What disciplines are modules in dhow. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of modular teaching technology in the organization of the educational process in a technical school. Pedagogical working conditions on a modular basis

FSES of preschool education sets the bar for the requirements for the educational program kindergarten... The ECE team develops it on the basis of approximate general educational programs preschool education, complex and partial programs, methods of upbringing and teaching children of early and preschool age... At the same time, the main difficulty lies in the independent development of models of the educational process for the day, week, month and year. Earlier, before the introduction of such a standard, modeling was based on systemic and complex-thematic approaches to planning and monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process. With the introduction of the standard, these approaches faded into the background, giving way to the system-active and block-modular approaches.

The basis for the introduction of the latter is Art. 13 "General requirements for the implementation of educational programs" of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": "When implementing educational programs by an organization carrying out educational activities, a form of organizing educational activities based on the modular principle of presenting the content of an educational program and building curricula, using appropriate educational technologies ”.

The specificity of the block-modular approach to the implementation of the educational program in the practice of kindergarten work is to divide the blocks of models of the educational process, reflecting the specifics of the program, into organizational, content-active and control-evaluative. The former implement in practice the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education to the conditions, the latter - to the content of the educational process and forms, methods, as well as cultural practices of interaction between children and adults - parents and teachers, and the third - to the results of the implementation of the educational program. At the same time, the second - content-active block - is described as consisting of content-based and active modules (Table 25).

Let's give an example of using this approach to designing the educational process for a day in accordance with the educational program of a kindergarten.

The model of the educational process for the day is based on the teacher's orientation:

  • - on the regime processes and moments that occur daily in the kindergarten group;
  • - pedagogical situations of interaction;
  • - their reflection in the specifics of modeling the subject-developing environment of the group;
  • - their inclusion in the content of joint and independent activities of children.

Table 25

Block-modular model of the educational process for the day

Organizational block

Conditions for organizing a subject-developing environment.

The activities of the teacher in preparation for the educational process and the implementation of an individual approach.

Forms and methods of integration of different types of activities of children. Methodological support of work on the organization of regime processes and moments in the first and second half of the day, walks and individual games-lessons with children

Interest, desire.

Children's actions.


Active module

in the form of pedagogical situations:

  • illustration situations;
  • exercise situations;
  • trial situations;
  • game learning situations;
  • assessment situations;
  • problem situations;
  • competitive situations;
  • situations of moral choice

PA "Physical development»

Preserving health.


Physical culture.




(independent activity of children)

NGO "Cognitive Development"






Environmental protection

О О "Artistic and aesthetic development"



Fine (modeling, drawing, applique).

Theatrical and playroom.



The end of the table. 25

The description of the active module of the content-active block of the educational process model for the day can be presented in the form of the following matrix, which the educator uses for short-term planning of the educational process (Table 26).

Table 26

Organizational matrix of the educational process for the day

The end of the table. 26

Place in the afternoon

Regime process




Organization of joint educational activities of a teacher with children






Free activities of children



Quiet hour


Directly educational activities

Free activities of children


Going home

The next model of the educational process is for a week (Table 27). Its specificity is the orientation of the teacher:

on the dynamics of educational activities directly during the week;

  • - her support in the subject-development and play environment of the group and in the independent activities of children in the form of different types of children games;
  • - coordination of the educational process in kindergarten and family across joint forms of educational activities of parents and children.

Table 27

Block-modular model of the educational process

for a week

Organizational block

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of interaction in a group. The activities of the teacher in the planning of the educational process, professional communication with a colleague-educator and specialists, reporting.

Methodological support for the implementation of the content of training and thematic modules of the educational program

Interest, willingness to act. Actions, skills. Knowledge related to the development of the content of educational areas. Relationship

Active module

Children's activities(independent activity of children):

  • individual;
  • subgroup (by interests);
  • group

00 « Physical development" Health-saving games. Outdoor games. Psycho-gymnastic studies. Sport games

Types of children's games

00 "Cognitive development» Manipulation games, games with objects. Didactic games.

And the games are observations.

And gra -ex course and and.

Environmental games.

Math games.

Construction Games


And gra - nabl judenia.

Survey games.

Theatrical games. Musical and rhythmic games. Musically didactic games... Creative games

Continuation of table. 27

00 "Social and communicative development»

Fun games.

Manipulation games, games with objects. Board-printed games. Role-playing games.

Director's games.

Communication and activity games. Dramatization games

00 "Speech development"

Word creation games. Speech didactic games. Word-logic games. Communication and speech games. Reading man games

Joint educational activities of the teacher and children

Joint subject-play and play activities with children and

Direct game guidance

Indirect game guidance

A conversation game. Game learning situations. Game-lesson.

And gra-dramatization.

Experimental game


Modeling game


Through the subject-play environment

Through peers



Games that provoke changes in the gaming environment.

Travel games


Fun games

Amusement Games

Joint play actions. Dialogue game. Training game. Director's games

Continuation of table. 27

Directly educational activities

Traditional direct educational activity (GCD) in the form of a game-lesson


00 « Physical development»

Introductory block (Wb) of games-lessons. Developing block (RB) of games-lessons. Creative (correctional) block (TB / Kb) of games-activities. Control and evaluation block (About) of games-lessons



Sports and recreation center for games. A complex of outdoor games.

Safe Behavior Workshop

00 « Cognitive development "

Complex of information and educational environment of the thematic module. A set of environmental games. Environmental observations. Ecological excursions. Ecological living room. Complex of mathematical games. Mathematical studio.

Research laboratory.


The end of the table. 27

00 "Artistic and aesthetic development»




Design Studio.


00 "Social and communicative - my development»

Self-service workshop.

Game training. Communication training

00 "Speech development"

A complex of verbal and speech games.

Speech workshop.



Joint educational activities of parents with children.

  • morning and evening talks;
  • participation of parents in diagnostic tasks;
  • joint observations;
  • modeling ITS at home;
  • fulfillment of instructions of teachers with children

Control and evaluation unit

Diagnostic (ongoing) assessment. Operational control of thematic and training modules with correction of the content of the educational process

At the level of planning the educational process for a week, this model appears in the following form (Table 28).

Unlike the block-modular model for a week, such a model for a month (Table 29) is guided by:

  • - for the activities of a group of children;
  • - established traditions of the group in the form of cultural practices;
  • - manifestations of intergroup activity at the kindergarten level;
  • - support of children's activity and independence at the level of interaction between educators and specialists.

Table 28

Organizational matrix of the educational process

for a week

Independent activity of children in the subject-play environment of the group

Joint educational activities of teachers and children

Joint educational activities of parents with children



subject-play and play activities with children

Direct educational activities of the teacher and children

Training / thematic module



Table 29

Block-modular model of the educational process for a month

Organizational block

Intergroup conditions, social conditions. Complex thematic planning, planning of project activities of children and interaction with the family, monitoring of effectiveness. Methodological support of the educational program and monitoring of individual development

Active module

Independent activity of a group of children

Continuation of table. 29


The ability to act, to be active. Competencies. Relationship. Qualities


Cultural practices

00 "Physical development»

The practice of finding "boundaries"

00 " Cognitive development "

Practice of reasoning and problematization.

The practice of searching for the meanings of activity and philosophizing.

00 « Artistic and aesthetic - development»

The practice of confirming one's existence in the world (creating "secrets", collecting and collecting)

00 " Social and communicative development»

Communication practice.

Legal practice for resolving conflict situations.

The practice of forming a Laughter culture

00 " Speech development»

The practice of folklore “settling in” the world, “living” life situations.

The practice of forming a fairy-tale picture of the world

Joint educational activities of a teacher and a group of children at the level of intergroup activity in kindergarten

00 "Physical development»

00 " Cognitive development»

The practice of the integrity of the bodily-mental-spiritual organization of the child's personality in children's activities.

The end of the table. 29

Child empowerment practices

00 « Artistic and aesthetic - development "

The practice of cultural identification in children's activities. The practice of the child's choice of independent activity in the context of the subject-developing educational environment created by the teacher

00 "Social and communicative development"

The practice of the integrity of the bodily-mental-spiritual organization of the child's personality in children's activities.

Legal practices

00 "Speech development»

The practice of cultural identification in children's activities. Child empowerment practices

Support of children's initiative and independence at the level of interaction between educators and specialists




Folk games.


Individual lessons with a teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist or teacher-defectologist

Games-classes with a psychologist in a sensory room.

Games for establishing parent-child relationships. Game trainings.

Speech therapy workshop. Communication trainings.

Comprehensive and integrated classes. Art workshop


Week of games and toys in kindergarten. Play leisure and holidays.

Game projects.

Art salon. Literary salon.


The festival



Control and evaluation unit

Summative grading.

Intermediate monitoring of the development of educational areas

This model is reflected in the planning matrix (Table 30).

Table 30

Organizational matrix of the educational process for a month

The latest model of the educational process is the largest - for a year (Table 31). She orients teachers:

To include a group of children and their parents in the activities of the kindergarten;

the formation of a special educational space for the kindergarten and the rhythm of its life in the form of "events";

Functioning of a kindergarten as an open educational space in society.

Table 31

Block-modular model of the educational process for a year

Continuation of table. 31




00 "Physical development"

Physical culture and sports leisure. Circus show

00 "Cognitive development»

Excursions to the sensory room. Excursions to the library. Scientific subscription.

School excursions

00 « Artistic and aesthetic development "

Seasonal holidays. Musical.

Musical subscription. Art salon. Interactive theater

00 « Social and communicative development»

Adaptation training.

The practice of collective creative affairs.

Training to prepare children for communication at school

00 "Speech development»

Literary leisure. Literary salon. Theater and speech leisure

Joint educational activities of children and parents of the group in relation to kindergarten and society



Forms of joint educational activities



Participation in Dominant days and Theme weeks throughout the year. Saturday clean-ups throughout the year.

"Mom's school"




Leisure activities for children and parents. Competitions for child-parent handicrafts.

Part-time excursions



Participation in the transformation of the subject-developing environment of the group. Socio-normative projects. Joint parent-child holidays

The end of the table. 31

The specifics of work planning according to this model is reflected in the form of an organizational matrix (Table 32).

Table 32

Organizational matrix of the educational process for the year

Thanks to such block-modular models, it is possible to effectively implement in practice the educational program of the kindergarten and related approximate general educational, complex and partial programs, methods and technologies for the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age.

Currently, the preschool education system is experiencing the contradictions of the transition period. Old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete and new concepts and ideas come to replace them. Research problem: what are the possibilities of applying the modular principle of organizing the educational process in the preschool education system.

Chapter I The problem of organizing the educational process in a modern preschool institution
Chapter II Analysis of modules as innovations in the system of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution.
2.1 Characteristics of the modular organization principle
2.2 Characteristics of the module "Fundamentals of life safety"



The work contains 1 file

Ministry of Education and Science

UR BOU SPO "Votkinsk Pedagogical College

Named after P.I. Tchaikovsky "

Course work

"Analysis of the modular principle of teaching in the preschool education system"

Completed: 3rd year student, 33 groups of the preschool department of the military-industrial complex of specialty 050705 "special preschool education" full-time education

Martyusheva K.A.

Scientific adviser: Belonogova E.V.

Chapter I The problem of organizing the educational process in a modern preschool institution

    1. Approaches to the educational process in a preschool educational institution
    2. Federal state requirements and modern principles of the educational process

Chapter II Analysis of modules as innovations in the system of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution.

2.1 Characteristics of the modular organization principle

2.2 Characteristics of the module "Fundamentals of life safety"

2.3 Characteristics of the "Bread" module





Currently, the preschool education system is experiencing the contradictions of the transition period. Old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete and new concepts and ideas come to replace them.

In complex programs, the educational process was divided into types of activity, but the shortcomings of such a work system were gradually revealed: learning acquired features of similarity to the school one. , and get up when you answer. Such a system of work in a preschool educational institution led to the enslavement of children, to the abandonment of the main principle of preschool pedagogy - learning through play.

This situation did not correspond to the age characteristics of the children. Learning and play began to disconnect. A persistent search for ways to integrate all types of activities into a single pedagogical process.

A modular principle of the pedagogical process was developed. It makes it possible to implement modern requirements for the organization of work in a preschool institution, relying on the fundamental provisions of child psychology and preschool pedagogy.With this approach, the module of lessons becomes a structural unit of the pedagogical process, that is, a logical thread that unites a group of classes in different types of activities. The idea of ​​the modular principle was expressed by the director of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, Academician N.I. Poddyakov.

"The dominance of integration processes leaves its stamp on all aspects of the child's psyche (intellectual, emotional, motivational and need-based and should determine the strategy and tactics of educational and educational work with children" - N.N. Poddyakova

A distinctive feature of the module is the presence of a plot that unites all lessons into a single whole. It can be a long-term game or an interesting joint venture. The plot leads children to a specific goal, gives their activities a certain meaning and a positive emotional coloring.

Research problem: what are the possibilities of applying the modular principle of organizing the educational process in the preschool education system.

Object of research: the organization of the educational process in the preschool education system

Subject of research: features of the application of the modular principle in the system of the educational process

Hypothesis: if a modular principle is used in the process of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, this will contribute to the implementation of modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution.

Statistical hypothesis: It is the modular principle of constructing the pedagogical process:

  • allows you to give a sufficient amount of knowledge, avoiding educational overload
  • to carry out an educational program not in the form of "direct teaching", but in the form of a game and with the inclusion of other types of activity adequate for a preschooler
  • build communication on a person-centered basis and related pedagogy of cooperation and development

Purpose of the research: to analyze modular learning in the preschool education system.

  1. Highlight the problems of organizing the educational process in a modern preschool institution.
  2. To study the requirements for the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.
  3. Highlight an alternative to building the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.
  4. Explore and analyze examples of modules in early childhood education

Research methods: It is advisable to solve the set tasks using the following methods: analysis of scientific literature, description of modules as an innovative form of teaching in preschool education.

Chapter I. The problem of organizing the educational process in a modern preschool institution

    1. Approaches to the educational process in a preschool educational institution

Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process in kindergarten have deep roots in the history of preschool pedagogy. Throughout the existence of public preschool education, this issue has been resolved in different ways, the echo of which we still feel today.

In essence, we can talk about three approaches to this issue.

The first is to understand preschool education as the propaedeutics of school education in the literal sense. The specificity of the educational process in a preschool educational institution does not act as such. The key issue is the continuity of the preschool and school levels of education. Despite the fact that this school approach was subjected to significant criticism at all stages of the existence of preschool public education, it is extremely tenacious and is represented in modern domestic and foreign preschool programs. The prevalence of this approach is currently explained by a massive demand - to prepare children for education in a "good" school.

The second approach to organizing the educational process in kindergarten is associated with the unification and alignment of preschooler's activities under a single radical, which in modern psychology is called the task of age-related development. It must be said that building the educational process for a single age task, understandable as the development of one or another individual mental function, ability, although it makes the program integral, does not carry the danger of a significant limitation of life material, chopping it off for a certain ability, neglect of different types activities of a preschooler, each of which opens its own developing horizons.

This approach leads to the loss of meaningfulness of the educational process, the reduction of classes to monotonous sophisticated artificial exercises of the chosen ability. The content of the exercises is set as standard, the same for all children.

The third approach is associated with the so-called "New School" - with the unfolding movement against the formalized academic school teaching, built on verbal methods (J.-O. Decouli in Belgium, J. Dewey in the USA).

The essence of this direction is to impart integrity and meaning to the educational process by bringing it closer to the real life practice of children. It also captured preschool education, as if opposing the emasculated system of F. Frebel, and later - the artificial system of M. Montessori narrowing children's horizons.

During the transition to mass practice, this system also acquired a formalized and emasculated character.

All these historical approaches to organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution have lost their regularity over time. But they are partly reflected in modern preschool educational programs.

    1. Federal state requirements and modern principles of the educational process

The process of reorganizing the entire education system, which has been going on for many years, makes high demands on the organization of preschool education and training, intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.

Innovative processes at the present stage development of society affect primarily the system of preschool education, as the initial stage of disclosing the potential abilities of the child. The development of preschool education, the transition to a new quality level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.

Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

At the present stage of Russia's development, changes are taking place in educational processes: the content of education is becoming more complex, focusing the attention of preschool teachers on the development of the creative and intellectual abilities of children, correction of the emotional-volitional and motor spheres; the traditional methods are being replaced by active methods of teaching and upbringing, aimed at enhancing the cognitive development of the child. In these changing conditions, a preschool teacher needs to be able to navigate a variety of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

Innovative technologies are a system of methods, methods, techniques of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern socio-cultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and stereotyped elements of education, which have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching.

At the present stage of modernization of domestic education, it is vitally necessary to introduce new pedagogical technologies, with the use of which the optimal solution of educational problems is possible. Meanwhile, the theoretical foundations for the design of innovative technologies of teaching and upbringing in a preschool educational institution in a multicultural and poly-ethnic space have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, the most variable ways to improve the educational process in preschoolers are contained in a modular approach to teaching and upbringing of preschoolers.

Analysis of Federal State Requirements

1. Determine the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, that is, the volume and ratio of parts. The content of preschool education is considered only from the point of view of the totality of "substantial" parts of the program in which it is implemented.

2. The content of preschool education includes 4 directions of children's development - physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic. These 4 areas correspond to the current conceptual and regulatory documents governing the activities of the modern system of preschool education. The composition of educational areas demonstrates a more specific filling of directions. There are 10 of them: "Physical culture", "Health", "Socialization", "Labor", "Safety", "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music", "Artistic creativity".

The common basis for classifying the content of preschool education in both documents is the activity approach, that is, first of all, the so-called children's activities were taken into account. However, there are also differences.

3. The exceptions from the activity approach are the areas "Health", since within the framework of this area, mainly preventive and health-improving work, and "Safety" are carried out. The allocation of the latter region as an independent one is due to the social order of society, the state and the family.

The rest of the educational areas are based on the following types of children's activities:

Motor activity (activity) ("Physical culture"),

Game room ("Socialization"),

Labor ("Trud"),

Perception of fiction ("Reading fiction"),

Preschoolers are born explorers. And this is confirmed by their curiosity, constant striving for knowledge, the desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation, a conscious intention to understand how things work, learn new things about the world, streamline their ideas about any area of ​​life. The task of the teacher is not to suppress this activity, but, on the contrary, to actively help.

Kindergarten teachers are in constant search of new, most effective methods and technologies in the development, education and preparation of children for school.

The modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process makes it possible to implement the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool institution, the need to build the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, which makes the life of kindergarten children more interesting, and the educational process motivated.

The purpose of the modular principle:

Organization of the educational process with children through the game principle of teaching.


Develop the cognitive interest of children through the integration of all educational areas;

Achieve a positive emotional attitude and a desire to perform actions in a more rational way;

Stimulate the cognitive activity of children through their own interest;

Formation of optimal relationships between children, teachers and parents.

Benefits of teaching children on a modular basis:

1. The modular principle allows you to build a pedagogical process based on the integration of all types of activities.

2. The pedagogical process becomes more economical, allows for a short period of time to solve several didactic goals and objectives.

3. The presence of a plot contributes to the development of the principle of learning in play: while playing, children do not notice that they are learning.

4. Knowledge becomes necessary in real life. Children clearly see the goal of learning, and this makes it easier for them to form goal-setting.

5. Understanding the importance of their work and satisfaction from the quality of its final result creates in children a positive emotional attitude and a desire to perform actions in the best way.

6. Learning on a modular basis contributes to the formation of an optimal relationship between children and the teacher. This facilitates the transition from a disciplinary to a student-centered learning model.

7. There is no psychological pressure on the child, his positive emotions; increasing the effectiveness of the educational process contributes to the preservation of children's health and creates the basis for the implementation of any health-preserving technologies.

8. The main emphasis is shifting from messages of knowledge in a ready-made form to stimulating one's own cognitive activity.

9. The module allows you to combine the so-called preliminary work of the teacher.

In the modular training system, one can see integration of educational areas based on any plot. This plot makes the pedagogical process interesting for children and allows you to implement the principle of learning in play.

The "central link" around which knowledge is grouped is module topic.

The difference between a module and a loop:

The cycle, as a rule, is organized within one educational area, the module includes activities in all educational areas;

In the module, all organized educational activities are complex;

- The module, in contrast to the cycle, has a plot that unfolds over a long time (a month or more)

- In the module, the pedagogical process ceases to be “preparation for life”, but becomes life itself, the life of children, nothing is done here “for fun”, conditionally, but everything happens in reality (what cannot be done is not included in the module)

- The activities of children acquire expediency, they acquire knowledge not because the teacher planned it this way, but because they really need this knowledge today or in the near future.

The work on the preparation of the module begins with the choice of the topic and the general focus, i.e. that central link around which all knowledge will be built.

Then the question about the plot of the module is solved. After all, it serves as a unifying core for organized activity. It can be a long-term game, correspondence with a fairy-tale character, searching for a treasure, disenchanting a creature, etc. Living objects have a great attraction for children, so they can also serve as a basis for connecting organized activities. An interesting reason for organizing the module is holidays, including group holidays: contests, an exhibition, KVN, etc.

The plot allows you to make the goal of learning understandable for children - they know what each ML is for, where and how the results of their work will be used. This facilitates the formation of goal-setting, the activities of children acquire expediency.

Having outlined the topic and developed the plot, it is necessary to pay special attention to the "tie-down" of the module. It allows you to link the learning process with real life children, the situation that develops in the group. This gives children the impression that their activity is a game or a favorite thing. A well-chosen tie gives the module the integrity, and the activities of the children - the necessary expediency. The first OD, on which the tie is implemented, is introductory.

The relationship in the process of different types of children's activities:


Cognitive research




Musical and artistic

Reading literature

When developing the content of the module, the educator strives for each OD to carry a certain functional load, there is a logical connection between the OD, the same forms of work are not repeated, but varied.

The last OD of the module becomes the final one and should be the most interesting. It summarizes the results of the work done, and organizes it not in the form of a survey, but in the form of a holiday, a game, a competition, etc. the cause for which the plot of the module was conceived and in which all the knowledge gained by children is realized in an informal setting.

If the module is well designed, children willingly work together with the teacher and do not even notice that they are doing different kinds activities. Here all the principles of the pedagogy of the community are implemented, the emancipation of children is carried out, a positive emotional coloring is introduced into their life. In fact, the module is to some extent a performance in which children are not spectators, but participants. This is a long-term game. OD is of a comprehensively integrated nature.

Pedagogical conditions work on a modular basis:

The duration of the module, the number of ODs included in it, the interval between them are not subject to formal regulation. These parameters are determined by the logic of constructing the pedagogical process in this group, the specifics of the concepts being studied and the intention of children and the teacher, arising life situations.

The introduction of the modular principle does not mean abandoning the program according to which our kindergarten operates. On the contrary, the role of this fundamental document is growing even more. Each teacher is obliged to fulfill the standard stipulated by the program, with the difference that work on a modular basis allows you to do this not in the form of "direct teaching", but easily, interestingly, in the form of a game.

ML, included in the module, is an integral part of the pedagogical process and does not increase the overall workload of children. The exception is short conversations that are held in their free time.

A new approach to work planning makes it easier to take into account the individual characteristics of children, allows them to develop a variety of abilities and inclinations. This is achieved through the creation of specialized modules aimed at developing certain abilities - visual, musical, sports, etc.

Working with parents

The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents, therefore they are the most active participants in the entire pedagogical process. Through various forms of cooperation, it is necessary to create a creative union.

Thus, a properly designed module, the chosen system of work and the forms of its implementation, will contribute to an increase in cognitive activity, independence of children, the formation of creative self-expression of children, which is important for the development of children. Children are systematized the available knowledge, they will master the elementary ideas about the world around them, independence in the search for answers to questions will appear, and self-control skills will be formed.

An American researcher is considered the founder of modular learning J. Russell, who in his work "Modular instruction" (1974) defined a module as an educational package containing a conceptual unit of educational material and prescribed actions for the learner. In our country, modular training was intensively developed in the late 80s thanks to the works of researchers and scientists. S.Ya. Batysheva, R.S. Bekirova, N.V. Borisova, D. E. Nazarova, M. A. Choshonova, P. A. Yutsevichene and etc.

At the present stage of development of modular training, the basic concepts and requirements for the content of training have been determined, however, there is no consensus that unambiguously determines the technology and basic elements of training. This is mainly due to the fact that there are discrepancies in the basic concept of “module”, the concept of “modular training”. According to the authors of the methodological manual "The concept of modular learning technology in the system of additional vocational education”, The greatest difficulties in the implementation of modular technology are associated with the inconsistency or significant lack of elaboration of the didactic definition of the concept of“ module ”.

Under module one should understand the autonomous organizational and methodological structure of the academic discipline, which includes didactic goals, a logically completed unit of educational material (compiled taking into account intra-subject and interdisciplinary connections), methodological guidance (including didactic materials) and a control system.

The aim of modular training is creation of the most favorable conditions for the development of the personality by ensuring the flexibility of the training content, adapting the didactic system to the individual needs of the individual and the level of his basic training through the organization of educational and cognitive activities according to an individual curriculum.

Features of modular training:

  • 1) ensuring the mandatory study of each component of the didactic system and its visual presentation in a modular program and modules;
  • 2) clear structuring of the training content, sequential presentation of theoretical material, provision of the educational process with an information-subject system for assessing and monitoring the assimilation of knowledge (rating control), which allows you to adjust the learning process;
  • 3) opportunity different options training, adaptation of the educational process to the individual capabilities and needs of students.

These distinctive features of modular training are the basis of high manufacturability, which is determined:

  • -structuring the content of training;
  • - a clear sequence of presentation of all elements of the didactic system (goals, content, methods of managing the educational process) in the form of a modular program; module and submitted for control (usually in test form) after studying the module.

The module should contain cognitive and educational and professional parts. The first forms theoretical knowledge, the second - professional skills based on the acquired knowledge. The ratio of the theoretical and practical parts of the module should be optimal, which requires professionalism and high pedagogical skill of the teacher.

Researchers argue that the module can be viewed as a training program, individualized in content, teaching methods, level of independence, pace of learning and cognitive activity of students. Each module has its own didactic purpose. Sufficient completeness of educational material should correspond to it.

Thus, in the module:

  • - outlines the fundamentally important content of educational information;
  • - an explanation for this information is provided;
  • - the conditions for immersion in information are determined (with the help of TCO tools, specific literary sources, methods of obtaining information);
  • -theoretical tasks and recommendations for them are given;
  • - practical tasks are indicated.

In the theory and practice of modular training, researchers give the following ratio of practical material to theoretical material in the module: 80% to 20%. In accordance with the principle of intended use, there are three types of modules:

  • 1. Cognitive (for studying the foundations of science);
  • 2. Operating (for the formation of skills, abilities and methods of activity);
  • 3. Mixed.

The module, acting as a teaching tool, includes: a bank of information, a methodological guide to achieve didactic goals, a target action plan.

State requirements for the content of professional educational programs contain the following definition of the module: "A unified training module (UOM) is a complex of theoretical and practical, collective and individual lessons of a unified purpose, volume and structure, supported by rational educational, methodological and information technology support."

Summarizing the opinions, we can conclude that a certain essential system is programmed in the module. The module as a structural and functional unit includes all the parameters of the systems under study: structure, functions, properties, ways of life. A module is a standardized, normalized unit.

Principles for designing a modular program

A modular program is a didactic paradigm (Fig. 1), consisting of modules, each of which has well-defined activity-related didactic goals, the achievement of goals is ensured by a specific part of the content of the educational material, the assimilation of didactic material is diagnosed with control tasks.

Rice. 1.

  • 1) the layout of the content of the academic subject around the basic concepts and methods;
  • 2) the systematic and logical sequence of presentation of educational material;
  • 3) the integrity and practical relevance of the content;
  • 4) the visibility of the presentation of educational material.

A modular curriculum for a subject is designed on the basis of generally accepted principles, but taking into account the specifics of modular training.

Principles of modular learning

The principles of modular learning include the following: modularity; structuring; flexibility, efficiency; parity; feedback implementation.

Modularity principle- follows from the main idea of ​​modular training - the use of modules in the learning process as the main means of assimilation by students of educational information about the intended professional activity. The principle of modularity ensures individualization of training, since it includes the possibility of variability of its content and methods of its assimilation, depending on the level of basic preparedness of students, as well as the characteristics of their professional specialization.

Structuring principle the content of training involves the division of educational material within the framework of the module into structural elements, each of which has a well-defined activity didactic goal, and the content of training is presented in a volume that ensures its achievement. The modular program implements a complex didactic goal, which includes integrating didactic goals, the achievement of each of which is provided by a specific module. The content of the module is structured into educational elements, which correspond to particular didactic goals, and each educational element must be correlated with a certain functional element of professional activity (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

The principle of consistency ( on L. D. Stolyarenko) presupposes :

  • -systematic content, i.e. necessary and sufficient knowledge, without which neither the discipline as a whole, nor any of its modules can exist;
  • - the alternation of the cognitive and educational-professional parts of the module, which provides an algorithm for the formation of cognitive and professional skills;
  • -systematic control, logically completing each module, leading to the formation of trainees' abilities to transform the acquired skills and professional skills.

With the modular interpretation of the academic discipline, it is necessary to establish the number and filling of modules, the ratio of theoretical and practical parts in each of them, their sequence, the content and forms of modular control, the content and forms of the final control.

Flexibility principle as a pivotal characteristic of modular learning technology means the ability to respond quickly and quickly adapt to changing scientific, technical and socio-economic conditions. This principle affects the structural, content and technological aspects of the educational process.

The educational process, regulated by a modular curriculum, as the nature or set of behavioral models of the teacher changes and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, can be transformed by changing the number, structure and sequence of mastering modules (structural flexibility). Content flexibility is reflected in the differentiation of the content of training, and technological flexibility is reflected in the variability of teaching methods and the mobility of control and assessment.

The principle of efficiency implies, first of all, the need to organize a system of operational feedback in the educational process in order to timely monitor, correct and evaluate the success of the module.

By L. D. Stolyarenko, modulo control can be: meaningful, active or contain the activity(studying the material, performing an experiment, solving problems). The purpose of creating each module is to achieve a pre-planned learning outcome. The results of the module control equally characterize the success of the student's educational activities and the effectiveness of the pedagogical technology chosen by the teacher.

Parity principle implies that one of the factors determining the success of studying a module is the level of subject-subjective relations between the teacher and the listener. In contrast to the classical scheme "teacher-transmitter" - "student-recipient", which assigns the student the role of a passive participant in the educational process, the technology of modular training involves cooperation between the teacher acting as a consultant-coordinator and the student who independently assimilates the educational material of the module.

Feedback Implementation Principle ensures the management of the educational process by creating a control system and self-control of mastering the educational material of the module, allows you to transfer the information and control functions of the teacher into the actual coordinating functions of the student.

Features of the concept of a modular system in relation to other didactic systems:

  • 1. The content of training should be presented in complete independent information blocks. A didactic goal is formed for students and contains an indication not only of the volume of the studied content, but also of the level of its assimilation.
  • 2. Modules allow you to transfer learning to a subject - a subject basis.
  • 3. The student most of the time works independently and learns planning, organization, self-control and assessment (adequate self-assessment) of their actions and activities in general.
  • 4. The presence of modules allows the teacher to individualize the work with a specific student through counseling.

The value of the modular training system is manifested in the fact that it develops reflexive abilities by developing the ability to study independently.

Individualization of training solves the most urgent problem - the training of specialists who are able to quickly adapt to new conditions, make adequate decisions and fulfill the assigned tasks.

Block-modular learning technologies

An essential characteristic of the modular approach as a modern pedagogical technology is a comprehensive analysis of the learning process in a particular type educational institution... The breakdown of educational information into "elementary portions), the identification of logical and psychological and pedagogical connections between them, a certain standardization of the educational process based on these connections, the actualization of self-control by the students themselves - the distinctive features of the module."

Block-modular learning technology concepts:

  • 1. Preliminary design of the educational process;
  • 2. The center of attention is the educational and cognitive activity of the student himself (the success of training in any case is achieved by the effectiveness of educational activities);
  • 3. Diagnostics of expediency and objective control of results;
  • 4. The integrity of the educational process as a pedagogical system. In modular learning, goals are formed in terms of methods of action and modes of action.

The main means of modular technology, in addition to the module as part of the program material of the academic discipline, is a modular program formed on the basis of modules.

The structure of a modular program.

The general scheme for determining the structure of a modular program contains the following steps (according to P.A. Jucevičienė):

  • 1) the definition of a comprehensive didactic goal and the name of the modular program;
  • 2) the definition of integrating goals and the names of the corresponding modules;
  • 3) building the structure of a modular program;
  • 4) determination of the structure of private goals in the composition of each integrating didactic goal;
  • 5) building the structure of a specific module based on the structure of private goals.

Structural elements (submodules). In accordance with the modular program, the content of the structural elements of each module is determined, which should include:

  • - didactic goals that form a target action program for students; - the actual educational material, structured into educational elements, as well as methodological support for the process of its development;
  • -information about methods of control and self-control, as well as about possible ways mastering this educational material.

Features of block-modular technology. Based on research R.S. Bekirova the following features can be distinguished:

Learning based only or predominantly on the transfer of information should be replaced or substantially supplemented by learning activities oriented both to the present and to the future. The main focus is on organizing different types activities of trainees. The status of the teacher changes: the information transmitter turns into the manager of the educational process.

Changing the form of interaction between teachers and students, as well as students with each other. Forms of active learning are replacing the traditional ones: didactic games, analysis of specific situations, role-playing, types of discussions, trainings, etc.

A change in the psychological aspect - a change in the goals, content and form of training - has a significant impact on the nature of communication between the teacher and the student, on the atmosphere of their interaction. Partnership, equality of individuals in actions, responsibility in choice, a positive emotional background - all this becomes the dominant feature of the relationship.

The essence of modular learning, based on a competence-based approach, consists in the independent work of students with handouts, which contains an action program, a bank of information, additional materials and guidelines to achieve the set didactic goals. Near, middle and distant learning perspectives should be realized and accepted by each student. He is offered a modular program for the entire course, and the didactic goal should be a personally significant and expected result for him.

Fundamentals of designing educational and software documentation. Module design principles

  • 1. It is recommended to start each module:
    • -from the entrance control of knowledge and skills (to determine the level of readiness of trainees for the upcoming independent work);
    • - with the issuance of an individual assignment based on such an analysis. The task can be, for example, an essay based on the results of knowledge analysis, calculation and graphic tasks, control work, tests, written surveys, etc.
  • 2. The content of the module should be based on structuring the activities of students in the sequence of stages of assimilation of knowledge: perception, understanding, comprehension, memorization, application, systematization (great opportunities are provided for the implementation of problem learning).

The definition of the content of each module must be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • - educational material should be presented in the form of a relatively complete block with a single content;
  • - the content of the educational material should ensure the achievement of the didactic goal by each student;
  • - it is necessary to use various methods and forms of teaching that provide optimal ways to achieve the set didactic goal.

The selection of modules is superficially similar to the division of educational material into parts (portions, steps) in programmed learning, but there is also a significant difference. In programmed teaching, material is broken up into small, sequential pieces in a specific order. In modular training, the smallest unit of learning content is considered a specific topic or a fragment of a topic that meets a specific didactic goal and is called a module. Each module is a fairly independent structural unit of the course and is provided with reference and educational literature, all the necessary didactic materials, in particular, for the control of knowledge. Modular design of the educational process requires changes in the organization of students' work. The opportunity for a student to listen not to the entire course, but to study only a number of modules, highlights the need for a more complete implementation the principle of conscience and learning activity. For this, the following rules must be observed:

  • - individualization of training content based on the data of the initial diagnostics of knowledge;
  • -building an individual program for passing training modules;
  • - teaching the trainees of the entire modular program for a long period, course, academic year, the entire period of study;
  • - precise indication of private and general didactic goals of each module in order to orient students towards the expected results.
  • 3. The module must always end with:
  • 1) control testing of knowledge: intermediate and final control checks the level of mastering knowledge and developing skills within one or more modules;
  • 2) analysis of the results of the study of the module: according to the results of the control, the corresponding revision, correction and installation on the subsequent module are carried out.

Purpose of the research: to analyze modular training in the preschool education system, develop modules, test them in practice and check its effectiveness.

Chapter I The problem of programmatic education and training of preschool children in domestic pedagogy and practice
1.1 About Russian programs preschool education.
1.2 The transition to the variability of the software for the work of preschool institutions.
Chapter II The modular principle of organization as an innovation in the system of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution.
2.1 Renewal of early childhood education
2.2 The modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

The work consists of 1 file

The study of specific developments in the technology of modular training showed that the process of designing an educational module consists in a careful selection of educational material sufficient for the implementation of pedagogical tasks. The modular approach to teaching allows you to systematize and structure, as well as rationally condense the content of the pedagogical process within the required limits. The didactic system of modular technology is based on the following principles: blockiness (portioning) in the approach to defining the goals and content of training; structuring of the selected materials individual components; imparting dynamism (through goal-setting, isolating individual elements); flexibility and versatility of modular blocks; consistency, sequence of elements of training content. The training module contains a complete and sufficient set of recommendations to achieve the goals and objectives of training and education.


In the process of studying innovative technologies, one can make sure that the educational process with all its content, organization, and the nature of the teacher's activities is aimed not only at equipping children with knowledge, but also at their versatile upbringing.

For many years, preschool education has been focused on ensuring the cognitive development of children. However, the purpose of preschool age is not so much in the child's mastery of knowledge, but in the formation of the basic properties of his personality.

The main priority today is the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with the child: acceptance and support of his individuality, interests, needs, development, creativity and concern for his emotional well-being.

The work can be roughly divided into three areas:

  1. Self confidence;
  2. Feelings, desires, views;
  3. Social skills.

The first section involves the solution of the following tasks: to help the child realize his characteristics and preferences, to understand that he, like every person, is unique and inimitable. In order to be successful in business, be able to communicate with by different people every child should know what he can and what he is not yet successful. His capabilities are still limited, but they are improving and developing - tomorrow he will definitely do what he could not today.

We need to constantly support each child in different situations - both success and failure. In other words, in any case, adults should help the child to believe in themselves.

Self-confidence is an important personality trait. It allows you to have and defend your own opinion, trust yourself and your feelings. It is very important that a person develops a sense of self-confidence from a very early age.

It is known that any professional activity of a teacher can be truly effective only if the parents are his active assistants and like-minded people.

Moreover, continuity in the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten and family is an indispensable condition for the social and emotional development of a child.

Education is based on positive examples in the behavior of adults. Therefore, preschool teachers need to not only take this into account themselves, but also pay attention to working with parents.

Therefore, the teachers have a special task - to interest parents, to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. Make them allies in your work. Parents need to be kept abreast of developments, to create opportunities for familiarization with the results. In groups, there are different forms of determining the activity of parents.

In their work, one should avoid such ineffective methods of pedagogical influence as long instructions and lectures, which often backfire.

It is advisable to think in advance about positive methods of influence, which should displace direct prohibitions and complaints.

The innovative technology, the modular principle of teaching, helps in organizing the educational process, creates favorable conditions for the continuity of the upbringing and teaching of children, as it forms a positive microclimate during a crisis transition from one age to another.

Thus, the implementation of the democratic principles of upbringing and education of preschool children through the use of original methods focused on the development of the child's unique abilities and the involvement of the family in the educational process contributes to his preparation for life in a changing world, forms in him a stable desire and ability to study independently, provide preservation of individuality, adaptation to changing social and economic life. Therefore, the future of education is in the creation of the implementation of new training programs, differentiated for different groups of students, taking into account the individual abilities and needs of each individual.


  1. Fetisova S.Yu., Smertina N.E., Modular long-term planning for the visual activity of children 4-5 years old.- Kirov, 2003.- 47p.
  2. Fetisova S.Yu., Smertina N.E., Modular long-term planning for the visual activity of children 5-6 years old.- Kirov, 2003.- 56p.
  3. Fetisova S.Yu., Smertina N.E., Modular long-term planning for the visual activity of children 6-7 years old.- Kirov, 2003.- 48p.
  4. Ivanova A.I. "The modular principle of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions": Methodological manual. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007. - 144 p. - (Appendix to the magazine "Management in the preschool educational institution").


"We are not afraid on the street" Appendix 1

A modified program for teaching preschool children the rules of the road using a modular principle.

Explanatory note

Relevance of creation of the modular course "We are not afraid on the street" due to:
- a sharp increase in motorization;
- the leading place of injuries received as a result of road traffic accidents in the general list;
- the lack of a conscious need for preschoolers to comply with the rules of the road.
An analysis of existing programs for teaching preschool children with traffic rules showed that they are an integral part of the general education program for children. All lessons on teaching the rules of the road resemble the school model of learning, and play, as the main activity of preschool age, loses its significance and importance. Rejection of the main principle of preschool pedagogy - learning through play leads to the loss of sustainable interest in classes, initiative, curiosity and independence of preschoolers.
The analysis data indicate the need to develop and implement a system of lessons that will make teaching preschoolers more interesting traffic rules, will allow to implement the principle of learning in a game and will raise the level of knowledge of traffic rules by children.

The modular road traffic education course for preschoolers is based on principles:
-learning in the process of playing, as the main principle of preschool pedagogy;
- a modular principle of constructing an educational program, allowing it to be used as part of a program on the basics of safety for preschool children, aimed at developing in children a conscious observance of traffic rules;
- sequence - any step in teaching a child the rules of the road relies on what has already been learned in the previous module.
The purpose of the module: the formation of safe behavior skills on the street in preschool children through the system of organizing pedagogical activities on a modular basis.
The solution to this goal is tasks on the study of traffic rules:
- creating conditions for the conscious study of traffic rules by children through the integration of various types of activities (play, cognitive, productive);
- increasing sustainable interest in classes on the study of traffic rules;
- consolidation of children's knowledge on the road theme, the formation of useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street.
The modular course is implemented as part of the study of the program to familiarize preschoolers with the world around them
and the program "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" (edited by NN Avdeeva, OL Knyazeva, RB Sterkina). The structure of the module is represented by a system of training sessions and developmental activities to develop children's skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city based on the implementation of the modular principle.
When determining the number of hours allocated for the module, the age-related psychological characteristics of children and the tasks of teaching preschoolers to the rules of the road at each age stage were taken into account. The lessons included in the module fit into the schedule of hours for each type of activity and are an integral part of the pedagogical process and do not increase the total load of children. Play activities, conversations, excursions, educational games with the task of solving problem situations are carried out in their free time.
Each module has its own goals, objectives, background and plot, around which road safety lessons are united by type of activity (cognitive, playful, productive). He gives a certain amount of knowledge on traffic rules, which is necessary in this particular age group. The content of the module includes: in the second younger group the ability to distinguish between types of transport, familiarity with the concepts of street, road, sidewalk, traffic light; v middle group - acquaintance with the rules of crossing the street (pedestrian crossing), the rules of behavior on the bus, consolidation of knowledge about the types of transport; v senior group - expanding knowledge about safe behavior in transport, when riding a bicycle, about road signs; in the preparatory group - consolidation of children's knowledge about road signs, types of intersections, road users, safe movement on the street. At the heart of the implementation of the modular course, the principle of emotional perception was used, which made it possible to make the pedagogical process more interesting for preschoolers and to implement the principle of learning in play.
The plots of the modules served as a unifying core for all activities, they made it possible to make the goal of teaching traffic rules understandable for children. The module includes the following plots: "The Adventures of a Car" - a long-term game in the second junior group, "A traffic light visiting children" - the hero of the game A traffic light puts problematic situations in front of children, "A car and a traffic light open the Road ABC museum" children on the creation of a museum of traffic rules, "School of the green light" - correspondence with the traffic police inspector.
The direction in which the module is being implemented is the interaction of teachers and children in the process of organizing work on teaching traffic rules.

Joint activities with children include 4 blocks:

  1. Transport.
  2. City streets.
  3. Traffic lights.
  4. Road signs.

Teaching traffic rules for preschoolers on a modular basis contributes to the formation of optimal relationships between themselves and with the teacher, which leads to the formation of a personality-oriented learning model.

Module Curriculum (48)

Blocks 2 younger average older preparatory
Transport 2 3 5 4
The road and its parts 2 3 2 4
Traffic lights 1 2 5 2
Road signs 3 8 4
Quantity 5 10 20 13