What is a healthy lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle and why is it needed? Balanced nutrition in a healthy lifestyle

Most people know what a healthy lifestyle or healthy lifestyle is, because this is a definition that cannot be described briefly, for last years gained great popularity. Many of us strive to live in harmony with ourselves and our bodies, activity, rational and balanced nutrition. This approach will help save on doctors - you will get less sick, because you yourself will strengthen your immunity and make yourself literally invulnerable to viruses and infections. In this article, we will tell you about why the topic of maintaining health has become so relevant for modern people, and give some useful tips.

A healthy lifestyle is not just a special view of the world and oneself in it. This is a useful skill that helps us become stronger and more resilient, keep our figure slim and beautiful, and keep our thoughts positive. This is the concept of life activity, which is aimed at consistent work on oneself. It includes sports activities, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits - everything that can be called factors that have a positive effect on our well-being.

Why lead a healthy lifestyle

Each organism has its own capabilities. But some can work to their limit or use them for their own benefit - for example, during the season of colds or viral infections, when strong immunity becomes especially important, and some fall ill after the first trip on public transport. A healthy lifestyle gives confidence in yourself, your strengths and internal resources.

"Slavyanskaya Klinika" works within the framework of a healthy lifestyle. This means that following our methodology will not worsen chronic diseases, but will help to weaken their symptoms, strengthen the body and make it more resilient, adapted to negative environmental factors. We do not hide the fact that proper nutrition and activity in everything is more important for us than fashion for diets, fasting days and other popular techniques that can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

With us you:

    Learn to understand your body.

    You will gain harmony and self-confidence.

    Learn what a healthy diet should be.

    Change your attitude towards food and quit unhealthy eating habits.

The Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic does not force anyone to change, but gives a chance to realize that changes are vital. We help you get rid of excess weight, which does not allow you to reach your potential, deprives not only of positive emotions, but also the most important thing - health. That is why we urge you to believe in yourself and visit our specialists. If you want to lose weight, but do not know how to do it without harming your body, come to us - our nutritionist will help you find a slim figure without experimenting with yourself. Our method is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. It is based on the principle of a balanced diet combined with moderate physical activity.

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Basic ingredients of a healthy lifestyle

Developing healthy habits from early childhood

Think about how you were raised. Often, mothers and grandmothers feed their adored daughters and sons, grandchildren and granddaughters. It seems to them that the extra candy will be another harmless proof of love, but in fact it becomes a significant contribution to the future problem of obesity. If any outdoor games in childhood were perceived as dangerous fun, ending with bruises and abrasions, the child grows up apathetic and lethargic, accustomed to spending the weekend lying on the couch. All this has a negative effect on the growing organism, forms chronic diseases. And it could have been brought up differently: with early years to accustom to active games in the fresh air, vegetables and fruits in the diet, to give less sweets and more - warmth and affection.

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking and alcohol are enemies of our health, which lead to serious diseases: oncology, liver damage, obesity. It's easier to give up the slow poison and devote your life to working on yourself. But only a few can do this - those who have the willpower to give up the addiction. Eating habits from childhood are no less harmful.

Remember how we were forced to finish every last spoonful, but we didn’t want to, how we fed sweets for any achievement - from properly tied shoelaces to an A at school? All this later degenerated into the cult of food, which began to be perceived as an integral attribute of prosperity, good life, and satisfaction. For those who, in childhood, sweets have replaced parental affection, they have become the main drug in adult life - candy or a piece of cake as protection from stress surrounding negativity. The habit of overeating is no less dangerous. It is inoculated by mothers and grandmothers who think that their child is always hungry.

Parents who have freed themselves from persistent stereotypes and imposed dietary rules will prevent their child from gaining excess weight. But even if you have grown up a long time ago, and the desire to overeat and seize stress on the sweet is still strong, it’s silly to think that all is lost. Do not be afraid of methods such as psychotherapy - they will help you better understand yourself and learn how to resist harmful desires. Come to our clinic to find your way to slimness and good health.

Proper nutrition

We all know that you need to eat in moderation, the diet should contain a lot of vegetables and fruits, but fatty and high-calorie should be kept to a minimum. But not everyone is ready to switch to a balanced menu - it seems that the dishes from it are tasteless, like everything healthy. We are ready to break this stereotype and prove the opposite - the right food should be enjoyable, and not leave behind a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Who is a person who practices healthy lifestyle, and what does a healthy lifestyle include? In one of the first places is the culture of food, food preparation, and its competent combination. If you regularly visit McDonald's or KFC, no one will say about you "he / she looks after himself." It's another matter if you control the calorie content of the cooked food, you know what is good for the body and what is harmful, you are indifferent to sweets, starchy foods and foods rich in carcinogens.

Physically active life

And this is not an unbearable burden that you take on yourself, because it is written in fashion magazines or online publications, but exercises selected by a specialist - taking into account your well-being, gender, age, preferences. The main thing is not to spend all your free time on the couch. Walk more, ride a bike, walk with pleasure, swim, remember your old hobby for volleyball or tennis - all this will only be beneficial.

It's no secret that slim figure makes not only proper nutrition. If you spend all day in a monotonous position, sitting or lying down, no amount of menu tweaks will help you lose weight. An integrated approach is important - motivation + healthy diet + activity.

Commentary of a nutritionist at the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic

We often forget that movement is life. We go up to the floor exclusively by elevator, rent out the license and buy a car to simplify the way to work and back. But is it good for our body? No, because the weakening of muscle activity leads to obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and other consequences of metabolic syndrome - a constant companion of hypodynamia.

Do you want to get sick? Then spend your free time strengthening your muscles - swim in the summer, play outdoor games in the fresh air, skate in the winter, go skiing. Find an activity that will not be overwhelming for you - aerobics, dancing, yoga. Live in harmony with your body.

A healthy way- This is a special lifestyle that involves activity and striving for constant improvement. This is hardening, and hygiene of the body, and mental hygiene - the ability to withstand stress, stay calm even in the most difficult situations. A person who practices a healthy lifestyle looks at things with optimism. He knows how to protect himself from the effects of negative factors - be it a squabble at work or a flu epidemic.

We figured out what a healthy lifestyle is, what the definition of a healthy lifestyle means and what is included in this popular concept. It remains only to give useful tips that will help you avoid many diseases and discover a world of new possibilities.

Rules for those who want to live in harmony with themselves

    Find a job that brings you joy. We spend most of the day doing our usual business, but few can boast that they are truly satisfied with the chosen field. Let your choice be deliberate. This will help preserve nerve cells and even look younger. At least that's what scientists say.

    Do not overeat - this will affect your figure and your health. Eat in moderation. Think of it as a source of energy, not a source of joy. Otherwise, any situation that throws you off balance will require replenishment in the form of sweets, instant food and other favorite foods.

    Your age will tell you what your menu should be. At the age of 30, the liver and nuts will help to avoid the first wrinkles. Selenium, which is abundant in kidneys and low-fat cheese, is very useful for men over forty. And after fifty, magnesium plays a special role in our diet - look for it in cedar and walnuts, spinach and peanuts.

    Suppress anger, or better, don't feel it at all. By restraining negative emotions, we make our body vulnerable to many pathological changes, the worst of which is oncology. Learn to think positively - this will be another cure for all diseases.

    Do not forget about the daily routine. Sleep at night and stay awake during the day, and not vice versa. Remember that lack of sleep leads to problems such as obesity and decreased concentration. Lack of sleep can even cause micro-damage to the brain.

    Don't skimp on food. Buy only those products that you are 100% sure of. If you see that food contains potentially dangerous additives, do not risk it - your health is much more important than the bright, artificial taste that manufacturers seek, using flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and various enhancers that have a detrimental effect on the body.

    Drink as much water as possible. Your daily rate- from 1.5 to 2 liters. Do not forget about it and do not substitute life-giving moisture tea, juice, compote - these drinks will not fill the liquid deficit, and all kinds of fresh juices are, first of all, extra calories, with which you should be careful.

    Doing sports for at least 5-10 minutes a day is healthy and enjoyable. Walk more - if it is possible to cover the distance from point A to point B on foot, do it without complaining about bad weather or bad mood. Get out into nature more often - this is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and strength.

In this article, we talked about what a healthy lifestyle is, what this definition means and what the concept of a healthy lifestyle contains. Your task is to recognize the need for positive change and make right choice... Our clinic is a place where you will be helped to gain self-confidence, improve your health, restore harmony and beauty. Lose weight easy and simple® with us.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle today is an urgent topic for any person, be it an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in the family, parents bring up a culture of a healthy lifestyle in children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, the media today are actively involved in promoting healthy lifestyles and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics and a variety of diets. There are reasons for this trend.

The thing is that modern life demands from a person large investments of his labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve his own goals. The situation is also aggravated by poor ecology, sedentary working conditions, poor-quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from various equipment and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Despite the fact that modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of drugs and medical measures. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules, which are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we offer you a series of free online lessons on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, exercise and exercise for yourself, how to build an optimal daily routine, and also maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (Healthy lifestyle) is a person's skill, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or, conversely, to refuse to perform such actions), aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention is called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate the causes of the disease. Prevention can be of different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of the onset of diseases, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider precisely the primary prevention of diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - this means having special knowledge about what is useful and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the correct daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental characteristics, some of which are transmitted to us at the genetic level. Someone, without performing any physical exercises and special nutritional recommendations, always remains in good shape, someone is not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect him with acute respiratory infections, someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and stay awake ... All these abilities are more of an exception to the rule, inherent only to some people. And we can certainly say that there is no ideally healthy person in the world who possesses all the advantages listed above. That is why it is important for us to know our weak points and be able to take all the necessary measures in order to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

The use of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in a variety of situations, for example, it will allow:

  1. Correctly educate children (parents, educators, educators and teachers).
  2. Living longer and feeling better - absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin health in youth for everyone who studies a lot at the student's bench, and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are related to the organization of human pastime, for example, you are an employer, headmaster or university rector.

It should be noted that the culture of a healthy lifestyle affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with the achievement of longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in family, labor, public life society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat in moderation and balance. But often things never go further than promises to oneself that from Monday it is necessary to change your life. These promises can be repeated many times until the actual serious problem, which will be quite difficult to cope with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to observe special rules that will help keep you healthy and which you will learn about in the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules should be purposeful and systemic ... To do this, firstly, you need to decide on what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle, and put it in front of yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for your goal every day. It is very important when leading a healthy lifestyle, as in any other business, to develop a regime, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of a balanced diet and taken in the right mode. Equally important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding the biological rhythms of your body, and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in case of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn from your own experience, constantly replenishing the baggage of your knowledge.

A healthy life also requires a complete rejection of bad habits, which can negate all your efforts. You must understand that drinking, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only exacerbate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and labor stress on the human body.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you have selected one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle lessons

Below is a plan for a healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of activities aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or class hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge as practical skills that are applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any sequence, paying attention to what is interesting to you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and is aimed at general acquaintance with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many practical advice and examples. Among the universal recommendations, the following should be highlighted:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to adhere to the correct regime from day to day that is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational tricks, you can find them in time management training on our website (soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has their own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques can replace your own experience.

Carefully and dubiously approach any recommendation. Whenever you have doubts about the efficacy and harmlessness of any advice on healthy living on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the advice until you are completely sure of it. Try to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers from time to time, as well as read reviews on the Internet - all this will help to avoid mistakes.

In order to master the principles of a healthy lifestyle as effectively as possible, and then form your habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training, try to perform the proposed exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to start building your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. You can find some useful information in the materials discussed below, as well as with the help of ordinary search engines. But remember that everything should be treated somewhat critically, and remember that often by applying some particularly drastic measures to improve health, you run the risk of getting the opposite effect and causing serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, notes, diagrams, as well as feedback and recommendations from experts and ordinary people on the practice of applying the principles of healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category in our blog, where you can read articles such as.

The definition of what a healthy lifestyle is is quite broad. It includes a lot of interconnected moments, which together help a person to feel active, strong and happy.

Definition of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle"

Health is a state of the body, all functional systems of which fully perform their functions. This phenomenon can also be characterized as the absence of diseases and physical defects.

It is also worth paying attention to the definition of what a healthy lifestyle is. This is human behavior aimed at strengthening immunity, preventing diseases and forming a satisfactory state of health.

If we consider this concept from the point of view of philosophy, then this is not just the way of life of a particular person. This is a social problem. If you look from the perspective of psychology, then healthy lifestyle is seen as a motivation, and from a medical point of view, it is a way to improve health.

Prerequisites for the development of a healthy lifestyle concept

Among other things, it is necessary to find out exactly what prerequisites helped to define the named phenomenon. The healthy began to be especially interested in society in the 70s of the last century. This was due to the fact that the development of NTP radically changed a person's life, due to which the issue of strengthening immunity and increasing life expectancy arose.

As for the present, the doctors have sounded the alarm. Given the improved working conditions (compared to past centuries), the increased opportunities for obtaining quality food and the availability of sufficient free time, life expectancy is nevertheless constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that people have become more passive and susceptible to harmful influences. The number of diseases is growing rapidly.

Based on the foregoing, a healthy lifestyle is important not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Only those who feel good can be active and do their job well. Following helps a person become a valuable member of society.

and its components

Healthy lifestyle is a systemic phenomenon that consists of many components. These include several components:

  1. Education and from early childhood (in the family and educational institutions).
  2. Creation of a safe environment that contributes to the all-round development of the body and does not harm health.
  3. Rejection of bad habits and the formation of a negative attitude towards them.
  4. Fostering a food culture that involves consuming healthy food in moderation.
  5. The need for regular physical activity, the intensity of which corresponds to the age and general condition of the organism.
  6. Knowledge and observance of the rules of hygiene (both personal and public).

Key aspects

It should be noted that healthy lifestyle has a rather versatile definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be formulated with confidence, taking into account the combination of several aspects:

  1. Physical involves maintaining well-being and strengthening the body's defense mechanisms.
  2. Emotional - the ability to control emotions, to adequately respond to problems.
  3. Intellectual - the ability to find the information you need and use it rationally.
  4. Spiritual - the ability to set life guidelines and follow them.

How a healthy lifestyle is formed

The definition of a healthy lifestyle is not limited to physical condition and well-being. This is a multifaceted phenomenon, the formation of which occurs on several levels.

So, on the social, propaganda is carried out, which is carried out by educational institutions, the media and public organizations. The infrastructural level implies changes in living conditions, material and physical capabilities, taking preventive measures, as well as monitoring the environmental situation. And personal - a person's own motives, his life values ​​and the organization of life.

The human desire for self-improvement in the physical plane has a specific definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be answered by listing the whole range of purposeful actions that are aimed at improving the functional state of the body. If you want to follow this philosophy, start following these guidelines:

  • Start exercising every morning. Physical activity allows you to activate the work of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Plan your meals to consume as much as possible nutrients... In winter and spring, when there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, drink a complex of vitamins.
  • Practice hardening, which will save you from colds and strengthen the nervous system. Start by washing your face with cool water, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing.
  • Be sure to eat protein, which is found in meat, fish, dairy and cereals. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the immune system.
  • Nutritionists recommend consuming 5 cups of quality black tea daily. It saturates the body with theanine, which strengthens the body's protective barriers.
  • Keep track of your emotional state... Protect yourself from negativity and stress. Listen to calm music, watch funny movies, admire nature.
  • Take time to meditate. Even if you are not familiar with this practice, just relax for a few minutes, immerse yourself in yourself and try not to think about anything.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy the immune system. Nevertheless, a moderate amount of quality alcohol, for example, on a holiday, will not harm you.
  • Every day 7-8 hours should be allocated to sleep in order to fully restore the body's strength for further fruitful work. But sleeping too long is also not worth it.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. Washing your hands before every meal and after visiting public places is a must.

Compliance with the daily routine

As you can already judge, a healthy lifestyle consists of many elements. Its basic concepts and definitions represent numerous components that make up the complex structure of a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps the most important role is played by the correct daily routine. With a clear schedule, the body starts to work automatically. Thus, fewer resources are spent on performing certain tasks. Stress exposure is also significantly reduced.

The human body is a complex mechanism that can become intermittent if treated carelessly. The first thing to look out for is proper sleep. You should go to rest and wake up at the same time. In addition, sleep and wakefulness should coincide, respectively, with the dark and daytime.

Labor activity should be allocated no more than 8 hours a day. At the same time, active work should be accompanied by short, but regular periods of complete relaxation. This applies not only to the performance of professional duties, but also to household chores.


Nutrition plays a decisive role in such a task as the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Definition correct diet helps to saturate the body with all the necessary substances that will ensure its smooth operation. A healthy diet includes the following:

  • reducing the amount of animal fats;
  • rejection of fatty meats (preference should be given to poultry);
  • rejection of fast carbohydrates (sweets, fast food, baked goods);
  • fractional meals (frequent, but in small portions);
  • refusal of late dinner;
  • intensive fluid intake;
  • eating fresh foods that have undergone minimal heat treatment (or none at all);
  • adjusting the amount of consumed and consumed energy.


To ensure the smooth functioning of all body systems, as well as good health, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. To take this path, it will take a serious effort of will. Nevertheless, after a while it will become a habit, and the rules of a healthy lifestyle will be carried out at an automatic level. You will work more productively and look more youthful.

Every person at least once in his life thought about what a healthy lifestyle is. Some are sure that by giving up bad habits and starting to eat right, they are already halfway to success. Is this really so and how to define the correct way of life in the modern world?

Healthy lifestyle - what is it?

A healthy lifestyle is a versatile concept, but it is important to understand that it is aimed at strengthening the body and preventing the development of pathologies. To do this, you need to give preference to a healthy diet, moderate physical activity, strictly observe the regimes of wakefulness and rest, get rid of bad habits and learn to control your thoughts and emotions. The ecological situation is also important, but it is not always possible to change it.

Why do you need to lead a healthy lifestyle?

A correct and healthy lifestyle helps a person in all areas of activity and his endeavors. Thanks to this approach to the body, a person does not have problems with it, and in return receives high intellectual abilities and a good mood. The useful value of a healthy lifestyle is obvious: it becomes brighter and more interesting. An indisputable advantage is the reduction of fears for the state of one's health.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Preserving the health of the population in a civilized society should be a priority task in every country. This is becoming important for the development of the state in the socio-economic, scientific and technical areas. Modern scientists devote to the formation of a culture of health great amount time and effort. They are sure that the health of the nation depends not only on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. An important role is played by the safety of the environment, working conditions and the development of the health protection system.

The popularization of a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation is physical education. The purpose of such classes is to interest young people and involve them in regular training. For this in all educational institutions there are sports activities. Adults must organize themselves and tune in to the correct rhythm of life. One of the most effective and popular sports is fitness, which is in perfect harmony with a Russian bath and massage.

Healthy lifestyle and its components

Humanity wants to have good health, but some make an effort for this, others do nothing at all. What affects our health:

  • about 50% - a healthy lifestyle;
  • about 20% - the environment;
  • slightly less than 20% - genetic predisposition;
  • up to 10% - health protection system.

The following foundations and components of a healthy lifestyle can be distinguished:

  • absolute rejection of addictions;
  • daily moderate healthy food;
  • active pastime;
  • hygiene (personal and public);
  • continuous control over emotions;
  • intellectual development;
  • spiritual and social well-being.

Schedule the day for a healthy lifestyle

Regime is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle. However, it may look a little different from the usual clock schedule, the most important thing is to correctly determine the time for sleep - it should be at least 7-8 hours. An approximate daily routine might look like this:

  • 6.30-7.00 - rise, drink a glass of water.
  • 7.30-8.00 - breakfast.
  • 8.00-10.00 - the time of maximum activity. You can go in for sports, and then relax, visit a SPA center or a cosmetologist.
  • 10.00-11.00 - at this time the body is maximally ready for work.
  • 11.00 - late lunch.
  • 11.30-14.00 - at this time it is worth working in a relaxed mode. Do current, daily work.
  • 14.00 - lunch.
  • 14.30-16.00 is the right time to address global issues. Brain activity reaches its peak, both in creative individuals and in knowledge workers.
  • 16.00-17.00 - afternoon snack.
  • 17.00-18.00 - it's time to hold negotiations, business meetings or discuss the work plan for tomorrow with the employees.
  • 18.00-19.00 - the way home. Go shopping along the way.
  • 19.00 - dinner.
  • 19.30 - 20.00 - it's time to pay attention to the skin, wash off makeup, apply a mask. Take a bath or shower.
  • 22.00-22.30 - preparation for bedtime and lights out.

To restore strength and maintain balance in the body, work must be alternated with rest. Take a few minutes an hour to exercise and take a walk in the fresh air at lunchtime. Don't forget to exercise. For this, you can choose the best option.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are inseparable components. Satisfying hunger is one of the most important instincts of a living organism. Nutritionists from all over the world have concluded:

  1. Meals four times a day are ideal for your health.
  2. Each meal should have its own time.
  3. Eat meat, fish and legumes in the morning and at lunchtime, and in the afternoon - fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  4. At a later time, you should refrain from tea and coffee drinks.

Healthy lifestyle and sports

The rules of a healthy lifestyle are not only about healthy eating or giving up bad habits. Sport is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but this does not mean that everyone should take up the barbells and set records. Physical activity is needed to maintain shape and prevent early aging of organs and skin. For this, it is quite suitable:

  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • hiking trips;
  • tennis.

Healthy lifestyle - bad habits

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is aimed at getting rid of bad habits. The most common are smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. They harm not only the addicted person, but also those around him. Tobacco smoke is especially dangerous, because passive smokers poison their body at a level with an active "prisoner" of a bad habit.

Harm from tobacco smoke:

  • the condition of nails, hair, skin color worsens;
  • tooth enamel deteriorates and turns yellow;
  • vessels lose elasticity;
  • has a detrimental effect on all internal organs.

The effect of alcohol on the body:

  • the immune system is weakened;
  • the functions of the liver, organs of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems deteriorate, the activity of the brain is disrupted;
  • during pregnancy - leads to various fetal pathologies.

Hygienic basics of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle rules are simple and work well, but on one condition - regularity. Trying to comply with them from time to time, you will not achieve positive results. Health and a healthy lifestyle requires a person to maintain personal hygiene:

  1. Body care (regular showering, bathing).
  2. Hair and scalp care.
  3. Oral care (regular cleaning of teeth and preventive measures to prevent caries, periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity).
  4. Hygiene of shoes and clothes (keeping clean and choosing harmless materials).

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Most of humanity wondered what a healthy lifestyle is and how to approach it? Having thought over everything and postponing the implementation of the plan "for Monday", at hour "X" there is something more important or just laziness. Before you draw up a plan for how to start a healthy lifestyle, you need to think through everything and only after that start implementing it. The mistake of many beginners is that they strive to do in one day what they have not done for several years, and maybe all their lives. The main rule is not to overdo it, everything is fine in moderation.

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle

How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? You need to prepare for it (do not ignore this stage):

  • write down on a piece of paper the habits that you need to get rid of (do not try to quit everything at once, determine for yourself the optimal period for each of them, for example, a week);
  • start gradually changing your daily routine (pay attention to the duration of sleep, start introducing new, healthy habits);
  • start playing sports (without fanaticism, little by little, but regularly).

Healthy Lifestyle Films

Many of those who wanted to change their lives stopped halfway or did not start moving towards their goal at all. Some lacked willpower, others lacked motivation. Movies about healthy lifestyles will help you look at the problem in a new way and how you can overcome it:

  1. Run fat man run- talks about the power of sport, how much it can temper a person mentally and physically.
  2. "The karate guy"- teaches to fight with oneself and not to despair in the most difficult situations, and the love for Japanese martial art helped not only to deal with aggressive peers, but also to believe in oneself.
  3. "Forrest Gump"- the ability to run quickly helps the protagonist to become famous and go to university, and his skillful game of table tennis made him a world champion.

Healthy lifestyle books

Many wondered what a healthy lifestyle is. Keeping your health safe is voluntary and everyone should have their own motivation. Some are helped by the advice of friends, others - educational films and TV shows, the third - books about a healthy lifestyle. Experts in this field recommend reading:

  1. "350 recipes for the Dukan diet"- Some people know that healthy foods that help to slim down can be delicious.
  2. "Sugarless"- the author talks about the existing degrees of addiction to sweets and how to deal with them.
  3. "Science of sleep"- a useful book about the main aspect of a healthy lifestyle, in which the author explains how to sleep properly and how the body behaves at this time.
  4. "Book of the Body"- teaches how to gain physical and mental strength, love your body, and how all this will help in different areas of life.

Healthy lifestyle

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" has not yet been unambiguously defined. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, an integral part of the life of society as a whole.

In the psychological and pedagogical direction, a healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology, and motivation. There are other points of view (for example, biomedical), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

Physical education is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, achieving active longevity and full-fledged fulfillment of social functions, for active participation in labor, social, family, household, and leisure forms of life.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of the load on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in the risks of a technogenic, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative shifts in the state of health.

Healthy lifestyle elements

In a narrow biological sense, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person to influences external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. Authors writing on this topic include various components in the "healthy lifestyle", but most of them consider the following to be basic:

  • education from early childhood healthy habits and skills;
  • environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge of the impact unfavorable factors the environment for health (see, hygiene);
  • quitting smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption.
  • healthy food: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the food consumed;
  • movement: physically active life, including special physical exercises (see, for example, fitness), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
  • personal and public hygiene: a set of hygienic rules, the observance and implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health, mastery of first aid skills;

The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following aspects of a healthy lifestyle in addition:

  • emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with their own emotions, problems;
  • mental well-being: a person's ability to recognize and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances. Positive thinking.
  • spiritual well-being: the ability to set truly meaningful, constructive life goals, strive for them and achieve them. Optimism.
  • social: propaganda, information and educational work;
  • infrastructural: specific conditions in the main spheres of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive institutions, environmental control;
  • personal: the system of human value orientations, standardization of everyday life.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is understood as a number of activities aimed at its popularization, among which the most important are educational and outdoor programs, advertising in the media (radio, television, Internet).

see also

Notes (edit)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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