Types of roofing and roof materials. Overview of existing types of roofs and materials - brief characteristics What is the name of the material for the roof

The roof is a structure that serves as the end of the house at the top of it

Roof construction is one of the most important moments in the process of building a house. When constructing a roof, it is very important to follow the roof installation technology, the violation of which can lead to troubles: loss of heat, leakage or even distortion and destruction of the entire roof frame. In order for the roof to cope with its protective functions, it must be properly built.

The roof is an essential element of any building. Regardless of the type of roof and the materials from which it is made, this structure must be durable and fulfill its main functions. The main purpose of each roof is to protect the building from any bad weather, and in the case of the attic floor - to serve as a high-quality hydro and heat insulator.

The roof structure, designed in accordance with the expected loads and architectural features of the building, will not only decorate the structure, but also provide it with reliable protection. The more carefully the structure of the roof is thought out and the more accurate the calculations of the parameters of the constituent elements of its structure are, the more practical it will be in the course of further operation.

Scheme of a roofing device made of metal tiles

Based on the slope of the roofing system, they can be pitched or flat. The latter are installed horizontally or with a slope not exceeding 3%. Pitched roofs consist of inclined planes intersecting with their tops - slopes.

The slope of such roofs is calculated based on the used roofing material. So, when covering a roof with ceramic tiles, the slope is determined by the ratio 1: 2, and if with sheets of metal tiles - 1: 3 (L = 16). Roofs with a slope of 15% or more are classified as steep, up to 15% - flat.

What parts does the roofing system of buildings consist of?

Regardless of the features of the structure on which the installation of the roof is planned, its structure is assembled from the following main elements:

  • mauerlat;
  • rafter system;
  • lathing;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing material.

Roofing system design

Mauerlat acts as a solid foundation for roof structures. This is a top rail made of beams made of wood or reinforced concrete. The bars must be firmly attached to the walls of the structure. The upper surface of beams or wooden logs should be horizontal, since the rest of the structural elements will be mounted on it in the future. To protect the wood of the beams from moisture, several layers of roofing material can be laid on them.

It is the most important part of the roof structure, determining its shape and providing the necessary protection and stability to the entire building. Often, the characteristics of a given roof element determine its type and shape and allow the creation of unique roofing systems. The rafters must withstand not only the effects of weather conditions, but also the total weight of the roof. Usually, the size of the timber for the frames of the truss systems is 5x15 cm.


To evenly distribute the load, the rafter beams are strengthened with additional supports: spacers laid on the Mauerlat parallel to the rafters, vertical uprights, inclined struts, as well as ridge and side girders located across the rafters.

The stability and strength of the roof entirely depends on its supporting structure - the rafter system

To fasten the roofing material, a crate of small strips or boards is laid on the rafters. Wooden boards are placed at a certain distance from each other, depending on the type of roofing material. If the roofing is of a roll type, the pitch of the lathing should be no more than 1 cm. For metal tiles or polycarbonate sheets, a step of about 60 cm is optimal.

For waterproofing, namely protecting the roof from moisture penetration from the outside, a layer of a special film is used. It can be placed under or on top of the batten, avoiding excessive tension and sagging of the layer. At the joints of the canvas, the films are overlapped with a size of 20 cm and firmly fixed with construction tape.

There is a large selection of thermal insulation materials for roof insulation. They can be stacked or sprayed between the rafter joists without leaving gaps. Uneven distribution of insulation can adversely affect the quality of the thermal insulation layer and lead to a decrease in its performance.


To prevent the accumulation of excess moisture in the roofing system, it is necessary to arrange special gaps to ensure sufficient ventilation.

Thermal insulation of the roof allows not only to make the house more comfortable, and the microclimate in it, but also to reduce energy costs by 30%

To protect against moisture penetration into the roof from the inside of the structure, the insulation is covered with another layer of film. Special membrane films are designed in such a way as to absorb water vapor without letting it inside the roof. In the future, the absorbed moisture gradually evaporates.

The uppermost part and face of the roof is the roofing material. To cover the roof, metal sheets, slate, corrugated board, roofing steel are mainly used. Less commonly, roofs are made of polycarbonate, ceramic tiles, glass.

Metal tile is a very popular material for creating a reliable roof of any building

Types of roof structures depending on the shape

In terms of shape, there are a wide variety of roofing options. In modern construction, the installation of pitched roofs is mainly carried out. Horizontal structures cannot fully protect the structure from adverse weather conditions. A lot of snow is retained on their surface, and during rain, moisture can seep into the building.

Pitched roof shapes

Pitched roofs differ in the number of pitched roofs. The simplest and most economical single slope roof structure. The frame system of such a roof is mounted on the walls of the house with a certain slope, due to the fact that they have different heights. On the attic floor with such a roof, it will not be possible to equip a residential attic. And the building looks rustic with such a roof. Such polycarbonate roofs are often built on terraces, balconies, verandas.

Shed roof construction is extremely simple


Gable (gable) roofs are widely used in construction wooden house in the suburbs or private buildings in small towns. Often it can be found in country buildings. 2 slopes of such a roof are interconnected by means of a ridge - a horizontally located rib. This type of roofing is the most common and most practical. The space under such a roof, bounded on the sides by parts of the walls of the structure, can be used as an attic or attic. The original look of the building can be given by installing ramps that differ in width or slope angle.

A gable roof is the most popular construction in private construction

Varieties of hip roofs

Hip roof (Dutch) is a very reliable and durable construction made in European style. Its frame consists of 4 slopes: 2 triangular, located instead of pediments, and 2 trapezoidal slopes. The construction of such a roof is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but the result justifies the efforts made.


Sometimes, in order to achieve a triangle-shaped shape on the unused part of the pediment, its lower part is covered with a slope. In this part, a window is usually mounted.

Even more complex in execution is the half-hip type of roofs. Such a roof has truncated triangular slopes located above the trapezoidal ones. In addition to additional attractiveness, it is characterized by high functional qualities. In addition, the half-hip design allows you to arrange a rather large window on the pediment.

Half-hip roofs are one of the most interesting options borrowed from northern European architecture.

Hip frame roofing is also a type of hip type. It is formed by three or more slopes, with their tops connected at the top at one point. The peculiarity of this roof is the absence of a ridge. Symmetrical triangular slopes create an impressive design. This type of roof is usually used in houses with a polygonal or square shape.

Multi-gable design

For installation in structures of a polygonal shape, a multi-gable frame roof is suitable. This type of roof is a rather complex structure and requires a carefully thought out, precisely drawn up plan.

A multi-gable roof will require colossal physical and financial costs, but will delight the creators with the architectural beauty of the building.

For the construction of a residential attic, a broken roof is installed on the attic floor. The fractures of its slopes have a significant angle of inclination, which ensures the formation of a large free space under the roof.

The sloping roof structure allows to increase the functionality of the building

Dome roof structure

Rounded roofs in the form of a cone or dome are not installed along the entire perimeter of the building. They cover such building elements as decorative turrets or rounded terraces.

Dome houses are a relatively new word in construction, quickly gaining popularity due to the use unconventional form

Combined roof options

Combined roof structures can combine a wide variety of frame types.

The combined roof can include various elements of hip roofs. The multi-gable design can be equipped with a large number of compact glass windows, small balconies, as well as polycarbonate verandas or terraces. Thus, they allow you to embody the most daring and original design solutions... Their main disadvantage is complex installation and rather expensive maintenance.

Combined roofs - the most complex in structure

What type of roofing system to choose for a private house

In construction practice, a wide variety of types are used. Basically, the rise of this or that type of roof depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. Currently, it is possible to install the most unusual roofing systems: glass, metal, polycarbonate coverings, ceramic or metal tiles.

Giving preference to any type of roof, the owner of a private house thereby determines the features of the future frame truss system. It is also taken into account in what weather conditions the building will be located, how the use of the attic space is planned. If a residential attic is planned, the desired number of rooms in the space under the roof, as well as their purpose, are taken into account.

A flat roof is a fashionable architectural way of building a roof for country house, which has a number of advantages and functional features

Roof covering materials

Various building materials are used to cover roof structures: rigid and flexible, piece and rolls, profiled and flat. Some use it for the roof of a small house, others for a multi-storey city building, and still others for household buildings.

Sheet roof:

  • sheets of metal tiles;
  • corrugated board;
  • ondulin (euro slate, aqualin);
  • slate;
  • copper folded sheets, as well as aluminum or steel.

Profiled sheet and metal tiles are valued, first of all, for their durability. Slate is a more budget option. A folded covering, in contrast to metal tiles, is more often used when sheltering industrial buildings.

Decking is one of the best building finishing materials in terms of price-quality ratio

Soft types of materials:

  • flexible tile. A multi-gable structure is mainly mounted from it;
  • roll roofing (stekloizol, waterproofing);
  • membrane roofing (EPDM, TPO, PVC), for example, polycarbonate sheets.

Piece materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • bulk (mastic);
  • slate roof.

In the construction of country houses, polycarbonate covers are often mounted. Thanks to its characteristics, the roof is durable and lightweight. This material is durable and lightweight, transmits daylight and is an alternative to glass coatings. Polycarbonate roofing is used in the construction of terraces, attics, verandas, greenhouses. Due to the presence of air chambers, polycarbonate sheets are distinguished by high sound insulation and perfectly retain heat inside the room. In addition, the cost of polycarbonate is lower than glass coatings.

A gazebo with a polycarbonate roof is a very good option for installation on summer cottages any size

Functions and types of structures of the eaves of the roof

The overhang of the eaves protruding beyond the perimeter of the walls of the house is designed to protect against precipitation. Cornice elements mask the connection line of the inner surface of the roof slopes with the walls of the house and make the facade of the building complete.

Eaves overhangs are equipped on the sides of the building and on the side of its facade due to the protruding edges of the inclined slopes. The overhang of the lateral cornice is usually 50 cm, the frontal - about 1 m.

To ensure the safe operation of the front cornice, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of materials.


An important point when finishing the cornice is the mandatory provision of sufficient ventilation, regardless of the type of design chosen and the size of the cornice.

In total, the number of ventilation openings should be up to 1/400 of the area of ​​the interior space.

The device of the eaves of the roof provides additional function ventilation of the roof space

Types of roof structures

The roof frame system is an important structural element of any building. Depending on the materials of manufacture, roof frames are divided into the following types:

  • a concrete-type frame structure is used for the manufacture of flat or shallow single-slope systems, consists of special slabs;
  • the roofing system of the truss type is a frame made of lumber. This option is best suited for installation different types pitched roofs;
  • in industrial buildings, it is advisable to install metal frames roofs made of durable metal beams;

In the construction of private houses, mainly a frame gable roof made of lumber is used.


The roof frame is subjected to heavy loads during operation. To ensure the safety and reliable protection of the building, it must be as strong and high quality as possible.

Construction frame house with multi-gable roof attic

For the construction of the roof of a multi-storey apartment building, metal or concrete single-slope structures are often used.

The choice of the shape of the roof and the variety of roofing material is largely determined by the features of the architectural configuration of the structure, weather conditions, the planned direction of water flow, as well as the individual preferences of the owner of the house. Regardless of the type of roof, if desired, it can be supplemented and old elements replaced with new ones.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor... Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Teacher of History and Theory of Culture ”. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

The variety of roofs misleads the layman inexperienced in construction.

Considering the options for roofs, it is difficult to determine what exactly is needed for the future structure, which is advisable to build in a particular case.

In addition, I want the roof to be not only beautiful, but also strong, durable, and meet all the requirements. The variety of designs allows architectural designers to turn all the most unpredictable projects into reality.

There are various types of roofs for private houses, we will talk about them now.

A pitched roof is a rectangular plane resting on opposite load-bearing walls.

A pitched roof is:

  • Ventilated;
  • unventilated.

Design features

Directly depends on the slope. Since the slope of the structure is influenced not only by the finish coating, but by the peculiarity of climatic conditions, then all these values ​​should be calculated correctly.

The cumulative load is also an important indicator for the design of any roof.

Slope angle

Directly depends on the covering material: coatings are distinguished by their ability to keep snowfall.

It is recommended to choose materials for covering a pitched roof based on their ability to self-clean from snow.

In addition, depending on the natural features, in places where wind prevails, the area is not sufficiently protected by trees, it is recommended to change the angle of the slope.

Shed roof truss system options

WITH tropic roof structure with one slope can be:

  • Sliding;
  • layered;
  • hanging.

It is carried out most often from wooden elements for various purposes.

Rafter system shed roof

Installation features

Installation of a single-pitched rafter structure is carried out on a Mauerlat.

If the installation of a hanging type frame is carried out, then first a farm is made on the ground. The entire structure is manufactured according to a given template.

The roof can be equipped with a thermal insulation system... For this, the elements necessary for a warm roof are mounted.

The final covering of the roof is a protective covering material.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pitched roof

Despite the ease of installation, uncomplicated design, the single-slope system has its own characteristics.


  • Inexpensive construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to strong winds.

Repair work during operation on pitched roof it is not difficult to produce, not too expensive.


  • The need for snow removal;
  • low height of the attic space. The advantages of this type are strength and reliability in terms of resistance to the vagaries of the weather.

Shed roof

Gable roof

The design, which consists of two slopes, is called gable.

Gable structures can be classified by the location of the slopes:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical;
  • broken lines;
  • multilevel;
  • gable with a skate on a ramp.

In addition, other configurations of gable roofs can be designed: broken from one slope, double broken, with extended canopies or extensions.

Design options

Particular attention is paid to the load.

Besides, the angle of inclination is important in accordance with the coating.

Quite simple, with the correct determination of all indicators (angle, roof load, natural load), the roof will be reliable and durable.

Tilt angle

The average amount of snowfall in the region is taken into account when calculating the roof load. Besides, the strength of the wind currents affects the slope of the slope.

With a different slope for different materials, a certain one corresponds. All materials have their own indicators.

Rafter system

It can have a layered structure, hanging, combined.

The rafter design option is selected based on the span between the outer walls... In addition to the rafter beams, the structural elements of the rafter system are: ridge, Mauerlat, crossbar, puffs, and other elements.

Each of the additional elements distributes the load, fixes or strengthens the more vulnerable parts of the structure.

Gable roof rafter system


When installing a gable roof you need to follow the basic steps:

  • Install beams;
  • fix the crate;
  • install a roof covering.

In the case of lengthening the rafter legs, additional slats are mounted under the overhang.

Advantages and disadvantages

A gable roof is the most common roofing model.

This is due to the advantage of this design:

  • The possibility of arranging an attic;
  • there is no need to independently clean the coating from snow;
  • uncomplicated project;
  • variety of coatings.


  • Dependence of the roof height on the span;
  • when arranging an attic room, additional structural reinforcement and arrangement of window systems and heating elements are required.

A gable roof is not the most complex structure, and when fully equipped, it is the most demanded.

Gable roof

Hip roof

It is a four-slope structure. The slopes are made up of triangles and trapezoids.

The modified design of the hip system is called half-hip... Distinguish between Dutch and Danish half-hip design.

Design features

The project has rather painstaking calculations, since the structure itself is not simple.

Particular attention should be paid to the moments:

  • calculate each slope separately;
  • correctly calculate the length of the rafters and ridge;
  • take into account the area of ​​windows and chimneys;
  • correctly calculate the load.


The same material should be used for the frame and the ridge bar. This feature must be taken into account in the project.

The project costs should include additional elements and additional details for the arrangement of the roof.

Slope angle

The slope angle is influenced by wind and snow. The structure of this type can be equipped with an angle from 5 ° to 60 °. The dependence on natural indicators is directly proportional.

It should be remembered about the peculiarities of laying the roofing: the recommended indicators of each coating directly depend on the angle of the slope.

In addition to the main rafter legs, it consists of their elements: a Mauerlat, a ridge, ankle legs, and other important parts that provide strength and participate in load distribution.

Hip roof rafter system

Installation features

Includes fastening sequence:

  • mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • racks;
  • slant legs. Further, in order, other elements are installed, including the crate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hip structures, in addition to the presentable appearance and structural strength has a number of advantages:

  • the slope of the ribs reduces the wind load;
  • due to the design feature, the area increases, which has a positive effect on heat transfer.

The disadvantages of a hip roof are its complexity and cost..

Hip roof

Mansard (broken) roof

This is a type of construction in which the slopes are refracted with a change in the slope angle of the slope.

The mansard sloping roof can have from two to four slopes.

There are layered and hanging.

The schematic structure of the attic can be in the form:

  • Square;
  • rectangle;
  • a combined figure combining a triangle and a square.

The most common type of broken structure is a gable roof.

Design options

At should be guided by the requirements, which are provided during installation:

  • A roof height of at least 2.2 m should be designed;
  • choose materials that are lighter in weight;
  • take into account the braces and tightening due to the length of the rafters.

The sloping roof provides for the arrangement of the attic, therefore it is advisable to use high-quality materials for insulation and providing the roof with air exchange.

Tilt angle

In calculating the angle of inclination, it is necessary to build on the height of the attic.

  • Influence of atmospheric influences;
  • type of roofing.

The best option for a sloped roof with an attic is a project in which the upper slopes are at an angle of 30 °, and the lower ones are at an angle of 60 °.

Rafter system

In the attic structures, the frame is equipped with the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • frame racks;
  • runs. These and other elements create a solid foundation for the arrangement of the attic.

Rafter system mansard roof


When installing the rafter base, one part of the frame is made, starting with the racks and layered rafters, and then, like it, all the rest.

After installing all the elements, they are fastened with girders..

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a sloping roof is the arrangement of an additional room.

Among the disadvantages of a sloping roof is its cost., since this consumes a lot of materials for insulation, the arrangement of special windows is not a cheap pleasure.

But the costs of arranging the attic will not be able to exceed the construction of an additional extension or an increase in the area of ​​the house.

Roof roof

Flat roof

A structure that is a plane lying on load-bearing walls structures. Such a system does not have an attic space.

Can be exploited and unexploited.

Besides, depending on the characteristics of the coating, flat systems can be divided into:

  • inversion;
  • green;
  • breathable.

They all have their own characteristics.

Design features

At the stage designing it is necessary to correctly calculate the load of the snow cover, as well as all the materials used and take into account the drainage system.

Slope angle

The roof must have the necessary. Its angle is up to 5 °... This feature contributes to high-quality drainage.

Rafters location options

The flat roof frame provides for the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • support bars;
  • plywood or OSB flooring.

Flat roof rafter system


It is important to organize the arrangement of gutters. Attention should be paid to the operating system: it is important to choose the right type of overlap and the necessary layers to ensure a favorable microclimate.

Advantages and disadvantages

A flat roof is characterized by a positive price, low labor costs, and the possibility of arranging additional recreation areas is a productive distribution of space.

The disadvantages are: accumulation of snow, the inability to determine the condition of the roofing cake, the need to equip an internal drainage system.

Flat roof

Hip roof

It is a system of triangular slopes connected at one vertex.

According to the features of the frame structure, hipped roofs can be layered and hanging. In addition, tent structures are still of other types.

Design options

The main directions for the design of the tent system are:

  • Calculation of the slope angle;
  • choice of roofing;
  • calculation of the height of the ridge connection.

An important step is to calculate the load on the rafter structure. If insulation is supposed, the load of the layers of the cake is calculated.

Tilt angle

The slope of the slopes directly depends on the type of roofing and climatic conditions. Lowering the slope should be done when strong winds prevail at the site of the building.

Rafter system

The elements of the rafter system of the hipped roof are:

  • Mauerlat;
  • floor beams;
  • cut boards;
  • props.

These and other elements together provide the strength and stability of the frame.

Hip roof rafter system

Installation features

The installation of the tent system implies the arrangement of the rafter system and the installation of the insulation system for the roof.

The truss system should be erected before installing the ceiling of the building.

Installation of the rafter system begins with the installation of a Mauerlat or strapping... Further, the system is gradually erected, starting with rafter boards, installation of racks, and other elements, ending with trusses and struts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attractiveness of the hipped roof makes you forget about its shortcomings. The disadvantages are the small area for the attic and the complexity of installation.... The advantage is the aerodynamic properties and strength of the system.

Hipped roof

Multi-gable roof

The complex construction of a multi-gable roof consists of many parts, protrusions, elements. Perhaps one of the most complex designs.

Determined by a combination of certain types of roofs, collected together. Roof corners can be pointed or hip.

Design options

A difficult task for the development of a project, especially if the elements of the roof have different configurations. In this case, each element should be calculated separately.

Particular attention should be paid to the rafter system.

  • Use lightweight materials;
  • do not skimp on waterproofing;
  • take care of quality rafter beams.

The complexity of the project lies in the planning of the arrangement of window systems.

The structure itself is the covering of the attic of the house, therefore it is strong enough, practically unaffected by atmospheric influences.

The location of the rafters

The stage of erection of a multi-girder system is the most difficult stage. Each part should be mounted separately... For rafters, you should choose only high-quality wood.

The basic part of the design is the Mauerlat. The rest of the structural elements are attached to it: rafter legs, reinforcing beams and supports.

Multi-gable roof rafter system

Installation features

In addition to the complexity of installing the roof frame, the multi-gable system has a vulnerable spot, which should be properly protected from moisture: this is the angle at which the ramps join.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a multi-gable roof is originality and attractiveness. But such beauty should be paid in full: the equipment of such a system is an expensive pleasure.

Multi-gable roof

Conical roof

The conical roof structure is cone-shaped. A rather rare type of roof, since the arrangement of such systems is carried out on round-shaped houses.

Tapered roofs can be complete or incomplete.

Design options

Most often, conical shapes serve as decoration... They are not functional. You need to know the diameter of the base of the cone, the length of the slope. When calculating the area of ​​the cone, the amount of materials required is determined.

Slope angle

The slope angle of a tapered roof is calculated using the tangent formula. In this case, it is necessary to know the height of the cone and the length of the rafter leg.

Rafter system

The conical roof framing system is a hanging fan type. Additional elements are used: beams, braces, lathing, additional beams.

Conical roof rafter system


Installation is carried out by laying the rafter legs in the form of a fan... They are based on the girders, as well as the ring element at the top. The base is the Mauerlat. Further, the base is assembled in a certain way using additional elements.


Boards as lathing are not suitable for the cone type. In this case, mount flexible types of PVC pipes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Resistance to any weather phenomena is one of the advantages of a conical roof... Increased strength, originality is the undoubted advantage of this type of roof.

The complexity of installation, the high consumption of materials, the inability to install the attic due to the lack of windows allows such systems to be mounted only to decorate the roof.

Conical roof

Which roof is better

The roof structure, first of all, must correspond to the architecture of the building.

The choice of roof is determined in accordance with the factors:

  • Financial opportunity;
  • climate features;
  • individual preferences;
  • the need for an attic.

Before deciding on an option to protect your home, you should consider the different options.

Roof options

Useful video

In this video you will find out what types of roofs are there:

A huge range of roofing materials for the roof of a country house often creates problems for inexperienced developers. They do not fully understand what factors to focus on and what affects the performance of materials. The roof performs not only a protective function, its significance is much wider. Selection mistakes can create significant problems later on.

The parameters of the rafter system have a significant impact on the choice of roofing, there are several factors that must be taken into account, this is the only way to guarantee a high-quality and durable coating of the house.

Flat roofs

The angle of inclination of the slopes is not more than 12 °. Such roofs are used during the construction of large country cottages, they can be used and ordinary.

The exploited flat roofs house winter gardens, playgrounds for outdoor activities or walks.

There are options for arranging car parks on flat roofs. To create exploitable flat roofs, you should buy the most durable and reliable roll coatings or mastics. Currently, it is a polyester-based euroruberoid.

This material is distinguished by the most high rates strength, service life not less than fifty years. Modified bitumen is used as waterproofing, which does not lose its plasticity at low temperatures. On polyester roofs, you can install heavy structures, make strong concrete reinforced screeds, etc.

The second material for sealing flat roofs is liquid mastics. In the implementation there is a large selection, according to their technical characteristics, mastics fully meet the existing requirements.

Pitched roofs

The number of slopes is from one to 5–8, it all depends on the complexity of the rafter system and the architectural features of the structure. All types of roofing materials can be used on pitched roofs: soft and hard, roll and piece, profiled and flat, modern and traditional.

Each type has its own characteristics, is selected taking into account the operating conditions, the chosen design project and the financial capabilities of the consumer. The cost of some types of roofing can be very significant, and most developers cannot afford them.

General characteristics of roofing materials

Regardless of the specific features and technical characteristics, all roofing materials have common evaluation criteria.

  1. Maximum total loads... They must withstand snow cover, gusts of wind, and the weight of builders.
  2. Operational parameters. These include durability, ease of installation and maintenance, and original design solutions.
  3. Price. It is necessary to take into account not only the price of the material itself, but also the additional elements, special nodes of the rafter system, the requirements for the crate, and other conditions. In addition, the complexity of the installation has a significant impact, the amount of remuneration for roofers depends on it.

Due to the fact that the roof is constantly exposed to numerous negative factors, it must be resistant to mechanical stress, deformation, severe exposure to ultraviolet rays, and large temperature extremes. At the same time, for a long period of time, maintain the tightness and presentable appearance of the roof, do not require much time for maintenance, be repairable and replaceable.

Important factors are the durability and maintainability of the roof

What are the most popular types of roofing for a house

There is no unequivocal and universal advice on choosing the type of roof, each of them has its own strengths and weak sides There are many factors to consider when choosing. And not all of them are objective, caused by the operating conditions of the building. Many are purely subjective, outside advisers cannot influence the choice, the final decision is made only by the consumer, taking into account his personal preferences.

Metal tile

Today the most used material for roofs of buildings for various purposes. It is made of rolled sheet, has several layers of corrosion protection. A profile with changeable dimensions is formed on special equipment. External coating - especially durable polymer paints of various colors. Warranty 5-15 years, in practice it is used for up to 30 years. It can have a glossy or matte front surface, less dust is retained on the glossy one.

Disadvantages - on complex roofs, the amount of waste increases to 15%. There is a high likelihood of purchasing substandard coatings due to the complexity of quality verification by consumers. It is impossible to independently find out the thickness and uniformity of the zinc layer, it is difficult to determine the painting parameters. Another problem is that fire regulations require everyone to metal roofs install lightning rods, which complicates the installation of the roof.

Prices for metal tiles

Metal tile

Bituminous (flexible) shingles

It ranks second in popularity after metal coatings. It is made of durable bituminous roofing material on a polymer basis. Waterproofing layer - artificial bitumen modified by innovative additives, new manufacturing technologies increase the plasticity of the material even at negative temperatures, increase mechanical strength and resistance to sunlight.

The ductility of the base and bitumen makes it possible to easily compensate for minor temperature fluctuations of the roof elements. The top layer is covered with stone chips - the appearance improves, the indicators of resistance to various damages increase, and the operating time increases.

The angle of inclination of the roof must be at least 12 °, the material can be used on roofs of complex geometry. Excellent technological characteristics minimize the amount of unproductive waste (no more than 5%).

Disadvantages - susceptibility to UV rays, over time mold and moss appear on the surface, which significantly worsens the appearance of the roof. Due to the fact that the laying technology requires continuous lathing and does not provide for natural ventilation, during the construction of the rafter system, it is necessary to use the most expensive waterproof OSB board, which almost doubles the estimated cost of the roof.

Prices for various types and manufacturers of shingles

Composite polymer sand tile

A rather complicated, from a technological point of view, roofing material is made of sand (up to 70%), polymers (up to 25%) and dyes (up to 5%). Resistant to negative influences of external factors, capable of withstanding significant mechanical loads. Weight up to 21kg, service life up to 50 years, warranty up to 15 years.

The material is not afraid of static and dynamic loads. According to these indicators, it significantly exceeds the indicators of natural ceramic tiles. Has a low thermal conductivity, which reduces the volume of condensate during temperature fluctuations. The absence of pores increases resistance to freezing / thawing, some species can withstand up to 200 cycles.

Disadvantages - high cost, complexity of installation, the coating is moderately flammable. The main problem is unscrupulous manufacturers. Such companies use recycled polymer, which is obtained after recycling. The quality of secondary plastic is significantly inferior to the primary one, accordingly, the actual performance characteristics of polymer tiles do not meet the declared ones.

Cement shingles

Piece roofing, made of a cement-sand mixture. Various dyes are added to improve the appearance.

Cement shingles are heavy, which requires special preparation of the rafter system. It is the only roofing material that increases its strength over time. The cement slurry reaches its maximum values ​​of physical strength after a hundred years.

The roof is durable, holds the loads well, including shock ones. Withstands approximately 50 freeze / thaw cycles, is not afraid of sunlight. Made from quartz sand and cement. Mineral dyes are added to change the color.

Disadvantages - complexity of installation, highly qualified roofers are required.

Over time, mosses and mold appear on the surface. During the purchase, you should carefully check the uniformity of dimensions, the slightest violation of technology or manufacturing on obsolete equipment causes deviations from the geometry. Cement is afraid of acidic environments; therefore, it is strongly discouraged to use cement tiles to cover houses located in large industrial cities.

One of the most expensive and difficult to install roofing. A piece of material, only the most experienced roofers are allowed to install. It is made from natural clay by pressing and firing. The technology is complex and expensive, requires a large amount of special industrial equipment and the proximity of a quarry with clay suitable for analysis. The lifespan is 70 years, but there are many examples of old buildings with preserved roofing.

Natural roof tiles are considered an exclusive material, used on prestigious buildings or during the renovation of historic buildings. It can be repaired, replacing tiles that are out of order for various reasons is not very difficult.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. The price is artificially overpriced, the production of the material does not require such large financial investments. The complexity of installation increases the cost of the rafter system by about 10-15%, the roof can only be mounted on slopes with a large angle of inclination.

Another drawback is that even minor violations of the laying technology will certainly make themselves felt during the operation of the building. It is difficult to check the quality immediately after the end of the work, you need to press up on the roof.

Comparative table of characteristics of different types of shingles

Average weight kg / m4–6 8–11 8–9 45–55 45–55
Resistant to open fireNon-flammableSupports open burningNon-flammableNon-flammableNon-flammable
Manufacturer's warranty period15–20 25–30 45–50 35–40 60–80
Average cost, rub.850–950 1050–1250 1250–1500 1150–1300 1600–1800
Approximate wages for roofers, rubles300–400 400–600 300–500 500–650 600–800
Approximate estimate of the roof, rub.1150–1350 1400–1850 1550–2100 1650–1950 2200–2600

Profiled sheets are just as popular as metal shingles.

Prices for various types of tiles


Profiled sheet specifications

Technical parameters slightly differ from metal tiles, service life 15–20 years. At a cost slightly lower than metal tiles, which makes it the cheapest modern roofing material, except for bituminous and slate. But bituminous coatings are very rarely used for pitched roofs. The professional sheet has various thicknesses and profile parameters, the color is classified according to international standards.

Decking as roofing

Disadvantages - the appearance does not meet modern requirements. This shortcoming is temporary; at present, manufacturers have learned how to make very beautiful profiles with simple geometry. Another problem is high sound conductivity, but it only manifests itself in cases where the attic spaces are residential. A lot of noise occurs during heavy rainfall or hail, such precipitation rarely occurs in most regions of our country, the noise does not bring much inconvenience.

It is made on the basis of cellulose web, modified bitumen is used as waterproofing, the color is changed by pigments. It looks like a wave slate.

The warranty is 5-10 years, depending on the type and manufacturer, but in practice it can last more than 20 years. It is resistant to hail blows, can bend and take the form of a rafter system. Special coatings inhibit the development of fungi and mold on the surface, do not impair the initial performance in the temperature range from -40 ° C to + 80 ° C. Frost resistance not less than 25 cycles, not afraid chemical compounds... For the price, it belongs to the category of budget roofing coatings.

Ondulin - budget roofing

Disadvantages: the color of the surface changes under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the edges are slightly wrapped. Ondulin is on fire and requires unconditional compliance with all fire safety rules. In terms of total quality indicators, it occupies the last positions among all roofing materials.

Prices for various types of ondulin

Galvanized sheet steel

Currently, it is rarely used and only in seam roofs. Installed on a solid crate, due to its flexibility, it can copy the shape of the roof. It is rarely used on houses, it is recommended for various sheds and outbuildings.

Disadvantages - the design does not meet the needs of modern developers; a continuous crate is required for the covering. Low indicators of bending strength exclude the possibility of arranging natural ventilation of the under-roof space. To increase the service life, all wooden elements of the rafter system must be impregnated with antiseptics several times, if possible, use moisture-resistant plates.

Prices for galvanized steel sheets

Galvanized steel sheet


It is made of a special modified polymer with increased parameters of physical strength and resistance to UV rays. To reduce the cost, natural fillers are introduced into the composition, the color depends on the coloring additives. A relatively new roofing material, in appearance it resembles wavy slate. Has a variety of colors, service life of 30 years.

Does not absorb moisture, therefore, it is not afraid of freezing / thawing. Plasticity allows you to damp shock loads, the roof can be used in various climatic zones, except for the Far North. Easy to cut, there is no need to use special devices and tools during installation. The installation technology resembles the laying of ordinary slate.

Disadvantages - the high cost does not correspond to the same high performance characteristics. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, plastic gradually loses its original properties, becomes brittle and cracks under minor loads. There is no point in repairing the roof; physical aging occurs throughout the entire roof area. The only way out is a complete replacement of the roof, which is expensive and time-consuming.

Asbestos Cement Wave Slate

Traditional roofing material made of cement and asbestos fillers. It can have a different number of waves, currently it is used only on non-prestigious buildings. In our country, slate is made from safe asbestos, which is not included in the list of carcinogens. Sheets can have a natural color or be painted in various shades Despite a wide variety of modern roofing materials, traditional slate still occupies high positions in sales. The guaranteed service life is not less than 30 years, in practice it is used for more than fifty.

There are several disadvantages - high weight and low mechanical strength. The large weight complicates the installation process and requires special measures to strengthen the rafter system. The slate cracks easily with minor changes in the linearity of the roof, the coating has to be repaired. If severe hail falls in the region, then the roof will have to be completely changed.

Slate roof - photo

Prices for various types of slate


Roofing made of natural natural stone serves as a decoration for any prestigious building. It is characterized by excellent indicators of the duration of operation, it is resistant to the effects of chemical compounds, including aggressive ones. It is not negatively affected by urban smog.

Disadvantages - high weight, high cost, low physical strength characteristics. Exclusive coverage, very rare. It is recommended to be made to order, taking into account the architectural features of the roof. This approach allows you to reduce the amount of unproductive waste and has a positive effect on the cost of roofing.

Aluminum roof

It is used as a sheet roofing or a material for the manufacture of piece shingles. The service life is practically unlimited. The coatings easily take the desired shapes, do not require additional processing of the front surface. It is laid only on a solid crate. Aluminum can be used for the manufacture of various profiles; there are options for covering the roof with even sheets.

Copper roof

Very beautiful, very expensive and very durable material. Over time, it becomes covered with a patina - a protective anti-corrosion film. The service life is not less than 100 years, it is not afraid of negative temperatures and heating.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. It can be made from 100% copper or alloys with tin and aluminum. Elite material, used only on the most expensive houses, historical or religious buildings.

Disadvantages - it is required to completely exclude contact with iron; with such contact, corrosion processes are accelerated by several orders of magnitude. Another drawback is that the color of the patina changes over time, areas with different shades may appear. Not all users like it.

Thatched roof

The traditional roofing of poor country houses from the last century is making a comeback today among the most modern developers. Used by lovers of natural eco-friendly houses, the roof gives the structure a unique look. Roofers of the highest qualifications are involved in the work; if all the rules are followed, the coating can last up to fifty years. The roof does not require additional thermal insulation, perfectly dampens noise. Due to the special laying technology, the fire safety characteristics are significantly increased.

Video - Characteristics of different types of roofing


The roof of the house protects Vacation home from atmospheric precipitation. In addition, it maintains the required thermal conditions.

Almost all types of roofs are also responsible for decorative functions. All roofs are very important in architecture. Often, a non-standard roof adorns the most ordinary country house. But still the main function of the roof is protection. Therefore, all sheds must comply with established norms and standards. Our article will cover all the requirements. Now I would like to talk about terminology.

The roof is the part of a building that sits on top of its base. It protects indoor spaces from moisture penetration, wind and solar radiation. The roof is a complex architectural element. It includes supporting structures (rafter system), which are responsible for the distribution of the roof load and rainfall. Also an integral part of the roof is the one that protects the country house from winds, cold and moisture.

The roof is a multi-layer "cake". It consists of:

  • roofing;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation (one or more layers);
  • vapor barrier material.

The roof is the part of the roof that can be seen from the outside. It is the roof that not only protects the building itself, but also determines its entire architectural and decorative appearance.

But it's not just the roofing that affects the roof of the house. The type of roof, which is the defining element for the entire building, is of great importance. Today you can find a variety of classic and unusual roofs. This allows you to choose the most suitable option and make a home with a unique design.

Types of house roofs:

  • Flat roofs are the simplest type with a slope of only 3%. They are used in the construction of apartment buildings and other massive structures. Private houses rarely contain this type of roof, as design value is almost nonexistent. In addition, flat roofs accumulate snow masses, and this, in turn, leads to increased requirements for the strength of the roof and to the supporting structures;
  • Pitched roofs - have a slope angle of 10 degrees or more. Ideal for building a private house.

Advantages of pitched roofs:

  1. self-cleaning from various types of precipitation;
  2. allow you to equip an attic or attic room;
  3. the possibility of using design and architectural ideas.

Roof roof types

This is far from full list pitched roofs.

Caution: When designing pitched roofs, provide a main drainage system for water and snow from the roof surface.

Today you can find an assortment of roofing materials. For example, classic slate is popular. It is used for the construction of roofs for outbuildings. Modern materials are represented by metal or composite tiles. You can often find a plastic roof. Thanks to modern materials, it is possible to equip both reliable and aesthetic plastic tiles. At the same time, the choice of colors is very large.

Various materials are used as roof waterproofing, ranging from roofing material to liquid rubber. Roofing material is represented by bitumen for the roof, which is applied to a fabric base. In this respect, roofing material is a fairly versatile material. It is used as a material for flat roofs of warehouses, hangars and residential buildings. Note that initially the roofing felt resembled sheets of cardboard 1x1 meter. One side was free and the other was covered with bitumen.

Of course, such a cardboard roofing felt served for a rather limited period. However, it was indispensable if it was required to close the roof in a short time. Today roofing materials include fiberglass. This allows the material to be used for 20 years without loss of quality. Before laying roofing material, you need to prepare the surface. It is important to make the roof surface as flat as possible.

Typical roof assemblies and rafters

The rafter frame is the basis for the roofing cake.

The pitched roof has a relatively large area. It has even been compared to a sail. And this is no coincidence - after all, a strong wind can easily rip it off or move it some distance.

In both cases, the roof will be damaged. And this is already an extra headache for the owner of a country house. In these conditions, reliable fastening of the roof to the walls will make it stable and durable.

  1. The rafter legs are installed on a beam (mauerlat). It, in turn, is attached to the walls of the structure. To create a Mauerlat, you need a 15x15 cm bar or a 15x10 cm board.
  2. Mauerlat is attached to the walls. For this, anchor bolts or bolts pre-screwed into the walls are used. For greater reliability, you can tie a bar with fired reinforcement. Also, the Mauerlat bar is usually associated with neighboring bars.

The result is a solid foundation for the rafter frame and roof. The task of strapping includes a competent redistribution of the load on the walls of the building.

Gable roof - device, detailed video:

Thunderstorm protection

When designing and constructing a roof, remember that the ridge is the highest point of the building. In these conditions, you cannot do without lightning protection. Especially if it's a metal roof.

As practice shows, even a small lightning strike on the roof of a building leads to a fire. Moreover, if there are people in the attic or in the attic, they can also get injured. An important process - grounding the roof - will help prevent accidents.

Tip: Steel rods act as protection against thunderstorms. Their diameter must be greater than 8 mm. The pins are attached to all edges of the roof ridge and to the pipes. The height of the pins must be at least 1 meter above the roof level. Moreover, the distance between them should ideally not exceed 12 meters.

  1. The lower ends of the pins usually contain wire that must be welded to them. The diameter of the wire must match the diameter of the down conductor. For fixing the down conductor, special clamps are used. The element is attached to the roof and walls of the structure. It is recommended to fix it on the base of the downpipe.
  2. After fixing and lowering the down conductor to the ground, it is necessary to fix it on a flat surface. For this, a distance of 1 meter is measured from each wall of the building.
  3. Next, they dig a hole half a meter deep, into which three steel pipes are immersed. It is recommended to connect them with a pre-welded steel strip.

Pipes act as grounding conductors. But they will not perform their functions without a down conductor. You will need bolts to secure the element. The process of welding the down conductor to the surface of the pipes will not be superfluous. Such a grounding scheme will create high-quality protection against thunderstorms. The types of roofing do not play a role here, such protection should be on every roof of a country house.

Thus, the construction of a house implies compliance with all the rules and regulations for strapping the roof. Equally important is the competent installation of the rafter frame and roofing cake. By creating a secure roof, you are contributing to the future of your building (read: ""). After all, if you carry out a competent process, then you can save on the possible repair of the roof or its elements. Different types of roofs differ from each other in their design and type of roofing material. However, they should all be selected based on their practical relevance. In other words, it is important to choose not only an aesthetic, but also a reliable roof.

In the modern concept, the roof of a house is not only a covering, protection from snow, sun or rain. Now the roof is an architectural continuation of the building that can emphasize its individuality and originality, and change the visual perception of the house. It should also be noted that the type of roof will also affect the interior atmosphere, comfort and coziness.

Whatever it was, but first of all, the roof must be reliable, because beauty will not save you from snow or rain. In general, there are many types of roofs, but we will only talk about the most popular, reliable and practical options that are best used in the construction of a private house.

If we consider all roofs as a whole, then they can be safely divided into two categories: flat and pitched. Both one and the other have both advantages and disadvantages.

Flat roof

Flat roof although it is popular, it does not always find a place for itself in residential housing construction. The main disadvantage is the lack of inclination, and, consequently, the constant accumulation of snow and melt water on its surface. Because of this, the lifespan of a flat roof is drastically reduced, making it appear less acceptable than a pitched roof structure. Often, a flat roof is used only when its surface will be used (placing a front garden, pool or terrace).

Pitched roof

Pitched roof much preferable, because precipitation practically does not linger on its surface. In general, this type of roof is more reliable and attractive. Under such a roof, you can equip an attic space in the attic. The only drawback that you will have to face face to face is the increased cost of building this type of roof and its difficult to repair.

Roof with attic

Roof with attic very easy to build and install, you can build it yourself. The angle of inclination of the attic roof directly depends on what material is used for its roof. You also need to take into account the maximum load placed on the roof, the cost of its construction and materials. It is convenient to repair such a roof, but even at the initial stages, you need to choose the optimal roofing material. An important point will be the decision on the attic, whether it will be used as a living space or not. Depending on this, the height of the ceiling, its quality and the materials used for its construction will be decided, as well as what the roofing cake should be, heat and waterproofing.

Attic (attic)

Attic (mansard) roof differs in that the outer mills will be roof surfaces located at a sharp angle. This roof is interesting externally, but the usable area of ​​the attic space will be slightly reduced, since you need a good roof attachment. It is almost impossible to build such a roof on your own; it is better to attract professionals.

In most cases, a roof without an attic has a kink, therefore, special support systems are installed from the inside, reducing the usable area of ​​the attic. Having imagination and design ideas, the props can be sheathed with plywood, after which niches and cabinets for seasonal things can be made there.

Shed roof

Shed roof - cheap and easy to install option. In fact, this is a kind of flat roof mounted on walls of different heights. It is thanks to this that a natural slope of the roof is created at a certain angle to one side. This roof is comfortable and practical, but very boring in appearance, and you cannot equip an attic under it.

Gable roof

Gable roof - the most popular option in villages and small towns. This roof is one of the most ancient, but it is still relevant today. It is based on two slopes, connected at the top of the ridge. The gable roof can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. In general, this is a very convenient and practical option, an ideal solution for those who want to equip an attic.

Hip roof

Hip roof - a kind of hipped roof. The two slopes of this roof are trapezoidal, and the end planes (hips) are triangular. It is much more difficult to create and build such a roof, so it is better to turn to professionals. The advantage of the roof lies in its performance, because it is very resistant to the vagaries of the weather.

Half hip roof

Half hip roof - this is something between a hip and a gable roof. The lateral planes are truncated - they have a half-hip shape, their length is 2-3 times less than that of the main planes. Vertical windows can be placed on the pediment of the building, and half-hips will become a decorative element.


Tent - the structure of this roof has 3 or more slopes, which are collected in one upper point. There is no “ridge” in the hipped roof, and the symmetry of the slopes pleasantly surprises. If the house has regular geometric shapes (square, polygon), then the hipped roof will be the best solution. It is resistant to winds, is original in appearance and is able to reliably protect the house.

Multi-gable roof

Multi-gable roof - the most difficult, expensive, but at the same time interesting option. Ideal for polygonal houses where you want to create something special. The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is difficult to implement, so the involvement of professional builders and architects is mandatory here. If all goes well, you can eventually get your dream home.

Sloping roof

Sloping roof - a kind of attic roof, because it is under it that the attic is often equipped. The upper part has a small angle of inclination, after which there is a break and the angle increases sharply, thereby the usable area of ​​the attic will practically not suffer, and its side walls will be reliably protected.

Conical and domed roofs

Conical and domed roofs - this is a very rare occurrence, because practically no one uses them. This type of roof is not easy to use and difficult to repair. It is best to use them only as separate elements that can be used to cover round verandas or create decorative towers.

Combined roof

Combined roof - difficult, but possible. This roof often combines such types of roofs as hipped roof, hip roof and multi-gable roof. It is logical that it is too difficult to calculate and build such a roof, so a professional architect must be involved to implement the project. By creating a combined roof, you can surprise your friends, cause envy among neighbors and delight among your loved ones. Having built such a roof, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is difficult to maintain it, and you need to spend capital on the implementation of this project, whether it is worth deciding only for the owner of the home.