Significant facts in my family. Interesting facts about marriage and family. Love-match

A modern married couple spends only a few minutes a day fully together. This is due to the increase in working hours, the appearance of children, television, the Internet, distraction by hobbies, employment with household and family responsibilities.

The English word "marriage" comes from the Latin word "mas", meaning "guy" or "male". Earliest known forms of use given word in English language date back to the 13th century.

More than 75% of people who marry for the first time end up getting divorced.

The Oneida Colony, established in New York in 1848, advocated "complex" or group marriage, in which every woman was married to every man. They also practiced "scientific supervision" where the parents-to-be were supervised by a committee of physical and mental health.

Traditionally, bridesmaids are expected to wear matching dresses to confuse the groom's rivals, evil spirits, and burglars.

Marriage of spouses younger than 25 significantly increases the risk of divorce. In addition, the risk is higher when a woman is much older than a man, although this is not a very influential factor.

At an Italian wedding, glass or mirror breaking is a common occurrence. It is believed that the number of fragments will be equal to the number of happy years that the couple will live together.

The word "husband" (husband) comes from the Old Norse "husbondi" or "master of the house" (literally, hus, "house" + bondi = "master of the house, resident").

Some scholars have traced the "fate" of the word "bride" (bride) to the proto-Indo-European root "bru", which means "cook, boil the broth."

The term "groom" (groom) comes from the old English word"guma" which means "man".

The level of education of people influences the age at which they marry. In states with a higher number of adults with higher education couples marry later. The opposite trend is observed in countries with a low level of education of the population.

There is a 20% chance that a first marriage will end in divorce within the first 5 years. With cohabitation, this figure reaches 50%.

The Code of Hammurabi (circa 1790 BC) includes ancient Babylonian scriptures and marriage laws. These early laws defined marriage as a contract that served to protect the feminine side and at the same time limit it. Under the Code, a man had every right to divorce his wife if she was unable to have children, or she was a "vagrant" who humiliated her husband in front of the public and neglected her home. In addition, the wife must "drown herself" in the river or commit suicide if she cheated on her husband.

People who lose their marriage during a serious illness live much less than those who are widowed, have a happy family, or have never been married at all.

In ancient Greece, Solon (638-538 BC) made marriage obligatory, and in Athens, under Pericles (495-429 BC), bachelors were excluded from certain government positions if they did not have a wife and children. In Sparta, single and childless people received contempt from society. In ancient Rome (63 BC), laws were quickly passed that forced everyone to marry and punished those who remained single.

The marriage ceremony usually ends with a kiss, because in ancient Rome, a kiss had a legal connection with the completion of contracts, which meant entry into legal force.

The stress associated with divorce affects the body's immune system and its ability to resist disease.

For most of history, marriage was not necessarily based on mutual love. Sometimes couples came together for the mutual acquisition of property or the creation of a joint business. And even now such a situation is not uncommon.

A white man from New Orleans in the late nineteenth century received a blood transfusion from a black woman he loved in an attempt to overcome laws against discrimination. He claimed that he also became the same as her and could marry. How this story ended is unknown.

Compared to single people, married people, on average, accumulate four times more money and assets. Those who divorced have 77% less valuable property than those who are single.

Married older people are more likely to stay healthy if they exercise, stop smoking, eat right, and have regular health check-ups.

About 60% of married adults have at least one job.

The first written mention of same-sex marriage comes from ancient rome. While Christianity was being formed as the official religion, these ceremonies took place without much discussion. In 1989, Denmark became the first nation after Christianity to legally recognize same-sex marriage.

Words make up only 7% of our communication with anyone, including between spouses. Tone of voice makes up 38%, and body language is responsible for the rest (55%) of the relationship in a married couple.

Women who talk about a fair division of domestic labor tend to have happier marriages than women who are under the stress of dissatisfaction with their husbands not doing their homework.

The researchers found a huge decline in satisfaction in personal relationships after 4 years of marriage, and a significant decrease by the age of seven or eight. In fact, half of all divorces happen in the first seven years of marriage.

Family people are twice as likely to go to church.

Married couples with children divorce much less frequently than those without children.

The number of cohabiting men and women aged 65 and over doubled between 1990 and 2000.

15 years of research has shown that elevated level a person's happiness before marriage is the guarantor of happiness in family life.

I think each of us at least once called his family the Addams family. Indeed, in every family, unique ones are born who can drive its other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world that are difficult to compete with in originality.

Unique albinos

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, a truly unusual family lives. The father and mother are very ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with completely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases.

Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

White Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian "colleagues", where some members of the family are albinos, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family takes pride in their skin color and uniqueness, although in the hot climate of India this gives them a lot of trouble.

Risking life to have children

The American Stacey Herald has a seemingly "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacey gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her height is just over 70 centimeters, and Stacey is considered the shortest mother in the world.

Stacy suffers from a rare disease called osteogenesis, which causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the height of Stacy's husband becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn children were almost half the height of their mother, and small sizes internal organs Stacy could simply not withstand the stress of bearing children. But this is not the worst. Two out of three children inherited their mother's disease. But, despite this, the parents are not going to stop at replenishment in the family. Opinions about such a decision, of course, differ - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? These parents probably think they can handle it.

For 20 years, not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have a standard height, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaitheri Schwandt never found out the gender of their unborn child. Mom admits that she can’t even imagine what her reaction would be if a girl was born.

In 2015, their family was replenished with the thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and have another baby? Until they said yes, but they didn't say no either.

hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, whom the mother married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from the rare disease hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samary Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the “werewolf gene” from their father, whom she married “under pain of death.”

But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo laser hair removal, after which they noticeably prettier.

Is wholesale cheaper?

Another family lives in the USA, known to the whole world thanks to its mother Nadia Suleiman. Being single, she brings up 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancy came as a result of artificial insemination, which she resorted to earlier. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there would be so many children.

The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and with money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even did plastic surgery to look like a star. And she is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

reluctant twins

American married couple Lizi and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to do IVF. Of the 14 embryos, they froze 12 and used 2. They have wonderful twin girls.

A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizi and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter will only look like her older sisters, or will she take on their character as well?

Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family

The USA is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has a normal height and weight, and their children were born at term. What makes them different? Difficult family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they related to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out.

Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These couples are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, while also having other lovers.

All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relations with them. Are they jealous of their lawful halves? They make sure they don't. They can meet other people openly without lying or feeling guilty about it. The spouses assure that in such a tandem their marriages have become even stronger, and love has only increased.

Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes on a "vacation", the other must stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with their children. All is well and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? I don't know, but I have no right to judge them.

Of course, this article does not contain all the amazing families living in the world. But if you know of any, you can add to this list.

Photos are the connecting thread of times. No exception - and the life of the first person of the state. Pictures from the family archive of the Putin couple will tell their story better than words.

third son

Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 and became the third child in the family of Maria and Vladimir Putin. He had two older brothers, both of whom died before he was born. First-born Albert died of whooping cough before the war. Two-year-old Viktor during the years of the blockade was taken from his family to an orphanage, where children were collected for further evacuation to the rear. The boy contracted diphtheria and died. They buried him in a mass grave at the Piskarevsky cemetery, without even informing the family about it. Maria Ivanovna Putina was already over forty when she decided to give birth to her third child. The boy was born healthy and strong, weighed 3.2 kilograms.

Where did Putin's childhood go?

Baskov lane, house 12 - an inconspicuous house with a yard-well. The Putins occupied a 20-meter room in a communal apartment on the 4th floor. In the house, dilapidated due to the bombings, there was no hot water and heating. They heated the stove, went to the Nekrasov baths to wash. Mice scurried around the house, and the "accuracy" of the neighbors was unimaginable - everyone knew everything about each other. The family did not live well, the main earner was his father, who worked as a mechanic at a car building plant. But there was a telephone in the room - a rarity in those days.

Vladimir Vladimirovich compared his backyard childhood with the book "Generals of the sand pits": the street was divided between warring groups of children. Fights, a common occurrence, tempered Volodya's character - despite his slender complexion, he always went into battle first.

School years

In his youth, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not differ in exemplary behavior. He graduated from the 4th grade with deuces in drawing and singing. The pugnacious boy was not accepted as a pioneer until the 6th grade. Later, for a bet, he hung on outstretched arms on the balcony of the fifth floor of the school, and at the graduation of the "eight-year-old" he bet that he would eat 20 cakes in one sitting; I gave up on the sixteenth, but still got a standing ovation from my classmates: “Hurrah, Putya!” (from the memoirs of the class teacher Vera Gurevich).

And here is what his classmate Alexander Nikolaev recalls: “ In his school years, Putin once hung on a bet on the balcony of the fifth floor of the school, fought best of all and once stood up for the honor of girls - he fought with a physical education teacher».

A chidhood dream

Vova and his yard friend Seryozha Bogdanov were reading "Tom Sawyer". The novel sowed a passion for adventure in their hearts: they floated on rafts through flooded basements (once Vladimir found an unexploded shell in the basement, brought it to the police and proudly slammed it on the table, for which he received it from his father), spent the night in the forest. Even then, Vova dreamed of a career as a scout and deliberately put himself to the test - he tempered his character. He jumped naked into a snowdrift, swam on an ice floe. stripped to panties.

Having matured, Vladimir watched the film “Shield and Sword” about military intelligence officers and did not cut his bangs for a long time, because with it he looked like one of the heroes. And once, as Putin’s school friend Viktor Borisenko claimed, he came to the KGB building and asked the guard at the entrance: “How can I get a job with you?” The guard replied: "It's good to study," and after that Vova took up his mind.

Intelligence work

In 1970, after graduating from special school No. 281 with a chemical bias, Volodya entered the law faculty of the Leningrad State University. Once the dean's office received a request from the KGB for the five best students. Putin was also on the provided list of names. He was in good standing with his superiors, despite the frequent use of his office phone for personal purposes: he had “operational cover documents”, as a promising employee he was sent to special German language courses, which was allowed only to the elite. He worked under the fictitious name "Platov".

How Putin met his wife

Before her marriage, Lyudmila Putina (the editorial office of notes that the maiden name of Lyudmila Putina is Shkrebneva) worked as a flight attendant on domestic flights. On March 7, 1980, she and her friend flew to Leningrad for three days and first of all went to the theater, to the performance of Arkady Raikin. There, through a mutual friend, the future spouses met.

Putin's wedding

The couple officially registered their relationship in 1983. The editors of the site notes that already being married, Lyudmila Putina graduated from the Leningrad State University, having received a diploma in the specialty of a philologist-novelist.

Birth of Vladimir Putin's daughters

In 1985, Vladimir Putin received distribution in the GDR. Lyudmila, together with her little daughter Maria, born in the same year, followed him.

In 1986, in Dresden, the second daughter, Katerina, was born to a married couple. In 1990, the family returned to Leningrad, where fate pushed Putin and Anatoly Sobchak together.

Career and family

Six years later, the family moved to Moscow. At the same time, Vladimir Putin began his career in government.

In less than three years, the head of the family has risen from Deputy Presidential Affairs Manager to Secretary of the Security Council. In 2000, Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation.

The first lady of the country, Lyudmila Putina, rarely appeared in public, although her range of interests and hobbies was quite wide - art, skiing, tennis. In addition, Lyudmila Putina, who has an excellent command of several foreign languages, became the initiator of the creation of the Center for the Development of the Russian Language.

The reason the spouses called the constant employment of Vladimir Putin political and social activities and the rejection of this lifestyle by Lyudmila Putina. Let's remember the stages of this beautiful love.

Putin's personal life after the divorce

The Putins call their divorce civilized and continue to communicate normally even after the official dissolution of the marriage. At the beginning of 2016, information appeared in the press that Lyudmila Putina remarried and changed her last name, but there were no official comments about this. But the personal life of the president remains a mystery behind seven seals. According to the official version, his heart is free.

The editors of the site notes that these photographs show how Vladimir Putin himself and his ex-wife Lyudmila changed. We also invite you to take a look at how Russian politics have changed since the early 90s.
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Did you know…?

By how many bones does the human skeleton decrease in the process of growing up?

In a newborn baby, more than 300 bones can be distinguished in the skeleton.

Gradually, some of them grow together, and an adult has an average of 206 bones.
In what country do children get to school by crossing a river on steel cables?

In some mountainous regions of Colombia, villages, separated from the "mainland" by rivers or other obstacles, are connected to it only by a system of steel cables. They are used by both adults delivering goods to and from the city, and children who need to get to school. The pictured 9-year-old girl is riding down the cable at a speed of 65 km / h, while carrying her 5-year-old brother in a bag, who cannot yet ride on his own.
How old was the youngest mother in the world?

In 1939, 5-year-old Lina Medina from Peru gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. This is the earliest recorded case of childbirth in the history of modern medical observations.

What famous Russian made his name from the initial letters of the names of his children?

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Mamontov named his five children so that their initials were the father's name: Sergey, Andrey, Vsevolod, Vera and Alexandra.
Where was the childlessness tax?

In the USSR, since November 1941, there was a tax on childlessness, which amounted to 6% of the salary. It was paid by childless men from 20 to 50 years old and childless married women from 20 to 45 years old.
Which European country has the lowest age of sexual consent?

The lowest age of sexual consent among European countries is set in the Vatican - 12 years (in Russia this age is 16 years). This figure was inherited by the Vatican's criminal code from Italy when the Vatican seceded in 1929. Since then, in Italy the age of consent has been raised to 14, while in the Vatican everything has remained the same.
Where and by whom are jockey robots controlled?

In eastern countries, camel racing is popular. It is not difficult for a jockey to control a camel, so weight is crucial - the lighter the jockey, the more benefits at the couple. This led to widespread exploitation of boys as young as 4 years old as riders, who were often starved to make them gain less weight. A few years ago, child labor was banned in the UAE and Qatar, which contributed to the development of miniature robot jockeys controlled by an operator remotely.

What famous rich man forced his son to wear out the dresses of his older sisters?

John Rockefeller Jr. was the only son of the famous billionaire surrounded by four sisters. The children were brought up in strictness and economy, and John wore the sisters' dresses until the age of eight. Later, he did not hide this fact, but, on the contrary, was proud of it, considering this approach an important component of the family's prosperity.
Why don't adults hear what children and teenagers can hear?

The older a person is, the less upper sound frequencies he can hear. This principle has been used by police officers in Western countries to disperse crowds of teenagers with exactly the kind of high-frequency sound that they hear, but adults do not hear (with rare exceptions). But later, teenagers managed to turn the phenomenon to their service: they put a special ringtone on their phone and can receive SMS during lessons, while the teachers do not suspect anything.

Where does a 17-year-old girl live, who is actually a one-year-old baby?

Brooke Greenberg, an American girl born in 1993, is still a baby in her physical and mental parameters. Her height is 76 cm, weight is 7 kg, her teeth are milk teeth. Medical tests showed that there were no mutations in her genes responsible for aging. However, scientists do not lose hope with the help of new studies of this girl to get closer to understanding the causes of human aging.
Where and when did more than 200 people take part in a football match at the same time?

On May 17, 2010, an unusual charity football match took place in Spain - the Athletic Bilbao club played against 200 children at the same time. The children chose the tactics 66-80-51 with three goalkeepers, but still lost with a score of 3:5.
Why can we assume that smoking saved the life of Picasso?

When Pablo Picasso was born, the midwife thought he was stillborn. The child was saved by his uncle, who smoked cigars and, seeing the baby lying on the table, blew smoke in his face, after which Pablo roared. Thus, it can be said that smoking saved Picasso's life.
Who is to blame for the disappearance of seven million American children in one day in 1987?

On April 15, 1987, seven million children suddenly disappeared in the United States. It was the last day of the tax declaration campaign. Rules introduced that year required taxpayers to provide Social Security numbers for all dependent children. And before 1987, this was optional, and many Americans indicated non-existent children in order to save on payments.
Where are competitions held every year in which you have to make children cry loudly?

Every year in Japan there is a festival of crying children. This is a competition among sumo wrestlers, whose task is to take the child in his arms and make him cry as quickly as possible. And if two babies start crying at the same time, the one who makes it louder wins. The Japanese believe that children's crying scares away evil spirits and helps babies grow up healthy.
Who is the Australian James Harrison, thanks to whom more than 2 million newborns have already been saved?

James Harrison, 74, has donated blood nearly 1,000 times in his lifetime. Antibodies in his rare blood type help newborns with severe anemia survive. In total, thanks to Harrison's donation, according to rough estimates, more than 2 million babies were saved.
To what kind of children did Russian aristocrats sometimes give truncated surnames?

Russian aristocrats and members of the imperial family often gave their illegitimate children surnames formed by truncation. For example, the illegitimate children of the Trubetskoys could receive the surname Betskoy, and the Golitsyns - Litsyn or even just Go. Another interesting way was to use anagrams. So, the surname Lunacharsky came from the surname Charnalusky.
Why did the owner of one firm in the 1960s give every boy in his neighborhood a new slingshot?

In the 1960s, the owner of a Milan window glazing company gave every boy on the block a new slingshot to celebrate the company's anniversary. The gift was accompanied by his business card with the inscription: "With gratitude for the continued cooperation."
What happened in the life of film director Milos Forman when he came across an egg with two yolks?

In the Czech Republic, there is a tradition - when a child is born in a family, the newly-made father is served a plate of steaming lentils, where they break a raw egg. And the film director Milash Forman, in his autobiography, told about an amazing case: when twins were born to him, they also arranged such a dish of lentils for him. But in the broken egg, instead of one, there were two yolks.
Why is the ratio of newborn boys and girls in China significantly higher than the norm towards boys?

China has a "one family, one child" policy, which means it's illegal to have more than one child (although permission can be obtained for money). This policy made it possible to significantly reduce the birth rate, but at the same time led to a skew in the ratio of newborn boys and girls. In Asia, boys are traditionally valued more, because they will support their parents in old age, therefore, in the face of a limited number of children, many seek to acquire a boy. There are now 119 boys born in China for every 100 girls, at a normal ratio of 105:100, which means millions of Chinese men will have trouble finding a wife in the future.
Why did the author of Peter Pan endow him with the property of never growing up?

James Barry created the image of Peter Pan - a boy who will never grow up - for a reason. This hero became a dedication to the author's elder brother, who died the day before he turned 14 and remained forever young in his mother's memory.
Where are most of the world's soccer balls made?

80% of all soccer balls in the world are produced in Pakistan, with three-quarters of them in the city of Sialkot. A significant number of these balls are made using child labor, although in last years this problem is solved.
What helps to detect Lego pieces if they are swallowed by children?

The composition of plastic for parts of the designer "Lego" includes barium sulfate. This salt does not dissolve in water, which makes it non-toxic to the body, and is clearly visible on x-rays. Thus, if a child swallows a part, it will be easy to find it in these pictures.
Why is Lewis Carroll unfairly accused of pedophilia?

Lewis Carroll liked to communicate and be friends with little girls, but was not a pedophile, as many of his biographers claim. Often his girlfriends underestimated their age, or he himself called adult ladies girls. The reason was that the morality of that era in England strictly condemned communication with a young woman in private, and girls under 14 were considered asexual, and friendship with them was completely innocent.

Where are the special children's cities where children can learn adult professions?

Mexican entertainment center KidZania is a small copy of a real city for children. It includes buildings, shops, theaters and urban transport. Children from 2 to 14 years old can spend the whole day here, choosing any of the 70 professions. In this way, they study the structure of the adult world, learn the value of work and earn money in the city's internal currency. In addition to Mexico, KidZania is already open or is about to appear in many other countries.
What is the most common non-English name given to London boys?

In 2008, the name Mohammed became the most popular name for newborn boys in London. In general, Muhammad is the most common name in the world today.
Why does a ban on marriages between cousins ​​make no sense?

According to studies by American geneticists, the risk of birth defects and genetic abnormalities in children in marriages between cousins ​​is only 3% higher than in children of ordinary couples. Thus, laws prohibiting marriage between cousins, which are in force in 24 states, are unreasonable.

What sad rhyme do English children tell the ladybug?

The ladybug in most European languages ​​​​has a name similar in meaning or is called the ladybug of the Mother of God, and in Israel - the cow of Moses. In many languages ​​there is also a counting rhyme similar to ours, in which they ask to fly to heaven and bring bread. In English, she is much sadder - the ladybug is told that her house is on fire and the children are left alone.
Where did the expression "and a no brainer" come from?

The source of the expression “And it’s clear to a hedgehog” is Mayakovsky’s poem (“It’s clear even to a hedgehog - / This Petya was a bourgeois”). It became widespread first in the Strugatsky story "The Land of Crimson Clouds", and then in Soviet boarding schools for gifted children. They recruited teenagers who had two years left to study (grades A, B, C, D, E) or one year (grades E, F, I). The students of the one-year stream were called “hedgehogs”. When they came to the boarding school, two-year students were already ahead of them in a non-standard program, so at the beginning of the school year, the expression "no brainer" was very relevant.
Which famous Brussels boy was paired with a girl?

In addition to the world-famous Manneken Pis fountain, the people of Brussels installed the Manneken Pis fountain in 1987.

Where did the expression "whipping boy" come from?

Whipping boys in England and others European countries 15-18 centuries called boys who were brought up with princes and received corporal punishment for the faults of the prince. The effectiveness of this method was no worse than the direct flogging of the culprit, since the prince did not have the opportunity to play with other children, except for the boy, with whom he had a strong emotional connection.
Why is Korean age different from European age?

In Korea, a person grows up for a year not on his birthday, but on January 1st. When a baby is born, it is automatically considered one year old (rounded time in the womb), and on January 1 of the following year it becomes 2 years old. It is important for teachers and educators of young children to specify what age they were told - Korean or Western.
Who has been producing a library for his son for 28 years?

Louis XIV ordered the release of a study library of Greek and Roman classics for the education of his son, cleansed of obscenities and accompanied by comments on difficult passages. The collection of 64 volumes was completed 28 years after the start of work, when the son himself had long had children.

Who, at the baptism of a child, checked the temperature of the water in the font with a thermometer?

When the son of the archaeologist Schliemann, who found Troy, was born, his Orthodox wife insisted on the baptism of the child. During the baptism ceremony, Schliemann wanted to check the temperature of the water and plunged a thermometer into it, which caused great indignation of the priest. Only after much persuasion on the part of the wife, the water was replaced and the ceremony was completed.
Which mathematician comprehended the basics of science from the wallpaper in the room?

Sofia Kovalevskaya got acquainted with mathematics in early childhood when there was not enough wallpaper for her room, instead of which sheets with Ostrogradsky's lectures on differential and integral calculus were pasted.
What happened to the parents of the girl who was photographed in Stalin's arms?

The parents of Geli Markizova, sitting in Stalin's arms in the famous poster "Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!” were repressed.
Why do mom and dad sound similar in most languages ​​of the world?

In most languages ​​of the world, the words "mother" and "dad" have a similar sound. This is not due to the single origin of all languages, but to the fact that these words are the first word-like sounds that babble children pronounce.

A modern married couple spends only a few minutes a day fully together. This is due to the increase in working hours, the appearance of children, television, the Internet, distraction by hobbies, employment with household and family responsibilities.

The English word "marriage" comes from the Latin word "mas", meaning "guy" or "male". The earliest known uses of the word in English date back to the 13th century.

More than 75% of people who marry for the first time end up getting divorced.

The Oneida Colony, established in New York in 1848, advocated "complex" or group marriage, in which every woman was married to every man. They also practiced "scientific supervision" where the parents-to-be were supervised by a committee of physical and mental health.

Traditionally, bridesmaids are expected to wear matching dresses to confuse the groom's rivals, evil spirits, and burglars.

Marriage of spouses younger than 25 significantly increases the risk of divorce. In addition, the risk is higher when a woman is much older than a man, although this is not a very influential factor.

At an Italian wedding, glass or mirror breaking is a common occurrence. It is believed that the number of fragments will be equal to the number of happy years that the couple will live together.

The word "husband" (husband) comes from the Old Norse "husbondi" or "master of the house" (literally, hus, "house" + bondi = "master of the house, resident").

Some scholars have traced the "fate" of the word "bride" (bride) to the proto-Indo-European root "bru", which means "cook, boil the broth."

The term "groom" (groom) comes from the old English word "guma", which means "man".

The level of education of people influences the age at which they marry. In states with higher numbers of college-educated adults, couples marry later. The opposite trend is observed in countries with a low level of education of the population.

There is a 20% chance that a first marriage will end in divorce within the first 5 years. With cohabitation, this figure reaches 50%.

The Code of Hammurabi (circa 1790 BC) includes ancient Babylonian scriptures and marriage laws. These early laws defined marriage as a contract that served to protect the feminine side and at the same time limit it. Under the Code, a man had every right to divorce his wife if she was unable to have children, or she was a "vagrant" who humiliated her husband in front of the public and neglected her home. In addition, the wife must "drown herself" in the river or commit suicide if she cheated on her husband.

People who lose their marriage during a serious illness live much less than those who are widowed, have a happy family, or have never been married at all.

In ancient Greece, Solon (638-538 BC) made marriage obligatory, and in Athens, under Pericles (495-429 BC), bachelors were excluded from certain government positions if they did not have a wife and children. In Sparta, single and childless people received contempt from society. In ancient Rome (63 BC), laws were quickly passed that forced everyone to marry and punished those who remained single.

The marriage ceremony usually ends with a kiss, because in ancient Rome, a kiss had a legal connection with the completion of contracts, which meant entry into legal force.

The stress associated with divorce affects the body's immune system and its ability to resist disease.

For most of history, marriage was not necessarily based on mutual love. Sometimes couples came together for the mutual acquisition of property or the creation of a joint business. And even now such a situation is not uncommon.

A white man from New Orleans in the late nineteenth century received a blood transfusion from a black woman he loved in an attempt to overcome laws against discrimination. He claimed that he also became the same as her and could marry. How this story ended is unknown.

Compared to single people, married people, on average, accumulate four times more money and assets. Those who divorced have 77% less valuable property than those who are single.

Married older people are more likely to stay healthy if they exercise, stop smoking, eat right, and have regular health check-ups.

About 60% of married adults have at least one job.

The first written mention of same-sex marriage comes from ancient Rome. While Christianity was being formed as the official religion, these ceremonies took place without much discussion. In 1989, Denmark became the first nation after Christianity to legally recognize same-sex marriage.

Words make up only 7% of our communication with anyone, including between spouses. Tone of voice makes up 38%, and body language is responsible for the rest (55%) of the relationship in a married couple.

Women who talk about a fair division of domestic labor tend to have happier marriages than women who are under the stress of dissatisfaction with their husbands not doing their homework.

The researchers found a huge decline in relationship satisfaction after 4 years of marriage, and a significant decline by age 7 to 8. In fact, half of all divorces happen in the first seven years of marriage.

Family people are twice as likely to go to church.

Married couples with children divorce much less frequently than those without children.

The number of cohabiting men and women aged 65 and over doubled between 1990 and 2000.

A 15-year study showed that an increased level of a person's happiness before marriage is a guarantee of happiness in family life.