Business game with educators woman health. Business game for teachers "we are for a healthy lifestyle". Criteria for evaluating activities in a business game

Business game for teachers

"Physical Culture!"

Prepared by:Nesmashneva N.I.,

senior educator

Target: to systematize the knowledge of teachers on the issues of health improvement and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, to develop creative activity, coordination of actions, mutual assistance and collectivism.

Training. 2 teams are formed from among the pedagogical workers of the preschool educational institution.

Leading (senior educator):

Children are not heard in kindergarten.

The sweet dream prevailed over everyone.

Educators gathered here

Take a break from various activities.

Make some noise and chat

Songs to sing and dream

And, of course, in the pedigree

With the mood to play.

Dear teachers! Today our meeting is dedicated to health and healthy lifestyle. We gathered in this hall in order to communicate in a friendly atmosphere, relieve fatigue, get a boost of vivacity and get a good mood. After all, only a healthy teacher can raise a healthy child. And since the leading activity of children is play, then we also have to play with you. Our game is called "Fizkult Hurray!" Two teams will take part in the game. And the jury won't be here today. Because friendship must win in our game, and the result is a great mood.

  1. Blitz-survey on the program:

What are the main types of movement. ( Walking, running, jumping, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching, throwing, balance exercises, drill exercises, rhythmic gymnastics.)

What are the drill exercises? ( Formation in a column, in a line, rebuilding in columns in two, in three. Opening, closing in a column, in a line. Turns right, left, round and round.)

What are the exercises to develop and strengthen the back muscles and the flexibility of the spine? ( Raise your arms up and lower them down, alternately raise your bent legs, bend forward and backward, turn your body.)

What are the exercises for developing and strengthening the muscles of the abdominal girdle and legs. ( Step over in place, without lifting the toes of the feet from the floor, squat, raise straight legs forward with a swing, lunge forward to the side.)

Give an example of outdoor games with running ( "Catchers", "Mousetrap", "We are funny guys", "Burners", "Kite and hen", etc.)

Give an example of outdoor games with throwing and catching ( "Knock Down the Pin", "Get into the Hoop", "Hunters and Beasts".)

Give an example folk games ("Burn, burn clearly!", "Drake and duck", "A bear in the forest", "Loaf", "Poplar", "Ring", "Two Frosts", "Baba Yaga")

What are the sports games ( Towns, basketball elements, badminton, football, hockey elements.)

  1. Teams are invited to recall 2 finger games and demonstrate them.
  1. On the tables are cards with the sayings of wise people living at different times, but agreeing in one opinion. I invite you to read them and express your opinion about what is written on them. To say whether you agree with this aphorism or not. And why? How do you understand this aphorism?

Sayings of wise people living at different times:

* "You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy." L.N. Tolstoy

* "It is not yet clear whether there is a healthy mind in a healthy body, or vice versa - a high spirit gives rise to health." F. Abramov.

* "Health so disturbs all the other blessings of life that truly, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." A. Schopenhauer.

* "You cannot heal the body without healing the soul." Socrates.

  1. Game Abbreviation(USSR, MBDOU, FSB, CIS, Ministry of Emergencies, CIA, ...)

Teachers suggest decoding the abbreviation in accordance with the physical culture and health topics. For example: the USSR is the strongest and bravest guys, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the champion of sports and so on.

  1. The teachers of each team show 2 options for physical education.
  1. Finish Proverbs About Health (Commands in sequence):

Purity - (pledge of health).

Health is more expensive (gold).

Health is in order - (thanks charging).

If you want to be healthy - (temper).

In a healthy body - (healthy mind).

Health for money (you can't buy).

Take care of the dress with a new one, (and health from a young age).

There will be health - (there will be everything).

Keep your head cold ( and your feet are warm)

Stomach ache, hold (closed mouth)

Fast and dexterous ( the disease will not catch up)

Heat dries the earth, man ( disease)

To the weak and the disease ( pesters)

Loving purity ( will be healthy)

Who smokes tobacco ( he is his own enemy)

Cabbage soup and porridge - ... our food.

Sick - get treatment, but healthy - ... beware.

You will be healthy - everything ... you will get it.

Smoking is for health ... harm.

Garlic and onions from ... seven ailments.

  1. Prevention of posture disorders(2-3 min.) All teachers

Let's do a warm-up.

We keep the back straight.

Head back, forward

Right, left turn.

Raise your arms straight,

Here are the tall ones.

And now the pelvis is dancing

Look at us!

By this glorious exercise

Sit down

And stand up together.

We are not too lazy to jump,

Like a ball all day!

  1. Reflection "Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood" (played by educators).

Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face?

This is because I did not like to wash in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?

Because I didn't clean them and smoked them, like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such dull eyes?

Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling all over and walking slowly?

This is because, my Baby, I never did exercises in the morning ...

Leading: This is the kind of reflection and attitude we have today.

Be healthy!

Lyuba Bazhkova
Business game with parents: "A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health"

Business game with parents

in the preparatory speech therapy group "Rainbow"

the date of the: October 2016

educator: Bazhkova L.A.

Topic: «»

Target: Introduce parents pupils with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation health preschoolers at home and in a kindergarten. Formation of parents motivating a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and health of their children improving skill parents on the use of health-saving technologies at home.

Form of conducting: "Oral Journal"

Participants: parents, educators, children.

Preliminary work.

1. Questionnaire parents"Conditions a healthy lifestyle in the family» .

2. Conduct parent meeting on this topic"V healthy family- healthy child» .

3. Design of the magazine "Regime of the day on the day off" (photographs and sketches of children involved in physical education, playing outdoor games, hiking,) ”.

4. Decoration of the exhibition of literature and other materials on the topic

5. Exhibition of children's drawings "Tempering, sports, movement - achievement of all goals"

6. Making a box health(recipes healthy dishes, games with children, tips on healthy lifestyle ....)

7. Design parents of wall newspapers"Secrets health»

The plan of the

1 page: Introduction to the topic « A healthy lifestyle is the key to health»

2 page: Warm up for parents: “My child will healthy, if I…"

3 page: Solving a crossword puzzle.

4 Page: The game"Through the mouth of a baby"

5 Page: Protecting children with parents your page in the photojournal "Regime of the day on a day off"

6 Page: Children sum up the result.

7 Delivery of the Code health to parents.

1 page.

Good afternoon, dear friends and distinguished guests! We are very pleased that you found the time and responded to our invitation.

Today we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days - Healthy lifestyle!

Health a person is the main value in life... You can't buy it for any money!

If you are sick, you will not be able to embody in living your dreams, you will not be able to give your strength to overcome life tasks, will not be able to fully realize in modern world and also you will not be able to raise your children healthy and cheerful... Therefore, our meeting today will be held under the motto "We are for it healthy image life

We are very glad to meet you. And only today, and only now, parents will remember their childhood and will be not only spectators, but also participants in our game « A healthy lifestyle is the key to health» .

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain interest in health improvement, both themselves and children. So what can adults do to encourage children to healthy lifestyle? We will try to find out this during our meeting. Let me read you a poem.

The child is ill endlessly.

Mother in a panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.

After all, I have him from the cradle

I always strive to keep warm.

The apartment has windows even in summer

Afraid to open - suddenly a draft,

With him, then to the hospital, then to the pharmacy,

Medicines cannot be counted.

Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.

So, sometimes, we are from children

We grow a greenhouse creature

And not fighters - heroes.

V. Krestov "Greenhouse creation"

I hope that these words are not dedicated to any of us.

2 page: warm-up “My child will healthy if I ... ".

Educator: Healthy, strong and developed child.

How do you achieve this? What are we doing for this? How to strengthen children's health, to avoid disease?

During our meeting, I would like to speculate a little. Let's answer one that seems to be very simple question: "Who it healthy person?”.

“My child will healthy if I ... ".

Answers parents.

3 page "Guessing the crossword puzzle"

4 page: "Through the mouth of a baby"

Children talk about different types sports, and parents will find out what is it about (figure skating, football, basketball, skiing, tennis, hockey, artistic gymnastics)

5 page "We health we value - we observe our regime "

To make the child grow healthy, balanced, physically strong, had a good appetite, good sleep, one must strictly adhere to the regime. It is the most important condition for proper education. The mode is a rational and clear alternation of sleep, food, rest, different types activities during the day. Sleep, food, walks, directly educational activities - all this should be carried out in a certain sequence. Rhythmic routine life contributes to the normal development of the child's body.

Why is the regime so important? Everything vital processes in the body proceed in a certain rhythm. The heart works rhythmically - after the contraction, relaxation comes; breathing is rhythmic, when inhalation and exhalation evenly replace each other; food in the digestive tract is processed at a specific time.

All phenomena in nature also occur in rhythm: change of seasons, day and night. Scientists have found that ordered by the regime a life ensures normal flow life processes.

The correct regimen, corresponding to the age-related capabilities of the child, strengthens health, ensures efficiency, successful implementation varied activities, protects against overwork.

If the child eats, sleeps, rests, walks, studies whenever he pleases, then he will soon lose his appetite, sleep becomes restless, the child develops poorly, whims and stubbornness appear. He is less disciplined and obedient.

You and I take very seriously this issue and therefore even displayed compliance with the regime on weekends at home. I now invite children to find their page in our weekend magazine and talk about their activities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

(children talk about their family from photographs, drawings about the regime on the day off, parents help them)

6 page: Children sum up the result.

And now we will sum up the results of our meeting. HLS - playing sports, hardening, adherence to the regime, proper nutrition, hygiene.

And now I invite you guys to continue proverb:

1. Health ok - thanks charging.

2. If you want to be healthy - temper!

3. Cleanliness is a guarantee health!

4.In healthy body healthy mind!

5. Sleep is the best medicine!

Lead 1: At the end of our meeting, they will talk again children:

Strengthen your body,

My whole family knows

There should be a regime for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs more sleep.

Well, don't be lazy in the morning -

Get started charging!

Child 2: Brush your teeth, wash your face,

And smile more often.

Get hardened and then

You are not afraid of the blues.

Have health has enemies,

Do not lead friendship with them!

Among them are quiet laziness,

You fight her every day.

Child 3: So that not a single microbe

Didn't accidentally hit the mouth,

Wash hands before eating

Needed with soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits.

Fish, seafood -

Here's a healthy meal

Full of vitamins!

Child 4: Go out for a walk,

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

Well, if it happened:

It turned out to be ill,

Know, it's time for you to see a doctor

He will always help us!

Raise a child healthy- this means from childhood to teach him to lead healthy lifestyle... Components healthy lifestyle:

Rational mode;

Systematic physical education;


Proper nutrition;

7 page: "Code health»

Dear parents, remember, that health baby in your arms! You need to create conditions healthy lifestyle of the child... We want to hand you "Code health» .

Codex health

1. Remember: Health is not everything but all without health is nothing!

2. Health- not only physical strength, but also spiritual mercy.

3. Health it is necessary not only for you, but also for the people whom you are obliged to help and protect.

4. Health is your ability to satisfy our needs within reasonable limits.

5. Healthy a person needs not only bread, but also spiritual food: man does not live by bread alone.

6. Health is the physical and hygienic culture of our body: there is nothing more beautiful than the human body.

7. Health is a spiritual culture human: kindness, hope, faith and love for those around you.

8. Health is love and respect for man: Treat the other the way you would like them to treat you.

9. Health is love and respect for nature: nature is not a brother or sister, but the father and mother of mankind.

10. Health is your style and way of life; lifestyle is a source of health and the source of all troubles - it all depends on you and yours lifestyle.

11. Do you want to be healthy- make friends with physical culture, clean air and healthy food : use everything, but do not abuse anything.

12. Remember: the sun is our friend and we are all children of the sun, but with its rays joke:

sunburn should not become sunburn.

13. Periodically walk barefoot on the ground - the ground gives us strength and removes excess electricity from the body.

14. Learn to breathe correctly - calmly, shallowly and evenly.

15. Work measuredly, calmly, without jerking and excesses: work should be joyful, then it will be productive and healing.

16. Family is our support and our happiness: do everything in the family so that each family member feels needed and dependent on each other.

Questions for the crossword puzzle:

1. This is a living body of a person, an animal or a living plant as a whole, in which various organs function in concert and support systems work life.

2. A set of physical exercises performed in the morning after waking up; required element healthy lifestyle.

4. A specific daily routine that provides time for work / study, various activities and rest.

5. What is the favorite part of the day for children in kindergarten?

6.Extremely important for life of matter, which our body receives in small quantities with food.

7. Rhythmic thrusts of blood in the veins, which, if necessary, are measured by pressing on the wrist

1. A set of physical exercises performed in the morning after waking up; required element healthy lifestyle.

2. A device for dousing the body with small streams of water

3. An integral part of physical culture is competitive activity and preparation for it.

4. A specialized bag for carrying equipment, food, personal items, etc. on the back.

5. A narrow and long strip of fabric, predominantly. linen or paper, for wiping body parts or dishes.

6. A vehicle consisting of a frame, wheels, steering wheel, pedals, etc., which is propelled by the force of your legs when you pedal.

7. Boots with metal blades attached to them. Used to move on an icy surface.

8. The process of systematic impact on the body of an athlete specifically handpicked physical exercises in order to increase sports performance and achieve high sports results.

Evgeniya Bulycheva

Target: to systematize the knowledge of teachers on the issues of health improvement and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, to develop creative activity, coordination of actions, mutual assistance and collectivism.

Game progress:

The participants are divided into 2 teams by drawing lots, each team chooses a captain.

Slide 1

The melody of the song "It's great that we are all gathered here today."


Children are not heard in kindergarten.

The sweet dream prevailed over everyone.

Educators gathered here

Take a break from various activities.

Make some noise and chat

Songs to sing and dream

And, of course, in the pedigree

With the mood to play.

Slide 2

Dear teachers! Today our meeting is dedicated to World day health, which will be celebrated on April 7. We gathered in this hall in order to communicate in a friendly atmosphere, relieve fatigue, get a boost of vivacity and get a good mood. After all, only a healthy teacher can raise a healthy child. And since the leading activity of children is play, then we also have to play with you. Our game is called "Hour of Health". Two teams will take part in the game. Please introduce yourself.

Slide 3

"Ruddy cheeks"

Ruddy cheeks

They burn like flowers.

Health with splendor,

We breathe easily.

Slide 4

"Perky girls"

We are perky girls

We don't care about difficulties.

We will bypass all obstacles

And we will come to victory.

Leading. And the jury won't be here today. Because friendship must win in our game, and the result is a great mood.

Slide 5

1 task - warm-up "Mind is good, but a lot is better"

Come up with a greeting-wish to the opposing team.

(While the teams are working, light music sounds).

Slide 6

Leading. Our game is dedicated to health and healthy lifestyle.

2 task - "Think of a word for a given letter"

The teams take turns to come up with and name words related in meaning to the topic of the meeting. Assigned letters: З, Д, О, Р, О, В, Е.

Slides 7-13

For instance,

1. "3" - exercise, hardening, teeth, breakfast, toothbrush, toothpaste.

2. "D" - movement, breathing, kindness, trees.

1. "O" - posture, shoes, clothes, lunch, vegetables,

2. "R" - development, joy, daily routine, fish, fish fat, plants.

1. "O" - neatness, caution, rest, sense of smell.

2. "B" - water, air, vitamins.

Together. "E" - food, blackberry, unity.

Slide 14

Leading. All this in unity and totality is health.

Slide 15

Task 3 - "Create a motto"

It is necessary to formulate the motto of the game. To do this, you need to find a place for each letter in the table. If the task is completed correctly, then a well-known proverb can be read in the cells.

Slide 16


Slide 17

Hint - second option

Y W D W O R O ___ E C Y N ___ T N E

Slide 18

Answer: There is no price to health.

Slide 19

Leading.“Beware of troubles while they are gone,” says a Russian proverb. There are a great many proverbs about health, let's try to remember them.

Task 4 - "And what grief to us when the sea of ​​proverbs"

Slide 20

The presenter reads the beginning of the proverb, the participants finish it.

Cabbage soup and porridge - ... our food.

Take care of the dress again, and health ... from a young age.

Sick - get well, but healthy - ... beware.

You will be healthy - you will get everything.

Smoking - health ... harm.

Garlic and onions from ... seven ailments.

Slide 21

Task 5 - "Magic Bag"

Take an object out of the bag and determine for what purpose it can be used in health improvement.

1) beans (development of fine motor skills of hands, breathing exercises)

2) herbal collection (herbal medicine)

3) disk (music therapy)

4) orange (aromatherapy, fortification)

5) soap bubbles (breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics)

6) doll (game therapy)

7) glove (finger gymnastics)

8) flower (color therapy)

9) colored pencils (art therapy)

10) su-jok (massage)

Slide 22

Task 6 - "Find a Match"

Finish the phrase by finding its continuation in the second column.

Slide 23

1. To make children sleep well. You need to turn on the music

2. Onions, garlic - that's a miracle. Oh, afraid of their cold

3. To avoid coughing. I must breathe correctly

4. One beans and two beans. Massage the palm

5. We bring air into the ball ... We expand the volume of the lungs

6. Bright color and bright light. Boost your immunity

7. Herbs fragrant aroma. Sleep will improve a hundredfold

Slide 24

Task 7 - "Black Box"

It is necessary to determine what is in the black box.

Leading. The Siberian shamans had this item personified the structure of the world. In kindergarten, it is used exclusively in the field of physical education. What is this? (TAMBOURINE)

Slides 25-27

Task 8 - Captains Competition "Merry Notes"

One captain has a tambourine in his hands, the other has a whistle. Fragments of melodies sound. It is necessary to catch a sense of rhythm in the piece and play along (tambourine - "Carmen", whistle - "Wedding March", together - "Sports March").

Slide 28

Task 9 - "Solve the Crossword"

Light music sounds. The teams solve the crossword puzzle offered to them. Who quickly.

Crossword "A little about sports"

1. Complex of sports health-improving programs with elements of aerobics, shaping, dance movements.

2. Absolute world champion in artistic gymnastics in the individual championship in Athens, 2002

3. The start of any speed competition.

4. Sports team game with a ball that is thrown into the ring.

5. Famous Russian figure skating coach.

6. Two or three wheeled vehicle.

7. sports game with a ball and a racket on the court.

8. Sports game with a stick and a puck.

9. High-speed car racing.

10. The ultimate feature of speed competition.


1. Fitness.

2. Khorkina

4. Basketball

5. Tarasova

6. Bicycle

Slide 29

Leading. Poetry is an important tool for improving mood and psychological comfort.

Task 10 - "Poetic Page"

Light music sounds. The beginning of the poem is given, you need to come up with its ending.

1. In the morning, the mood is bad,

I can't make up my eye in any way.

2. We got together with my husband

Get out suddenly somewhere.

3. In spring, there are puddles everywhere,

Ships sail in streams.

4. I decided to lose weight,

She went on a diet.

5. After the shift, I decided

Go home quickly.

6. I decided to surprise everyone

And cook French soup.

Slide 30

Leading. Music is capable of changing the mental and physical state of every person. Some melodies bring joy, improve mood. Others - slow down the pulse, normalize blood pressure. Listening to classical music can relieve or relieve headaches.

Task 11 - "In the world of music"

Light music sounds. Working with cards.

Assignment: connect the composer's name and surname with an arrow.

Gennady ___ Gladkov

Peter ___ Glinka

Ferenc ___ Rossini

Johann ___ Strauss

Joachino ___ Beethoven

Ludwig Wang ___ List

Mikhail ___ Tchaikovsky

Sergey ___ Rachmaninoff

Slides 31-34


Exactly seven colors of the rainbow

And the music has seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Music always lives on.

Task 12 - "Guess the melody"

The melodies of songs about health, healthy lifestyle, sports. The teams guess in turn ("Smile", "A coward does not play hockey", "If you want to be healthy", "Fizkult-hurray!").

Slide 35

Leading. The last task will help us get an emotional charge. Theatrical activities help relieve mental stress. All the more so if we ourselves play the roles.

Slide 36

Quest 13 - " theatre studio" (homework)

Theatrical performance of the fairy tale "The Turnip in a New Way".

Slide 37

Leading. The "hour of health" has come to an end. We hope that our meeting was useful for you, charged you with positive emotions and good mood.

Let the motto "Our health in our hands" become your constant companion of life!

Teachers perform song "It's great that we are all gathered here today."

Presentation of gifts.

Slide 38

Leading. Until next time!

Business game for teachers "It is fashionable to be healthy"

Business game for teachers

"It's fashionable to be healthy"

Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of teachers on the issues of non-traditional health improvement of preschoolers.

to direct the efforts of teachers in the right direction, to unite them in an effort to acquire new knowledge and skills, improve professional qualities, use in practice the knowledge and skills gained in the process of a business game.

Business game principles:

The principle of simulation of the situation;

The principle of problematic content;

The principle of role-based interaction in joint activities;

The principle of dialogical communication;

The principle of two-dimensionality of play educational activity.

Rules for participants in a business game:

Full immersion and involvement of everyone in business issues

games and the atmosphere of creativity;

Respect for what others say, even when

when they do not coincide with their own point of view;

Self-expression, when each participant in the game tries to express himself

and make a personal contribution to solving the problem;

Adaptation of knowledge and skills acquired during a business game into

practical work with children.

Criteria for evaluating activities in a business game:

Participants' activity level;

Pedagogical excellence;

Ability to find the optimal or the most simple and effective

A creative approach to solving game problems.

Business game progress:

Good afternoon, dear friends and dear colleagues! Today in our hall we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days - “Childhood is the foundation of health! "

Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any money!

Being sick, you will not be able to make your dreams come true, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life's tasks, you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world, and you will also not be able to raise your children healthy and cheerful.

Therefore, our today's meeting will be held under the motto “We are for a healthy lifestyle! "(Slide 1)

It's good when in the morning

The game begins!

Laughter, fun, running around,

When the guys are playing.

You will envy the kids:

Both girls and boys.

Adults want to play

Yes, you need to comply with the measure.

But today is a special day

We got together for a reason.

Both in adults and in adults,

The game begins!

Educators are offered unfinished proverbs about health. Assignment: finish the proverbs. (slide 2)

Cleanliness - (a guarantee of health)

Health is more expensive (gold)

To live purely - (to be healthy)

Health is fine - (thanks charging)

If you want to be healthy - (temper)

In a healthy body healthy mind)

Keep your head cold, stomach hungry, and (feet warm)

What is good for a Russian is (death for a German)

Onion from (seven ailments)

To develop successfully

You need to play sports

From physical education

Will slim figure(Slide 3)

Competition - Crossword. Riddles about sports are made, one by one to each teacher, the presenter fills in the crossword puzzle.

1. Get up early in the morning,

Jump, run, push up

For health, for order

Everyone needs ... (Exercise)

2. He always follows the field,

Was to play fair! (Referee)

3. I have no time to get sick, friends,

I play football, hockey.

And I am very proud of myself,

What gives me health (sport)

4. He is with you and me

I walked with steppe stitches.

Hiking friend behind the back

On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

5. The mesh is tightly stretched,

The goalkeeper is standing by

What is this place

Where is the blow directed? (Gates)

6. On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Legs ride along the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my ... (Bicycle)

7. Both boys and girls

They love us very much in winter,

They cut the ice with a thin pattern,

They don't want to go home.

We are graceful and light

We are curly. (skates)

8. To be big

to become an athlete,

There is a lot to know.

Will help you here


And of course ... (training)

Next competition

1. Is the cough familiar to Eskimos? (no, there are no bacilli beyond the Arctic Circle)

2. Who is the cough brother? (runny nose)

3. Is shyness a disease? (No)

4. Disease of dirty hands. (dysentery, hepatitis (jaundice, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases)

5. What diseases are fraught with a drink of water from a river or lake? (cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, helminths)

6. How to avoid sunstroke? (wearing a hat, drinking plenty of fluids, less exposure to the sun)

7. Notes understandable only to the pharmacist. (recipe)

8. The doctor of the spoken genre. (speech therapist)

9. Specialty of Aibolit. (vet)

10. Who's pressure is always on top? (hypertensive patient)

In the morning you temper

Pour cold water.

You will always be healthy.

There is no need for unnecessary words.

The next contest "Barrel Troubles"

Participants take out barrels with numbers and answer questions:

1. The daily duration of a walk for children is ...

2. What should be done in the middle of the session?

(physical education)

3. How many times a week are physical education sessions held with children 3-7 years old?

(3 times a week)

4. What is the duration of the session in the senior group?

(no more than 25 minutes)

5. How many minutes are there between classes?

(at least 10 minutes)

6. How long does sleep last for children 1, 5 - 3 years old?

(at least 3 hours)

7. What is the duration of the lesson in the middle group?

(no more than 20 minutes)

Competition (slide 4)

We work not only with children, but also with parents. I suggest you come up with forms of work with parents for the headings:

"Health Day"

"Useful and harmful"

"Health tree"

"Note to mothers"

"Healthy break"

"Useful little things"

"Color, light to health"

There is an image on the slides, answer: "What kind of healing does it reflect?"

1) a pad with grass - herbal medicine (slide number 5)

2) disk - music therapy (slide number 6)

3) orange - aromatherapy (slide number 7)

4) soap bubbles - breathing games (slide number 8)

5) doll - art therapy (slide number 9)

6) glove - finger gymnastics (slide number 10)

7) flower - color therapy (slide number 11)

Play-Fairy Tale "Turnip" (prepared in advance (slide number 12)

Leading -

Attributes: a turnip mask, a shovel, a purple beret, soap bubbles, vitamins, balls with spikes, a "Health" mat.

There is a vegetable garden near the house. Grandmother with her granddaughter at the gate. Beetle - tail in a ringlet, dozing under the porch. Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat. Music can be heard from the open window to Grandfather: “Get ready, get started! "

My health is good.

I'd rather plant a turnip!

He takes a shovel and goes to the garden.

And the grandmother has no charge,

Thank God everything is in order!

The mouth opens - it yawns sweetly.

Drives the poor to sleep!

I'll start on Monday.

He sits on the bench and braids a plait.

Let's play hide and seek!

We will do without charging!

The bug is behind the Cat, the Cat is in the window. The Mouse comes out in sports pants, a T-shirt on the body, in the legs of dumbbells.

One and two! And three or four!

I will become the strongest in the world!

I will perform in the circus -

Raise the hippopotamus!

Runs, jumps, jerks with paws.

Oh, I got tired in the morning ...

Yes, and it's time for me to bake.

Dawn is breaking. Grandfather is on the porch again. He sees a turnip in the garden and doesn't believe himself. He stood near the turnip - the turnip is higher than the cap. The same music is heard from the open window.

Eh, a bulldozer would be here,

Without it, it’s quite a disaster!

I became old, and I became gray.

Decreased immunity.

It will help to raise immunity -

Purple beret! / grandfather puts on, takes, pulls the turnip /

Pulls-pulls - cannot pull.

Grandfather. Grandma!

I am now!

Oh, yes, the turnip was a success!

I read it for a long time in a smart book,

To become healthy, strong.

We must breathe correctly! / takes out soap bubbles blowing /

Grandma for Grandpa, Grandpa for a turnip. Pull-pull - cannot pull.

How to pull? Which side?

Come out, Granddaughter, to help!

It hurts my back, my hands ache!

There is only one way out:

There is more vitamin! / gets vitamins and treats Grandfather and Grandma /

Granddaughter for Grandma, Grandma for Grandpa, Grandpa for a turnip. Pull-pull - cannot pull.

No, you can't do it without the Bug!

The bug. / on the Bug's chest there is an inscription: Chow-Chow /

I'm not a simple dog

She was born a long time ago in China.

I'll tell you about SUJOK!

This is not a pie for you.

Handles / distributes balls with spikes heroes massage /

Legs / walk on the spiked rug / one, two, three!

And you have become stronger.

A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather. Pull-pull - they can't pull it out.

You will have to wake up the Cat -

Let him work a little!

So that you do not worry

Brought a bouquet of flowers.

Their healing scent

Relieve stress, give excitement! / lets you smell a bunch /

A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather.

Pull-pull - they can't pull it out.

The mouse would click on the yard.

Call the mouse! What a disgrace!

So far we ourselves, it seems, with a mustache!

Here Mouse jump from the mink!

She grabbed the horizontal bar.

Than to trample the garden bed uselessly -

Get started charging!

To get down to business,

We need to gain strength!

Everybody comes out in order

Do exercises together!

/ all the heroes are doing exercises together to the music /

Stand up! Exhale, inhale!

Now it's time to pull!

A mouse for a Cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. Pull-pull - pulled the turnip!

And the moral is this: Together we will solve the problem.

And we will strengthen our health!

Our strength is in the team

Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has a desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and achieve longevity. No wonder they say: "You will be healthy - you will get everything." So be healthy everyone! (slide number 13)



"The health of the preschooler is in our hands!"

Prepared by the teacher

first qualification category

Bisyarina I.A.


To systematize the knowledge of teachers on the health improvement of preschoolers.


1. To form and consolidate professional knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers in health-improving work with preschool children.

2. Promote the development of pedagogical thinking, create a favorable atmosphere for the creative work of all participants in the game.

Business game principles:

Practical utility;



Maximum employment;

Prospects for the creative activity of each teacher.

Criteria for evaluating activities in a business game:

Participants' activity level;

Pedagogical excellence;

Ability to find optimal or the simplest and most effective solutions;

A creative approach to solving game problems.

The course of a business game.

I invite you to play

And solve the problems.

Remember something, repeat,

What we don’t know, learn more.

Our game is a team game, at the beginning of the creative hour, each of you received a token. We will travel by train. The team receiving the red token is the first squad, the team with the blue token is the second squad. The task of each team is to go the hard way and get to the final station. We have a long way to go, there are different distances from station to station. The more successfully and faster you complete the task, the more chances you have to get to your destination.

The maximum score for all competitions is 3 points.

Station 1: "Welcome"

Come up with the name and motto of the team, greetings and wishes for the opposing team.

Station 2: "Warm-up"

1.Name the forms of organization of health-preserving work:

    physical education

    independent activity of children

    outdoor games

    morning exercises

    exercise after a nap

    physical exercise combined with hardening procedures

    exercise walks

    physical culture leisure

    sports holidays

The following methodological techniques are used :

stories and conversations of the educator;

memorizing poems;

modeling of various situations;

examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters;

role-playing games;

didactic games;



outdoor games;

finger and breathing exercises;


physical education.

2. Name the types of health-saving technologies

(breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, self-massage, finger gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics after sleep, communication games, fairy tale therapy, dynamic pauses).

Educators are offered unfinished proverbs about health. Assignment: finish the proverbs.

Hops are noisy ... but the mind is silent.

They gave me some wine ... and I became crazy.

A drunken sea up to his knees, ... and puddles up to his ears.

And thin kvass ... better than good vodka.

Whoever loves wine ... is destroying himself.

Work saves money, ... hop drowns them.

I fell in love with wine ... - I ruined my family.

Whoever drinks a glass ... that century does not live out.

Innocent wine ... but damn drunkenness.

The bathhouse is our mother: you steam up your bones, you fix your whole body.

Take care of your dress again, and health from a young age.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Evening walks are useful, they remove the disease.

God would give health, but we will find happiness.

Move more - live longer.

I lost money - I did not lose anything, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.

Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.

To be kind is to live long.

A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

If you want to be healthy, be tempered.

Eating soon - not being healthy.

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you get sick.

Temper your body for the benefit of the cause.

Both old and young are harmful to tobacco smoke.

Strong in body - rich in deeds.

He who does not smoke, who does not drink, takes care of his health.

Those who go in for sports gain strength.

Whoever lies a lot, his side hurts.

With frequent grief, they will come and hurt.

Walking on foot is a long life.

Lie down after lunch, hike after dinner.

(Many proverbs have been selected; the teacher himself determines and chooses proverbs)

Station 3: "Situational"

Situations are proposed to the teams for discussion.
To solve each situation, 3 minutes are allotted. For a correct, accurate and complete answer, the team receives 3 points.

Situation 1. In physical education classes (morning gymnastics), colored sultans are distributed to children. Dima does not want to take a yellow sultan, but wants a red one like Sasha's (all sultans are of different colors). Your actions in this situation.

Situation 2 ... - The situation is this: the teacher invites children, dressed in sports uniforms, to line up and go to the gym for physical education. The children are ready to go to the gym, but a late girl comes to the group. The teacher asks her to quickly change clothes. It turns out that the child does not have sports clothes and shoes, she goes to the gym in normal clothes. One of the activities in the lesson is crawling on the bench. Clinging to the edge of the bench, the girl accidentally rips her dress. The child sits on the bench, does not study anymore, cries, which distracts the rest of the children. The dress was torn, the lesson was interrupted. The child's mood is ruined. In the evening, the parents announce to the caregiver that the dress is expensive and they will demand compensation for it.

And now the questions:
- Is the teacher to blame for the damage to the dress?
- Do parents have the right to demand compensation for the damaged dress?
- What should be the way out of this situation?
- Did the other children suffer in this situation?

Situation 3. Very often in kindergartens, playing outdoor games, some children constantly ask to be the leaders. If they are not chosen - tears, resentment. What are your actions in this situation?

Situation 4 ... - The teacher is going with the children to the gym for a physical education lesson. The children all changed into sports uniforms, lined up. A few minutes remain before class. Mom comes with a child. She has a lot of questions to which she wants to be answered immediately. The teacher tries to give answers to the questions posed, but the conversation does not work, as the children begin to make noise and indulge. The conversation did not work out, and the time passed. The teacher with the children comes into the hall very late. Lesson begins. In the middle of class, the door opens and mom pushes in another late child. He does not want to go to class, resists, distracts children and the teacher with his behavior. While the teacher is trying to establish contact with the late child, the next group comes to the hall. The lesson was disrupted. Children go to the group.

And now the questions:
- Who is to blame for this situation?
- Did the rest of the children in the group suffer in this situation?
- What if the child is late for class?
- Was it possible to send the children alone to the gym, and the teacher to continue the conversation with their mother?
- When, in what form, parents can receive the necessary information from educators about their children

Station 4: "Poetic"

At the beginning of the sentence, you need to come up with a rhyme:

“To make children sleep well ...We need to turn on the music. "

“Onions, garlic - this is a miracle ...Oh, I'm afraid of their cold. "

“To avoid coughing ...You have to breathe correctly. "

“One beans and two beans ...We massage the palm. "

“To be courageous at school, keep the answer at the blackboard ...

It is necessary to play the role in the play in the kindergarten more often "

“We slept in the afternoon and woke up, stretched, smiled ...

We raised our arms, legs, and became much healthier. "

Station 5: "Captain's"

The captain conducts an outdoor game with the rival team, one of the main tasks of which is to educate children: - endurance; - courage.

Station 6: "Soul"

We have traveled a long way and found ourselves two steps away from the coveted station. Today we talked a lot about the health of children, but a lot also depends on the health of the teacher. There are many reasons that destroy our health, and the main one is the inability to withstand stress. Our educational psychologist will introduce you to several ways to deal with stress (relaxation).

Congratulations, each team has arrived at their destination. Outside the windows, the air temperature is the most comfortable, the sky is cloudless, the pressure is normal. When leaving the train, please do not forget your good mood.

Summing up, rewarding.

Reflection: I will ask each of you to express your opinion: what did you like the most in the process of our meeting today, what caused difficulties, what emotions did you get?

And I would like to end our meeting today with the words of Alexander Dementyev

Take care of each other's health,

We are a small part of nature,

You answered someone rudely -

Someone's life was cut by an hour.