fact that it slowly and evenly gives useful energy to the body. So, for example, fruits are a source of health - a food with a small index that can burn fat thanks to L-carnitine has a high nutritional value. However, the fruit index is not as high as it seems. Which foods contain carbohydrates with a low and reduced index are shown in the table below.

It is worth remembering that the indicator in question is in no way related to calorie content and should not be forgotten about when compiling a weekly menu.

Complete table - list of carbohydrates and list of foods with a low index

As you lead, meat, fish, poultry and eggs are not in the tables, since they practically do not contain carbohydrates. In fact, these are products with a zero index.

Accordingly, for weight loss, the best solution would be to combine protein foods and foods with a small and low index. This approach has been successfully used in many protein diets, has proven to be effective and harmless, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

How to lower the glycemic index of foods and is it possible? There are several ways to lower the GI:

  • food should contain as much fiber as possible, then its total GI will be lower;
  • pay attention to the way food is prepared, for example, mashed potatoes have an index higher than boiled potatoes;
  • Another way is to combine proteins with carbohydrates, since the latter increase the absorption of the former.

As for products with a negative index, they include most vegetables, especially green ones.

Average GI

To maintain nutritional value, it is worth paying attention to table with middle index:

Foods with a high glycemic index

There are three main ways to use the energy received by the body from carbohydrates: creating a reserve for the future, restoring glycogen in muscle tissue, and using it at the moment.

With a constant excess of glucose in the blood, the natural order of insulin production breaks down due to depletion of the pancreas. As a result, the metabolism changes significantly in the direction of the priority of accumulation, rather than recovery.

It is carbohydrates with a high index that are most quickly converted into glucose, and when the body does not have an objective need to replenish energy, it is sent to fat stores for conservation.

But are products that have and contain a high index so harmful in themselves? In reality, no. Their list is dangerous only with excessive, uncontrolled and aimless use at the level of habit. After a grueling workout, physical work, outdoor activities, it is worth resorting to the food of this category, for a high-quality and quick set of strength. Which foods have the most glucose, and this can be seen in the table.

Products containing a high index:

Glycemic and insulin index

But modern medicine, including nutrition, did not stop at the study of GI. As a result, they were able to more clearly assess the level of glucose entering the bloodstream, and the time required for release from it thanks to insulin.

Plus, they showed that GI and AI diverge slightly (pair correlation coefficient is 0.75). It turned out that without carbohydrate food or with a low content, in the process of digestion, it can also cause an insulin response. This brought new changes to the common cause.

The "Insulin Index" (AI), as a term, was introduced by Janet Brand-Mille, a professor from Australia, as a characteristic of foods in terms of their effect on the release of insulin into the blood. This approach made it possible to accurately predict the amount of insulin injection, and create a list of which foods have the most and least pronounced property to stimulate insulin production.

Despite this, the glycemic load of foods is the main factor for the formation of an optimal diet. Therefore, the need to determine the index before proceeding with the formation of a diet for diabetics is undeniable.

Types of Diabetes

Today, several types of diabetes have been identified:

  • insulin-dependent - when beta cells are destroyed in the blood. In this case, the person constantly needs insulin;
  • insulin-independent - there is insulin in the blood, but the cells are insensitive to it;
  • gestational - appears in pregnant women at the last term, but disappears after childbirth;
  • pre-diabetes - elevated blood sugar levels, but not to the point of diabetic diagnosis.

The first and second type of diabetics can eat foods:

  • raw;
  • boiled;
  • for a couple;
  • baked;
  • with a low glycemic index.

Allowed Low GI Foods for Diabetics

Foods with a low glycemic index are slow carbohydrates, the ratio of which does not exceed 50 units according to the table. These include:

  • soy and all soy products - yogurt, milk, cheeses;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds;
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli;
  • beans, lentils and beans;
  • any fresh vegetables and juices from them;
  • not baked pears and apples, quince, tangerines, orange, plum, apricots;
  • all berries;
  • whole grain bread or soy flour;
  • porridge from buckwheat and wild rice;
  • fat-free or low-fat dairy products;
  • white meat and fish.

Depending on the characteristics of the organism or the method of preparation of products, the GI indicator may vary. For example, raw carrots have an indicator of 35, and boiled - already 85.

The less the product is processed, the healthier and safer it is.

Lowering the glycemic index will help:

  • reduction of time of heat treatment of products;
  • cooking products either whole or coarsely chopped;
  • eat slow carbohydrates along with fats and fiber.

Prohibited high GI foods for diabetics

Type 1 and type 2 diabetics are strictly prohibited from everything that has an index above 50:

  • roast;
  • fast food and chips;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • pastries from wheat yeast or puff pastry;
  • grapes and bananas in any form;
  • sugar, sweet juice, ice cream, chocolate, dried fruits and other fast carbohydrates;
  • cereals, muesli and instant cereals;

If you eat a small chocolate bar a maximum of once every 2 weeks, then there will be no more harm to the body.

In healthy people due to jump sugar, the pancreas begins to urgently produce insulin, which:

  • distributes glucose throughout the body or deposits it “in reserve” in the form of a fatty layer, thereby reducing sugar levels;
  • prevents fat from being converted back to glucose.

GI and weight loss

To reduce weight, the GI will give a positive result, if at the same time you carefully monitor the processing of products - exclude fried, salty, smoked and sweet.

But it should be borne in mind that among the products with a high index there are minerals and vitamins that are important and necessary for the health of the body. They are found in dried fruits, beef liver, watermelon, honey, sweet fruits.

It is worth switching to such a menu not immediately, but gradually. If you used to eat all foods whose index on the glycemic index table is above 70, then first you need to switch to foods with an average index of 50 to 70. And after a while, to slow carbohydrates, that is, the lowest in the index (up to 40), not forgetting to include in the diet sometimes healthy foods with a high index.

For those wishing to lose weight for weight loss, nutritionists are even recommended to add foods with high indicators in the table to the menu, but they must be consumed along with fats and proteins.

Losing weight should adhere to the following rules:

  • use bread only from wholemeal flour, whole grains or sourdough;
  • for breakfast, be sure to have porridge: barley, buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of potatoes;
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily.
  • must be included in the daily diet vegetable salad dressed preferably with olive oil.

Daily diet

  1. Eating not one, but several foods with a small index at breakfast (oatmeal and yogurt, or an apple and cottage cheese), there will be no feeling of hunger for a long time. That is why you should start your morning not with sweet tea with buns or cookies, but with cereal and a glass of milk - with complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
  2. Dine is preferable vegetable soups. They are cooked simply on water without broth and potatoes. As a second, palm-sized meat and vegetables or cereals for a side dish are ideal. Pay special attention to the choice of cereals: the larger the grains, the greater the benefit. For weight loss, it is recommended to replace white rice with brown - it has a lower GI.
  3. In the afternoon, it is allowed to have a snack with a fruit that has a low glycemic index or squeeze juice. It will be very useful to mix several types of juice. But you should not buy them in stores - now only juice products with preservatives are on the shelves.
  4. Dinner is worth fresh cottage cheese, boiled fish with a vegetable side dish and herbs. You can decorate the meal with fruits (apples, apricots, plums) and berries. The last meal is recommended three hours before bedtime. If you are used to going to bed early, for example, at 22:00, then you need to go to bed at 19:00. A lot of things have accumulated, and you are light a little later - you can organize an additional meal. You should drink a glass of curdled milk at night and eat bread with bran. Half an apple will also work. The same goes for those who stay up late.

Foods with a low glycemic index

The glycemic index is not about the amount of carbohydrates in foods, but about how quickly blood glucose levels rise. For example, potatoes and pumpkins have the same GI, but there are much more carbohydrates in potatoes, which is why these two vegetables are digested differently.

The following table lists low glycemic index foods and their ratio. For convenience, the listing starts with the highest score and ends with the lowest score, respectively.

Gi productsFrozen or fresh cranberries 47Whole grain bread 45Green peas (canned) 45Grapefruit juice on fructose 45Coconut 45Grapes (all varieties) 45Ready breakfast with fructose 43Buckwheat 40Carrot juice with fructose 40Dried apricot (dried apricots) 40Dried plum (prune) 40Wild rice (dark) 35Nut 35Fresh apples 35Mustard Dijon 35Ice cream with fructose 35Fresh green peas 35Chinese vermicelli 35Sesame 35Fresh oranges 35Fresh plums 35Quince fresh 35Soy Sauce 35Natural low fat yoghurt 35Grenades 34Common beans 34Fresh nectarines 34Dried tomatoes 34Fresh peaches 34Compote on fructose 34Tomato juice 33Fresh yeast 31Soy milk 30Apricots fresh 30Lentils (brown) 30Grapefruit fresh 30Beans (green) 30Curd (low fat) 30Carrot fresh 30Fresh beets 30Jam with fructose 30Pear fresh 30Fresh tomatoes 30Chocolate (cocoa butter from 80%) 30Lentils (yellow) 30Blueberries frozen or fresh 30Almond milk 30Cow's milk (any fat content) 30Cowberries frozen or fresh 30Fresh tangerines 30Garlic 30Blueberries frozen or fresh 30Lentils (green) 25Beans (golden) 25Raspberries frozen or fresh 25Frozen or fresh currants 25Gooseberries, frozen or fresh 25Strawberries, frozen or fresh 25Pumpkin seeds 25Frozen or fresh cherries 25Flour (from soy) 25Blackberries, frozen or fresh 20Eggplant 20Yogurt (from soy) 20Nut paste without sugar 20Artichoke (cones and buds) 20Bran 15Celery roots and leaves 15Cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts 15Hot pepper (Chile) 15Walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios 15Mushrooms (all) 15Asparagus shoots 15Ginger (root) 15Fresh cucumbers 15Zucchini 15Leek 15Onion 15Rhubarb leaves 15Soy 15Pesto sauce 15Olives 15Tofu 15Spinach 15Pickled and pickled cucumbers 15Avocado 10Leaf lettuce 9Seasonings (all) 5

Products with low GI stay in the body for a long time, gradually break down, and thereby prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose, and the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for a long time.

The ideal option for weight loss would be a combination of protein foods and foods with a low glycemic index. But high GI foods should also be consumed. It's best to do it in the morning. Only in this way all the extra calories will be used to produce energy, and not to store fat.

Before you radically change your daily diet, you should consult with a therapist or endocrinologist. At the same time, it is worth using a glucometer more often, especially if you constantly take medicines or are insulin dependent.

What is the glycemic index

Currently, the shelves in stores are bursting with all kinds of food, beautiful packaging is shining around, and aromas simply do not let you pass by various goodies. But until recently, few people thought about how useful modern food is.

In order to determine the number of calories in food and, accordingly, its benefits to the human body, nutritionists and doctors often use the term glycemic index - GI. At first it was a purely medical concept, with the use of GI diet menus were compiled for patients with diabetes.

It is very convenient to use the GI to make a diet for weight loss, and this indicator is the basis of a healthy diet.

The body receives the maximum benefit from food only if the food includes foods that are digested for a long time and with a low calorie content. This allows you to keep blood sugar at the same level.

It is worth noting that the GI depends not only on the product itself, its nutritional value, but also on the method of preparation. Some foods lose most of their nutrients when improperly cooked.

The effect of GI on the body

The influence is determined by the level to which this or that food product can be attributed to this indicator:

    1. A high level includes food with a GI greater than 70 units.
      This food dramatically increases blood glucose levels, which leads to an increase in metabolic rate and an increase in appetite.
      A person has to eat more often, the stomach is full, and this negatively affects all organs of the human body.
      Ultimately, such a diet can lead to the development of diabetes.

  1. Average level - the indicator varies from 40 to 70 units.
    These products are not hazardous to humans.
    The list is quite wide, which allows you to make the right menu.
    As a rule, the products of this group are used for the preparation of main dishes.
    They provide a source of strength and energy.
  2. Products with a low score have characteristics from 10 to 40 units.
    Low GI has a great effect on the body, these products give you faster satiety, improve metabolism, but do not lead to overeating.
    But it is worth considering that there are foods that, despite the low glycemic index, have a fairly high calorie content.
    They should be avoided in your diet.

List of low glycemic foods

For each day, the menu can include products from the following list. They have a low GI, which allows you to eat them in almost unlimited quantities.

In addition, these products are available and can be easily bought in the store. But if the goal is to lose weight, then you will have to stick to a low-calorie menu.

  1. First and second courses: bean soup, cereal porridge with water and milk, vegetable stews and pasta, bran.
  2. Milk and its derivatives.
  3. Natural freshly squeezed juices without added sugars: apple, tomato, orange.
  4. Almost all kinds of fruits, dried fruits, berries.

List of products with an average GI

This list includes:

  1. Boiled vegetables: new potatoes, beets.
  2. Raw rice, muesli.
  3. Dumplings, fish cutlets, pizza.
  4. Fruits: pineapple, apricots, melon.
  5. Fruit yogurt, milk ice cream.

How to use the glycemic index can be found in the video.

High GI Foods - Prohibited

Avoid the following food groups that have a high GI.

These include:

  1. All potato dishes: mashed potatoes and fried potatoes, fries.
    The glycemic index of these dishes is 70-85 units.
  2. Pastries and bread: rolls, white bread, bagels, baguette - GI from 75 to 95 units.
  3. Vegetables: fried zucchini, boiled corn, baked pumpkin, boiled parsnips - GI from 80 to 97 units.
  4. White rice, cooked in any form - GI 80-100 units.
  5. Sweets: waffles, dates, corn flakes.
    The GI of dates alone is about 145 units.

However, it is worth considering some facts regarding high GI foods. Take for example, watermelon, which has a score of more than 70 units, or zucchini with a GI of 72-75.

Despite the fact that these products belong to the group of prohibited foods, you can eat them. Moreover, fasting days are held on their basis.

The point is this: to get carbohydrates in the amount of 50 grams, you need to consume at least 1 kilogram of watermelon or about 2 kilograms of zucchini, which is beyond the power of an ordinary person.

And if we take into account the low level of calories in these products, we can safely say that they will bring more benefits to the body, despite the high glycemic index.

Therefore, the choice of the menu should be approached wisely, taking into account not only the GI indicator, but the beneficial properties and calorie content of the products.

In order to find out the exact glycemic index of foods, you can use the table:

Who is the low glycemic diet for and how to follow it

The basis of the glycemic index diet is foods that saturate the body and prevent the rapid onset of hunger. The menu includes low-fat foods and a large amount of carbohydrates with a low GI.

These are legumes, vegetables and fruits, raw cereals and rice, natural yogurt.

Sample menu for the week

Total calories per day - 1500 kcal.

Breakfast: water-based oatmeal with raisins, a green apple, a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: cereal soup and two slices of rye bread with bran, a couple of plums.

Dinner: durum wheat pasta and a piece of boiled beef, tomato and cucumber salad, a glass of low-fat natural yogurt.

During the day, you can drink plenty of water, natural fresh juices, green tea without sugar.

For a week of such nutrition, you can throw off up to 1 kilogram.

Low glycemic diet rules

When maintaining power on this system, it is desirable to adhere to certain requirements that will allow you to get the best result:

  • you can not include in the diet confectionery, ready-made meals, convenience foods and instant food, rich bread;
  • you should increase the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and lean meats, dried fruits and various nuts;
  • breakfast must be complete, for example, cereals from different cereals - buckwheat, oats, barley;
  • during this period, it is worth abandoning potatoes in any form, you should not add it to other dishes;
  • you can eat durum wheat pasta and whole grain bread.

The positive side of the diet

The attractiveness of this power system is as follows:

  1. There is a gradual weight loss, which has a positive effect on the state of the body.
  2. It is quite easy to withstand this diet, there are no unpleasant sensations during the diet period.
  3. Ease of execution allows you to leave most of the usual dishes in the diet, but the choice of products will be somewhat different.
  4. The cost of this diet is low, it is available to most people.
    It will take a little more money if the diet contains mainly vegetables and fruits with low GI, and even then only in winter.
  5. It is easily tolerated, the diet is quite satisfying.
    Great for people who practice vegetarianism, but some may find it difficult to consume large amounts of legumes.
    Although they can be replaced with other vegetables.

Learn about the apple diet on our website.

About fiber for weight loss in the article. Varieties, benefits and methods of application.

About the right breakfast for weight loss here.

Diet Efficiency

With most diets, the body slows down the metabolic process for the reason that to save and retain the calories received. Since he regularly experiences hunger, there is a need to replenish energy.

Thus, any strict diet is very difficult to tolerate.

A diet according to the glycemic index allows you to maintain blood sugar at the same level, the feeling of hunger does not arise, respectively, it makes no sense for the body to sound the alarm and delay metabolic processes. As a result, reducing calorie intake does not negatively affect metabolic processes, and weight loss occurs.

A low glycemic diet not only allows you to lose weight, but also benefits the body. After a month of maintaining this nutrition system, the results will please the woman - minus 3-4 kilograms and excellent health.

There are some tricks that will allow you to transfer this diet more easily.

It can be an excellent basis for a healthy diet.

  1. Many are accustomed to buying processed rice.
    It can be easily replaced with other types: brown unpeeled or basmati.
  2. Unrefined grains have a low GI.
    Healthy and tasty muesli should always be on the table.
  3. If a woman is very fond of potatoes, sometimes you can afford to be pampered.
    Moreover, young potatoes have a much lower GI than old ones.
  4. It is worth giving preference to the following types of heat treatment: baking, steaming, boiling.
  5. Pasta should not be cooked until fully cooked, and freezing them will help reduce the GI of dumplings and dumplings.

Learn everything about carbohydrates and the glycemic index from the video.

Getting acquainted with the basics of proper nutrition, a person learns to evaluate not only the appearance and taste of food, but also its effect on the body. One of the important components of a healthy menu are foods with a low glycemic index (GI). Everyone who cares about their health needs to know about them.

In the bloodstream, due to the processes of self-regulation, it is maintained a certain level Sahara. This is necessary for normal life. After a carbohydrate meal, blood sugar levels rise. The glycemic index is the amount of glucose in the bloodstream 30 minutes after eating a carbohydrate.

Empirically, the glycemic indices of all products were calculated, where the rate of glucose breakdown was taken as 100%. There are three main groups with high, medium and low GI. The faster the carbohydrates of a product are digested, the higher the GI it has.

For convenience, tables have been compiled that help determine the GI of any product. Their use helps to effectively lose weight and maintain sugar levels in diabetes. Unfortunately, on packages in supermarkets, the GI of products is not indicated, only the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which does not give a complete picture of their benefits.

Benefits of Including Low GI Foods in Your Diet

When a person eats foods containing fast carbohydrates, the level of glucose in the blood increases greatly. The brain sends a signal to the pancreas to produce insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. After a sharp rise and a surge of energy, the same sharp decline occurs, a person begins to feel severe hunger. Excess sugar is stored as fat.

Low GI foods take a long time to digest. Their use does not lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. Appetite does not increase, so it is easier to control the amount of food eaten.

When compiling a diet for weight loss, it is important to choose foods that have a low GI.

Factors affecting the glycemic index of foods

The glycemic index may vary depending on how the product is cooked. Raw vegetables, in which carbohydrates are in an indigestible form, have a lower GI than boiled or baked. This is due to the conversion of complex carbohydrates into simple ones during the cooking process. Complex carbohydrates do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, and insulin is not produced in large doses.

The cooking process increases the GI of not only vegetables, but also cereals. Therefore, when dieting, steamed oatmeal is more useful than boiled oatmeal in water or milk. Crushing foods also increases the GI. Whole grains have a lower glycemic index than crushed grains and are healthier.

The temperature of the food served also affects the GI. If the dish contains starch, then it will be less digestible when cold, which means that its GI will be lower.

Table: low glycemic foods

Foods with a low GI, below 50%, are considered dietary. A table describing such products will help you create the right menu.

green pepperolives and olivesboiled lentilsgarlicdry red and white winenatural grapefruit juice
White cabbageleekcucumberspearsnatural carrot juicedry champagne
onioncauliflowerprunesdried apricotsnatural orange juicenatural grape juice
tomatoesbraised cabbagecowberrypeachesground coffee without sugarnatural pineapple juice
salted mushroomsasparagusstrawberriesapplesnatural apple juicechicken egg
broccolidillcherryStrawberrycocoa with milk without sugaromelet with meat
leaf lettuceRed peppergrapefruitsea ​​​​buckthorncoconutboiled sausage
avocadoBrussels sproutsapricotRed currantswholemeal breadfried beef liver
sauerkrautsweet cherryraspberrycolored beansbrown rice
radishcherry plumdietary fibercerealskiwi
spinachblackberryyogurt 1.5%wholemeal pastaspaghetti
black currantplumcream 10%grapebulgur
defatted soy flourlemonsoy milkfresh green peassherbet
tofu cheesebarley porridge on the waternatural milkwhite beans
Champignon mushroomslow-fat kefircottage cheese 9%Rye bread
hazelnutbarley peeledlow-fat cottage cheesebuckwheat
physalisblueberrywhole flour bread

Sunflower seeds, parsley, basil, cinnamon and vanillin also have a low glycemic index (less than 10%).

Low GI products for weight loss: a list

When following a healthy diet for weight loss, you need to pay attention to the glycemic index of food. Foods that have a low GI can be eaten safely.

These include:

  • fresh green vegetables;
  • meat products (except liver);
  • dairy;
  • greens;
  • whole grain steamed cereals;
  • mushrooms.

It can be difficult to immediately change taste preferences during a diet. But it has been proven empirically that a strong craving for the usual food passes after 3-4 weeks, if you withstand this period, then it will be easier further. Then, following the chosen diet and limiting the use of harmful foods for another 8 months, you can defeat the addiction to sweets and starchy foods.

By looking at the amount of carbohydrates in a product, it is impossible to determine its glycemic index. For this concept, it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of carbohydrates. If they are simple, quickly split, then the product is high GI. The presence of complex carbohydrates indicates a medium or low GI. With an equal amount of carbohydrates in foods, preference should be given to those in which carbohydrates are complex.

Table for diabetics

Patients with diabetes should not eat sweets. Sugar is bad for the health of all people who take care of their health. Instead, stevia and sucralose are suitable for creating a sweet taste - these are natural sweeteners that can be consumed even by children and pregnant women.

Table of low GI foods for diabetics

Low GI 10-40%Average GI 40-50%High GI Over 50%
onionpolka dotsfried zucchini
tomatoeskiwiboiled, fried potatoes, chips
peppergrapeboiled carrots
mushroomsraisinpumpkin, melon, watermelon
radishbranbananas, mango, pineapple
cucumbersbread with brandates
olivesred winespaghetti
lentils cakes, cookies, buns
raspberry ice cream, condensed milk
apples beer, store juices, sweet drinks
pears honey
apricots chocolate
peaches jam
plums halva
Strawberry Hot Dog
cherry fast food dishes

A table containing the glycemic indices of all products included in the daily menu must be hung on the refrigerator door. This will help a person with diabetes effectively control their blood sugar levels. The lowest glycemic index in fresh vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, spices. In addition, there are products that reduce blood sugar levels due to their special chemical composition.

These include blueberries, table vinegar and cinnamon. You need a very small amount of black berries (about 1 tbsp.) To make the cells of the body more receptive to the produced insulin. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day also has a beneficial effect on sugar levels and the condition of the body's vessels. Vinegar can be seasoned with salads to lower glycemic levels after eating a meal containing carbohydrates.

Low GI Foods with a High Nutritional Index

It is difficult to understand immediately what the nutritional value of foods is. Some people find fatty and sugary foods high in calories to be nutritious. But from the point of view of nutritionists, this is not true. It is considered particularly harmful simultaneous use sweet and fatty for those who want to lose weight, all excess calories will be successfully deposited in the fat reserves of the body.

The nutritional value of the product is its vitamins, mineral salts, antioxidants. The content of proteins and fats in this concept is not taken into account.

The highest nutritional value index for such products;

  • fresh green vegetables;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • greens;
  • green peas;
  • white radish.

Green and leafy vegetables also have the lowest GI and can be included in your daily weight loss diet. In the menu of a healthy diet, these products take pride of place as the most nutritious.

The GI table will help you create a menu for weight loss. By choosing foods with a low glycemic index and high nutritional value, you can lose weight, gaining health instead of extra pounds.

When choosing foods, it is important to pay attention to their food GI. It shows how much a particular product changes blood sugar levels.

As you know, carbohydrates are divided into "fast" and "slow". Monosaccharides or fast carbohydrates are easily digested, provoking a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. If glucose is not immediately involved in physical exertion, then the body leaves this energy "in reserve", which is expressed in the form of body fat.

Polysaccharides or slow carbohydrates are absorbed by the body longer, gradually supplying the body with glucose. Thus, the glucose level is maintained without sharp fluctuations and for a long period of time, and for all this there is a table of glycemic indices.

What is the glycemic index?

Fast carbohydrates are useful when high energy expenditure is required, such as during a series of tiring physical activities. For this, special energy drinks were invented, which very quickly give the body the necessary elements for a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. When this level rises, the body responds by producing insulin.

This substance acts as a "transport" for glucose, delivering it to fat cells. That is why you should not exceed the rate of carbohydrate intake or consume the entire volume, because otherwise they will be deposited in subcutaneous fat. It was good at the time primitive people, then food was not guaranteed to a person, and the fat reserve served as a safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

But in our time of constant struggle for the ideal shape, subcutaneous fat is something unimaginably negative. First of all, fat is the enemy, of course, for the weak half of humanity.

Slow carbohydrates are good for the body when it is in the process of recovery. In ordinary life, a high level of glucose in the blood is not needed, a person needs a gradual supply of energy throughout the day. The Diet Index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates will be in the blood. From this, carbohydrates in specific products are called “fast” or “slow”.

Glucose was used in the calculation of the glycemic index for comparison. Its index is 100. All other foods are rated from 0 to 100. But many foods overcome the bar of 100, as you can see, they are ahead of even glucose in the speed of getting into the blood.

If we take glucose as a starting point, then all other foods are evaluated by what level of sugar in the blood is in the body after taking 100 grams of this product compared to eating the same 100 grams of glucose.

If the level is 50% of blood sugar after glucose, then the GI of this product is 50, and if 110% of sugar, then the index will be 110.

What determines the glycemic index of foods

It depends on many circumstances. Important individual reaction and the presence of deviations from the given data. The index is also affected by the specific type of carbohydrates (fast or slow), and the amount of fiber in a particular product. Fiber can significantly extend the time of digestion, making the intake of glucose uniform and gradual. The GI is affected by the type of proteins and fats in the product, and their amount.

All factors are taken into account by nutritionists and collected in summary tables. GI also depends on the way specific dishes are cooked, this fact is very difficult to take into account. But the influence of this fact is not essential to pay attention to it.

What foods to choose, given their GI indicators

Foods with a high glycemic index have the following advantages:

  • A surge of strength, due to a sharp increase in energy;
  • Rapid increase in blood sugar.
  • Foods with a low glycemic index also have their benefits:
  • The gradual provision of glucose to the body throughout the day;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • A slow increase in sugar levels, which reduces the likelihood of deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Disadvantages of high glycemic index foods:

  1. A fairly high probability of the appearance of body fat due to unstable blood sugar levels;
  2. The body is provided with carbohydrates for a short time;
  3. The products are not suitable for diabetic patients.

Disadvantages of foods that have a low glycemic status:

  • Low efficiency of reception during physical exertion;
  • Difficulty of preparation. There are quite a few low GI foods that you could snack on.

by the most right approach is a combination of both types of foods in your diet. Which does not negate the need for careful selection and distribution throughout the day, for example, it can be coffee and dates, mango and melon.

Dairy indicators

dairy product They form the basis of the diet of many people, including athletes. The nutritional value of such foodstuffs is beyond doubt, moreover, they are not expensive and available. Many countries recognize the manufacturing industry as one of the most important.

Modern technologies allow a person to choose dairy products based on their tastes and preferences. There are various drinking yoghurts, fat-free cottage cheese, cheese curds and many other varieties of these products on the market, some of which can be consumed with coffee.

All this maximally provides people's need for protein and other vital elements. Dairy products are also the basis for the production of most proteins. Whey and casein are widely used in the manufacture of such products. With the help of filtration and hydrolysis, preparations are no longer with a low, but with a high level of biological value.

Indicators of bread, flour products

No matter how much a person cares about the figure, appearance and health, few people can completely refuse bread. Yes, this is not necessary. Nowadays, many types of bread are available, some people have bread machines at home, and anyone can choose a type of bread based on its calorie content and other characteristics.

You need to carefully choose the finished products. Many types of bread contain flavor additives that seriously increase the index. All kinds of sweeteners, flavor enhancers, a variety of dough leavening agents change the index of the final product.

If a person independently monitors his diet, it makes sense to choose simple varieties of bread. Or bake it on your own at home.

Glycemic index of cereals

Cereals occupy an important place in the diet of people who have constant physical activity. With large reserves of carbohydrates that supply the athlete's body with energy for muscle growth and training, grains have a low GI, which makes such products simply indispensable.

Not all grains are popular (barley porridge, for example), but they can be easily addicted to, realizing the invaluable health benefits they bring. Porridge for breakfast is a must for athletes without coffee, but with fruit, you can add dates and mangoes, melons, even grapes here.

Even as part of a strict diet, you can afford to eat nutritious porridge in the morning. Cereals contain a small amount of fat. Carbohydrates are represented by polysaccharides, which provide a slow and gradual increase in blood sugar levels, which gives strength for a long time.

However, you can not get carried away with all sorts of additives to cereals. If you add milk - then only skim, if sugar - then a small amount. When adding other products, the final GI of porridge can change greatly, deviating significantly from the base values ​​stated in the table.

For many people, giving up sugary foods and confectionery makes life very difficult. People cannot overcome the love of sweets by any means. In our time, the production of confectionery products has been elevated to the rank of art: confectioners become media people, and their products are exhibited at expositions. Of course, giving up the current variety of types of confectionery is not easy, just like giving up coffee.

Comparing products with the glycemic value table, sometimes you can afford some sweets and coffee .. Provided the right combination of products and choosing them with a minimum glycemic index. A sufficient part of the products have low GI values ​​and a good digestibility factor. If you combine your favorite foods with others that reduce the index, then you can safely eat sweets.

In any case, doctors advise taking foods with a high GI in the morning or immediately before training.

Eating such food after physical exertion will lead to the opposite effect: due to rapid absorption, insulin will be released and glucose will quickly pass into subcutaneous fat. Of course, such a result from studying the glycemic indices of foods is not desirable.

Indicators of vegetables and fruits

With vegetables and fruits, everything is quite simple. Vegetables are considered ideal products for an athlete, as they contain a lot of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which promotes active digestion. In addition, vegetables have almost no fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, eating vegetables can effectively suppress appetite without providing energy to the body, which will force it to use subcutaneous fat.

Vegetables lower the overall GI of foods: if vegetables are consumed along with high GI foods, the rate of glucose entry into the blood becomes slower and lasts a long time.

Fruits are an indispensable supplier of L-carnitine, which enhances fat burning processes. Contrary to popular belief, fruits, mangoes, do not have as high a glycemic index of foods as they seem, one can even say that it is low, and this can be found when talking about melons, or eating grapes, mangoes, etc.

A large number of different fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is known to lower the GI. If you eat a banana or a mango after a workout, for example, a bunch of grapes will give the body a long and smooth source of carbohydrates to replenish lost energy.


Most drinks tend to have a fairly high glycemic index, just like coffee. This is due to the fact that sugar is here in dissolved form, in coffee, and the body absorbs it faster, like coffee. Moreover, many drinks are carbonated, which increases the digestibility of sugar.

But there are also useful points in this. For example, when using creatine, the intake of simple carbohydrates is indicated, which ensures the conversion of creatine into creatine phosphate in muscle cells. In this regard, grape juice is ideal, which has optimal indicators for the absorption of creatine.

It is worth noting that, for example, red wines have a low GI but improve digestion. Based on these characteristics, nutritionists advise drinking a small amount of dry red wine with the main meals, but not beer, so as not to know what it is.

Oils, sauces

The fact that sauces and oils have a low GI level is good only at first glance. A large amount of fat compensates for this indicator.

Of course, it is difficult to do without oil at all, as well as without coffee, you just need to choose natural vegetable oil such as olive oil.


Nuts have a low glycemic index, and this usually makes you think that the product is an excellent source of protein. It is not that simple. Nuts contain a large amount of fat, and are difficult to digest by the digestive organs. As a regular source of nutrients, nuts cannot serve most athletes.

After heat treatment, the nuts practically do not change their index, leaving it low, but the taste deteriorates. Therefore, nuts are best viewed as a small dessert and an infrequent addition to the diet, like coffee.

Diets based on the glycemic index of foods are difficult to follow. Not all people have the time and patience for this. However, to get a general idea about the features of the products is not difficult. Under equal conditions, for the daily diet, you need to choose products that have a small index. During or before a period of physical activity, foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed.

  1. Vegetables have a low glycemic index. In addition, they can, when taken together, lower the GI of other foods. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins, they improve the functions of the digestive tract. If it is necessary to lower the GI of the consumed dishes or the general diet, then along with dishes containing an increased GI, it is required to take foods with fiber, primarily vegetables.
  2. The most elevated GI has beer, carbonated drinks and some types of flour and confectionery products, full statistics always highlight them.
  3. The index also depends on the method of preparation. During the heat treatment, carbohydrates and proteins are partially denatured. For example, the glycemic index of mashed potatoes is significantly lower than that of boiled potatoes. Potatoes have the lowest GI when cooked in their skins. This is due to the fact that the product contains starch. Any foods with starch (cereals, cereals or pasta) lose their glycemic index during cooking.
  4. Throughout the day, the level of the glycemic index of foods should be reduced. By evening, the index should be minimal. During sleep, the human body almost does not consume energy, so excess blood sugar inevitably leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Food Glycemic Index Table

Product Glycemic index
beer 110
dates 103
corn tortillas 100
white bread toast 100
swede 99
parsnip 97
french buns 95
baked potatoes 95
rice flour 95
rice noodles 92
canned apricots 91
cactus jam 91
mashed potatoes 90
honey 90
instant rice porridge 90
cornflakes 85
boiled carrots 85
popcorn 85
white bread 85
rice bread 85
instant mashed potatoes 83
fodder beans 80
potato chips 80
crackers 80
muesli with nuts and raisins 80
tapioca 80
unsweetened waffles 76
donuts 76
watermelon 75
zucchini 75
pumpkin 75
long french bread 75
ground breadcrumbs for breading 74
wheat bagel 72
millet 71
boiled potatoes 70
coca-cola, fanta, sprite 70
potato starch, corn starch 70
boiled corn 70
marmalade, jam with sugar 70
mars, snickers (bars) 70
dumplings, ravioli 70
turnip 70
steamed white rice 70
sugar (sucrose) 70
fruit chips in sugar 70
milk chocolate 70
unleavened flatbread 69
wheat flour 69
croissant 67
a pineapple 66
cream with wheat flour 66
Swiss muesli 66
oatmeal, instant 66
dried green pea soup 66
bananas 65
melon 65
potatoes, boiled "in uniform" 65
canned vegetables 65
couscous 65
semolina 65
sand baskets with fruits 65
orange juice, ready 65
black bread 65
raisin 64
Pasta with cheese 64
shortbread cookies 64
beet 64
black bean soup 64
biscuit 63
wheat grains, germinated 63
wheat flour fritters 62
twix 62
hamburger buns 61
pizza with tomatoes and cheese 60
white rice 60
yellow pea soup 60
canned sweet corn 59
pies 59
papaya 58
pita arabian 57
wild rice 57
mango 55
oatmeal cookies 55
butter cookies 55
fruit salad with whipped cream 55
tarot 54
germinal flakes 53
sweet yogurt 52
ice cream 52
tomato soup 52
bran 51
buckwheat 50
sweet potatoes (yam) 50
kiwi 50
brown rice 50
spaghetti, pasta 50
tortellini with cheese 50
bread, buckwheat pancakes 50
sherbet 50
oatmeal 49
amylose 48
bulgur 48
green peas, canned 48
grape juice, no sugar 48
grapefruit juice, no sugar 48
fruit bread 47
lactose 46
M&Ms 46
pineapple juice, no sugar 46
bread with bran 45
canned pears 44
lentil puree soup 44
colored beans 42
canned turkish peas 41
grape 40
green peas, fresh 40
hominy (porridge made from cornmeal) 40
orange juice, freshly squeezed, no sugar 40
apple juice, no sugar 40
white beans 40
wheat grain bread, rye bread 40
pumpkin bread 40
fish sticks 38
wholemeal spaghetti 38
lima bean soup 36
oranges 35
Chinese vermicelli 35
green peas, dry 35
figs 35
natural yogurt 35
low fat yogurt 35
quinoa 35
dried apricots 35
maize 35
raw carrots 35
soy milk ice cream 35
pears 34
rye grains, sprouted 34
chocolate milk 34
peanut butter 32
Strawberry 32
whole milk 32
lima beans 32
green bananas 30
black beans 30
turkish peas 30
berry marmalade without sugar, jam without sugar 30
milk 2 percent 30
soy milk 30
peaches 30
apples 30
sausages 28
skimmed milk 27
red lentils 25
cherry 22
crushed yellow peas 22
grapefruit 22
pearl barley 22
plums 22
soybeans, canned 22
green lentils 22
dark chocolate (70% cocoa) 22
fresh apricots 20
peanut 20
soybeans, dry 20
fructose 20
rice bran 19
walnuts 15
eggplant 10
broccoli 10
mushrooms 10
Green pepper 10
mexican cactus 10
cabbage 10
onion 10
tomatoes 10
leaf lettuce 10
lettuce 10
garlic 10
sunflower seeds 8