Training Option 17 in Russian

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy. (2) It became an independent science only at the turn of a new era. (3) _____ the scientific works of the ancients, which have survived to our days, as they would say now, are complex: they include information from several areas of knowledge.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy, therefore their scientific works include information from several areas of knowledge.

2. Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy; geography became an independent science only at the turn of the new era.

3. Scientific works of ancient scientists contain information from several areas of knowledge, since in ancient times geography was not separated from history and philosophy.

4. The scientific works of ancient scientists that have survived to this day are complex in nature: they include information from several areas of knowledge.

5. Geography became an independent science only at the turn of the new era, therefore geographical information was included in the complex scientific works of the ancients.


Which of the following words should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

1. Probably

2. Therefore

3. Unlikely

5. Of course


Read the glossary entry for the meanings of the word AREA. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

REGION, -and, pl. -and, -oh, w.

1. Part of a country, state territory (or territories). Southern regions of Russia. Northern regions of Europe.

2. Large administrative-territorial unit. Autonomous about. Moscow about. The authorities from the region (from the regional center; colloquial).

3. what or what. The limits in which some are common. phenomenon, zone, belt. O. evergreens. Ozernaya about.

4. what or what. A separate part of the body, a part of the body. Pain in the region of the liver. In the chest area.

5. transfer., What. Branch of activity, circle of occupations, ideas. New about. Sciences. It went to about. legends (no longer exists; book and iron.).


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.

1.will strengthen

2. bent



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. REVIEWS from critics who praised this novel were extremely negative.

2. For Russian tennis players, the outcome of the match was SUCCESSFUL.

3. Ilya Repin created EFFECTIVE multi-figure portraits "Slavic composers".

4. In terms of the depth of emotions, flight is an incomparable feeling.

5. RESISTANCE of the organism decreases when it is weakened.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

furniture for KITCHEN

came running from the DISCO

Smarter than everyone

FASHION Couturier

profitable CONTRACTS


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) At the production meeting, not only labor discipline issues were discussed, but also a new wage system.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) We argued for a long time over books written by a famous TV presenter.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) In the story "The Foundation Pit" A. Platonov reveals to us the tragic fate different people, from whom both faith, and hope, and the purpose of life, and the very desire to live were taken away.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Following A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky shows that how great a small person can be with his soul, his feelings, and develops in the story "Poor People", in the novel "Crime and Punishment" the theme of "humiliated and insulted."
E) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Upon arrival in Paris, I immediately visited the Louvre.
6) Reading historical novels, the events of past years seem to come to life in memory.
7) In his novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov revealed Pechorin's individualism and examines not only his psychology, but also the ideological foundations of his life.
8) Everyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.
9) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation."

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter

to ... mpromise

lights up

h ... stotny

forget ...


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

to ... to lead, oh ... to share

pr ... cover, pr ... brief

ave ... take care, ave ... sit down

take ... mother, under ... skat

d ... believe, n ... raise


endured ... in

armchair ... tse

dance ... dance

magnesium ...


Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

retrieving ... my

hear ... my


Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

1. The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS THAN ten years.

2. The air, which has (NOT) BECAME sultry yet, pleasantly refreshes.

3. (DO NOT) SULI the crane in the sky, give the tit in your hands.

4. (INCORRECT), but pleasant facial features made Nastya look like her mother.

5. Ambition is (NOT) the DESIRE to be honest, but the lust for power.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. THAT (WOULD) enjoy the spectacle of the festive fireworks, we climbed (ON) the TOP of the hill.

2. Make sure that children do not run out onto the road.

3. (IN) CONSEQUENCES we had to (MORE) regret our frivolity.

4. WHAT (WOULD) avoid misunderstandings, I decided to talk to my parents (ON) DIRECTLY.

5. (B) FOR an hour we walked along a dirt road (B) A SHARE of a small river.


Indicate all numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

Meshchera canoes are hollowed out (1) from one piece of wood, only on the bow and stern they are crypts (2) with (3) nails with large heads.


Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. In forests, I love rivers with black water and yellow flowers on the banks.

2. He wanted to go with me to meet you, but for some reason he changed his mind.

3. In the living and vibrating lace of leaves, the blue of the autumn sky tangles and trembles.

4. Obadiy tried to imagine the former oriental bazaars in India, Afghanistan or Turkey.

5. With a dull noise, rain streams spin underfoot and fall on heads and shoulders from rocks and trees.


He stopped, listened (1) raising his head (2) and quickly walked in the direction of sounds (3) louder and closer flying (4) towards him.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, which should be replaced by commas in sentences.

I am (1) fortunately (2) helped by a painter, or (3) as he calls himself (4) a painting contractor.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

We arrived long before the start of the performance (1) and (2) to while away the time (3) went to the nearest cafe (4) where you could have coffee and talk calmly.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

She saw the whole catastrophe in the form of a thunderstorm (1) but (2) that lightning would strike her (3) at first she did not think and felt herself for Sasha (4) calmly and confidently.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the misspelled word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

The title character of the novel "12 Chairs" never lost his sense of humor.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) Nikolai Nikolaevich has not been in the town for over thirty years. (2) He only recently buried his wife, and after that he himself fell seriously ill.

(C) Nikolai Nikolaevich was not afraid of death and took it naturally and simply, but he wanted to get to his home without fail. (4) He dreamed of being surrounded by old walls, where long, sleepless nights in front of him would flash lines of long-forgotten and eternally memorable faces.

(5) For a whole year before his arrival, the house stood boarded up. (6) It was rained, snow lay on the roof, and no one cleaned it off, so the roof, which had not been painted for a long time, leaked and rusted in many places. (7) And the steps of the main porch are completely rotten.

(8) When Nikolai Nikolaevich saw his street and his house, his heart pounded so hard that he was afraid that he would not make it. (9) He stood for several minutes, caught his breath, with a firm military step crossed the street, resolutely tore the cross from the gate, entered the courtyard, found an ax in the shed and began to tear the boards from the boarded up windows with it.

(10) Furiously working with an ax, forgetting for the first time about a sick heart, he thought: the main thing is to knock off the boards, open the doors, open the windows so that the house heals with its constant life.

(11) From memory, the house always seemed to him large, spacious, smelling of the warm air of stoves, hot bread, fresh milk and freshly washed floors. (12) And even when Nikolai Nikolaevich was a little boy, he always thought that not only "living people" lived in their house, not only grandmother, grandfather, dad, mom, brothers and sisters, countless uncles and aunts who came and went , and also those that were in the paintings hung on the walls in all five rooms.

(13) And this feeling that the "people from the paintings" actually live in their house never left him, even when he became an adult, although perhaps this is strange.

(14) It is difficult to explain why this happened, but, being in the most difficult alterations, in his death throes, on the hard bloody work of the war, remembering the house, he thought not only about his relatives who inhabited it, but also about “people with pictures "that he never knew.

(15) Nikolai Nikolaevich opened the door with some apprehension.

(16) The house smelled damp and musty. (17) There was a spider web on the ceiling and in the corners. (18) Numerous spiders and spiders, not paying attention to him, continued their painstaking skillful work. (19) The field mouse, finding shelter in an abandoned house, like a circus tightrope walker, several times merrily ran along the wire that remained on the window from the curtains.

(20) The furniture was moved from its usual places and covered with old covers. (21) The paintings, carefully wrapped by my sister in burlap, lay on the mezzanine in the driest room.

(22) First of all, Nikolai Nikolaevich flooded the stoves, and when the windows were fogged up, he opened them wide so that the dampness would leave the house. (23) And he himself put everything and put firewood in the stove, bewitched by the flame and the roar of the fire. (24) Then he washed the walls, brought a stepladder, got to the ceilings and, finally, changing the water several times, scrubbed thoroughly the floors, floorboard by floorboard.

(25) Gradually, with his whole being, Nikolai Nikolaevich felt the warmth of his native stoves and the familiar smell of his home - he happily dizzy him.

(26) For the first time in last years Nikolai Nikolaevich sighed with relief and bliss. (27) It was then that he removed the covers from the furniture and arranged it. (28) And, finally, I hung the pictures ... (29) Each one in its place.

OPTION 17 USE-2015

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, word, phrase or sequence of words, numbers ... Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM №1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3.

(1) The creation of a well-protected computer system is impossible without a thorough analysis of the potential threats to its security. (2) Experts have compiled a list of actions that must be carried out in each specific case in order to present scenarios of possible attacks on a computer system. (3)<...>that when analyzing potential threats to the security of a computer system, the expert put himself in the shoes of an attacker trying to penetrate this system, that is, the specialist needed to understand what the attacker was from whom he needed to be protected.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveyedHOME information contained in the text?

1) The creation of a well-protected computer system is impossible without a thorough analysis of potential threats to its security.

2) Specialists in the field of computer data protection have compiled a list of actions that must be taken in each specific case for a thorough analysis of potential threats.

3) In order to analyze possible threats to the security of a computer system, an expert, trying to understand the attacker from whom it is necessary to defend himself, tries to put himself in his place.

4) Modeling a situation when a computer system is in danger of penetration creates reliable protection against intruders.

5) In order to analyze possible threats to the security of a computer system, the expert seeks to understand the attacker, trying to put himself in his place.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

First Probably Despite Due To Fortunately


3 ... Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word ANALYSIS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ANALYSIS , -a, m.

1) The method of scientific research, consisting in the mental division of the whole into its constituent elements.

2) Detailed study, consideration, analysis of some. facts.A. work of art. A. political environment.

3) Determination of the composition of the substance.Chemical a. A. blood.


4. One of the words below contains a mistake in the stress setting:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

top caller scarves mosaic cakes


5. In one of the sentences belowWRONG used the highlighted word.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

Planting a live hedge is one of the best garden fencing solutions that landscape design offers.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, INSPIRED for underwater research and filming, “pioneer” in the study of the underwater world, invented waterproof cameras and lighting devices, as well as the first underwater television system.

The young fashion designer was delighted to PRESENT to the discerning experts in the field of fresh trends in the fashion world his first collection of clothing for the spring / summer season.

Hurry up to purchase PASSES of the Moscow Philharmonic for the new concert season to enjoy meetings with talented Russian and foreign artists.

The voters turned to the deputy for help, a wise man, DIPLOMATIC.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

together with the CHILDREN OF THE BEST pictures a lot of APPLE



7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Having thought over the daily routine to the smallest detail, it was taken into account that I have a busy schedule.

B) Due to heavy rains, the water in the river kept increasing.

C) The April issues of the magazine "Yunakh" published the poems of a talented young poet.

D) Those of the linguists who were engaged in the study of language fiction, does not doubt the special role of the verb in both poetic and prose texts.

E) Fyodor Abramov recalled how, upon arrival in Moscow, “all the worst that late autumn is fraught with fell upon me”.



8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

deputy..reet (with delight) sem..nar te..thrall..have to..sary


9. Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

with..language, pos..yesterday, in..remember

pr .. unpleasant, pr .. look not .. restrained, in .. proud (patience), ave..grada


10. E .

bow .. to wink .. to build up .. to shower .. out smile .. out


11. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the passAND .

poured .. you prick .. you are invisible .. my jam .. you hung .. you


12. Define a sentence in whichNOT spelled with the wordLITTLE ... Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

(NOT) WHY think about the bad: everything will be fine.

You're doing (NOT) COMRADE again.

I was saddened by my friend's (NOT) POLITE remark.

The Gordeevs lived in a house with log walls, yet (NOT) PLASTERED walls.

Students often (DO NOT) USE an explanatory dictionary, do not figure out the true meanings of a word.


13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelledLITTLE ... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

LIKE other representatives of the Moscow world, Famusov values ​​ranks and wealth, (BY) THIS he is looking for a suitable party for his daughter.

(B) Throughout his life, this poet was independent in his judgments and (ON) THIS-MU is lonely.

Chatsky returns to Moscow, THAT (WOULD) find happiness, and comes to the Famusovs, (ON) THAT he loves Sophia.

(FROM) THAT cycle of Pushkin's poems, which is called "freedom-loving", (ON) TRUE, it is impossible to separate the poem "Arion".

(FROM) the building that was located (ON) Opposite, was a stone's throw to the theater.


14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is writtenone letterN.

The model of the new palace was delivered (1) to Petersburg, approved (2) by the Empress, after which the ceremony (3) was held at the ceremony of laying the first stone.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the offers in which you want to putONE comma.

1) To check the spelling of an unstressed vowel of a root, you need to change the word or find a related one.

2) My head was noisy, either from the howling and whistle of the storm, or from joyful excitement.

3) We saw several trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running along the wet grass.

4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

5) The gracious rains have passed and they have watered the earth in plenty.


16. Arrange punctuation marks: indicate the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

On a long, unsteady raft (1) made of three tied logs (2) we crossed the river and went to the right (3) keeping (4) close to the shore.


17. Arrange the punctuation marks: specify all numbers, in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

A new book by a well-known publicist writer (1) you may (2) like it. The sun on a hot July day (3) seemed (4) yellow-red.


18. Arrange the punctuation marks : Specify the digit (s) followed by the comma (s) in the sentence.

Before the eyes of the traveler, a river (1) stretched along both banks (2) of which (3) small houses were crowded.


19. Arrange punctuation marks : List all numbers that must be followed by commas in the sentence.

The prince was not expected in the estate (1) since no one knew (2) whether he would come (3) and (4) so ​​his appearance was a surprise to everyone.


Read the text and complete assignments 20 - 25.

(1) Grandma Katerina, a withered, hunchbacked old woman, could not get herself ready to leave.

(2) In recent years, she left for the winter with her daughter in the city. (3) Age: it is difficult to heat the stove and carry water from the well every day. (4) Through mud and ice. (5) Wow, you will hurt yourself. (6) And who will raise?

(7) But it is not easy to part with a farm, with a hatched nest. (8) Yes, and my soul ached about the house. (9) To whom will you leave it?

(10) I was thinking: to go, not to go? .. (11) And then the phone was brought to the rescue - "mobile". (12) They explained for a long time about the buttons: which to press and which not to touch. (13) Usually the daughter of their city called in the morning.

(14) Cheerful music will sing, the light will flash in the box.

(15) Mom, hello! (16) Are you okay? (17) Well done. (18) Do you have any questions? (19) That's good. (20) Kisses. (21) Be-be.

(22) You will not have time to come to your senses, and already the light has gone out, the box has ceased

(23) And here, that is, in the life of the farm, the old man, there was a lot of things that I wanted to tell.

(24) Mom, can you hear me?

(25) I hear! .. (26) Is that you, daughter? (27) But the voice is not yours. (28) Aren't you sick? (29) Look, dress warmly. (30) Take care of your health.

(31) Mom, - came from the phone stern. - (32) Speaks to the point. (33) We explained: the tariff.

(34) Forgive me for Christ's sake, - the old woman recollected herself. (35) She was warned, when the phone was brought, then it is expensive and you need to speak in short - about the most important thing.

(36) But what is the main thing in life? (37) Especially with old people.

(38) Another day has passed. (39) And in the morning it froze slightly. (40) Trees, bushes and dry grasses stood in a light white fluffy frost. (41) Old Katerina, going out into the courtyard, looked around, at this beauty, rejoicing, but she ought to look down at her feet. (42) Walked, walked, stumbled, fell. Painfully hitting the pear rhizome.

(43) The day began awkwardly, but it did not go well.

(44) As always in the morning, the mobile phone lit up and started singing.

(45) Hello, my daughter, hello. (46) Only one title that is alive. (47) I hit it like that today, '' she complained. - (48) Not that the leg turned up, or maybe slippery. (49) In the courtyard, I went to open the gate, and there was a pear. (50) I cook compote from it. (51) You love him. (52) Otherwise, I would have removed it long ago. (53) Near this pear.

(54) Mom, please be specific. (55) About yourself, not about a pear. (56) Do not forget that this is a mobile phone, a tariff. (57) What hurts? (58) Did you break anything?

(59) It seems that she did not break, - the old woman understood everything. - (60) Attached a cabbage leaf.

(61) That was the end of the conversation with my daughter. (62) I had to finish the rest myself. (63) And from various thoughts the old woman even burst into tears, scolding herself: “Why are you crying? ..” (64) But she cried. (65) And the tears seem to have become easier.

(66) And at an inopportune lunch hour, quite unexpectedly, music started playing and a mobile phone lit up. (67) The old woman got scared:

(68) Daughter, daughter, what happened? (69) Who did not get sick? (70) You do not hold a grudge against me, daughter. (71) I know that an expensive phone, money is big. (72) But I really almost killed myself.

(73) From afar, after many kilometers, the daughter's voice came:

(74) Talk, mom, talk.

(75) I'm sorry, my daughter. (76) Can you hear me? ..

(77) In a distant city, her daughter heard her and even saw, covering her eyes, her old mother: small, bent over, in a white kerchief. (78) I saw, but suddenly felt how shaky and unreliable it all was: telephone communication, vision.

(79) Speak, mother, - she asked and was afraid of only one thing: suddenly this voice and this life would break off and, perhaps, forever. - (80) Talk, mom, talk.

(According to B. Ekimov *)

* Boris Petrovich Ekimov (born in 1938) - Russian prose writer and publicist.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) The old woman wanted to tell her daughter a lot, but she had to say only the most important things.

2) The elderly especially need the help of their children.

3) The daughter of grandmother Katerina was worried about her health, so she called at an “inopportune” time.

4) Russian villages will soon disappear from the face of the earth.

5) In winter, there were almost no inhabitants left in the villages, and in summer all the houses in the village were filled with summer residents.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 3-6 explain the content of sentence 2.

2) Sentences 7-9 are narrative.

3) Sentences 14-22 clarify Sentence 13.

4) Sentence 40 contains a description.

5) Proposition 77 provides reasoning.


22. Write out a phraseological unit from sentences 68-71.


23. Among sentences 31-37, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.


Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “B. Ekimov seeks to convey the peculiarities of the speech of the main character - Katerina's grandmother. For this purpose, the text uses such a form of speech as (A) ___________ (sentences 24-34, 45-60), and the lexical means - (B) ___________ (“you are sick” in sentence 28; “now” in sentence 47, “ you roar ”in sentence 63). Conveying bitter reflections on the reader old woman, the author uses the syntactic tool (B) ___________ (for example, sentences 6, 9) and such a technique as (D) ___________ (sentences 3-4) ".

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) phraseological unit

3) epithet

4) anaphora

5) metaphor

6) colloquial vocabulary

7) dialogue

8) a rhetorical question

9) a series of homogeneous members



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


OPTION 17 USE-2015

to the tasks of part 1




Approximate range of problems

Option 17. Parsing the text from the collection of Tsybulko 2018. Arguments.


Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked every day, a lot, despite his poor health. From the Solovetsky special purpose camp, he received a stomach ulcer, bleeding.
Why did he keep himself full until the age of 90? He himself attributed his physical resilience to "resistance." None of his school friends survived. “Depression - I didn't have this state. There were revolutionary traditions in our school, we were encouraged to form our own worldview. To cross existing theories. For example, I gave a talk against Darwinism. The teacher liked it, although he did not agree with me.
I was a cartoonist, drawing for school teachers. They laughed along with everyone. They encouraged boldness of thought, brought up spiritual disobedience. This all helped me to resist bad influences in the camp. When I was thrown into the Academy of Sciences, I did not attach any importance to this, did not take offense and did not lose heart. Failed three times! "
He told me: “In 1937 I was fired from the publishing house as a proofreader. Any misfortune was good for me. The proofreading years were good, I had to read a lot. They didn't take him to the war, he had a white ticket because of a stomach ulcer.
Personal persecution began in the seventy-second year, when I defended the Catherine Park in Pushkin. And until that day they were angry that I was against the logging in Peterhof, the construction there. This is the sixty-fifth year. And then, in the seventy-second year, they became furious. They were forbidden to mention me in print and on television. "
The scandal erupted when he spoke on television against the renaming of Peterhof to Petrodvorets, Tver to Kalinin. Tver has played a colossal role in Russian history, how can you refuse! He said that the Scandinavians, Greeks, French, Tatars, Jews meant a lot to Russia.

In 1977 he was not allowed to attend the congress of Slavists.
Likhachev was given a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1953. In 1958 they failed at the Academy, in 1969 they were rejected.
He managed to save the development of the Kremlin with high-rise buildings in Novgorod, he saved in St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospect, the portico of Ruska. "The destruction of monuments always begins with arbitrariness, which does not need publicity."
He removed Old Russian literature from isolation, including it in the structure European culture.
He had his own approach to everything: natural scientists criticize astrological predictions for being unscientific. Likhachev - for the fact that they deprive a person of free will.
He did not create a doctrine, but he created the image of a protector of culture, a real citizen
Even in deadlock cases, says Dmitry Sergeevich, when everything is muffled, when you are not heard, please express your opinion. Do not be silent, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice can be heard.
YES. Granin

Approximate range of problems:

1. The problem of human creative longevity. (What is the reason for a person's creative longevity?)

Author's position: Courage, boldness of thoughts, the ability to resist, resistance to evil does not allow a person to lose heart: people like D.S. Likhachev, openly express their opinion, defend their point of view. This explains their creative longevity.

2. The problem of contribution to national culture. (What contribution can a person make to Russian culture?)

Author's position: A person is able to save many cultural monuments from oblivion and destruction, as did D.S. Likhachev, who created the image of a defender of culture, a real citizen, who managed to incorporate Old Russian literature into the system of European culture.

3. The problem of personality traits of a real citizen, public figure. (What qualities distinguish a public figure, a real citizen?)

Author's position: A public figure, a real citizen should have his own approach to everything; this person should be able to withstand circumstances and power, express his opinion, defend his point of view, learn from any misfortune, not be offended and not lose heart.

An essay on the topic: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked every day, a lot, despite his poor health

Sample and example composition number 1

Daniil Alexandrovich Granin, talking about D.S. Likhachev, in his text touches upon the problem of preserving architectural monuments, which is very urgent for the present time.

The author tells about the difficult life of Likhachev, about how his character was tempered. This man has always firmly defended his position, regardless of any difficulties. It is thanks to Dmitry Sergeevich's persistence that such remarkable architectural monuments as the Kremlin in Novgorod, Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg, and Ruska's portico have survived to this day. When they wanted to rename Peterhof to Petrodvorets, Likhachev opposed this and managed to defend the historical name. It was resistance, counteraction to injustice that preserved the physical stamina of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, helped him live to a good age and maintain a bright mind.

The position of the author in relation to the problem raised in the text is obvious. He is delighted with Likhachev's activities to preserve the cultural archaeological heritage. This can be seen in the words: "He did not create doctrine, but he created the image of a defender of Russian culture, a real citizen." A special emotional coloring to the raised problem is given by the words of the academician that even in the most dead-end situations in life, when you are not heard, it is necessary to find the strength and express your opinion.

The author's position on this issue is close to me. I believe that a people without a past is doomed to disappear, so the heritage of our culture must be preserved and protected.
In "Letter forty-first" from the cycle "Letters about good and beautiful" Likhachev says that each monument is deeply individual, and if it is destroyed, the loss will be irreparable, because it reflects the originality of the era in which it was built.

There are many examples of fighters for the preservation of the architectural heritage in history. Among them, P. D. Baranovsky, a famous restorer, who saved the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed from destruction, restored the Kazan Cathedral, thanks to him, many churches were saved.

Each of us is obliged to take good care of cultural monuments, because this is one of the threads that connect us with our ancestors. This connection must not be allowed to disappear. People should not be afraid to speak out on such issues, because it is a crime to remain silent when the ruin of historical culture is taking place. A person must have his own opinion and boldly defend it.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 2 on the topic: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked daily, a lot. How to write a mini essay with a plan

The writer of the twentieth century D.A. Granin raises the problem of selfless devotion. For him, the ascetic is the scientist-linguist and literary critic, public figure D.S. Likhachev, who worked in full force, although his health was significantly undermined. He defended parks, against the renaming of cities, against the destruction of monuments.

Old Russian literature that existed long time isolated, thanks to D.S. Likhachev, became a part of European culture. The attitude of DA Granin to DS Likhachev is expressed in the words with which he characterizes him: "a defender of culture, a real citizen." I agree with the opinion of the writer D.A. Granin.

Indeed, an ascetic is a person who accomplishes a feat, military or civilian. He is moving forward the business that is necessary for the development of the country. He moves boldly, not paying attention to personal needs, giving all his strength to his activities. Such a person was V. I. Dal. All his life he was engaged in collecting words and created a dictionary in which, in addition to the meanings of words, there are explanations using proverbs, catchphrases.

VI Dal took part in the Russian-Turkish war. In his free time from fighting, when it was not necessary to bandage the wounded, he never ceased to be interested in words. Dahl had a camel, on which he carried whole bales of notebooks with many written words. Once the camel got lost. And Dahl realized how orphaned he was.

Soon the camel was found, and Dahl, embracing him, realized that his occupation was not just a hobby, but a vocation. For him, preserving the life of words meant preserving the life of the Motherland, because the language is part of the Motherland. V.I.Dal is an ascetic of the Russian language. Old Russian literature reflected the theme of asceticism in the lives. The Life of Sergius of Radonezh tells about how the young man Bartholomew became the creator of a monastery, then monasticism in a huge country.

He taught by his example to be truthful, direct, courageous, hardworking. Sergius himself chopped cells, baked bread, cut and sewed clothes, and did carpentry. He was always indifferent to the benefits, and remained so until his death. So, the labor of a person at any time, which is useful to the country and lives for centuries, is called ascetic. People who defend their chosen field with supermanly staunchness deserve the honorary title of an ascetic.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 3 on the topic: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked daily, a lot. Arguments from literature. Text problem

Daniil Granin, telling about D. Likhachev, decided to touch upon a problem that is quite urgent for the present time, connected with the preservation of architectural monuments. On behalf of the author, the story is told about how difficult Likhachev's life was, and what contributed to the tempering of his character. It was peculiar to this man to always defend his position to the end, and at the same time not reckon with the difficulties that arose at that moment on his way.

Thanks to the persistent character of Dmitry Sergeevich, our contemporaries had the opportunity to admire the wonderful architectural monuments: the Kremlin in Novgorod, Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, the Ruska portico. Likhachev opposed the renaming of Peterhof to Petrodvorets, thus defending its historical name.

It was through resistance, counteraction to injustice that Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev managed to maintain physical resilience, reach a respectable age, while maintaining a bright mind. The author does not hide his own position regarding the solution of the problem raised in the text. He admires Likhachev's activities related to the preservation of the archaeological cultural heritage: “He created the image of a real citizen” defending Russian culture.

The words of the academician concerning the problem raised, that it is important not to be afraid to express one's own opinion, and to find the strength to fight even in dead-end situations, have a special emotional coloring. A people without a past can be safely called doomed to disappear, therefore, the cultural heritage must be guarded and protected.

Lines from "Letter forty-first" are devoted to the reasoning that all the monuments individually are deeply individual, therefore, if each of them is resolved, the loss will be irreparable, since they are a reflection of the uniqueness of the era in which they were built. History knows the examples of many fighters seeking to preserve the architectural heritage. All citizens are obliged to treat cultural monuments very carefully, as to a thread connecting us with our ancestors.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 4 on the topic: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked daily, a lot. Life examples and works of literature with arguments

The text represents the memoirs of the writer Daniil Granin about the great scientist - Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. The text poses the problem of understanding what a citizen is, what qualities a truly decent person, a patriot of his homeland, should possess. Such a person was Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. The author emphasizes the originality of Likhachev's thinking, the originality of his convictions. This is stated in sentences 34-36. In addition, the writer also points to some of his features. For example, sentences 26-28 speak of the courage with which Likhachev defended his convictions, and sentences 15-16 - about his ability not to lose heart, but to persistently achieve his own.

The writer is sure that a true citizen and scientist must possess several important qualities: perseverance, courage, the ability to withstand pressure from outside, the ability to endure difficulties and hardships, love for the Motherland and for his science.

I agree with the author. Indeed, a real citizen must firmly defend his opinion and not back down even if the opinion of many people or the unjust decision of the authorities is against him. An example of such a civic position can be the Russian writer Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov. He was arrested several times and spent many years in Stalin's camps, but even in these terrible conditions he did not stop working on poetry, stories and left for us a literary testimony of the injustice of the totalitarian regime: "Kolyma Notebooks", stories "Control measurement", "Shock therapy ”,“ Condensed milk ”, which remind us that a person must always remain human, preserve his conscience and human dignity.

We meet thoughts of what a real citizen should be in Nekrasov's poem "Poet and Citizen". In it, the writer says that a citizen is a "worthy son of the Fatherland," that is, the person who dedicated his best deeds to his Fatherland, the one who goes into hardships for the happiness of the Motherland and the people.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 5 on the topic: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked daily, a lot. Life examples and works of literature with arguments

What can be the guarantor of the quality and success of our life? I think everyone finds the answer to this question himself. Probably, these should be those criteria and leads that lead directly to our goal. Creative longevity is life in the faceting of art, but what can be the reason for a person's creative longevity? D.A. Granin.

Citing as an example the creative path of the great writer, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, the author analyzes his activities and emphasizes the tenacity with which this man lived and acted since his school years. Revolutionary inclinations, freshness of ideas, boldness of thought, spiritual disobedience and a tendency to critically look at everything that society presents - this is what constituted the formation of Dmitry Sergeevich as a creative person. The author highlights the words of the writer that every misfortune benefited him, thereby emphasizing the steadfastness of his character and loyalty to his convictions.

D.A. Granin conveys through the words of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev: "... when everything is deaf, when you are not heard, please express your opinion ...". The author believes that the courage of thought, courage, the ability to confront and critically assess what is happening allows a person not to lose heart and remain committed to their own aspirations. Such great artists as D.S. Likhachev, openly expressed their opinion and never lost heart, this explains their creative longevity. Of course, D.A. Granin is right.

The basis of any success is the very same "resistance" - immunity to any kind of criticism, problems and failures. Creative longevity is conditioned by the constant and energetic promotion of one's own ideas, no matter how much they differ from generally accepted norms. In addition, it is important to be able to criticize any statement, to be “disobedient” and courageous in all respects. At all times, there have been people who differ from the majority in their opinion and outlook on life. Therefore, many writers have raised a similar problem in their works. So, for example, the hero of the novel by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", Alexander Chatsky, opposes the Famus society, while proclaiming the idea of ​​individual independence and the elimination of feudal-serf tyranny.

And despite the fact that at the end of the comedy this hero is left alone with his views - he is not a loser. A.S. Griboyedov writes that progress lies precisely behind the revolutionary ideas of Chatsky. One of the most important novels of M.A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita", unfortunately, became popular only after the death of the writer. The ideas and topics raised in the novel ran counter to the Soviet censorship, but the writer accepted great amount measures so that his brainchild reaches the masses. The hero of the novel himself, the Master, faced exactly the same problem: they refused to publish his novel, and he, tired of constant persecution, burned his brainchild.

Margarita showed real perseverance and resilience: the girl loved the master so much that she did everything possible to be able to at least read the novel written by him herself. The subsequent popularity of the work showed that there was probably no point in trying to bypass the Soviet censorship, but The Master and Margarita is truly a revolution novel that makes you think about many of the problems of society.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the main components of a person's success are steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance and revolutionary thinking. We are how we defend our ideas, what we think and where we are going, and creative longevity is no exception.

Source text in full version for writing the exam

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked every day, a lot, despite his poor health. From the Solovetsky special purpose camp, he received a stomach ulcer, bleeding.

Why did he keep himself full until the age of 90? He himself attributed his physical resilience to "resistance." None of his school friends survived. “Depression - I didn't have this state. There were revolutionary traditions in our school, we were encouraged to form our own worldview. To cross existing theories. For example, I gave a talk against Darwinism. The teacher liked it, although he did not agree with me.

I was a cartoonist, drawing for school teachers. They laughed along with everyone. They encouraged boldness of thought, brought up spiritual disobedience. This all helped me to resist bad influences in the camp. When I was thrown into the Academy of Sciences, I did not attach any importance to this, did not take offense and did not lose heart. Failed three times! "

He told me: “In 1937 I was fired from the publishing house as a proofreader. Any misfortune was good for me. The proofreading years were good, I had to read a lot. They didn't take him to the war, he had a white ticket because of a stomach ulcer.

Personal persecution began in the seventy-second year, when I defended the Catherine Park in Pushkin. And until that day they were angry that I was against the logging in Peterhof, the construction there. This is the sixty-fifth year. And then, in the seventy-second year, they became furious. They were forbidden to mention me in print and on television. "

The scandal erupted when he spoke on television against the renaming of Peterhof to Petrodvorets, Tver to Kalinin. Tver has played a colossal role in Russian history, how can you refuse! He said that the Scandinavians, Greeks, French, Tatars, Jews meant a lot to Russia.

In 1977 he was not allowed to attend the congress of Slavists.

Likhachev was given a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1953. In 1958 they failed at the Academy, in 1969 they were rejected.

He managed to save the development of the Kremlin with high-rise buildings in Novgorod, he saved in St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospect, the portico of Ruska. "The destruction of monuments always begins with arbitrariness, which does not need publicity."

He took Old Russian literature out of isolation, incorporating it into the structure of European culture.

He had his own approach to everything: natural scientists criticize astrological predictions for being unscientific. Likhachev - for the fact that they deprive a person of free will.

He did not create a doctrine, but he created the image of a protector of culture, a real citizen

Even in deadlock cases, says Dmitry Sergeevich, when everything is muffled, when you are not heard, please express your opinion. Do not be silent, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice can be heard.

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy. (2) It became an independent science only at the turn of a new era. (3) _____ the scientific works of the ancients, which have survived to our days, as they would say now, are complex: they include information from several areas of knowledge.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy, therefore their scientific works include information from several areas of knowledge.

2. Ancient scholars did not separate geography from history and philosophy; geography became an independent science only at the turn of the new era.

3. Scientific works of ancient scientists contain information from several areas of knowledge, since in ancient times geography was not separated from history and philosophy.

4. The scientific works of ancient scientists that have survived to this day are complex in nature: they include information from several areas of knowledge.

5. Geography became an independent science only at the turn of the new era, therefore geographical information was included in the complex scientific works of the ancients.


Which of the following words should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

1. Probably

2. Therefore

3. Unlikely

5. Of course


Read the glossary entry for the meanings of the word AREA. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

REGION, -and, pl. -and, -oh, w.

1. Part of a country, state territory (or territories). Southern regions of Russia. Northern regions of Europe.

2. Large administrative-territorial unit. Autonomous about. Moscow about. The authorities from the region (from the regional center; colloquial).

3. what or what. The limits in which some are common. phenomenon, zone, belt. O. evergreens. Ozernaya about.

4. what or what. A separate part of the body, a part of the body. Pain in the region of the liver. In the chest area.

5. transfer., What. Branch of activity, circle of occupations, ideas. New about. Sciences. It went to about. legends (no longer exists; book and iron.).


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.

1.will strengthen

2. bent



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. REVIEWS from critics who praised this novel were extremely negative.

2. For Russian tennis players, the outcome of the match was SUCCESSFUL.

3. Ilya Repin created EFFECTIVE multi-figure portraits "Slavic composers".

4. In terms of the depth of emotions, flight is an incomparable feeling.

5. RESISTANCE of the organism decreases when it is weakened.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

furniture for KITCHEN

came running from the DISCO

Smarter than everyone

FASHION Couturier

profitable CONTRACTS


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) At the production meeting, not only labor discipline issues were discussed, but also a new wage system.
B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 2) We argued for a long time over books written by a famous TV presenter.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) In the story "The Pit" A. Platonov reveals to us the tragic fates of different people, who have been deprived of their faith, hope, and the purpose of life, and the very desire to live.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) Following A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky shows that how great a small person can be with his soul, his feelings, and develops in the story "Poor People", in the novel "Crime and Punishment" the theme of "humiliated and insulted."
E) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Upon arrival in Paris, I immediately visited the Louvre.
6) Reading historical novels, the events of past years seem to come to life in memory.
7) In his novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov revealed Pechorin's individualism and examines not only his psychology, but also the ideological foundations of his life.
8) Everyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.
9) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation."

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter

to ... mpromise

lights up

h ... stotny

forget ...


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

to ... to lead, oh ... to share

pr ... cover, pr ... brief

ave ... take care, ave ... sit down

take ... mother, under ... skat

d ... believe, n ... raise


endured ... in

armchair ... tse

dance ... dance

magnesium ...


Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

retrieving ... my

hear ... my


Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

1. The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS THAN ten years.

2. The air, which has (NOT) BECAME sultry yet, pleasantly refreshes.

3. (DO NOT) SULI the crane in the sky, give the tit in your hands.

4. (INCORRECT), but pleasant facial features made Nastya look like her mother.

5. Ambition is (NOT) the DESIRE to be honest, but the lust for power.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. THAT (WOULD) enjoy the spectacle of the festive fireworks, we climbed (ON) the TOP of the hill.

2. Make sure that children do not run out onto the road.

3. (IN) CONSEQUENCES we had to (MORE) regret our frivolity.

4. WHAT (WOULD) avoid misunderstandings, I decided to talk to my parents (ON) DIRECTLY.

5. (B) FOR an hour we walked along a dirt road (B) A SHARE of a small river.


Indicate all numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

Meshchera canoes are hollowed out (1) from one piece of wood, only on the bow and stern they are crypts (2) with (3) nails with large heads.


Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. In forests, I love rivers with black water and yellow flowers on the banks.

2. He wanted to go with me to meet you, but for some reason he changed his mind.

3. In the living and vibrating lace of leaves, the blue of the autumn sky tangles and trembles.

4. Obadiy tried to imagine the former oriental bazaars in India, Afghanistan or Turkey.

5. With a dull noise, rain streams spin underfoot and fall on heads and shoulders from rocks and trees.


He stopped, listened (1) raising his head (2) and quickly walked in the direction of sounds (3) louder and closer flying (4) towards him.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, which should be replaced by commas in sentences.

I am (1) fortunately (2) helped by a painter, or (3) as he calls himself (4) a painting contractor.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

We arrived long before the start of the performance (1) and (2) to while away the time (3) went to the nearest cafe (4) where you could have coffee and talk calmly.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

She saw the whole catastrophe in the form of a thunderstorm (1) but (2) that lightning would strike her (3) at first she did not think and felt herself for Sasha (4) calmly and confidently.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the misspelled word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The title character of the novel "12 Chairs" never lost his sense of humor.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) Nikolai Nikolaevich has not been in the town for over thirty years. (2) He only recently buried his wife, and after that he himself fell seriously ill.

(C) Nikolai Nikolaevich was not afraid of death and took it naturally and simply, but he wanted to get to his home without fail. (4) He dreamed of being surrounded by old walls, where long, sleepless nights in front of him would flash lines of long-forgotten and eternally memorable faces.

(5) For a whole year before his arrival, the house stood boarded up. (6) It was rained, snow lay on the roof, and no one cleaned it off, so the roof, which had not been painted for a long time, leaked and rusted in many places. (7) And the steps of the main porch are completely rotten.

(8) When Nikolai Nikolaevich saw his street and his house, his heart pounded so hard that he was afraid that he would not make it. (9) He stood for several minutes, caught his breath, with a firm military step crossed the street, resolutely tore the cross from the gate, entered the courtyard, found an ax in the shed and began to tear the boards from the boarded up windows with it.

(10) Furiously working with an ax, forgetting for the first time about a sick heart, he thought: the main thing is to knock off the boards, open the doors, open the windows so that the house heals with its constant life.

(11) From memory, the house always seemed to him large, spacious, smelling of the warm air of stoves, hot bread, fresh milk and freshly washed floors. (12) And even when Nikolai Nikolaevich was a little boy, he always thought that not only "living people" lived in their house, not only grandmother, grandfather, dad, mom, brothers and sisters, countless uncles and aunts who came and went , and also those that were in the paintings hung on the walls in all five rooms.

(13) And this feeling that the "people from the paintings" actually live in their house never left him, even when he became an adult, although perhaps this is strange.

(14) It is difficult to explain why this happened, but, being in the most difficult alterations, in his death throes, on the hard bloody work of the war, remembering the house, he thought not only about his relatives who inhabited it, but also about “people with pictures "that he never knew.

(15) Nikolai Nikolaevich opened the door with some apprehension.

(16) The house smelled damp and musty. (17) There was a spider web on the ceiling and in the corners. (18) Numerous spiders and spiders, not paying attention to him, continued their painstaking skillful work. (19) The field mouse, finding shelter in an abandoned house, like a circus tightrope walker, several times merrily ran along the wire that remained on the window from the curtains.

(20) The furniture was moved from its usual places and covered with old covers. (21) The paintings, carefully wrapped by my sister in burlap, lay on the mezzanine in the driest room.

(22) First of all, Nikolai Nikolaevich flooded the stoves, and when the windows were fogged up, he opened them wide so that the dampness would leave the house. (23) And he himself put everything and put firewood in the stove, bewitched by the flame and the roar of the fire. (24) Then he washed the walls, brought a stepladder, got to the ceilings and, finally, changing the water several times, scrubbed thoroughly the floors, floorboard by floorboard.

(25) Gradually, with his whole being, Nikolai Nikolaevich felt the warmth of his native stoves and the familiar smell of his home - he happily dizzy him.

(26) For the first time in recent years, Nikolai Nikolaevich sighed relieved and blissfully. (27) It was then that he removed the covers from the furniture and arranged it. (28) And, finally, I hung the pictures ... (29) Each one in its place.